IUD :: Volume #13 Fate/Apocrypha

#1365: Unprecedented disaster

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ————!” “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa————!” The fearful neighing sound continuously shakes since the toxic gas, stabbing pain the eardrum of person. 慑人的嘶鸣声不住的从毒气上震起,刺痛着人的耳膜。 Wuaaaaah ————!” 呜啊啊啊啊啊————!” Sieg, Fiore, Caules and Astolfo are out of control to cover the ear, exuded the depressed cry. 齐格菲奥蕾考列斯阿斯托尔福均都禁不住捂住了耳朵,发出了苦闷的叫声。 Even Jeanne and Minamoto no Yorimitsu bit the lip, desperate resistance. 贞德源赖光都咬住了嘴唇,拼命的抵抗。 At this time, Bašmu had attacked. 这时,巴修姆已经是袭击了过来。 Rumble...” 轰隆隆…” Just liking the avalanche is ordinary, berserk toxic gas in that to being full of under the leadership of cruel snake pupil, by vast like rough sea wave momentum, violently surge. 犹如雪崩一般,狂暴的毒气在那对充满着暴戾的蛇瞳的带领下,以浩瀚如巨浪般的声势,暴涌而来。 ————!” ————!” Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Sieg, Fiore, Caules and Astolfo entire group drew out the body stiffly, can only look at this helplessly. 源赖光齐格菲奥蕾考列斯阿斯托尔福一行人均都僵硬起了身体,只能眼睁睁的看着这一幕。 Only had a Jeanne person to respond. 只有贞德一个人反应了过来。 Everyone arrives at my side quickly!” “大家快来到我的身边!” So to shout, Jeanne fierce knocks on the ground Holy Flag in hand. 如此呐喊着,贞德猛的将手中的圣旗在地面上 My flag! Please protect my compatriot! Luminosité Eternelle!” “我的旗帜啊!请守护我的同胞吧!吾主在此(Luminosite_Eternelle)!” Protection Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) was liberated, making Holy Flag bloom the ray, changes to huge barrier, gave to cover entire group and even Greater Grail. 守护的宝具被解放,让圣旗绽放起光芒,化作一个巨大的结界,将一行人乃至大圣杯都给笼罩了起来。 Toxic gas that avalanche violently surge comes immediately impact of heavily above Holy Flag. 雪崩般暴涌而来的毒气顿时重重的冲击在了圣旗之上。 BOOM ————!” 轰隆————!” The bellow resounds through, making barrier the head of people be shaken piece of blank space, nearly even pondered that is unable to maintain. 轰鸣声响彻而起,令得结界中的众人的脑袋都被震得一片空白,险些连思考都无法维持住。 The berserk toxic gas attacks barrier that Holy Flag is manufacturing, just like whips the reef the great waves. 狂暴的毒气就这么冲击着圣旗制作出来的结界,犹如拍打礁石的浪涛。 ... wú wú wú...!” “唔…唔唔唔…!” Jeanne cannot help but also made the depressed sound. 贞德不由得也是发出了苦闷的声音了。 Bašmu's poison was really strong, even if were Jeanne's Noble Phantasm, was can only reluctant kept off it. 巴修姆的毒实在是太强了,哪怕是贞德的宝具,亦是只能勉勉强强的将其挡下。 Although Jeanne's Noble Phantasm has is changing to the physical defensive power effect Magic Resistance of out of the norm rank, accumulated injury that may actually be able to continue, once the injury surpasses the critical point, barrier will then break immediately. 贞德的宝具虽然拥有着将规格外级别的对魔力化作物理防御力的效果,可却会持续的累积伤害,一旦伤害超过临界点,结界便会立即破碎。 This made Jeanne feel, Bašmu's poison accumulates to the harm that own Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) brought, is increasing at an astonishing speed. 这让贞德感觉到了,巴修姆的毒给自己的宝具带来的伤害累积,正在以一个惊人的速度增加着。 Even thing that god frightened deadly poison, that cannot keep off casually. 连神都恐惧的剧毒,那可不是随随便便能够挡下来的东西。 The words this way, Jeanne's Noble Phantasm will break sooner or later. 再这样下去的话,贞德的宝具迟早会破碎。 By that time, was everyone's time of death. 到那时,就是所有人的死期了。 But Jeanne can only support, and turns toward the people to inquire loudly. 贞德只能撑住,并向着众人大声的询问。 This what's the matter? Bašmu by Fang Li not killing!?” “这到底是怎么回事?巴修姆不是已经被方里给杀死了吗!?” This is Fang Li-kyun has given an oral account the matter, Jeanne will not remember incorrectly. 这是方里亲口说过的事情,贞德不会记错。 That monster, by Master killing one time?” Minamoto no Yorimitsu as if somewhat understood, is gazing at the toxic gas outside barrier by the unprecedented dignified look, said: Perhaps, Master completely Bašmu not killing.” “那头魔物,原来是被御主给杀死过一次的吗?”源赖光似乎有些明白了,以前所未有凝重的眼神注视着结界外的毒气,如此说道:“恐怕,御主并没有完全将巴修姆给杀死。” Hasn't killed completely?” Jeanne looked to Minamoto no Yorimitsu. “并没有完全杀死?”贞德不禁看向了源赖光 Yes.” Minamoto no Yorimitsu has not actually looked to Jeanne, is tying tight charming face, said: Although Master Mystic Eyes can kill world all things, then regarding that monster, power seems to be insufficient.” “是的。”源赖光却没有看向贞德,紧绷着俏脸,这么说道:“虽然御主魔眼能够杀死世间万物,那对于那头魔物来说,力量似乎不够。” So-called Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, came out to compulsory initiation the death of thing, through cutting the Death Line way, gave the guidance death Ability the thing. 所谓的直死魔眼,本来就是将事物的死给强制性的引发出来,通过切割死线的方式,将事物给导向死亡的能力 This point, no matter Fang Li, Ryougi Shiki or Tohno Shiki are the same. 这一点,不管是方里两仪式还是远野志贵都是相同的。 Through understanding the death of object, the thing of goal killing. 通过理解对象的死亡,将目标的事物给杀死。 That is such one type of ability. 那就是这么一种能力 But if is unable to understand that the death, then Death Line could not even see. 可若是无法理解死亡的话,便连死线都看不到了。 Naturally, this phenomenon does not exist in Fang Li's body. 当然,这一现象在方里的身上是不存在的。 No matter what thing, its death can record in the Fang Li's soul, lets Fang Li almost instinct understand the death of all things, to now, if Mystic Eyes' power full power full, that even world can be the price to kill by own death. 不管是什么样的事物,其死亡都会记录在方里的灵魂中,让方里几乎本能般的去理解万事万物的死亡,到得如今,若是将魔眼的力量全力全开,那甚至连世界都能以自身的死亡作为代价去杀死。 After all, even if the world that also has to welcome one day of end. 毕竟,哪怕是世界那亦是有迎来末日的一天。 No matter had on that day how remotely well, that is the time of death of the world. 不管那一天有多么遥远都好,那都是世界的死期。 Thing that so long as can die, no matter it powerful, hits the mark Death Line, that then can kill it. 而只要是会死的事物,不管其本身有多强大,切中死线的话,那便能够将其杀死了。 But in other words , the thing that if not die, namely truly does not have existence of concept of death, that did not have the means in any event. 可反过来说,如果是不会死的事物,即真正没有死亡的概念的存在的话,那就无论如何都没有办法了。 For example, god. 例如,神。 God in the true sense is existence of neither dead nor alive, itself then does not have concept of death. 真正意义上的神乃是即无生亦无死的存在,本身便没有死亡的概念 Even Ryougi Shiki such connects Root Mystic Eyes of Death Perception unable to god make a move, even if oneself claimed wants is living the thing, the god can still kill even to you looked, but the premise must live, if god neither dead nor alive, that regarded as another matter. 两仪式那样连接着根源直死魔眼都无法对神出手,哪怕本人声称只要是活着的东西的话,就算神也能杀给你看,可前提是得活着,若神本身无生也无死,那就另当别论了。 Bašmu is in Mesopotamia myth, with various Gods together monster that is given birth to by mother of Tiamat Taichu, itself and Dragon God is the isotopic standard, belongs to true Divine Beast. 巴修姆则是美索不达米亚神话中,与诸神一同由太初之母迪亚马特生下的魔物,本身与龙神乃是同位格,属于真真正正的神兽 Like this with god not different existence, concept that similarly has not died, does not have fresh concept, only to exist as pure existence. 这样与神无异的存在,同样没有死的概念,亦没有生的概念,只是作为一种纯粹的存在而存在着而已。 Therefore, theoretically, Bašmu is unable by Mystic Eyes of Death Perception killing, even if Death Line cannot see. 因此,理论上来说,巴修姆是无法被直死魔眼给杀死的,哪怕是死线都看不到。 However, don't forget, but the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception prototype Magic God Balor Authority, only depending on the line of sight then can a god group killing power. 然而,别忘了,直死魔眼的原型可是魔神巴罗尔权能,仅凭视线便能将一个神群给杀死的力量 In other words , even if the god, that is also impossible true undying. 换言之,哪怕是神,那也是不可能真正不死的。 If nothing else, if this world destruction, the god naturally also can only follow to wither away together, absolutely impossible lives alone. 别的不说,若是这个世界毁灭的话,那神自然也只能跟着一起消亡,绝对不可能单独活下来。 Therefore, perhaps general Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is not really able the god killing. 所以,一般的直死魔眼或许真的无法将神给杀死。 However, if arrived in the prototype, had God-slaying Ability Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, that was different. 但是,若是抵达了原型,拥有了弑神能力直死魔眼的话,那就不一样了。 Fang Li's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception has left the prototype only to have the one pace, even World's Death Line can see. 方里的直死魔眼早已离原型仅有一步之遥,连世界的死线都能够看到。 In such a case, Fang Li's Mystic Eyes Bašmu killing. 在这样的情况下,方里的魔眼还是将巴修姆给杀死了。 But, does not have thoroughly kills it. 可是,却没有彻底的将其杀死。 If Fang Li lifts the limit of Mystic Eyes, again Bašmu killing, that Bašmu must die without doubt. 如果方里解除魔眼的限制,再将巴修姆给杀死的话,那巴修姆肯定必死无疑。 What a pity, Fang Li to fighting Bašmu time has not lifted the limit of Mystic Eyes, seen Death Line in the end still was too pale. 可惜,方里对战巴修姆的时候并没有解除魔眼的限制,看到的死线终究还是太淡了。 Therefore, had not then died by such Bašmu of killing thoroughly certainly, in dying paces back and forth with the undying boundary-line on, finally thorough changed to the poison, turned can only by the appearance that the form of toxic gas had. 于是,被那样杀死的巴修姆便没有彻底死绝,在死与不死的境界线上徘徊,最终彻底的化作了毒,变成了只能以毒气的形式存在的模样。 Now, can only by Bašmu that the form of toxic gas has thorough crazy, gives the corrosion entire Sky Garden!” “现在,只能以毒气的形式存在的巴修姆已经彻底的疯狂,将整个空中庭园都给腐蚀!” Minamoto no Yorimitsu announced to Jeanne. 源赖光冲着贞德宣告。 Words this way, Sky Garden will be disintegrated thoroughly, crashes to the ground, was by that time bad!” “再这样下去的话,空中庭园将会被彻底瓦解,坠落向地面,到那时就糟糕了!” Indeed bad. 的确糟糕了。 If Sky Garden really drops from the clouds, who knows where will fall? 如果空中庭园真的从天而降,谁知道会落在什么地方? If falls in the city, that simply is the catastrophe without parallel in history, compares favorably disaster that the meteorite crashes. 若是落在城市里,那简直就是空前绝后的大灾难,媲美陨石坠落的天灾了。 Let alone, in that case, concealment principle and so on issue also thorough was destroyed. 更别说,那样一来,隐匿原则之类的问题也将彻底的被破坏。 In addition the crash ground, Bašmu's poison may also continue even very much to the ground initiates the corrosion, the disaster that finally causes, will perhaps make the whole world cause heavy losses fiercely. 再加上即使坠落地面,巴修姆的毒亦很有可能继续向地面发起侵蚀,最终造成的灾难,恐怕会使整个世界都受到剧烈的重创。 Understood this point, the heart of people on the scene has one's heart sink with disappointment. 理解了这一点,在场的众人的心均都凉了半截。 Jeanne was also sinks the face, closed own eye slowly. 贞德亦是沉下了脸,缓缓的闭上了自己的眼睛。 But outside barrier, glittering the cruel and crazy snake pupil still walks randomly in the toxic gas, making the toxic gas corrode the surrounding all. 结界外,闪烁着暴戾和疯狂的蛇瞳还在毒气中游走,使毒气腐蚀着周围的一切。 In an instant, the ground was melted, the wall was melted, the surrounding all are changing to the sandy soil, gradual death. 刹那间,地面被熔化,墙壁被熔化,周围的一切都在化作沙土,逐渐的死亡。 The crisis, despairs. 如此危机,已经是绝望了。 If Fang Li also if in here...” “如果方里在这里的话…” If Fang Li returns if in here, that can solve all these. 如果方里在这里的话,那就能解决这一切了。 Perhaps, this is the destiny...” “或许,这就是命运…” Jeanne lifted the head. 贞德抬起了头。 in the eyes, starts to emerge the firm ray. 眼中,开始涌现坚定的光芒。
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