IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2243: Did not think that such is very senseless?

C-Class's camp in seashore. C班的营地就在海边。 This was not yesterday is responsible for examining other class trends the exploration team member to the matter that Fang Li reported that but brings classmates to Ike Kanji that marine fished to the matter that Fang Li reported. 这不是昨天负责查看其余班级动向的探索队的成员向方里报告的事情,而是带着班上的同学到海上去钓鱼的池宽治方里报告的事情。 No idea what the people from C-Class are doing, I go to the seashore time saw they gather, is requesting anything's scene to homeroom teacher, the feeling is a little suspicious.” 不知道C班的人在干什么,我去海边的时候看到了他们聚集在一起,向班主任要求着什么的场景,感觉有点可疑。” Ike Kanji then said this matter to Fang Li. 池宽治便向方里说了这件事。 Therefore, Fang Li and Horikita Suzune along the path of forest, went out of the lush grove, arrived in the sand beach in seashore. 所以,方里堀北铃音沿着森林的道路,一路走出了茂盛的树丛,来到了海边的沙滩上。 The present field of vision becomes suddenly to be open all of a sudden. 眼前的视野一下子变得豁然开朗。 In the sand beach, many C-Class students indeed appeared here. 在沙滩上,许许多多C班的学生的确出现在了这里。 The one by one students on class, for successful in life in the wild, together tries hard is doing work that constructs the camp. 班上的一个个学生们正在为了成功于野外生活,共同努力的做着构筑营地的工作。 ———— such scene has not appeared. ————这样的场景并没有出现。 Appears in Fang Li and Horikita Suzune front scene, is one is above the thing outside imagination. 出现在方里堀北铃音面前的场景,乃是一副超乎想像之外的东西。 „...... Can't?” “……不会吧?” Always calm and eccentric Horikita Suzune saw the present scene, showed the unbelievable expression. 一向冷静且孤僻的堀北铃音看到了眼前的光景,露出了难以置信的表情。 Astonished, surprised and even startled, in the past was very difficult to appear in the Horikita Suzune body mood, one by one appears on his face. 惊愕、惊讶乃至惊慌,以往很难出现在堀北铃音身上的情绪,一一出现在了其脸上。 Fang Li wasn't agitated like Horikita Suzune. 方里则不像堀北铃音那般不淡定 Because, in the camp, Fang Li somewhat guessed correctly the present scene on many. 因为,早在营地里的时候,方里就多少有些猜到眼前的场景了。 Really is this...” “果然是这样呢…” Fang Li muttered. 方里喃喃出声 But this muttering, immediately then by cheers of the playing C-Class students covering. 而这个喃喃声,立刻便是被正在游玩的C班学生们的欢呼声给掩盖了过去。 Right. 没错。 Playing. 游玩。 at this moment, C-Class is presenting one like to take vacation to play the general scene in the seashore. 此时此刻里,C班正呈现出了一副有如在海边度假游玩一般的情景。 Temporarily restroom and shower room by the establishment of high-sounding talk in the entrance of forest. 临时厕所和淋浴间被高调的设置在了森林的入口处。 The backdrop tent/account, the barbecue meal and sand beach chair also parasol, luxurious seashore apparatus were also the arrangement under the sunlight. 天幕帐、烤肉套餐、沙滩椅还有遮阳伞,一项项奢侈至极的海边用具亦是排列在了阳光下。 The shadow of fruit and water used looks continually could not see, between-meal snack and drink that what replaces it is pile in heaps. 水果和用水的影子连看都看不到,取而代之的是成堆的零食和饮料。 Here, all equipment that need at the seashore vacation entertainment, all has it all. 在这里,于海边度假娱乐所需的一切设备,全都一应俱全。 The C-Class student gathers before such equipment the merriment. C班的学生就聚集在这样的设备前笑闹着。 Some are in the barbecue. 有的正在烤肉。 Some in seashore swimming. 有的正在海边游泳。 Some even ride the aquatic motorcycle to run quickly on the water surface. 有的甚至骑着水上摩托车在水面上奔驰。 Is enjoying the students in sea heartily then sends out to laugh heartily, cheers loudly. 尽情享受着大海的学生们便一面发出欢笑,一面大声欢呼。 Before such scene, where has for in life in the wild, but a faint trace essential factor diligently? 在这样的光景前,哪里有为了在野外生活而努力的一丝丝要素呢? No matter Fang Li or Horikita Suzune, can see joyful is enjoying one group of students of vacation. 不管是方里还是堀北铃音,能够看到的都只有快乐的享受着假期的一群学生而已。 Naturally, these impossible emerges out of thin air. 理所当然,这些都不可能是凭空出现的。 What does this mean? 这意味着什么? Means these entertainment, trades completely with the points. 意味着这些娱乐,全部都是用点数换来的。 „Was C-Class insane?” C班疯了吗?” Horikita Suzune inconceivable put out such words. 堀北铃音不可思议的吐出了这样的话语。 Can let that calm and eccentric Horikita Suzune described with such words, it can be imagined, the present all have absurdly how. 能够让那个冷静又孤僻的堀北铃音用这样的话来形容,可想而知,眼前的一切有多么的荒唐。 In order to economical points as far as possible, after special exam finished, making the surplus points the class property, advances in class points, each class the effort of sparing no effort is enduring patiently the intense summer heat, hungers, fatigue and all kinds of inconveniences, even if is not promoted the consideration, has for private points as far as possible are of many some person consideration. 为了能够尽量的节省点数,在特别考试结束以后,让剩余的点数成为班级的财产,加进班级点数里,各个班级都在不遗余力的努力忍耐着酷暑、饥饿、疲劳和各种各样的不方便,即使不为升班考虑,都有为了个人点数尽量多一些而考虑的人。 These people then diligently fights with, is crossing laborious survival in the wild, desperate is saving. 这些人便都在努力的与自己做斗争,过着辛苦的野外生存,拼命的节省着。 However, C-Class actually seems like must give to kick all these, even steps on the under foot tramples to be the same, one luxurious to frightening scene showing. 然而,C班却像是要将这一切都给踢飞,甚至踩在脚下践踏一样,将一个奢侈到令人恐惧的场景给展现了出来。 using Horikita Suzune's words, that was insane. 用堀北铃音的话来讲,那就是疯了。 could it be that, don't they care about the points?” 难道,他们一点都不在乎点数吗?” Horikita Suzune is unable understanding said such words, actually does not know, words that oneself spoke irresponsibly casually, happen to hit the mark the key. 堀北铃音无法理解似的说出了这样的话,却是不知,自己随便乱说出来的话,正好切中了关键。 Fang Li anything had not said, only walks toward C-Class's camp. 方里什么都没说,只是向着C班的营地走去。 Sees that although Horikita Suzune was unable to feel relaxed, actually followed honestly. 见状,堀北铃音虽然还无法释然,却老老实实的跟上了。 This moves, C-Class many people then noticed Fang Li and Horikita Suzune's arrival. 这一动,C班的不少人便都注意到了方里和堀北铃音的到来 Is you?” “是你?” Is seeing Fang Li in barbecue Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo, immediately suddenly is startled. 正在烤肉的小宫叶吾和近藤铃音看到了方里,立即蓦然一惊。 How can you here?” “你怎么会在这里?” Ishizaki Daichi similarly on the scene, very undisguised showed the alert. 石崎大地同样在场,很露骨的展现出了戒备。 Until... 直到… Makes them come.” “让他们过来。” The center of camp, the front of sand beach, leans on the body on the sand beach chair, body only wears the swimming trunks, on the face wears the sunglasses, back also Albert is helping its brace the man of parasol not lift the body, gave such instruction directly. 营地的中央,沙滩的前方,一个将身体倚靠在沙滩椅上,身上只穿着泳裤,脸上戴着墨镜,背后还有阿尔伯特在帮其撑着遮阳伞的男人连身体都不抬一下,直接给出了这样的指示。 Besides Ryuuen Kakeru, but who can also be? 除了龙园翔以外,还能是谁呢? „...... Ryuuen makes you pass.” “……龙园让你们过去。” The work of my humble home barbecue Ishizaki Daichi does not prefer very much, brings Fang Li and Horikita Suzune, arrived in front of Ryuuen Kakeru. 石崎大地很不情愿的舍下烤肉的工作,带着方里堀北铃音,来到龙园翔的面前 welcome to my paradise, Nanaya.” 欢迎来到我的乐园,七夜。” Lay down Ryuuen Kakeru on sand beach chair took the sunglasses on face, to is appearing in oneself front Fang Li, grinned to smile. 躺在沙滩椅上的龙园翔拿下了脸上的墨镜,对着出现在自己面前的方里,咧嘴笑着。 What kind of? Returns not bad?” “怎么样?还不错吧?” That is showing off, is rather satirizing. 那与其说是在炫耀,不如说是在讽刺。 In view of the satire of other class of present situation. 针对别班现状的讽刺。 You definitely to save the points as far as possible is living the laborious life, but did not think that such is very senseless?” “你们肯定在为了尽量节省点数过着辛苦的生活,但不觉得那样很无趣吗?” Ryuuen Kakeru is then smiling to Fang Li like this. 龙园翔便对着方里这样笑着。 Trades is not Fang Li's response, but is its Horikita Suzune's response. 换来的则不是方里的回应,而是其身边的堀北铃音的回应 „Are you Ryuuen?” “你就是龙园吗?” Horikita Suzune to contain the intense will look, the gaze was approaching Ryuuen Kakeru. 堀北铃音以蕴含着强烈意志的眼神,注视向了龙园翔 Oh?” “喔?” Ryuuen Kakeru seems like notices Horikita Suzune's existence to be the same until now, decided looked to her. 龙园翔像是直到现在才注意到堀北铃音的存在一样,定定的看向了她。 Has saying that Ryuuen Kakeru is a ruthless role. 不得不说,龙园翔是一个狠角色。 Even if only looks at one, others don't dare to look at each other with its direct? 即使只是看一眼而已,别人都不敢与其正面对视吧? May carry the line of sight of pressure facing Ryuuen Kakeru that Horikita Suzune is actually direct moves forward to meet somebody, has not shown fear of half a point. 可面对龙园翔那携带着压力的视线,堀北铃音却是正面迎了上去,没有展现出半分的畏惧。 This made Ryuuen Kakeru be interested in Horikita Suzune. 这让龙园翔堀北铃音感兴趣了。 Really is the not bad look, I like the courageous woman.” “真是不错的眼神,我就喜欢有胆量的女人。” Ryuuen Kakeru is leaning the head, revealed just like staring at the prey same smile, so inquired. 龙园翔侧着脑袋,露出了宛如盯上猎物一样的笑容,这般询问。 what is your name? Women?” 你叫什么名字啊?女人?” The Ryuuen Kakeru's so attitude and tone, are unable to make the impression absolutely. 龙园翔的这般态度和语气,绝对无法给人留下好印象。 Horikita Suzune is also one of them. 堀北铃音也在此列。 Therefore, Horikita Suzune spoke without hesitation. 因此,堀北铃音毫不犹豫的出声 I do not think that you have to make me report on the value of name.” “我不认为你有让我报上姓名的价值。” Horikita Suzune that even if always made impertinent remarks, will talk about this degree the words to the person of first meeting, should still be for the first time? 即使是一向出言不逊的堀北铃音,会对初次见面的人将话讲到这种程度,应该也是第一次吧? Thus it can be seen, Horikita Suzune to the Ryuuen Kakeru's first impression bad. 由此可见,堀北铃音龙园翔的第一印象有多差。 But Horikita Suzune completely has not actually rejected and Ryuuen Kakeru talks. 堀北铃音却没有完全拒绝与龙园翔对话。 Because, her question, was really many. 因为,她的疑问,实在是太多了。 This what's the matter?” The Horikita Suzune quite direct opens the mouth said: These things should trade with the points? Are you really taking a test? I am unable to understand!” “这到底是怎么回事?”堀北铃音相当直接的开口说道:“这些东西应该都是用点数换来的吧?你们真的是在考试吗?我无法理解!” hearing this, Ryuuen Kakeru disdains to resemble smiles. 闻言,龙园翔不屑似的一笑。 Test? Matter that this is unable to understand?” Ryuuen Kakeru laughs at saying: We are took vacation, in other words, taking vacation is our original goals, finally said suddenly must take a test, you did not think that is then unreasonable?” “考试?这才是无法理解的事情吧?”龙园翔嗤笑般的说道:“我们本来就是来度假的,也就是说,度假才是我们本来的目的,结果却突然说要考试,你们不觉得这才不合理吗?” In the Horikita Suzune hear the quite absurd view, appeared from Ryuuen Kakeru's mouth. 堀北铃音听来相当荒唐的说法,就这么从龙园翔的口中出现了。
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