IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2247: When that I had not said

„Hasn't a day eaten the thing?” “一天没吃东西了?” Heard Ibuki Mio's words, numerous D-Class students becomes silent. 听到了伊吹澪的话语,一众D班的学生们都哑然了。 Hirata Yusuke and Kushida Kikyou even also shows the look that did not endure, at once, is anything cannot say unexpectedly. 平田洋介和栉田桔梗甚至还露出了不忍的神色,一时之间,竟是也什么都说不出来。 Till just the D-Class camp that is also noisy all of a sudden becomes completely silent. 直到刚刚为止还闹哄哄的D班营地一下子变得鸦雀无声。 But thinks carefully, this seems not the strange matter. 但仔细想想,这似乎并不是什么奇怪的事情。 Since Ishizaki Daichi the day did not have the completely bright time very early in the morning has come out to look for Ibuki Mio and Kaneda Satoru, then on the representative, these two people was driven away from C-Class, is yesterday's matter. 既然石崎大地一大早天还没完全亮的时候就已经出来找伊吹澪金田悟了,那就代表,这两个人被从C班里驱赶出来,已经是昨天的事情。 This means that yesterday a day, Ibuki Mio passed in the forest, is not only a person passes the night in the pitch-dark forest, if could not find food, the possibility that anything has not eaten is also enormous. 这意味着,昨天一天,伊吹澪都是在森林里度过,不仅是一个人在黑漆漆的森林里过夜而已,若是找不到食物的话,什么都没吃的可能性亦是极大。 Cannot like Ryuuen Kakeru said that eats the insect and weeds in the forest? 总不能像龙园翔说的一样,在森林里吃虫子和野草吧? Therefore, a Ibuki Mio day has not eaten the thing, that is not unusual. 所以,伊吹澪一天都没吃东西,那一点都不稀奇。 But until now, the people on the scene also discovered, perhaps is because passed the entire night of relations in the forest, sportswear of Ibuki Mio whole body somewhat is messy and dirty. 而直到现在,在场的众人也才发现,或许是因为在森林里度过了整整一夜的关系,伊吹澪浑身的运动服都有些脏乱。 This let from just start to oppose gave shelter to the Ibuki Mio D-Class students to reveal a faint trace did not endure, look at each other in blank dismay. 这让从刚刚开始都一直在反对收留伊吹澪D班学生们都露出了一丝丝的不忍,面面相觑而起。 Ibuki-san, this gives you.” 伊吹同学,这个给你。” Finally, Kushida Kikyou does not have hold back to be silent, classmates part of fruit will go to the orchard to pick will take in the morning together, gave Ibuki Mio. 最终,还是栉田桔梗没有忍住沉默,将早上班上的同学们一起前往果园采摘回来的水果的一部分拿了出来,递给了伊吹澪 „...... Thanks.” “……谢谢。” Ibuki Mio seems like that feels with the bestowment behavior to this going begging is ashamed same, the tone appears self-ridicules with more and more stiffly, actually arrives hungrily suffers, received the fruit, gnawed silently. 伊吹澪看似对这种乞讨和施舍般的行为感到羞耻一样,语气显得越来越自嘲和生硬,却抵不过饥饿的折磨似的,接过水果,默默的啃了起来。 Although Ibuki Mio eats very peacefully silent, but the speed is actually not slow, even if in the surface has not shown the appearance that wolfs down, the fruit in his hand was eliminated at the visible speed rapidly. 虽然伊吹澪吃的很安静又无声,但速度却是一点都不慢,即使表面上没有展现出狼吞虎咽的模样,其手中的水果还是以肉眼可见的速度被迅速消灭。 Slow point eats, here also are many.” “慢点吃,这里还有很多。” Kushida Kikyou feels to love dearly probably general, is comforting Ibuki Mio, while fruit handing over. 栉田桔梗像是感到心疼一般,一边安抚着伊吹澪,一边将水果给递上去。 No one blamed Kushida Kikyou's this action. 没人责备栉田桔梗的这番举动。 Although very precious food, apportions other class people really unreasonable, only is increasing own burden, but knows Ibuki Mio's bitter experience, no one will make the opposition to this point? 虽说是非常珍贵的食物,分给其余班级的人实在没道理,只是在增加自身的负担而已,但得知伊吹澪的遭遇,没人会对这一点做出反对的吧? This also seemingly strengthened Hirata Yousuke and the others to leave behind the determination of Ibuki Mio. 这也貌似更加坚定了平田洋介等人留下伊吹澪的决心。 I think should make Ibuki-san remain.” Hirata Yousuke consoles vigorously was saying to class in everyone: Person who regarding having difficulty, we cannot sit by and do nothing, don't tell me it's not?” “我还是认为应该让伊吹同学留下来。”平田洋介极力劝解般的对着班上的所有人说道:“对于有困难的人,我们都不能坐视不管,难道不是吗?” This speech, is completely the one who keeps on good terms with everybody may do. 这番发言,完全就是滥好人才有可能做出来的了。 What a pity, sees Ibuki Mio's appearance, couldn't the people on the scene make the rebuttal? 可惜,看到伊吹澪的样子,在场的众人也做不出反驳了吧? Therefore, the people can only continue look at each other in blank dismay, revealed extremely the appearance of puzzle. 因此,众人只能继续面面相觑,露出了极为困扰的模样。 Does not want to look helplessly returned to the forest by class to the expel girl alone. 不想眼睁睁的看着一个被班级驱逐的女孩子独自回到森林里。 Cannot other class to increase the risk in the camp. 不能让别的班级的人在营地里增加风险。 Two contradictory ideas, created the conflict in the heart of everyone, making everyone worried. 两种矛盾的想法,在每一个人的心中都造成了冲突,让所有人都苦恼了起来。 Finally, is the Ike Kanji agitated grasping hair, threw to Fang Li. 最后,还是池宽治烦躁般的抓了抓头发,将一切都扔给了方里了。 You decided that Nanaya, you have also said that all things in this camp were decided by you, we don't permit the opinion not?” “还是你来决定吧,七夜,你也说过,这个营地里的所有事情都由你来决定,我们都不准有意见不是吗?” Ike Kanji that abandon oneself to despair view, making the people also make the similar choice. 池宽治自暴自弃般的说法,让众人也都做出了同样的选择。 Yes, gives the Nanaya decision.” “是啊,还是交给七夜决定吧。” Even if we agreed completely, if Nanaya did not agree that does not have idea.” “就算我们全部都同意,如果七夜不同意,那也没辙呢。” In other words , so long as Nanaya agreed, we also can only recognize.” “反过来说,只要七夜同意,那我们也只能认了。” Therefore, Nanaya, is decided by you.” “所以,七夜,就由你来决定吧。” People then one after another made these speeches. 众人便纷纷都做出了这些发言。 Continues to intertwine with it, might as well makes Fang Li make the decision. 与其继续纠结,还不如让方里来做出决定。 The people make such choice as if by prior agreement. 众人都不约而同的做出这样的选择。 Naturally, the view of people also right. 当然,众人的说法也没错。 So long as Fang Li had decided that no matter those present do want to accept. 只要方里有所决定,那不管在场的人愿意不愿意都得接受。 This was initially on the reached an agreement matter. 这是当初就已经说好的事情。 Nanaya-san.” 七夜同学。” Nanaya-san.” 七夜同学。” Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke also looked to Fang Li, in the eyes full was the hope. 栉田桔梗平田洋介亦是看向了方里,眼中满是期盼。 Even Ibuki Mio seems to have understood, in this camp, Fang Li is policy-maker in the true sense, stopped the movement of feed, raised the head, looked to him. 伊吹澪似乎都已经理解到了,在这个营地里,方里才是真正意义上的决策者,停下了进食的动作,抬起头,看向了他。 Withstands is presenting everyone's line of sight, Fang Li does not have to make the choice immediately. 承受着在场所有人的视线,方里却没有在第一时间里做出抉择。 Fang Li only is gazing at Ibuki Mio, so opens the mouth. 方里只是注视着伊吹澪,这般开口。 Since by class to expel, was unable to return to the camp, why you don't forfeit simply, returning to the ship to come up?” “既然都已经被班级驱逐了,不能回到营地里,那你为什么不干脆弃权,回到船上去呢?” As the matter stands, doesn't that need because by the expel matter, to be passed in the forest lives difficultly? 这样一来,那就不需要因为被驱逐的事情,在森林里度过艰苦的生活了吧? Let alone, had happened by expel matter, if the average person really planned that passed entire one week without any food and water used, that radically is the extremely difficult matter. 更别说,都已经发生了被驱逐的事情了,一般人若是真的打算在没有任何食物与用水的情况下度过整整一个星期,那根本就是极为困难的事。 Finally, because even if the empty stomach drops down, the body appears ill, thus was repatriated the ship, announced withdraws, that was very normal. 最后,就算因为空腹倒下,身体出现不适,从而被遣返回船,宣布退出,那都很正常。 Such being the case, from the beginning the forfeit, returns to the ship directly, should that be more relaxed? 既然如此,一开始就弃权,直接回到船上,那应该更轻松吧? Why can also choose a person to pass in the forest?” “为什么还要选择一个人在森林里度过呢?” Fang Li asked such a issue. 方里提出了这么一个问题。 Regarding this, Ibuki Mio's reply does not have being at a loss of least bit. 对此,伊吹澪的回答没有半点的迷惘。 I do not imagine these fellows the same as wallow in degeneration!” “我才不想像那些家伙一样自甘堕落!” Ibuki Mio not hesitant replied. 伊吹澪没有一丝犹豫的就这么回答了。 The attitude that stronger and is carrying the intense self- will tone, is telling others, this young girl does not want easily to admit defeat. 那要强的态度和携带着强烈自我意志的语气,都在告诉别人,这个少女并不想轻易认输。 Before Kushida Kikyou, has said that the Ibuki Mio's personality accidental/surprised domineering, is a bit like with Horikita Suzune, therefore the relations with others is not very good. 栉田桔梗之前也说过,伊吹澪的个性意外的强势,跟堀北铃音有点像,所以与别人的关系都不是很好。 Now looks like, that should. 现在看来,那应该是真的了。 this young girl indeed and Horikita Suzune is somewhat similar, is not easy the person who concedes and admits defeat. 这个少女的确和堀北铃音有些相似,都不是容易服输和服软的人。 Perhaps, for Ibuki Mio bringing back to camp, Kushida Kikyou has not been short of argument, crossed in the forest alone for night, tasted thoroughly hungry and exhausted and is not convenient, Ibuki Mio will not seem like will agree to come together, will speak the person who to others will beg food? 恐怕,为了将伊吹澪给带回营地里,栉田桔梗也没少费口舌,要不是在森林里独自过了一夜,尝到了彻底的饥饿、疲惫和不方便,伊吹澪也不像是会同意一起过来,甚至向别人出言讨要食物的人吧? Naturally, this can also explain, Ibuki Mio rather admitted defeat here, that is not willing in front of student that in class, in came out by expel admitted defeat. 当然,这也能说明,伊吹澪是宁愿在这里服软,那也不愿意在被驱逐出来的班级里的同学面前服软。 Therefore, even if shows off power also well, Ibuki Mio does not want to withdraw, looked at the joke by these fellows. 所以,哪怕是逞强也好,伊吹澪都不想退出,被那些家伙看了笑话。 This is the attitude that oneself shows. 这就是本人所展现出来的态度。 Fang Li hesitated immediately. 方里顿时沉吟了下来。 after a while, Fang Li looks like dislikes is troublesome same, does not want to resemble, made the decision casually. 一会以后,方里就像是嫌麻烦一样,不想多想似的,随便做出了决定。 „To remain also good, but, as letting us pays the price of food, water used and bed person, you must pay the labor force , helping handle some necessary things.” “想留下来也行,不过,作为让我们多支付一个人的食物、用水和床位的代价,你也必须付出劳力,帮忙做些必要的事情。” At this point, Fang Li shows a faint smile. 说到这里,方里微微一笑。 Naturally, if you feel awkward, when that I had not said.” “当然,如果你觉得为难,那就当我没说。” Ibuki Mio had just said the words, by presenting that Fang Li is left intact. 伊吹澪刚刚说过的话,被方里原封不动的奉还。 Looks like provoking simply. 简直就像是在挑衅。 This naturally made the self-respect intense young girl concentrate eyes, bit the lip. 这自然让自尊心强烈的少女凝起了眼眸,咬住了嘴唇。 „...... Good.” “……好。” Partly after making a sound, Ibuki Mio answered. 半响以后,伊吹澪做出了回答。 I agreed.” “我同意。” Therefore, Ibuki Mio kept in D-Class's camp. 于是,伊吹澪就这么留在了D班的营地里。
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