IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2200: Now formally starts

In various significances is one unfold on a magnificent scale one day, announced under D-Class clamoring of student finished. 各种意义上又是一阵波澜壮阔的一天,就在D班的学生的喧哗下宣布了结束。 After being on vacation from school, because Kushida Kikyou was about walked by other friend, Fang Li can step with Sakura Airi homeward journey that returns to the dormitory. 放学以后,由于栉田桔梗被别的朋友给约走,方里得以和佐仓爱里一起踏上了回宿舍的归途。 Really was too excessive...” “真是太过分了…” Is sorry.” “抱歉抱歉。” Returns to the road in dormitory, Sakura Airi rare toward complaint that Fang Li non-stop, enabling Fang Li similarly only laughs in spite of trying not, apology that while non-stop. 回宿舍的路上,佐仓爱里罕见的向着方里不停的抱怨,让方里同样只能一边失笑,一边不停的道歉。 Can see from the Sakura Airi that somewhat exhausted facial expression, today one day, she also indeed is usually more laborious. 佐仓爱里那有些疲惫的神情中可以看出,今天一天,她也的确是过的比平时辛苦。 That does not have the means. 那也没办法。 Regarding having communication disorder Sakura Airi, the side one is surrounding all kinds of people all day, that was really fearful. 对于拥有交流障碍症佐仓爱里而言,身边一整天都环绕着各种各样的人,那实在是太可怕了。 Usually does not dare to look at others' this young girl of eyes the speech, today is involved in all kinds of mighty currents obstinately, in female students the chirp chirp twitter twitter sound by class to surrounding, had definitely had a dizzy spell? 平时连说话都不敢看着别人的眼睛的这个少女,今天愣是被卷入了各种各样的洪流中,被班上的女生们的叽叽喳喳声给包围,肯定已经头晕目眩了吧? But even exchange between same sex like this, that not to mention with opposite sexes. 而连同性之间的交流都这样了,那就更别提与异性之间了。 The mind illegal male students planned to be close to Sakura Airi today several times, especially is especially obvious by Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki two people intentions, a face exciting exciting appearance, before that obsessive fan sales clerk, really Sakura Airi frightening heavily. 居心不轨的男生们就在今天数次打算接近佐仓爱里,其中尤其以池宽治和山内春树两人的意图尤为明显,一脸激动兴奋的样子,像极了之前那名私生饭的店员,着实将佐仓爱里给吓得不轻。 Therefore, to behind, Sakura Airi almost cannot withstand him to harass, on finishing class makes a getaway, seemed like hides in the restroom. 因此,到得后面,佐仓爱里几乎是不堪其扰,每逢下课就逃之夭夭,似乎是躲到厕所里去了。 Regarding this condition, Fang Li is also quite helpless. 对于这个状况,方里亦是颇为无奈 Originally also wants at least to let the words that the female students and you talked on own initiative, should many be able to make you adapt to points, never expected that you escaped unexpectedly.” Fang Li said as if finding it very funny: Obviously when working as idol the expression is very open lively not?” “本来还想至少让女生们和你主动交谈的话,应该多少能让你适应一点,没想到你居然逃了。”方里像是觉得好笑一般的说道:“明明在当偶像时的表情就很活泼开朗不是吗?” Therefore, Fang Li has thought Sakura Airi is not open, only is a little timid. 所以,方里一直以为佐仓爱里并不是不开朗,只是有点胆小而已。 But the fact does not seem like this. 但事实好像不是这样。 That... that only in the expression that in front of the camera can show.” “那…那只是在相机面前才能摆出的表情。” Sakura Airi somewhat ashamed as said. 佐仓爱里就有些惭愧似的这么说了。 It is said that the outstanding idol can always show the best expression before scene/lens naturally and best side. 据说,优秀的偶像在镜头前总是能够自然而然的展现出最好的表情与最好的一面。 Should Sakura Airi have this natural talent? 佐仓爱里应该就拥有这种资质吧? Even oneself is so timid and shy, but once facing scene/lens, can show the best expression immediately. 即使本人是这么的胆小和怕生,可一旦面对镜头,立即就能摆出最好的表情。 This made the work of Fang Li to Sakura Airi have an interest actually. 这倒是让方里对佐仓爱里的工作产生了一丝兴趣。 „Before you, how to photograph?” Fang Li looked to Sakura Airi, inquired: You are so shy, can follow the instruction of photographers and staff well?” “那你以前都是怎么拍摄的呢?”方里看向了佐仓爱里,询问道:“你那么怕生,能好好的遵循摄影师与工作人员的指示吗?” This...” Sakura Airi is crooked the head, puzzle saying: Time from the beginning, I basically photograph alone, by magazine cover time was arranged the special photography flow, but at that time, the photography was conducted was also not smooth.” “这个啊…”佐仓爱里歪着脑袋,困扰般的说道:“一开始的时候,我基本上都是独自摄影,直到上杂志封面的时候才被安排了专门的拍摄流程,但那个时候,拍摄进行的也是一点都不顺利。” According to Sakura Airi said, each photography, she not only needs to spend equivalent to others several times of time, the company also arranges the female photographer for it specially, but also the reduced staff with every effort, it may be said that are the working with the heart labor forces. 根据佐仓爱里所说,每一次的拍摄,她都不仅需要多花相当于别人好几倍的时间,公司也得为其专门安排女性的摄影师,还尽力的减少工作人员,可谓是劳心劳力。 But even so, initial time similarly conducts very much not smoothly, how unable to make the satisfied picture, until afterward mixed with the photographers and staff slightly ripe, Sakura Airi eliminated some tense feelings finally. 而即使是这样,最初的时候同样进行得很不顺利,怎么样都拍不出满意的照片,直到后来与摄影师和工作人员们稍微混熟了,佐仓爱里才总算是消除了一些紧张感。 Moreover, I also start gradually discovered some knacks of photography.” Sakura Airi then embarrassedly said: Probably can cancel the unnecessary emotion the words that the head blows off, depends on disregards everyone, the filming scene will treat as my room to regard, after treating as others do not exist, I many can endure.” “而且,我也渐渐的开始发现了一些拍摄的诀窍。”佐仓爱里便难为情似的说道:“像是将脑袋放空的话就能抹去不必要的情感,靠着无视所有人,将拍摄现场当做我的房间来看待,当做其余人都不存在以后,我才多少能忍受。” What a pity, even, finally, Sakura Airi welcomed the limit, therefore stopped the photography. 可惜,就算如此,最后,佐仓爱里还是迎来了极限,所以就停止了摄影。 in other words, the number of times of Sakura Airi photography magazine cover is actually few, mainly depends on selfie as the main photography origin. 也就是说,佐仓爱里拍摄杂志封面的次数其实屈指可数,主要还是靠自拍作为主要的拍摄来源。 Really this can also have big popularity thanks to you.” “真亏你这样也能拥有大人气。” Fang Li feels dumbfounded, while feels to admire about Sakura Airi. 方里一边感到傻眼,一边又对佐仓爱里觉得佩服。 Has so many issues obviously, finally, had good popularity as Sakura Airi that the artist made a debut as before, after entering this school, its picture was treated as the title page of well-known magazine to use as before several times, it can be imagined, oneself natural talent, charm and popularity were impeccable. 明明就有着这么多的问题,结果,作为艺人出道的佐仓爱里依旧拥有了不俗的人气,在进入这所学校以后,其照片依旧数次被当做知名杂志的封面来使用,可想而知,本人资质、魅力和人气都是无可挑剔的。 This is not difficult to understand, the company that Sakura Airi is at why will spend that big strength to coordinate her. 这样就不难理解,佐仓爱里所在的公司为何会花费那么大的力气去配合她。 Trades to be the common artist, has so many issues, that had been put aside. 换做一般的艺人,拥有这么多的问题,那早就被束之高阁了。 But Fang Li also almost understood. 方里也几乎是明白了。 „Is this you are in the D-Class reason probably?” “这大概就是你身在D班的原因吧?” The D-Class students have the flaw student in some aspect. D班的学生都是在某方面有所缺陷的学生。 Sakura Airi's flaw lies here, regarding public relations and society excessive does not adapt. 佐仓爱里的缺陷就在于这里,对于社交与社会过度的不适应。 If can overcome this weakness, that Sakura Airi will become sparking high famous idol in the future, then moves toward the nation, and even moves toward the entire world perhaps. 如果能够克服这个弱点,那佐仓爱里将会在未来成为闪亮的高人气偶像,进而走向全国,乃至走向全世界都说不定。 „The star of future also is really worth waiting.” “还真是值得期待的未来之星。” Fang Li thinks. 方里是这么想的。 But who Sakura Airi oneself actually to does not make every effort to succeed probably feel sadly same, lowers the head, mumbled. 佐仓爱里本人却好像对不争气的自己感到难过一样,低着头,嘟哝出声 I also really am useless, not only does not have the means to speak to everyone well, studies and exercises cannot complete.” “我还真是没用呢,不但没办法跟大家好好的说话,读书和运动也都做不好。” This muttering, making Fang Li lift the head from own tentative plan. 这个嘟喃声,让方里从自己的设想中抬起了头。 Then, Sakura Airi's scores is not indeed outstanding, midterm examination time is also various branch result below average points, is not the difference, actually also calculates not good. 说起来,佐仓爱里的成绩的确没有太出众,期中考试的时候亦是各科的成绩都在平均分以下,算不上差,却也算不上好。 As for the movement, that is one can see that it does not excel. 至于运动,那更是一眼就能看出其不擅长。 After all, is going against that plentiful fruit, even to be good at the movement very being difficult. 毕竟,顶着那么丰硕的果实,就算想擅长运动都很困难了。 Naturally, these words, Fang Li does not dare saying that otherwise Sakura Airi feared that must escape. 当然,这些话,方里可不敢说出来,不然佐仓爱里怕是又得逃跑了。 At that moment, Fang Li can only trace Sakura Airi's head. 当下,方里只能摸了摸佐仓爱里的脑袋 „...” “啊…” Sakura Airi immediately let out a surprised voice. 佐仓爱里顿时发出了很意外的声音 Fang Li has not heard to be the same , to continue to feel. 方里似没有听见一样,继续摸着。 Everyone has the matter that does not excel, does not need for this to feel that cares.” Fang Li feels Sakura Airi's head, while said: If, a person without any shortcomings, that this person will not grow.” “谁都有不擅长的事情,没必要为这点感到在意。”方里一边摸着佐仓爱里的脑袋,一边说道:“如果,一个人没有任何的缺点的话,那这个人也就不会成长了。” Like had inherited Fang Li of name of 『Nanaya』 in that Clan perfectly. 就像在那一族里已经完美的继承了「七夜」之名的方里一样。 Therefore, you should be happy, Sakura.” Fang Li then said: Your also very big growth space, similarly also very big growth leeway.” “所以,你应该感到高兴,佐仓。”方里便这么说道:“你还有很大的成长空间,同样还有很大的成长余地。” This is Fang Li's true thoughts. 这是方里的真实想法 Nanaya-san...” 七夜同学…” Sakura Airi raised the head, with dragging eyes is staring at Fang Li. 佐仓爱里抬起头,用摇曳的双眼凝视着方里 Is welcoming Sakura Airi's line of sight, Fang Li smiles suddenly. 迎着佐仓爱里的视线,方里蓦然一笑。 Without the issue, you can adapt to all these quickly, and has grown, I promised you.” “没问题的,你很快就能够适应这一切,并有所成长,我向你保证。” Fang Li by the assured tone, said such words toward Sakura Airi. 方里以笃定的口吻,向着佐仓爱里说出了这样的话。 This makes Sakura Airi look at Fang Li's face, charming face gradually was red. 这让佐仓爱里看着方里的脸庞,俏脸渐渐的红了。 Un... un...” “嗯…嗯…” Partly after making a sound, Sakura Airi is unable to withstand the load shy nodded. 半响以后,佐仓爱里才不堪重负似的害羞的点下了头 Two people then continue the starting to walk step, walks in the direction of dormitory. 两人这才继续迈开步伐,往宿舍的方向走去。 To them, in the campus life of Advanced Nurturing High School, must formally start from the present. 对于这两人而言,在高度育成高中的校园生活,都是从现在才要正式开始。
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