IUD :: Volume #10 为美好的世界献上祝福

#964: Please come back earlier

“hū...” “呼…” By presenting resplendent in gold and jade green feeling wall, Fang Li putting out one breath slowly. 靠在呈现金碧辉煌的感觉的墙壁上,方里缓缓的吐出一口气。 at this moment, Fang Li's body wore the evening dress again, the hand is mid-level one glass of liquor, gently is dragging, and sipping have not entered the mouth. 此时此刻里,方里的身上再次穿上了晚礼服,手中端着一杯酒,轻轻的摇曳着,并有一口没一口的抿进嘴里。 The front, is conducting the high tide the dinner party. 其前方,则是正举办到高潮的晚餐会。 If previous time celebration banquet is the same, this dinner party conducts in the previous conference site time as before time, even arranges is almost same. 如上次的庆功宴一样,这一次的晚餐会依旧是在上一次的会场里进行举办,连布置都几乎相同。 Long white table extremely orderly is placing. 一张张长长的白桌极有秩序的摆放着。 Heat hot cooking extremely luxurious putting above. 一盘盘热热的料理极为奢侈的搁在其上。 Wears the aristocrats of all kinds of formal clothes to bring unable to pick up the smile that the problem comes to chitchat mutually. 身穿各式各样的礼服的贵族正带着挑不出毛病来的笑容互相攀谈。 Wears neat and tidy Equipment Adventurer to be assemble, is cheerful and lively. 佩戴着整整齐齐装备冒险者齐聚一堂,有说有笑。 These scenes, keep up with be the same one time. 这些场景,都跟上一次一样。 Only different is, this time, no longer some people of Ability that suspects Fang Li entire group. 唯一不同的便是,这一次,不再会有人怀疑方里一行人能力 The look of aristocrats turned into the respect from the suspicion. 贵族们的眼神从怀疑变成了尊敬。 The Adventurers expression from turned bad kindly. 冒险者们的表情从不善变成了和蔼。 Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness are placing oneself. 和真阿库娅惠惠达克妮斯正置身于其中。 This time, entire group becomes main character that is worthy of the reputation. 这一次,一行人成为了名副其实的主角 Why will you say me settling on by Fang Li? Also was invited in his team? That naturally is because I can be excellent!” “你说为什么我会被方里给看中?还被邀请进他的队伍里?那当然是因为我才能过人了!” Famous weakest Class by one crowd of Adventurer surrounding, the big mouth drinks, big stuttering meat, while also in the blowing water of there sputtering. 有名的最弱职业正被一群冒险者给包围着,一边大口喝酒,大口吃肉,一边还在那里口沫横飞的吹水。 „It is not I boasted, I really am the soul in team, without my words, this team is not absolutely good, right, is not good, Fang Li is understands that I am precious, can therefore crusade against Leader of Demon King's Army, even was given to settle on by the princess, but you also yes, so long as joins Axis Cult...” “不是我自夸,我真的是队伍里的灵魂,没有我的话,这个队伍绝对不行,没错,就是不行,方里就是明白我到底有多么珍贵,所以才能讨伐魔王军干部,甚至被公主给看中,而你们也是可以的,只要加入阿库西斯教的话…” Famous useless Goddess in aristocrat circle unceasing boasted own ability toward others, even also the plan deceived these people to become the Axis Cult believer. 有名的没用女神更是在贵族圈中不断的向着别人吹嘘自己的能耐,甚至还打算诓骗这些人成为阿库西斯教的教徒。 Awoo...! Awoo...!” 嗷呜…!嗷呜…!” The head had the pit Crimson Magic Clan young girl unable to attend to speaking completely, in cooking, as if the starved ghost reincarnation was earnestly same, only ordered the servants to hurry to continue to come up to the end cooking. 脑袋有坑的红魔族少女则是完全顾不上说话了,埋头在一盘盘的料理之间,仿佛饿死鬼投胎一样,只是命令着佣人们赶紧继续将料理给端上来。 no no, that was everyone thinks highly of me, can reach today this situation, that was the merit of companions, my only everyone's shield...” 没有没有,那是各位太看得起我了,能够走到今天这个地步,那都是身边的同伴们的功劳,我只是大家的盾牌而已…” conversely Darkness, unexpectedly past that unknown side hiding, such as true Rich Ojou-sama is the same, solemn courteous is conducting chitchatting with the surrounding aristocrat and Adventurer, the noble makings will expose at once with nothing left, will it seems like care about themselves in public front image. 反倒是达克妮斯,竟是将自己以往那不为人知的一面给隐藏了起来,如一个真正的千金大小姐一样,端庄有礼的跟周围的贵族和冒险者进行着攀谈,高贵的气质一时之间展露无遗,看来还是会顾及自己在公众面前的形象。 Looks at these four like main character generally by the one by one aristocrat and Adventurer to the teammate of surrounding, Fang Li becomes silent laughs in spite of trying not. 看着这四个如同主角一般被一个个的贵族与冒险者给包围的队友,方里哑然失笑。 Really owes they to indulge itself like this.” “真亏他们能够这样放纵自己。” Fang Li similarly is main character of this dinner party. 方里同样是这场晚餐会的主角 Rather, this dinner party saw off to conduct to Fang Li, true main character should only have a Fang Li talent to be right. 倒不如说,这场晚餐会本来就是给方里送行而举办的,真正的主角应该只有方里一个人才对。 The matter that only, Fang Li will soon leave, Iris has not passed on. 只是,方里即将离开的事情,爱丽丝并没有传出去。 Therefore, before the aristocrats and Adventurers only think the Iris plan, that banquet making up, therefore then enclosed Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness. 所以,贵族们与冒险者们只是以为爱丽丝打算将之前那场宴会给补回来,所以便都围上了和真阿库娅惠惠达克妮斯 Fang Li just also placed oneself. 方里刚刚也置身于其中。 However, Fang Li was then weary quickly with these aristocrats empty with the winding, and withstands these Adventurer stereotyped praises, oneself hid in this corner, silently looks dinner party conducted. 不过,方里很快便厌倦了与那些贵族虚与委蛇,并承受那些冒险者千篇一律的夸奖,自己躲到了这个角落里,默默的看着晚餐会的进行。 Until resounding of sound. 直到一个声音的响起。 How to hide here?” “怎么躲在这里了啊?” When wears Iris of pure white incomparable formal clothes not to know arrived in front of Fang Li as always, is crooked the head, is smiling to Fang Li. 一如既往身穿纯白无比的礼服的爱丽丝不知道什么时候来到了方里的面前,歪着脑袋,对着方里笑着。 Perhaps, only then in front of Fang Li's, Iris the convention appears so does not have the smile of protection, the past words will care about others, does impossible show such open expression? 或许,只有在方里的面前,爱丽丝才会展现出这般毫无防备的笑容,以往的话则会顾及他人,不可能露出这样开朗的表情吧? Believes, the words that continues again like this, sooner or later, the character of Iris that introverted will improve. 相信,再这样继续下去的话,迟早,爱丽丝那内向的性格都会有所改善。 Therefore, Fang Li also shows a faint smile, replied. 所以,方里亦是微微一笑,如此回答。 It‘s nothing, only thought that a little bored, these fellows should enjoy this dinner party in any case very much, makes them go to go restless.” “没什么,只是觉得有点无聊而已,反正那些家伙应该很享受这场晚餐会,就让他们去闹腾去吧。” This reply, does not seem to come as a surprise to Iris. 这个回答,似乎并没有出乎爱丽丝的预料。 You were like before, will not beat around the bush.” Iris forced smile saying: Obviously this is for you send-off meeting, others after the careful preparation, have not thought that made you feel bored.” “你还是跟以前一样,都不会拐弯抹角呢。”爱丽丝苦笑般的说道:“明明这是为你举办的送别会,人家也是经过精心准备,没想到却让你觉得无聊了。” I thought wrangled with these aristocrats and Adventurer is very bored, had not said the evening banquet was very boring?” Fang Li without trace said correctingly: At least, some people with not eating and drinking to pass?” “我是觉得跟那些贵族和冒险者扯皮很无聊,可没说晚宴很无聊喔?”方里不着痕迹纠正道:“至少,不会有人跟吃吃喝喝过不去吧?” That is good.” The Iris expression then restored open, arrives at Fang Li's side, just like Fang Li, by the wall, was looking at the present scene. “那就好。”爱丽丝的表情这才重新恢复了开朗,来到方里的身边,与方里一样,靠在了墙上,望着眼前的场景。 This, some actually many people saw. 这一幕,倒是有不少人看到了。 But, actually no one approaches. 可是,却没有人靠近过来。 After all, the princess with oneself engagement speech, some people will not be knowing the limitation. 毕竟,公主正在跟自己的婚约者说话,不会有人不识相。 Therefore, those present treat as had not discovered, even Claire only is depressed is eating the thing with Rain together, has not approached. 因此,在场的人均都当做没发现,连库雷娅只是闷闷的与雷茵一起吃着东西,并没有靠近过来。 Therefore, Fang Li and Iris are then standing shoulder to shoulder, looks at the present scene, falls into to the silence. 于是,方里爱丽丝便并肩而站着,看着眼前的场景,陷入到沉默中。 Naturally, the silent time is not long. 当然,沉默的时间并不长。 Tomorrow...” Iris thought aloud that muttered: Tomorrow can walk?” “明天…”爱丽丝自言自语般的喃喃道:“明天就要走了吗?” Said accurately, should say is tonight.” Fang Li returns directly said: When the dinner party ended, I will leave Royal Castle.” “更准确的说,应该说是今天晚上。”方里直接回道:“等到晚餐会结束的时候,我就会离开王城。” „...... Worries?” Iris said in a low voice: Why not, when will walk tomorrow again?” “……那么着急吗?”爱丽丝低声说道:“为什么不等到明天再走呢?” „This matter of doing has been done, this/should saying goodbye also has said goodbye.” Fang Li shrugs, said: If drags too for a long time, that also only lets not and continues to lengthen sadly, might as well simply.” “该做的事情已经做了,该道别的也已经道别了。”方里耸了耸肩,说道:“如果拖得太久的话,那也只是让不舍和难过继续延长,不如干脆一点。” Also really has your style.” Iris is out of control to smile, smiles somewhat lost in thought, so said: Previous time, you are also this, no yearning for walked, does not know that is brutal or gentle.” “还真是有你的风格。”爱丽丝禁不住笑了,笑得有些恍神,这般说道:“上一次,你也是这样,没有一点留恋的就走了,都不知道是残酷还是温柔。” Saying, Iris is extend the hand quietly, held a Fang Li's hand. 这么说着,爱丽丝便是悄悄的伸出手,牵住了方里的一只手。 Fang Li lowers the head immediately, looks to Iris. 方里顿时低下头,看向了爱丽丝 Iris was also raised the head, the gaze approached Fang Li. 爱丽丝亦是抬起头,注视向了方里 In such a case, in the Iris immature cute facial features appears, but is namely likely moved, likely happy smile. 在这样的情况下,爱丽丝稚嫩可爱的面容上浮现而出的是即像伤感,又像开心的笑容。 At once, said such a line. 旋即,说了这么一句 Please come back earlier.” “请你早点回来。” Otherwise, I will be lonely.” “不然,我会寂寞的。” That words, sufficiently vacillation will of the people. 那话语,足以动摇人心。 Regarding this, Fang Li sighed, returns to smile. 对此,方里叹息了一声,回以一笑。 I will remember.” “我会记住的。” The brief and to the point reply, making Iris satisfy. 言简意赅的回答,让爱丽丝满意了。 Two people lift the view again, is gazing at the front dinner party, has not opened the mouth again. 两人再次抬起眼帘,注视着前方的晚餐会,再也没有开口。 Only then pulls in the same place hand, has not loosened again. 只有牵在一起的手,再也没有松开。 That night, after the dinner party ended, changes Fang Li of evening dress such as its to say general, left Royal Castle directly. 当天晚上,在晚餐会结束以后,换下了晚礼服的方里如其所言一般,直接离开了王城 Finally, vanished on the street. 最后,消失在了街道上。
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