IUD :: Volume #10 为美好的世界献上祝福

#965: First Welcome back?

Serial Number 11273 returns to Main God's Dimension, conducts Clearance Evaluation automatically.” 编号11273回归主神空间,自动进行通关评价。” Dungeon World: Gifting This Wonderful World with Blessings.” 副本世界:为美好的世界献上祝福。” Quest Difficulty: Fourth Rank.” 任务难度:第四等级。” Number of Participants: 1.” 执行人数:一。” Main Quest Number: 5.” 主线数目:五。” Quest 1: register as an Adventurer, obtains Adventurer Card, and Rank promotion to Level 50, the extra promotion will supplement to reward according to Rank.” 任务一:登陆成为冒险者,获得冒险者卡片,并将等级提升至50级,额外提升将根据等级追加奖励。” Quest Completed, finally Rank is Level 50, the evaluation small scope increase.” 任务完成,最终等级50级,评价小幅度提升。” Quest 2: Completes Adventurer Quest, obtains 5000 Quest Points, will complete additionally will supplement to reward according to Quest Points.” 任务二:完成冒险者任务,取得5000任务点数,额外完成将根据任务点数追加奖励。” Quest Completed, finally Quest Points is 5500 points, the evaluation small scope increase.” 任务完成,最终任务点数为5500点,评价小幅度提升。” Quest 3: strike to kill Leader of Demon King's Army, extra strike to kill will supplement to reward according to the strike to kill number.” 任务三:击杀一名魔王军的干部,额外击杀将根据击杀数目追加奖励。” Quest Completed, finally the strike to kill number is one, the evaluation small scope increase.” 任务完成,最终击杀数目为一个,评价小幅度提升。” Quest 4: Collects Artifact, the extra collection will supplement to reward according to the collection quantity.” 任务四:收集一件神器,额外收集将根据收集数量追加奖励。” Quest Completed, the extra collection is completed, the collection quantity is few, evaluation medium scope promotion.” 任务完成,额外收集完成,收集数量为少量,评价中幅度提升。” Quest 5: Obtains 30000 Exchange Points, will obtain additionally will supplement to reward according to Exchange Points.” 任务五:获得30000兑换点,额外获得将根据兑换点追加奖励。” Quest Completed, obtains 50000 Exchange Points, the evaluation large scale promotion.” 任务完成,获得50000兑换点,评价大幅度提升。” Clearance Evaluation: S-Rank.” 通关评价:S级。” Examines other to affect the Clearance Evaluation factor, conducts the evaluation promotion.” “检测到其余影响通关评价的因素,进行评价提升。” Influencing factor one: Completes B-Rank Side Quest Combined action, The evaluation medium scope promotion, is not enough to promote evaluation Rank.” “影响因素一:完成B级支线任务【共同行动】,评价中幅度提升,不足以提升评价等级。” Influencing factor two: Completes B-Rank Side Quest Tracing secret, The evaluation medium scope promotion, the accumulated promotion, achieves Rank S+.” “影响因素二:完成B级支线任务【追踪隐秘】,评价中幅度提升,累积提升,达到S+级。” Influencing factor three: Completes B-Rank Hidden Quest Combined action ( 2 ), The evaluation medium scope promotion, has achieved highest evaluation, does intentionally the accumulation.” “影响因素三:完成B级隐藏任务【共同行动(二)】,评价中幅度提升,已达到最高评价,故作累积。” Examines Serial Number 11273 to promote evaluation Special Item, whether uses?” “检测到编号11273持有提升评价特殊道具,是否进行使用?” Before the System Notification sound falls, Fang Li as if expected to have this prompt to be the same, took out Rating Stone. 系统的提示音落下之前,方里就仿佛预料到了会有这个提示一样,取出了评点石 „Is this finally together Rating Stone?” “这已经是最后一块评点石了吧?” With to promote Clearance Evaluation Special Item. 用以提升通关评价特殊道具 This item, Fang Li was also depended on initially completes Hidden Quest to obtain 5 achievement rewards. 这种道具,方里当初也是靠着完成隐藏任务才得到了五个作为奖励。 Now, this is last. 如今,这已经是最后一个了。 It seems like needed to continue to start again new similar item.” “看来有必要再继续入手新的类似道具了。” Not is only Rating Stone, tampered with Dungeon Quest Special Item almost to exhaust use continually, should be the time starts newly. 不仅是评点石而已,连篡改副本任务特殊道具都已经差不多耗尽了使用的次数,该是时候入手新的了。 Is thinking at the same time, Fang Li also chose the use. 这么想着的同时,方里也选择了使用。 Serial Number 11273 used Special Item time, Clearance Evaluation obtained random to promote.” 编号11273使用了特殊道具,通关评价获得一次随机提升。” Improvement scope is ———— medium scope.” “提升幅度为————中幅度。” „The evaluation medium scope promotion, the accumulated promotion, the breakthrough boundary, achieves EX-Rank.” 评价中幅度提升,累积提升,突破界限,达到Ex级。” Finally Clearance Evaluation: EX-Rank.” “最终通关评价:Ex级。” Is rewarded: 50000 Exchange Points, 30 free Attribute Points and 5 free Skill Points.” “获得奖励:50000兑换点、30个自由属性点、五个自由技能点。” This is the reward of Fang Li last Fourth Rank difficulty Dungeon Quest. 这是方里最后一个第四等级难度的副本任务的奖励。 Compared with before, scope not big change of reward. 跟以前相比,奖励的幅度并没有多大的改变。 After all, Fang Li obtains many EX Rank making an exception Clearance Evaluation, since evaluation with a rank, that rewards naturally impossible to fluctuate is too big. 毕竟,方里已经得到了不少次Ex等级的破格通关评价,既然是同一个等级评价,那奖励自然不可能浮动太大。 But the appearance of EX-Rank Clearance Evaluation, is also representing Fang Li many Personal World. Ex级通关评价的出现,亦是代表着方里又将多一个个人世界 Serial Number 11273 achieves EX-Rank Clearance Evaluation, can «Gifting This Wonderful World with Blessings» settings be Personal World, whether settings?” 编号11273达成Ex级通关评价,可以将《为美好的世界献上祝福设定个人世界,是否设定?” The Fang Li direct selection is. 方里直接选择了是。 Serial Number 11273 «Gifting This Wonderful World with Blessings» settings is Personal World, during the Main God's Dimension relaxation time, pays the certain extent Exchange Points, can enter this/should world at 1 : 10 time scale, other Main God's Envoy are unable to enter this/should Personal World.” 编号11273将《为美好的世界献上祝福设定个人世界,在主神空间休息时间期间,付出一定程度的兑换点,能够以1:10的时间比例进入该世界,其余主神使者将无法进入该个人世界。” At present Personal World is: 《Aria the Scarlet Ammo》, 《Gakusen Toshi Asterisk》 and «Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World», «Tsukihime», «Gifting This Wonderful World with Blessings».” “目前个人世界为:《绯弹的亚里亚》《学战都市Asterisk》、《从零开始的异世界生活》、《月姬》、《为美好的世界献上祝福》。” As the matter stands, Fang Li's Personal World then had 5 many. 这样一来,方里的个人世界便有五个之多了。 As for the harvest, that is also gratifying. 至于收获,那也是喜人的。 Two Side Quest brought 50000 Exchange Points, 50000 Exchange Points that in addition Clearance Evaluation obtains, a total of 100000 Exchange Points, making Fang Li's Exchange Points break 360000 critical junctions directly, two times will enter Exchange Points that Personal World consumes to give to make up before came back not saying that even also big increase. 两个支线任务带来了50000兑换点,加上通关评价得到的50000兑换点,总共100000兑换点,让方里的兑换点直接突破360000的大关,将之前两次进入个人世界所消耗的兑换点都给补了回来不说,甚至还大大的增加了。 The free Attribute Points words, that also has 50 free Attribute Points that Rank of Adventurer Card promotion brings, even if 20 free Attribute Points by Fang Li using, but is left over 30 free Attribute Points as before, 30 free Attribute Points that in addition clearance reward brings, that had 60 free Attribute Points. 自由属性点的话,那也是有冒险者卡片提升的等级带来的50个自由属性点,即使其中有20个自由属性点已被方里给使用掉,可依旧还是剩下30个自由属性点,再加上通关奖励带来的30个自由属性点,那就有60个自由属性点了。 But free Skill Points words, before Fang Li, then obtained 5, although Escape Skill used one in Hide, Enemy Detection and on respectively, actually was also left over two Skill Points, 5 Skill Points that in addition now obtains, that was 7 free Skill Points. 而自由技能点的话,方里之前便得到了五个,虽然在潜伏索敌逃走技能上各自使用掉了一个,却也还剩下两个技能点,加上现在得到的五个技能点,那就是七个自由技能点了。 360000 Exchange Points. 360000兑换点 60 free Attribute Points. 60个自由属性点 7 free Skill Points. 七个自由技能点 This is Fang Li at present the net worth in Main God's Dimension. 这就是方里目前在主神空间中的身家。 Naturally, this Dungeon World, Fang Li also harvested other things time, has Skill, Equipment and even all kinds of item. 当然,这一次的副本世界,方里还收获了其余的东西,有技能装备乃至各种各样的道具 Calculates carefully, is really considerable. 仔细一算,真的非常可观。 In Fourth Rank Main God's Envoy, can harvest so many people in a world, it is estimated that also few?” “在第四等级主神使者里,能够在一个世界中收获这么多的人,估计也没有几个吧?” Fang Li's mood is very happy. 方里的心情还是挺愉快的。 Then, Fang Li opened the Quest record, examined the Hidden Quest content. 然后,方里才打开了任务记录,查看起了隐藏任务的内容。 Serial Number 11273 triggers B-Rank Hidden Quest: Combined action ( 2 ).” 编号11273触发B级隐藏任务:共同行动(二)。” Quest Details: In Side Quest Combined action During the execution, Plot Character Megumin and Plot Character Darkness Rank upgraded to Level 30.” 任务内容:在支线任务【共同行动】执行期间,将剧情人物惠惠剧情人物达克妮斯等级提升到30级。” Quest Reward: Small Magical Ring.” 任务奖励:小幻指环。” Sees the instance of this record, the idea in Fang Li heart only has one. 看到这个记录的瞬间,方里心中的想法只有一个。 Does not have take along free of charge that several pit goods.” “没白带那几个坑货。” This was also makes in Fang Li's heart many produce balanced. 这也算是让方里的心里多少产生了一丝平衡。 Ok.” “好了。” Reorganized the reward and harvest, turning around of Fang Li without the slightest hesitation, ran in the mansion direction. 整理好了奖励与收获,方里毫不犹豫的转过身,往宅邸的方向跑去。 ...... …… In mansion, hall. 宅邸里,大厅。 Fang Li one comes from entrance hall, immediately before is the half step arrived at a room, the door gives to open, lets opening the door sound extremely clear resounding, making the lonely hall finally many angry. 方里一从玄关进来,立刻便是快步来到了一间房间前,将房门给打开,让开门声极为清晰的响起,让寂寥的大厅总算多了一丝生气 Then, Fang Li lifted the view, the gaze approached the interior of room. 然后,方里抬起了眼帘,注视向了房间的内部。 Also in this instantaneous, was familiar with the chuckle sound to innermost soul to make a sound in the room. 也就在这个瞬间里,熟悉到灵魂深处的轻笑声在房间中响了起来。 Does not need to worry not to relate, will not be instead having an accident here?” “不用那么着急也没关系,反正在这里也不会出事的吧?” World's first Diva then sat on the bed, probably just woke, is hanging loose the magnificent purple color long hair, beckoned toward Fang Li. 世界第一的歌姬便坐在了床上,像是刚刚才醒过来的一样,披散着华丽的紫绀色长发,向着方里招了招手。 In brief, first Welcome back?” “总之,先欢迎你回来咯?” hearing this, smiling of Fang Li helpless. 闻言,方里无奈的笑了。 Although helpless, actually also truly relaxes. 虽然无奈,却也确实松了一口气。 Sylvia, wakes up as scheduled. 席尔薇雅,如期醒来。
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