The lesser monkshowreadis frightened, becausehelistened secretlyforestshiningwithlittlesorrowtalk, knew that owntechniquehad been seen throughbyforestshining. It is estimated thatis quicktheyto knowoneselfare the murderer......
小和尚秀念被吓得不行,因为他偷听林耀与小哀的谈话,得知自己的手法已经被林耀看穿了。估计很快他们就会知道自己是凶手……What to do? What to do? Hewas self-examiningat heart,actuallycannot showanyidea.
怎么办?怎么办?他在心里自问,却拿不出任何主意。On the corridor, littlesorrowasked that toforestshining the lastissue, „knew the technique, how do wediscover the murderer?”
走廊上,小哀向林耀问出了最后一个问题,“知道了手法,那我们怎么找出凶手呢?”forestshiningmaps out strategic plans in an army tentsaid: „Homicide case happened in the guard chamber, the so-calledguard chamber, will definitely have to deliver the foodto deliver the vegetable/dish the windowbesides the gate. Wehad not just seen the windowinthree of guard chamber, veryobviously, windowondestroyedthatwall, the followingwallfragmenthas vanishedtogether.”
林耀运筹帷幄地说道:“命案在禁闭室里发生,所谓禁闭室,除了门以外肯定还会有送饭送菜的小窗。我们刚刚在禁闭室的三面都没有看见小窗,很显然,小窗是在被破坏的那一面墙壁上,已经跟着墙壁碎片一起消失了。”littlesorrowis intelligent, did not needforestshiningto continuehas understood.
„ Windowandfront doorare impossibleto fit together perfectly, so long asirrigatestoward the guard chamberin
, Definitelycan the water leakagefrom the slit. Then the murderermustpastes on...... ” littlesorrowto talk to oneself the crack in a door and windowseamwith the adhesive tapein a low voice.
,肯定会从缝隙里面漏水。那么凶手就必须用胶带把门缝和窗缝贴上……”小哀低声自语。„Right.”forestshiningnods, added: „Murdererbroke open the wallto put the water, front doorthat sideadhesive tape can also bring back, butwindowthat sideadhesive tapehad been rushed tounder the mountainwith the wallfragment. Bigevening'shedoes not have the meansto seek, after dawn the peoplediscovered the corpse, hedid not have the timeto seek......”
“没错。”林耀点头,补充道:“凶手破开墙壁放完了水,大门那边的胶带还可以取回,但小窗那边的胶带已经和墙壁碎片一起被冲到山下了。大晚上的他没办法寻找,天亮之后众人发现了尸体,他就更没时间寻找了……”It is well known, wears the words of gloveto be very difficultto use the adhesive tape, whenmurdererrubberizingbelt/bring is very possibleis the light. In other words the fingerprintverybigprobability of murdererwill keepon the adhesive tape.
The showreadhidesis listening to the dialoguein the stairway, knowsoneselfhave been unable to save the situation. Finallyhisheartoneruthless, locateddirectlyfromhiding. littlesorrowsees the show that bravessuddenlyto read, cannot help but startled.
Does thismonkhidein the nearbyunexpectedly? Did wejusttalkare heard?
这个和尚居然躲在附近?我们刚刚对话被听见了?forestshiningdoes not feelunusual, becausehehas the expectationearly.
林耀却一点也不觉得稀奇,因为他早有预料。„Showread the master, whatmatter did youhave?”forestshiningnoticed that the showreadcomes, somewhatwas curioushisidea. Hewashearsusto decode the modus operandi, thereforewantedto silence a witness of crime? Said......
The showread„pūto pass”oneto kneelbeforeforestshining, littlesorrowhad a scare.
秀念“噗通”一声在林耀面前跪了下来,小哀被吓了一跳。Whatsituation is this? Why did thislesser monkkneelsuddenly?
这是什么情况?为什么这个小和尚突然跪下来了?„Mr.forest...... the day the abbot / abbesswas...... show that Ikilledwill actually readforever”shiverswas sayingthese words.
“林先生……其实天永住持是我杀死的……”秀念颤抖着说出了这句话。littlesorrowis astonishedhowever, is thismonkacknowledges guilt? Is he a murderer?
小哀讶然,这个和尚是来认罪的?他就是凶手?„Reallyisyou......”forestshiningvoicesounds like talking to oneself.
“果然是你啊……”林耀的声音听起来像是在自语。„Have you...... youhad long known?” The showreadaskedunbelievable.
The forestshiningslight nod, „is only the guess. Becauseyourthreefellow apprenticesnoticed that Idisplayverynormally, only thenyousawmytimeis a little flustered. Thereforeeven ifyouare not a murderer, at leaststill and homicide casehasanythingto be connected.”
The showread confessed that shedtears saying: „Right, Iam a murderer. Because the daythatold thingwill killmy brotherforever, thereforeIwill killhim......”
秀念坦白了,流着眼泪说道:“没错,我就是凶手。因为天永那个老东西杀了我哥哥,所以我才会杀他……”„Who is yourElder Brother?”littlesorrowinquired.
The showread the reply: „My brotherisoneyear ago strangedeathintemplereadloyally, the policesaid that hewas the suicide, the hearsaysaid that hewas killedby the fogtian gou. Buthewill in fact be killedby the dayforever! Because the daymustmarriesforever the successor in bigtemple the granddaughterchrysanthemum, but the chrysanthemumisactuallyfalls in lovewithmy brother, thereforehekilledmy brother!”
秀念回答:“我哥哥就是一年前在寺庙里离奇死亡的忠念,警方说他是自杀的,外界传闻说他是被雾天狗杀死的。可实际上他是被天永杀死的!因为天永要把孙女菊乃嫁给大寺庙的继承人,可菊乃却和我哥哥相爱,所以他就杀死了我哥哥!”Reason that the showreadcomeskneels downtoforestshining, thatwasbecausehedoes not wantto be grasped. In the worldwherehasso many murderers of dying with no regrets, eachmurdererdoes not hopeoneselfare arrested, therefore the showreadhopes that forestshiningcanleave a loophole.
秀念之所以现身向林耀下跪,那是因为他不想被抓。世界上哪有那么多死而无憾的凶手,每一个凶手都不希望自己被捕,所以秀念希望林耀能够网开一面。Let alone the showreaddoes not thinkoneselfmade the mistake, oneselftook revengefor the Elder Brother, whatwronghad?
更何况秀念并不认为自己做错了,自己为哥哥复仇,何错之有?Wrongobviouslyis the dayforeverthatold thing!
错的明明是天永那个老东西啊!„Askedyouto putmyhorse...... Ireallynot to be imprisoned......”
“求求你放我一马吧……我真的不想坐牢啊……”forestshiningmeets such characterlessmurderer for the first time, the littlesorrowdelicatebrowis wrinkling, did not determinewhatthislesser monksaidis the truthor the lie. The duty that the systemissueshastwooptions, whatifhesaidis the truth, oneselfcanchooseto cover up the truth;Whatifhesaidis the lie, oneselfcanchooseto expose the truth.
林耀还是第一次遇见这么没骨气的凶手,小哀清秀的眉头皱着,不确定这个小和尚说的是真话还是假话。系统发布的任务有两个选项,如果他说的是实话,自己可以选择掩盖真相;如果他说的是假话,那自己可以选择揭露真相。However, howto determine the words that hespoke are really false?
但是,如何确定他说的话是真是假呢?Suddenlylittlesorrowthinksconfirmedwith the mesmeric, thereforeraised the headto solicitforestshining the suggestions.
突然小哀想到了用催眠术确认,于是抬头征求林耀的意见。forestshiningnaturallydoes not have the opinion, thereforelittlesorrowreadto the showused the mesmeric, andthesewordswill just ask. Finally the showread the saidwordsbeforewas exactly the same, showed that hehas not lied.
林耀当然没意见,所以小哀就对秀念使用了催眠术,并且将刚刚那些话重新问了一遍。结果秀念所说的话与之前如出一辙,证明他并未说谎。„It seems likehetrulytakes revenge...... littlesorrowto whisperfor the elder brother”, „thathelpshisone.”
“看来他确实是为兄长复仇啊……”小哀低语,“那就帮他一把吧。”littlesorrowmakes the showreadforgot that just the process of hypnosis, thenrelieved the mesmeric.
...... The showreadstares, feltoneselfprobablya littlewere just absent-minded, buthehas not thought that butentreatedtoforestshining.
......秀念一愣,感觉自己刚刚好像有点恍惚,不过他也没多想,只是一个劲儿的向林耀哀求。„Ok, Icomplied.”
“好了,我答应了。”Hearsforestshining the words, the showreadsraised the head, pleasantly surprisedextremely. Thenkowtowstoforestshiningagain and againthanks.
听到林耀的话,秀念抬起头,惊喜万分。然后连连向林耀磕头感谢。littlesorrowasked that forestshining„how you do planto do?”
小哀问林耀“你打算怎么做?”forestshiningreplied: „Since the policethink that thiscaseis the suicide, Imakeitturn into the suicide. The showread the master, inyourtemplehad the equipment that whatcanrecord?”
林耀回答:“既然警方认为这个案子是自杀,那我就让它变成自杀吧。秀念师父,你们寺庙里有没有什么可以录音的设备?”„Has, in the monk's roomhas a radio, is the sutrastimeuses.”
……About after a halfhour, the Chibacriminal policerunto tell the eye of eveningpolicesection, saidoneselfdiscoveredextraordinarilything. The eyeeveninglooks, thatunexpectedlyis a radio.
大约半个小时后,千叶刑警跑来告诉目暮警部,说自己发现了不得了的东西。目暮一看,那居然是一台收音机。„Thisradiohow?” The eyeeveningis bewildered.
“这台收音机怎么了?”目暮一脸茫然。Chibasaidexcitedly: „ThisisIin the monk's roomdiscovered that insidehadday of Yonghe'sstilllast words!”
千叶激动地说道:“这是我在禅房之中发现的,里面有天永和尚的遗言!”„What? Last words?” The eyeeveningis startled, the monks are also very surprised. The eyeeveningurged: „Hurriesto broadcast!”
“什么?遗言?”目暮大吃一惊,众和尚也很惊讶。目暮催促道:“赶紧播放啊!”ThereforeChibapresses down the broadcast, the radiostartsto revolve, an oldsoundpassed on, „, whenyouhearthisexcerpt, Ishouldgo toWesternheaven of heavens, no, perhapsIcannot go tothatplace......”
The bigdisciplewidthreadcalls out in alarm: „Thistrulyis the voice of master!”Otherdisciplesnodin abundance. The showread the look
大弟子宽念惊呼:“这确实是师父的声音!”其余弟子纷纷点头。秀念眼神Looks atforestshiningcomplex, has the deepawe. Becausethisexcerptis in front ofhisto record, before thenhecannot think that in the worldsomepeoplecanimitateothers'voice, moreoverimitateslifelike.
复杂地看着林耀,其中带着深深的敬畏。因为这段录音是当着他的面录下来的,在此之前他根本想不到世界上有人能够模仿别人的声音,而且模仿得惟妙惟肖。„DayYonghestill”confessedin the last words, saidoneselfare greedy for money, beats the affectionate couple, broke up the granddaughterandreadsloyally, betroths the successortobigtemple the granddaughterforcefully. „Isimplyhave not expectedreadloyally will therefore commit suicide...... Ito be afraid the Gossipto fallonmevery much, thereforeopened the wall of guard chamberintentionally, andcirculated the rumor saying that readloyallyis killedby the monster......”
The granddaughterchrysanthemumishearsthissayingat the scene, cried a tearsperson. Hishusbandis very awkwardinside.
孙女菊乃在现场听到这话,哭成了一个泪人。他的丈夫在旁边很尴尬。„So that's how it is.” The eyeeveningpolicesectiondidto understandallfinally, relaxes, thisstrangecasecanendfinally.
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