IUD :: Volume #13 Fate/Apocrypha

#1366: Hope lies beyond despair

Rider!” Rider!” Jeanne turns toward Astolfo to make noise suddenly. 贞德突然向着阿斯托尔福出声。 By your Hippogriff Ability words, should be able to lead everyone to be separated from Sky Garden?” “靠你的骏鹰能力的话,应该可以带着大家脱离空中庭园的吧?” Sudden speech of Jeanne, lets present flustered condition Astolfo to have a scare, conditioned reflex nodded. 贞德的突然发话,让呈现慌张状态的阿斯托尔福被吓了一跳,条件反射的点下了头 Un... Un! , if is separated...!” 嗯...嗯!如果是脱离的话...!” Astolfo Hippogriff has can call it the trump card Ability. 阿斯托尔福骏鹰拥有着能够称之为王牌的能力 That is not the advance of Anti-Army Noble Phantasm rank, but is the named 『Dimensional Jump』 hidden performance. 那并非是对军宝具级别的突进,而是名为「次元跳跃」的隐藏性能。 ———— 『Hippogriff - Otherworldly Phantom Horse』. ————「此世无存的幻马(Hippogriff)」 That is Hippogriff True Name. 那是骏鹰真名 Just like its, Hippogriff is the species that should not have, has itself very fuzzily, even exists is not clear, extremely ambiguous. 正如其名,骏鹰本身乃是本应不存在的物种,存在本身非常的模糊,甚至连存不存在也不清楚,极其的暧昧。 When Hippogriff True Name was liberated, it as " non- essence has " the understanding becomes very intense. 而在骏鹰真名被解放时,其身为「非实质存在」的这一认识将会变得非常强烈。 The result of like this causing, will then be Hippogriff will cancel own existence from the current dimension, will cut the fuzzy stance together with Riding together, will lose the trace, will then evade world all forms of observations, and even can appear in other places again. 这样导致的结果,便是骏鹰会将从当前的次元里抹去自身的存在,连同骑乘者一起切换成模糊的姿态,失去踪影,进而逃避世间一切形式的观测,乃至可以在其它的地方再次出现。 Even if as powerful as the Gods and Buddhas entirely to extinguish attack, under such Ability, is unable to injure to its fine body hair. 纵使是强大到神佛俱灭的攻击,在这样的能力之下,均都无法伤到其一根寒毛。 That is Hippogriff true power, can realize Dimensional Jump Ability. 那就是骏鹰的真正力量,能够实现次元跳跃能力 Astolfo can maintain the undefeated under fiercely attacking of Atalanta, until Atalanta by Semiramis calling, that then because of the relations of this Ability. 阿斯托尔福之所以能够在阿塔兰忒的猛攻下维持不败,直到阿塔兰忒赛米拉米斯给唤走,那便是因为这个能力的关系。 If uses this Ability, that can indeed make the people be separated from Sky Garden. 如果使用这个能力,那的确可以让众人脱离空中庭园 But... 可是... That must ride Hippogriff to be good!” Astolfo said hastily: Now is seriously overbooked, even if can many try to find the solution, but most takes everyone, without the means takes Greater Grail together!” “那必须得骑上骏鹰才行啊!”阿斯托尔福连忙说道:“现在已经严重超员了,即使可以多少想想办法,但最多就是带上大家而已,没有办法将大圣杯一起带上的!” hearing this, Jeanne showed the smile. 闻言,贞德露出了笑容。 That is with the name of Saintess does not have two is full of the holy smile. 那是与圣女之名无二的充满圣洁的笑容。 Such then it will be alright.” Jeanne extremely sincere plea: „, Rider, please give the belt/bring to go out those present.” “这样就行了。”贞德极为真挚的恳求道:“那么,Rider,请你将在场的人都给带出去吧。” Eh? Astolfo was shocked. 唉?阿斯托尔福愣住了。 Ruler?” Sieg, Fiore and Caules were also keen detection to the Jeanne words in meaning. Ruler?”齐格菲奥蕾考列斯亦是敏锐的察觉到了贞德话中的意思。 Jeanne-san...” The Minamoto no Yorimitsu gaze to Jeanne, after a moment of hesitation, asked: „Do you want to remain?” 贞德小姐...”源赖光注视向了贞德,犹豫了一下以后,问道:“你想留下来吗?” Un.” Jeanne is smiling nodded, is supporting Holy Flag barrier, while said: I must remain, this also to preserve Greater Grail.” “嗯。”贞德微笑着点了点头,一边支撑着圣旗结界,一边说道:“我必须留下来,这也是为了保住大圣杯。” Meanwhile, to save the life of ground. 同时,也是为了拯救地上的生命。 Cannot make Sky Garden crash to the ground. 不能让空中庭园坠落向地面。 Otherwise, the catastrophe without parallel in history, absolutely will causes the huge damage to human. 不然,空前绝后的大灾难,一定会人类造成巨大的创伤。 Jeanne must save these soon dead the talent line under disaster. 贞德必须拯救那些即将死在灾难下的人才行。 Even like Amakusa Shirou Tokisada like that to not provide relief all mankind to take the desire, but Jeanne similarly is Saint. 即使不像天草四郎时贞那般,以救济全人类作为愿望,可贞德同样是圣人 Please protect everyone to leave together, Yorimitsu-san.” “请你保护大家一起离开吧,赖光小姐。” Jeanne welcomed to the Minamoto no Yorimitsu vision, is smiling in a soft voice. 贞德迎向源赖光的目光,轻声笑着。 Please feel relieved, I will solve all problems.” “请你放心,我会解决所有的问题的。” No matter the existence or ground of Fang Li's life and Greater Grail the safety of people, Jeanne will shoulder. 不管是方里的性命、大圣杯的存在还是地上的人们的安危,贞德都将担负下来。 With another Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) that oneself have. 用自己所拥有的另外一个宝具 Jeanne!” 贞德!” Ruler!” Ruler!” It seems like detected that what not good matter, Sieg, Fiore, Caules and Astolfo are almost making noise of simultaneously. 似乎是察觉到了什么不好的事情,齐格菲奥蕾考列斯阿斯托尔福几乎是齐齐的出声。 But, actually by Minamoto no Yorimitsu breaking. 可是,却是被源赖光给打断了。 „...... We walk.” “......我们走吧。” Minamoto no Yorimitsu is silent, immediately is lowering the sound, said such a line. 源赖光沉默着,随即压低着声音,说了这么一句 Berserker...?” Berserker...?” People immediately being shocked of simultaneously. 众人顿时又齐齐的愣住了。 Facing such people, Minamoto no Yorimitsu is the penetrating cold expression of Captain Minamoto Family, so said. 面对这样的众人,源赖光以身为源氏首领的冷彻表情,这般说道。 Saintess consciousness, even if others can decide, we should not deny.” 圣女的觉悟,即使别人会否定,我们也不应该否定。” So the words, making the people lose the spoken language. 如此话语,让众人失去了言语。 BOOM...!” 轰隆...!” At this time, the Bašmu's poison air/Qi changes to a wave of tide, attacked on barrier, making entire barrier shake suddenly. 这个时候,巴修姆的毒气又是化作一波浪潮,冲击在了结界上,使整个结界都蓦然一震。 ...!” “唔...!” Jeanne moaned in a low voice, immediately shouted toward the people. 贞德低声呻吟,随即向着众人大喊。 I can also support while the present! Asked everyone to make the best use of the time!” “趁现在我还撑得住!请各位抓紧时间!” The urgent urging sound and crisis, making the people not dare to delay. 急迫的催促声与危局,让众人再也不敢耽搁了。 At that moment, Minamoto no Yorimitsu one hand grabs Fiore, one hand grabs Caules, jumped to leap, jumped up the back of Hippogriff. 当下,源赖光一手抓着菲奥蕾,一手抓着考列斯,纵身一跃,跳上了骏鹰的后背。 one by one Red Faction Master that the Fiore back artificial hand grabs, naturally also in the same place. 菲奥蕾背后的义手所抓着的一个个红方阵营御主,自然也在一起。 Rider!” Rider!” Minamoto no Yorimitsu makes noise. 源赖光出声。 Wū...!” 呜...!” Astolfo corner of the eye with tears, to sob the sound liberated Phantom Horse True Name 阿斯托尔福眼角含泪,以抽泣般的声音解放了幻马真名 On! Hippogriff!” “上吧!此世无存的幻马(Hippogriff)!” Hippogriff sent out crying of sharp immediately. 骏鹰顿时发出了尖锐的啼鸣。 Buzz...!” “嗡...!” The next second, the body of Hippogriff then changes to fuzzy phantom, vanishes to disappear. 下一秒钟,骏鹰的身体便是化作模糊的幻影,消失不见了。 On the spot, is only left over Jeanne and Greater Grail. 现场,只剩下贞德大圣杯 Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ————!” “gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa————!” Outside barrier, in the toxic gas, Bašmu as if detected that escaping of prey, sent out neighing of berserk again. 结界外,毒气中,巴修姆似乎察觉到了猎物的逃脱,再次发出狂暴的嘶鸣。 But Jeanne actually disregards, only is supporting Holy Flag by strenuous efforts, while has turned head, looked that to was blooming brilliance Greater Grail. 贞德却是不管不顾,只是一边苦苦的支撑着圣旗,一边回过头,看向了绽放着光辉的大圣杯 At once, Jeanne smiles. 旋即,贞德嫣然一笑。 Relax, my flame will not burn to your.” “放心,我的火焰是不会烧到你的。” Left behind such words, Jeanne then drew out the waist to wear, actually never used the sword that the sheath crossed. 留下了这样的话语,贞德便是拔出了腰间一直佩戴着,却始终不曾出鞘过的剑。 pū chī...” 噗哧...” In the tearing sound, Jeanne lacerated the palm by sword edge. 撕裂声中,贞德剑刃割破了手掌。 Blood, from its average. 鲜血,从其手中流了下来。 But Jeanne kneels down directly, the palm of dripping with blood closing up, and closes the eye. 贞德则是直接跪下,将鲜血淋漓的手掌给合拢而起,并闭上眼睛。 That appearance, looks like devout Saintess. 那模样,就像是虔诚的圣女 In the past, Saintess reduced is the United Kingdom captive, under false charge of person of enemy, was shall be sentenced to the stake by the Strega (Witch) status, encountered burning down. 过去,圣女沦落为英国的阶下囚,在敌国之人的诬陷下,以魔女的身份被处以火刑,遭到了焚烧。 This legend, annotates concept crystallization arming that the Jeanne stake the attack had. 这一传说,将贞德的火刑诠释成了攻击而产生的概念结晶武装。 Sword that the Jeanne waist wears, its main body precisely Reality Marble subspecies, Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) that the image world crystallization becomes. 贞德腰间佩戴的剑,其本体正是固有结界的亚种,将心象世界结晶化而成的宝具 ———— 『La Pucelle』. ————「红莲之圣女(La_Pucelle)」 That is the EX level attacks Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) especially. 那是ex级的特攻宝具 Takes Jeanne has never used the sword of Saint Katherine for catalyst, had appears once fired own flame in the past. 贞德生前从未用过的圣凯萨琳之剑为触媒,具现出过去曾灼烧自身的火焰。 Uses this Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) price is the life. 使用此宝具的代价是生命。 Effect, then takes own life as the price, eliminates all existences. 效果,则是以自己的生命为代价,消灭一切的存在。 Now, to save will soon encounter human of disaster, Saintess used this Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) resolutely. 如今,为了拯救即将遭遇大难的人类,圣女毅然使用了这一宝具 The devout prayer, resounds through to open from its. 虔诚的祷告,从其口中响彻而开。 ———— The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands ———— ————诸天乃主之荣耀,天空乃神手之伟业———— ———— Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge ———— ————白昼传达语言,夜晚传递知识———— ———— They have no speech, they use no words, no sound is heard from them ———— ————既不会交谈也不会说话,连声音也无法听到———— „The light of ———— warming sprinkles all over the land, extends to most end ———— of the world” ————温暖之光洒遍大地,延伸到世界的最尽头———— ———— It rises at one end of the heavens, and makes its circuit to the other ———— ————从天的尽头往上登,一直绕到天的尽头———— ———— my end point in this place, my fate in this place, my life in this place ———— ————我的终点就在此地,我的命数就在此地,我的生命就在此地———— ———— my living is equal not to have, drifts away ———— like the shadow everywhere ————我的生等同于无,如同影子四处游离———— ———— my bow is unable to depend upon, my sword cannot rescue my ———— ————我的弓无法依靠,我的剑也不能救我———— ———— by the remaining only thing, is willing to protect his footsteps ———— sincerely ————谨以剩下的唯一之物,愿能守护他的脚步———— ———— O' Lord, I entrust this body to you ———— ————主啊,谨将此身托付于你———— Red Lotus Flame, starts to burn in Jeanne around the body. 红莲的火焰,在贞德身周开始燃烧。 Immediately, erupts. 随即,一口气爆发开来。 ———— Hope lies beyond despair (L'espoir vient après désespoir) ———— ————绝望之后必将迎来希望(Lespoir_vient_apres_de_sespoir)———— Red Lotus Fire, burnt the entire garden. 红莲之火,燃烧了整个花园。
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