IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2199: Same needs to change

Na... Nanaya-san!?” 七…七夜同学!?” Originally in side static is listening to Fang Li and Horikita Suzune dialogue Sakura Airi flustered. 原本在旁边静静的听着方里堀北铃音对话的佐仓爱里慌张了起来了。 However, does not attend to Sakura Airi's being flustered, the entire D-Class students quarrelled make noise mixed. 但是,不顾佐仓爱里的慌张,整个D班的学生都吵杂出声。 Shizuku? Idol?” ?偶像?” Referred to that Shizuku of weekly magazine cover?” “是指上了周刊杂志封面的那个吗?” „Becoming friends with Shizuku?” “跟交朋友?” What meaning this... this is!?” “这…这到底是什么意思啊!?” The students on class then quarrelled all of a sudden mixed. 班上的学生们便一下子吵杂了起来。 Naturally, not everyone this. 当然,并不是所有人都这样。 Knows 『Shizuku』 this name, only then these usually have were looking that the magazine and strolls the blog student. 知道「雫」这个名字的只有那些平时有在看杂志和逛部落格的学生。 Like Horikita Suzune, Yukimura Teruhiko and Kouenji Rokusuke and so on person, it is estimated that listens not to listen to this name continually, therefore many people in class is noisy, their only frowning. 堀北铃音幸村辉彦高圆寺六助之类的人,估计连听都没有听过这个名字,所以在班上的不少人为之吵闹时,他们只是撅着眉头而已。 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the gaze to somewhat flustered Sakura Airi, to the invariable intonation, after a moment of hesitation, say extremely crucial words actually slightly. 倒是绫小路清隆,注视向了有些慌张的佐仓爱里,以丝毫不变的语调,犹豫了一下以后,道出了极为关键性的一句话语。 could it be that, is Sakura that Shizuku?” 难道,佐仓就是那个吗?” After all, the words that Fang Li just spoke, and Sakura Airi present response, can make people feel this point. 毕竟,方里刚刚所说的话,以及佐仓爱里现在的反应,都能让人感受到这一点。 This... this impossible?” “这…这不可能吧?” How... how can?” “怎…怎么会呢?” Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki expression many are somewhat stiff, does not know where pulled out a magazine. 池宽治和山内春树的表情多少有些僵硬,不知道从哪里掏出了一本杂志。 The title page of that magazine, impressively was a photo Sakura Airi took with Shizuku's appearance. 那本杂志的封面,赫然就是以雫的模样拍下来的佐仓爱里的写真 Is headed by Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki, the male students on class then gathered at one, is contrasting the picture and Sakura Airi oneself, while complexion gradually was stiff. 池宽治和山内春树为首,班上的男生们便聚集在了一块,一边对比着照片和佐仓爱里本人,一边面色均都逐渐僵硬。 Good... indeed to have point image Sakura probably?” “好…好像的确有点像佐仓吧?” But... but Shizuku has not worn the eyeglasses!” “可…可是并没有戴眼镜啊!” Hairstyle is also different!” “发型也不一样!” What is more important, Shizuku seems like very open appearance obviously, how can be that simple common Sakura?” “更重要的是,明明看起来非常开朗的样子,怎么会是那个朴素不起眼的佐仓啊?” The male students in the vacillations, said very disrespectful words. 男生们就在动摇之间,说出了非常失礼的话。 But the matter can determine. 可有一件事情是能够确定的。 That is, at this moment, all high and low everyone's attention centralized to Sakura Airi's body. 那就是,此时此刻里,全班上下所有人的注意力都集中到了佐仓爱里的身上 Au...” 啊呜…” Sakura Airi shrinks the body immediately, somewhat shrank. 佐仓爱里顿时一缩身体,有些畏畏缩缩了起来了。 Originally is not fond of the limelight very much, is quite shy, this becomes the focus of all personnel all of a sudden, regarding Sakura Airi, definitely very uncomfortable? 本来就很不喜欢引人瞩目,又相当怕生,这一下子成为了全班的焦点,对于佐仓爱里来说,肯定非常的难受吧? Nanaya-san...” 七夜同学…” Sakura Airi will then be uncomfortable and puzzled line of sight throws to Fang Li's body. 佐仓爱里便将难受和不解的视线投至方里的身上 Sakura Airi simply has not thought, Fang Li will be in front of all personnel unexpectedly, her true colors exploding? 想必,佐仓爱里根本没有想到,方里居然会当着全班的面,将她的真面目给爆出来吧? Fang Li did not think actually has anything. 方里倒是不觉得有什么。 Sorry, arbitrarily important matter saying.” On the Fang Li mouth is saying, the expression actually appears some faint smile, said: But, you also need to change are good.” “抱歉,擅自将重要的事情给说出来。”方里嘴上这么说着,表情却显得有些似笑非笑,道:“不过,你也同样需要改变才行啊。” Although, exposes Sakura Airi's true identity, that finger/refers uncertain will cause anything to trouble greatly. 虽说,将佐仓爱里的真实身份暴露出来,那指不定又会引起什么大麻烦。 Perhaps like appliance shop obsessive fan of that sales clerk, in this school, still has second is also perhaps. 像电器行的那名店员一样的私生饭,在这个学校里,或许还存在第二个亦是说不定。 But Fang Li actually believes that, compared with these risks, Sakura Airi that shy and timid personality is the true harm. 方里却认为,与这些风险比起来,佐仓爱里那个怕生与怯弱的个性才是真正的危害。 If Sakura Airi is this, without has with anyone exchange, that was given to stare by some chance by whom, Fang Li was not, similar previous attack might become the Sakura Airi true nightmare. 若是佐仓爱里一直都是这样,没有与任何一个人有所交流的话,那万一又被谁给盯上了,方里还不在,类似上次的袭击有可能就会成为佐仓爱里真正的噩梦。 If pays attention to the Sakura Airi's person to be more, that Sakura Airi not because to move around alone will suffer others 's persecution. 而若是注意佐仓爱里的人能够多一些的话,那佐仓爱里就不会因为落单遭受他人的迫害了。 Therefore, Fang Li believes that earning a living that Sakura Airi does not need to cover up. 所以,方里认为,佐仓爱里并不需要遮遮掩掩的过活。 What is more important, Fang Li knows, Sakura Airi only is shy, is not really likes all alone. 更重要的是,方里知道,佐仓爱里只是怕生,并不是真的喜欢孤身一人。 this young girl same hateful is lonely , the hope can similarly make friends. 这个少女同样讨厌寂寞,亦同样希望能够交到朋友 Taking this into consideration, Fang Li wants to push Sakura Airi. 有鉴于此,方里才想推佐仓爱里一把。 This is not the shameful matter, it's alright to honestly acknowledge it.” “这又不是什么见不得人的事情,老老实实承认就行了。” Fang Li then open and aboveboard is in front of all everyone, definitely this information. 方里便光明正大的当着全班所有人的面,肯定了这一情报。 Acknowledged that you are Shizuku, is doing the work of gravure idol then.” “承认你就是,正在做平面写真偶像的工作即可。” Fang Li helped Sakura Airi push up such big, making Sakura Airi know, oneself could not conceal anything again, can only trembling in fear looked to all personnel. 方里就帮佐仓爱里推上了这么大大的一把,让佐仓爱里知道,自己再也掩饰不了什么了,只能心惊胆战的看向了全班。 What a pity, all high and low students are completely dumbfounded. 可惜,全班上下的学生已经完全目瞪口呆了。 Sakura-san?” 佐仓同学?” Kushida Kikyou arrives in front of Sakura Airi's, extremely surprised expression. 栉田桔梗来到佐仓爱里的面前,极为惊讶的表示。 „Is this real? Are you really that Shizuku?” “这是真的吗?你真的就是那个吗?” Kushida Kikyou is representing all personnel, asked this important issue. 栉田桔梗代表着全班,提出了这个重要的问题。 Sakura Airi twists own finger, is withstanding all high and low everyone's vision, looks at Fang Li that faint smile again the appearance, after a while resembles to give up being same, eyeglasses picking. 佐仓爱里绞动着自己的手指,承受着全班上下所有人的目光,再看着方里那似笑非笑的模样,一会以后才似放弃了一样,将眼镜给摘了下来。 This...” “这…” classmates opened the eye. 班上的同学们睁大了眼睛。 Clearly, takes off the eyeglasses, reveals the true colors Sakura Airi that outstanding appearance, shocked everyone all of a sudden. 很明显,摘下眼镜,露出真面目的佐仓爱里那出众的外貌,一下子惊呆了所有人。 Grasps title page Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki is unceasing contrast Sakura Airi and Shizuku, looks that overlaps finally in the same place appearance, opened the mouth. 手持封面杂志的池宽治和山内春树更是不断的对比佐仓爱里,看着那终于重叠在一起的面貌,张大了嘴巴。 Finally, Sakura Airi closes one's eyes, lowers the head toward all personnel. 最后,佐仓爱里闭着眼睛,向着全班低下了头。 Hugs... was sorry, has been concealing everyone.” “抱…抱歉,一直隐瞒着大家。” Was this estimate Sakura Airi can speak now only the words? 这估计是佐仓爱里现在唯一能够说得出来的话了吧? In addition, Sakura Airi has not known completely should say what was good. 除此之外,佐仓爱里已经完全不知道该说什么好了。 But this enough. 但这样就够了。 Should, no one suspect Sakura Airi's true identity again. 应该,没有人会再怀疑佐仓爱里的真实身份了。 Whish!” “哗!” Entire D-Class such as raises the great unrest to be the same, clamored all of a sudden. 整个D班如掀起轩然大波一样,一下子喧哗而起。 I... our class has the idol unexpectedly!?” “我…我们班居然有偶像!?” Moreover that Shizuku!?” “而且还是那个!?” Was too inconceivable!” “太不可思议了啦!” The male students voiced cheering collectively. 男生们集体发出了欢呼。 Sakura-san! You hide the truth from our good pain!” 佐仓同学!你瞒得我们好苦啊!” Never expected that you unexpectedly are Shizuku!” “没想到你居然是!” Please shake hand with me!” “请跟我握手吧!” Before the female students are gathered the Sakura Airi's body, extremely exciting chirp chirp twitter twitter. 女生们则是聚集到了佐仓爱里的身前,极为兴奋的叽叽喳喳了起来。 „... wā wā wā...” “哇…哇哇哇…” Sakura Airi is actually thorough flustered, was gushed out massive popularity conditions embezzling by the side suddenly. 佐仓爱里却是彻底的慌了,被身边突然涌出大量人气的状况给吞没。 As for Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki, entered the wrestling condition unexpectedly. 至于池宽治和山内春树,竟是进入了扭打状态。 Yamauchi! Didn't you say you confessed by Sakura before? That is really deceives people!” 山内你之前不是说自己被佐仓告过白吗?那果然是骗人的!” „... Has not deceived you! That is real!” “才…才没有骗你!那是真的!” You also lie! Sakura is Shizuku! super popular gravure idol! How possibly to your confession!?” “你还撒谎!佐仓可是雫啊!超人气平面写真偶像!怎么可能会向你告白啊!?” I... I do not know that matter!” “我…我又不知道那种事情!” „Do you regret now very much? Unexpectedly because Sakura did reject the confession of opposite party common? Finally but opposite party Shizuku!” “那你现在是不是很后悔?居然因为佐仓不起眼就拒绝了对方的告白?结果对方可是耶!” Don't... don't say! what are you calling aloud for!? Heard!” “别…别说了叫那么大声干什么!?会被听见的啦!” Really you are deceiving people!” “果然你是在骗人!” No!” “才没有!” Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki wrestled. 池宽治和山内春树就这么扭打了起来。 Oh...” “唉…” The entire classroom changed to the food market shortly all of a sudden dumbfounded, Horikita Suzune sighs. 眼看着整个教室一下子化作菜市场,堀北铃音傻眼般的叹气了。 Right now, in the class feared that was sometime cannot stop.” “这下子,班上怕是有一段时间消停不下来了。” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka calm makes such analysis. 绫小路清隆则是冷静的做出这样的分析。 Fang Li smiled as if it didn't concern oneself, to throws the look that seeks help to oneself, by crowd submerging Sakura Airi looks but not see, then took up detective fiction, looked. 方里事不关己似的撇嘴一笑,对向自己投来求助的眼神,被人群给淹没的佐仓爱里视而不见,转而拿起了推理小说,看了起来。 D-Class such entire falls into to making noise. D班就这么整个陷入到喧闹中。 For a very long time is unable to be tranquil. 久久无法平静。
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