IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2244: What also is the opportunity plays slowly

Actually, Ryuuen Kakeru's words to a certain extent is also completely right. 其实,龙园翔的话在某种程度上来说也是完全没错的。 Now is the summer vacation, is the vacation of students. 现在正值暑假,属于学生们的假期。 The school arranged this vacation plan, what used is to make the students enjoy the view of vacation well. 学校安排了这一次的度假计划,用的是让学生们好好享受假期的说法。 Now, the school authorities told everyone suddenly, their vacations will be used to take a test. 现在,校方却突然告诉所有人,他们的假期将用来考试。 No matter then, which school, this will cause the disaffection of students. 那么,不管是在哪一所学校,这都将引起学生们的不满。 In other words , Ryuuen Kakeru wants to say. 换言之,龙园翔是想这么说。 These points, should be used to give us to enjoy is right.” “这些点数,本来就应该用来给我们享受的才对。” Ryuuen Kakeru looked like saying that the natural matter was the same, caring at is speaking such words. 龙园翔就像是在说理所当然的事情一样,满不在乎的说着这样的话。 Such being the case, why I must give up should have the pleasure that takes a test for what of school authorities, runs wilderness savage's same life?” “既然如此,我为什么要放弃本来应该有的乐趣,为了校方的什么考试,跑去野外过野人一样的生活啊?” This view, making Horikita Suzune present dumbfounded of split second. 这个说法,让堀北铃音出现了一瞬间的哑口无言。 „...... You are earnest?” “……你是认真的吗?” Horikita Suzune then seems like cannot believe the matter that own ear hears is the same, repeatedly confirmed. 堀北铃音便像是不敢相信自己的耳朵听到的事情一样,再次进行确认。 Regarding this, Ryuuen Kakeru very senseless as said. 对此,龙园翔很无趣似的这么说。 You want to go for a little points like mad, that is your things.” “你们想为了那么一点点数去拼死拼活,那是你们的事情。” The implied meaning is, others want to try hard, that makes others go diligently. 言下之意就是,别人想努力,那就让别人去努力。 Ryuuen Kakeru does not want to try hard, therefore, others did not have the qualifications to say anything. 龙园翔不想努力,所以,旁人没资格说什么。 But Horikita Suzune as if also finally starts to accept the present reality. 堀北铃音似乎也终于开始接受眼前的现实。 No matter what, C-Class indeed to enjoy to splash out the points. 不管怎么样,C班的确为了享受而大肆挥霍掉了点数。 This is the fact. 这是事实。 The points that spends freely cannot come back again. 挥霍掉的点数不会再回来。 The thing that buys up is unable to return. 买入进来的东西也将无法退回。 Even Ryuuen Kakeru how sly, only this point is unable to change again. 即使龙园翔再怎么狡猾,唯独这一点是无法改变的。 in other words, Ryuuen Kakeru's indeed gave up the points firmly. 也就是说,龙园翔的的确确放弃掉了点数。 Only then this can be extremely definite. 只有这点是能够万分确定的。 I understood.” “我明白了。” Horikita Suzune took a deep breath, puts aside from Ryuuen Kakeru's body the vision. 堀北铃音深吸了一口气,将目光从龙园翔的身上移开。 That appearance, like felt disappointed to be the same. 那个样子,就如同被扫了兴一样。 Also thinks you are a how difficult to deal with fellow, originally is so superficial, believes others' words, to me who you alert secretly simply is idiot.” “原本还以为你是一个多么难对付的家伙,原来这么肤浅,听信别人的话,对你暗自戒备的我简直就是一个笨蛋。” To come, is Horikita Suzune now very certainly disappointed? 想来,堀北铃音现在一定很失望吧? Before Fang Li, to Ryuuen Kakeru's evaluation, making Horikita Suzune certainly have many alerts and attention to Ryuuen Kakeru. 方里之前对龙园翔的评价,让堀北铃音龙园翔一定有了不少的戒备和注意。 However, has the full alert and attention arrived here, Horikita Suzune sees is actually wallowing in degeneration of opponent. 但是,带着满腔的戒备和注意来到这里,堀北铃音看到的却是对手的自甘堕落。 If this will not feel disappointed, what is feels disappointed? 这如果都不会扫兴,什么才算扫兴呢? Therefore, Horikita Suzune does not conceal own dislike. 因此,堀北铃音毫不掩饰自己的厌恶。 By your such fellow rule, the C-Class person also is really pitiful.” “被你这样的家伙统治,C班的人也真是可怜。” Was this Horikita Suzune now the only idea? 这是堀北铃音现在唯一的想法了吧? What a pity... 可惜… What to be arbitrarily disappointed there? Women.” Ryuuen Kakeru does not mind Horikita Suzune's venomous tongue, curls the lip smiles, leisurely saying however: Although look not bad, but your in the end still unqualified fights with me.” “擅自在那里失望些什么啊?女人。”龙园翔丝毫不介意堀北铃音的毒舌,撇嘴一笑,施施然的说道:“虽然眼神不错,但你终究还是不够格跟我交手。” What did you say?” Horikita Suzune the sharp line of sight will throw to Ryuuen Kakeru's body again. “你说什么?”堀北铃音重新将锐利的视线投至龙园翔的身上 Ryuuen Kakeru remains unmoved. 龙园翔则是不为所动。 I said, you are this degree of woman.” “我说,你就是这种程度的女人而已啊。” Ryuuen Kakeru does not attend to Horikita Suzune that as if being able to eat the attitude of person, transferred the vision to nearby Fang Li body, smiled. 龙园翔不顾堀北铃音那仿佛能吃人的态度,将目光转至一旁的方里身上,笑了。 „If your side man, that understands why I will take this action.” “如果是你身边这个男人的话,那就明白,我为什么会采取这种行动了。” hearing Ryuuen Kakeru's words, Horikita Suzune is startled slightly, immediately similarly has transferred the line of sight, looks to Fang Li. 听到龙园翔的话,堀北铃音微微一怔,随即同样转过视线,看向方里 In there, Fang Li has not said anything to the C-Class actions from beginning to end. 在那里,方里从始至终都没有对C班的所作所为说些什么。 If Ryuuen Kakeru said that Fang Li's can understand firmly, Ryuuen Kakeru took this action, actually because of anything. 龙园翔所言,方里的确能够明白,龙园翔采取这番行动,究竟是因为什么。 This man aims eventually is private points, rather than class points. 这个男人瞄准的终究是个人点数,而不是班级点数 Then, will consume the light the points here completely, that was not the strange matter. 那么,会在这里将点数全部耗光,那也不是什么奇怪的事情了。 Matter that this to a certain extent, can forecast similarly. 这在某种程度上,同样是能够预测到的事情。 Just... 只不过… For the time being regardless of the points, even this special exam you wants to give up time?” Fang Li is welcoming Ryuuen Kakeru's line of sight, said with a faint smile: Isn't also wants to play with me?” “姑且不论点数,连这一次的特别考试你都想放弃了吗?”方里迎着龙园翔的视线,似笑非笑的说道:“不是还想跟我玩吗?” Fang Li's speech, making on the Ryuuen Kakeru face that unscrupulous smile start to restrain slightly, had some changes. 方里的发言,让龙园翔脸上那肆无忌惮的笑容开始微微收敛,有了些许的变化。 Then, Ryuuen Kakeru also the first time is to talk likely earnestly general, making the body leave the sand beach chair slightly, sat. 然后,龙园翔亦是像第一次想认真对话一般,让身体稍微离开了沙滩椅,坐了起来。 Truly, if can continue to play with you, this special exam also has what significance time.” “确实,如果能够跟你继续玩玩的话,这一次的特别考试也不是没有什么意义。” Ryuuen Kakeru is regarding Fang Li tightly, partly after making a sound, is similar to loses fighting spirit making noise. 龙园翔紧视着方里,半响以后才如同丧失斗志般的出声。 But does not need to worry.” “但也不用那么着急。” In any case to the graduation also three years not? 反正离毕业还有三年时间不是吗? What our also is the opportunity plays slowly.” Ryuuen Kakeru said: Words that therefore, this I only want false well, to play time, when summer vacation finished, after going back to the school, said.” “我们还有的是机会慢慢玩。”龙园翔这么说道:“所以,这一次我只想好好的度个假,想玩的话,等到暑假结束,回到学校里以后再说吧。” Then, Ryuuen Kakeru lay down. 说完,龙园翔重新躺了回去。 The appearance that relaxes thoroughly, coordinates the surrounding entire C-Class cheers and laughing sound, is telling others probably, now, they only want to enjoy, does not want to struggle. 那彻底放松的模样,配合周围整个C班的欢呼声和欢笑声,都像是在告诉别人,现在,他们只想享受,不想斗争。 Horikita Suzune as if also wants to say anything. 堀北铃音似乎还想说些什么。 But, Fang Li held down Horikita Suzune's shoulder, prevented her speech. 可是,方里按住了堀北铃音的肩膀,阻止了她的发言。 This morning, your side that waste named Ishizaki runs our camps, told us, Ibuki and Kaneda of your class were given expel by you, to obtain your forgiving, must come back to kneel begs for mercy.” “今天早上,你身边那个叫石崎的废物跑来我们的营地,告诉我们,你们班的伊吹金田被你给驱逐了,如果想得到你的原谅,就得回来跪地求饶。” Fang Li said such a matter suddenly. 方里突然说出这样的一件事情。 Regarding this matter, how you to see?” “对于这件事,你怎么看呢?” Fang Li's sudden words, making Ryuuen Kakeru narrow the eye. 方里突如其来的话语,让龙园翔眯起了眼睛。 shortly afterwards, Ryuuen Kakeru looked to nearby Ishizaki Daichi. 紧接着,龙园翔看向了旁边的石崎大地 „Did you do that bored matter unexpectedly?” “你居然去干了那种无聊的事情吗?” Ryuuen Kakeru looks like in the judgement is under same, put out the callous words to Ishizaki Daichi. 龙园翔就像是在裁决手下一样,对石崎大地吐出了冷酷的话语。 Ishizaki Daichi's complexion changed azure immediately. 石崎大地的面色顿时变青了。 I... my only thought that throws them in the forest a little that......, therefore...” “我…我只是觉得将他们扔在森林里有点那个…所…所以才…” Ishizaki Daichi flutters the explanation. 石崎大地颤声解释。 heard until here, the recombination current condition , the reason in this was not difficult to guess. 听到这里,再结合目前的状况,想必,这个中的缘由也不难猜了。 Obviously, because Ryuuen Kakeru spent freely the relations of points recklessly, Ibuki Mio and Kaneda Satoru expressed to its this behavior opposition and resistance, was actually on the contrary by Ryuuen Kakeru driving out. 显然,因为龙园翔肆意挥霍点数的关系,伊吹澪金田悟对其这个行为表示了反对和反抗,却是反倒被龙园翔给赶了出去。 But Ishizaki Daichi was expresses to these two student whereabouts worried, therefore went to find these two people arbitrarily, wants to make them come back to give Ryuuen Kakeru to kowtow to admit mistakes, returns in the camp. 石崎大地则是对这两个同学的去向表示了担忧,于是擅自出去找这两个人,想让他们回来给龙园翔磕头认错,重新回到营地里。 Reason that will appear in D-Class's camp, it is estimated that is because saw the direction of cliff has the smoke of bonfire, thinks that Ibuki Mio and Kaneda Satoru may very much there, just now goes to find out? 之所以会出现在D班的营地,估计是因为看到了悬崖的方向有篝火的烟,认为伊吹澪金田悟很有可能在那里,方才前往一探究竟吧? But this has not passed through the appearance of Ryuuen Kakeru's agreement. 可这并没有经过龙园翔的同意的样子。 Ok, if that two fellows really do not go on living, wants to come back to kowtow the apology, I am not cannot forgive them.” The Ryuuen Kakeru interest lacks took back vision that looks at to Ishizaki Daichi, indifferent saying: Vacation with great difficulty, I do not want by one group of useless fellows sweeping the interest.” “算了,如果那两个家伙真活不下去,想回来磕头道歉,那我也不是不能原谅他们。”龙园翔兴致缺缺的收回了看向石崎大地的目光,无所谓般的说道:“好不容易的假期,我可不想被一群没用的家伙给扫了兴致。” Dialogue between Fang Li, Horikita Suzune and Ryuuen Kakeru, ended to here. 方里堀北铃音龙园翔之间的对话,就到这里结束。 If you want to remain to play, I did not mind that entertains you.” “如果你们想留下来玩的话,我也不介意招待一下你们喔。” Ryuuen Kakeru first looked at Fang Li one, at once looks to Horikita Suzune, grinned again, smiled. 龙园翔先是看了方里一眼,旋即又看向了堀北铃音,再次咧嘴,笑了起来。 Especially you, the woman, I want to take a look at you to submit in my front appearance.” “特别是你,女人,我很想看看你屈服在我面前的样子呢。” Regarding Ryuuen Kakeru's this bad taste, Horikita Suzune does not want to listen again. 对于龙园翔的这番恶趣味,堀北铃音已经不想再听下去了。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” Horikita Suzune not again and Ryuuen Kakeru holds any dialogue, took the lead to leave here. 堀北铃音没有再和龙园翔进行任何的对话,带头离开了这里。 Fang Li has turned around similarly, looks to fill C-Class of laughing sound, while gazes is lying down to return to Ryuuen Kakeru on sand beach chair, eyes glittering. 方里同样转过了身,一边看着充满欢笑声的C班,一边注视着躺回沙滩椅上的龙园翔,眼眸闪烁了起来。 Soon, Fang Li and Horikita Suzune thorough left the seashore, re-entered the forest. 不久,方里堀北铃音彻底的离开了海边,重新进入了森林。
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