IUD :: Volume #10 为美好的世界献上祝福

#963: The harvests of three days of time

Later, the people inquired the time of departure to Fang Li. 之后,众人向方里询问了离开的时间。 Regarding this, Fang Li gave the reply directly. 对此,方里直接给予了回答。 Probably three days later?” “大概三天后吧?” Iris has also asked this question. 爱丽丝也问过这个问题。 At that time, Fang Li also replied. 当时,方里也是这么回答的。 Therefore, Iris is the evening banquet of send-off Fang Li holds, decides later the night three days. 因此,爱丽丝方里所举办的送别的晚宴,就定在三天以后的夜晚。 But in these three days of time, Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness group of four as if understood that Fang Li's decision is unable to be disobedient, in addition is just, Fang Li also said that within most one year will come back, the people also gave up other thoughts neatly, is Fang Li's sees off to prepare. 而在这三天时间里,和真阿库娅惠惠达克妮斯一行四人似乎理解到了方里的决定无法忤逆,再加上理由充分,方里又说了,最多一年以内会回来,众人也就干脆利落的放弃了其余的念头,转而为方里的送行做准备。 Is helps Fang Li conduct Potion and purchase in Magic Item aspect specifically. 具体就是帮助方里进行魔药魔道具方面的采购。 Until now, is highest difficulty Quest that because Fang Li does, the obtained reward and bonus are also much higher, the deposit that therefore, its accumulates arrives simply scary, is used as the operation fund of country sufficiently, and maintained lasted one year. 至今为止,方里因为所做的都是最高难度的任务,得到的报酬和奖金亦是高得吓人,所以,其所攒下的存款简直多到吓人,都足以用来作为国家的运作资金,并维持长达一年的时间了。 This sum of money, keeps the words on hand, is many may be unable to apply in other world. 这笔钱,留在手上的话,在其余的世界里亦是多少有可能派不上用场。 After all, the currency of this world and is not only only the gold coin, the also copper coin, silver coin and even the paper money. 毕竟,这个世界的货币并不仅仅只有金币,还有铜币、银币乃至纸币。 Gold coin words also has no problem, even if attains in other world to sell off, the wealth of receiving in exchange equal and even ultra price, is Fang Li provides the convenience. 金币的话也就算了,哪怕是拿到其余世界里都能进行变卖,换取等价乃至超价的钱财,为方里提供方便。 But other currencies, that basically does not have the gold coin is so practical, the paper money cannot apply completely, spending is the best choice. 可其余的货币,那就基本上没有金币那么实用,纸币更是完全派不上用场,花掉是最好的选择。 Naturally, this sum of money is not cannot leave Kazuma and the others. 当然,这笔钱也不是不能留给和真等人 only, if leaves these people money, that Fang Li cannot guarantee that these fellows will not wallow in degeneration, on has acted unreasonably the life of extreme. 只是,如果将钱留给这些人的话,那方里可不敢保证这些家伙不会就此自甘堕落,过上乱来到了极点的生活。 Therefore, this idea was then given the straightforward rejection by Fang Li. 因此,这个想法便被方里给直截了当的舍弃。 In any case, has Iris in the words, these people will at least not starve to death. 反正,有爱丽丝在的话,这些人至少不会饿死。 Therefore, Fang Li plans to be used to purchase useful Potion and Magic Item these money completely, even if can conduct the full use in other world. 所以,方里打算将这些钱全部用来采购有用的魔药魔道具,即使在其余的世界里都能进行充分的利用。 As for the wealth that the originally robbed state treasury obtains, Fang Li it gave back to Iris actually. 至于当初劫国库得到的金银财宝,方里倒是将其还给了爱丽丝 Initially held the idea of not suffering a loss to steal this pile of wealth, but the present words, even the little princesses in this country give instead of taking to become oneself fiancee, Belzerg Kingdom is the resort to violence faction that becomes famous, the pile of wealth even if not that the economic aspect development and on other countries, Fang Li did not steal will make Kingdom have a fracture, that was also enough the anxiety, went back is quite good. 当初是抱着别吃亏的想法劫走了这一堆金银财宝,可现在的话,连这个国家的小公主都倒贴成为了自己的未婚妻,贝尔泽古王国又是出了名的武斗派,经济方面的发展及不上其余的国家,方里劫走的这一堆金银财宝就算不会让王国伤筋动骨,那也足够肉疼,还是还回去比较好。 Under so the condition, Fang Li also took own complete net worth, asking Iris to help itself purchase most has the value, and most practical item. 在这般状况下,方里也将自己的全部身家都取了出来,拜托爱丽丝让人帮自己收购最有价值且最实用的道具 Iris accepts with pleasure, even also dropped out all official business, accompanies Fang Li to take to the streets to go shopping, showed the happy smile under rare window-shopping purchase finally, with dissipated to losing that Fang Li will soon leave sorrowfully much. 爱丽丝欣然接受,甚至还抛下了所有的公务,陪方里上街买东西,总算是在难得的逛街采购活动下露出了开心的笑容,对方里即将离开的失落跟哀愁消散了不少。 But this time, Claire also accidental/surprised sympathizes has not stopped, only is unable to feel relieved that in any event a Iris person takes to the streets with Fang Li, draws in Rain actually, all day follows behind the buttocks of Fang Li and Iris. 而这一次,库雷娅意外体贴的没有阻拦,只是无论如何都无法放心爱丽丝一个人跟方里上街,硬是拉上雷茵,整天跟在方里爱丽丝的屁股后面。 What is worth mentioning is Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness group of four also proposed the help. 值得一提的是和真阿库娅惠惠达克妮斯一行四人亦是主动提出了帮忙。 Isn't goes shopping? I most was an expert!” (Kazuma) “不就是买东西吗?我最在行了!”(和真) Takes a look at my to god's eyes, who also can judge the quality of goods compared with me?” (Aqua) “瞧瞧我这对神之眼,还有谁能比我更识货的?”(阿库娅) Potion and Magic Item the words of quality, in this world also no one can win the high-quality goods of Crimson Magic Clan manufacture.” (Megumin) “论魔药魔道具的品质的话,这个世界上还没有谁能够赢得过红魔族制作的精品。”(惠惠) Some Dustiness Family accumulation, cannot for no reason for no reason takes the consumption, if you are willing to make the exchange at the equal money, I will help you obtain family generations of Potion and Magic Item that many powerful that accumulates.” (Darkness) 达斯提尼斯家也有些累积,不能平白无故的取出来消耗,不过如果你愿意以等价的金钱做交换的话,那我会帮你取得家族代代累积下来的不少强力魔药魔道具。”(达克妮斯) Therefore, Fang Li then gave these four people most money. 于是,方里便将大部分的钱都交给了这四个人。 Has saying that this approach but actually is also right. 不得不说,这个做法倒也是对的。 Depends on the excellent lucky value, Kazuma buys basically is the high-quality goods, the price was also cut lowly by it, but oneself as if secretly hid some tips to enter in own pocket, Fang Li looked, in it harvested in a big share, poured also when all has not seen. 靠着过人的幸运值,和真买到的基本都是好货,价格也被其砍到最低,只不过本人似乎偷偷的藏了一些小费进自己的口袋里,方里看在其收获不小的份上,倒也全当没看见了。 Megumin returned to a hometown directly, bought big pile of extremely powerful Potion and Magic Item by the ultra low price, before proving its, said not empty, because although oneself was used to poorly, even three meals a day could not attend, therefore was also the oneself values to help Fang Li buy a lot of food, moved unnecessarily simply, but compared with these powerful item original values, what this waste at all was not, Fang Li also has no problem. 惠惠直接回了一趟故乡,以超低的价格买了一大堆极其强力魔药魔道具,证明了其之前所言非虚,虽然因为本人穷惯了,连一日三餐都顾不上,所以也出于本人的价值观帮方里买了大量的食物,简直多此一举,但比较起这些强力道具本来的价值,这点浪费根本不算什么,方里也就算了 Darkness such as the word skidded many precious treasures from the family/home, even some were the unique ultra rare treasures, the harvest was not under Megumin completely, was actually bought the leather whip, candle and rope and extremely exposed tight clothes and so on letting person tsukkomi cannot the thing, was all discarded by Fang Li. 达克妮斯如言从家里撬来了许多珍贵的宝物,其中甚至有一些是独一无二的超稀有珍品,收获完全不在惠惠之下,却是买来了皮鞭、蜡烛、绳索与极其暴露的紧身衣之类的让人吐槽不能的东西,被方里全都扔掉。 As for Aqua, is when third day holds an egg, complacent arrived in front of Fang Li. 至于阿库娅,则是在第三天的时候捧着一颗蛋,得意洋洋的来到方里的面前 I said, you listened not to have a scare, this was dragon egg, can hatch the most powerful dragon, the boss told me, after it hatched, even if Demon King can saliva spit, even if exhausted national all assets not to want from his there to buy this most precious object, but he looked at my looks cute, therefore showed mercy sold to me this egg, making me give money then it will be alright that in oneself Ability range can give, my excited gave him all money, why although does not know that uncle to this precious. dragon egg is placed in that tattered stall, I go back to ask him to ask a also not time he also disappears to disappear, but this absolutely resources are well used...... Aaaaaaaaah! My egg Aaaaaah!” “我说,你听了可别吓一跳,这可是龙蛋喔,能孵出最强大的龙,老板跟我说了,等到它孵出来以后,那就算是魔王都能一口唾沫吐死,哪怕耗尽一个国家所有的资产都别想从他那里买到这个至宝,但他看我长得可爱,所以大发慈悲的将这个蛋卖给我,让我给出自己能力范围内能够给出的钱就行,我一个激动就将所有的钱都给他了,虽然不知道为什么那个大叔要将这个珍贵的龙蛋摆在那么破烂的摊位上,我回去找他想问问还有没有一个的时候他也消失不见了,但这绝对物有所值……啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!我的蛋啊啊啊啊啊啊!” Fang Li speechless gives to throw down and break the Aqua egg, and asked can incite Knight Regiment and Claire of guard team that so-called to sell the dragon egg tattered stall main to dig up the light to grasp to the whole body, retrieved all money with great difficulty, and Aqua all conceals the liquor as the compensation, was used to ask Claire to drink, making Aqua cry entire day. 方里无言的将阿库娅的蛋给摔碎,并拜托能够指使骑士团和卫兵队的库雷娅将那个所谓的卖龙蛋的破烂摊位主给全身扒光抓回来,好不容易才找回了所有的钱,并将阿库娅所有藏起来的酒都作为赔偿,用来请库雷娅喝酒,让阿库娅大哭了整整一天。 Finally, even if Fang Li will soon leave, these fellows looked like acted alone in the past like that independently, making Fang Li start to suspect, kept here them, is damaging Royal Capital, sooner or later one day will give the pit to result in the country family to perish this Kingdom, making Demon King's Army tread the broken frontline, conquered the entire world. 结果,就算方里即将离开,这些家伙还是像以往那般独立独行,让方里开始怀疑,将他们留在这里,是不是在祸害王都,迟早有一天会将这个王国都给坑得国破家亡,让魔王军踏破前线,征服全世界了。 Before pitiful Fang Li, added how does not care about this country completely, how this world, is actually stirred to care now obstinately, is really felt tired to is not good. 可怜方里之前还说完全不在乎这个国家会怎么样,这个世界又会怎么样,现在却愣是被搅得不得不关心起来,真是感觉累到不行。 However, generally speaking, Fang Li the complete wealth will change into useful item. 不过,总的来说,方里还是将全部的钱财都换成了有用的道具 These item, even many to the Black Ring stopper not, could not carry off. 这些道具,甚至多到连黑之环都塞不下,带不走了。 Luckily, Iris gave Fang Li Artifact. 幸好,爱丽丝送给了方里一件神器 ...... …… Fairy Bag 妖精的布袋 Category: Accessory 类别:饰品 Rank: Third Rank 等级:第三等级 Effect: space item, may be used to store up Item, the capacity is infinite. 效果:空间道具,可用于储存物品,容量无限。 ...... …… Had this Artifact, Fang Li's Black Ring can retire, was given Iris by Fang Li. 有了这件神器,方里的黑之环可以退休了,被方里送给了爱丽丝 After all, Black Ring space, although is very small, but actually also entire Attribute promotes 2 point effects, in various aspects is very convenient. 毕竟,黑之环空间虽然很小,可却还有属性提升二点的效果,在各方面都是很方便的。 Then, arrives at night. 就这样,夜晚降临。 The dinner party of farewell, approaches quietly. 告别的晚餐会,悄然来临。
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