IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#43: The internal friction rubs( asks the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

Zaller is captured takes, cultivation base encounters Xiao Yuntian and Zhang Tianheng and other Demon Cult expert restriction. 扎勒被擒拿,一身修为遭到萧云天张天恒魔教高手禁制 This moment Chen Luoyang palm racket falls, Zaller is unable to dodge to resist, is unable revolving the cultivation body-protecting, only to be able the looks at palm to fall helplessly. 此刻陈洛阳一掌拍落,扎勒无法闪避抵挡,也无法运功护体,只能眼睁睁看着手掌落下。 Does not need to utilize great technique of staking all on one throw by Chen Luoyang. 是以陈洛阳无需运用孤注一掷大法 Martial Ancestor cultivation base that only oneself can stimulate to movement presently, then kills Zaller at the scene. 只自己当前能催动的武宗修为,便将扎勒当场打死。 In the opposite party both eyes is completely surprised, dies with injustice unredressed, falls to the ground straightly. 对方双目中满是惊讶,死不瞑目,直挺挺栽倒在地。 Chen Luoyang static looks at Zaller, long puts out the one breath. 陈洛阳静静看着扎勒,长长吐出一口气。 Then, he ruins the Zaller personal effects. 然后,他又将扎勒的随身物品毁掉许多。 That pill cauldron was received secretly by him. 那尊丹鼎则被他暗暗收起。 About inspects, Chen Luoyang sounds jade pendant along. 左右检查一遍,陈洛阳敲响随身的玉佩。 Zhang Tianheng was summoned to come, seeing the Zaller corpse also to have the ground disorderly residual, is slightly surprised. 张天恒受召前来,看见扎勒的尸首还有地上杂乱的残渣,略微惊讶。 However he knees down quickly, salutes to Chen Luoyang: subordinate pays respect to Cult Master, Cult Master completely safe, this old mixed wool, if the language offends you rudely, but also please do not take offense, my immediately defeats the bone to raise the ash him.” 不过他很快就单膝跪地,向陈洛阳行礼:“属下参见教主,教主万安,这老杂毛如果语出不逊冒犯您,还请您不要动气,我立马将他挫骨扬灰。” Tidies up.” The Chen Luoyang look is faint, seems like neither happy nor angry. “收拾一下。”陈洛阳神色淡漠,看上去无喜无怒 Also does not plan to explain anything. 也不打算解释什么。 This is he one of the privileges as Master of the Demon Cult. 这是他身为魔教教主特权之一 Oneself are subject to changing moods, capital of having one's wish. 自己有喜怒无常,随心所欲的资本。 Zhang Tianheng and other subordinate, why nature don't dare closely examines all these. 张天恒属下,自然不敢追问这一切到底为什么。 Naturally, many some discretion need to grasp. 当然,这其中多少还是有些分寸需要把握。 Using both kindness and severity, is the long-term task. 恩威并施,乃长远之道。 Zhang Tianheng really did not ask that previously what happened, and has not asked his subordinate to come, but is begins also to have the thing all sweep trace that the ground damages the Zaller corpse personally. 张天恒果然不问先前发生了什么事,并且没有叫他的手下人来,而是自己亲自动手把扎勒的尸首还有地上破损的东西全都收拾干净。 To come, he brain had made up many possible account, found many excuses for own Cult Master. 想来,他已经自行脑补了许多可能发生的事情经过,为自家教主找了不少理由。 Chen Luoyang unperturbed sits in the one side. 陈洛阳老神在在坐在一旁。 like crosses nothing happened. 就像什么都没发生过一样。 He opens a books browsing careless. 他漫不经心的翻开一本书卷浏览。 When Zhang Tianheng cleans comes to reporting after carrying out orders, Chen Luoyang reads, has not lifted, only in nose un. 张天恒打扫完毕来向复命时,陈洛阳自顾自看书,头都没抬,只鼻子里“嗯”了一声。 After Zhang Tianheng withdraws from the door, Chen Luoyang puts down the books, the finger rubs the forehead lightly. 张天恒退出房门后,陈洛阳放下书卷,手指轻揉眉心。 He summoned 'Medicinal King of the Northern Desert' Zaller that was captured alone. 他单独召见被俘的“漠北医王”扎勒 Then actually kills the opposite party at the scene. 然后却当场打死对方。 This news passes on, unavoidably made one to think. 这消息传出去,难免叫人浮想联翩。 Score scratch coat that some previous moves defeat Black Emperor Xiuzhe luckily, otherwise annoys the person to suspect unavoidably. 幸好有先前一招击败黑帝修哲的战绩打底,否则难免惹人怀疑。 Now this, is still unsafe. 现在这样,仍然不保险。 However is the best result. 不过已经是最好的结果。 Chen Luoyang takes out that small cauldron, then starts to ponder over. 陈洛阳取出那尊小鼎,然后便开始琢磨。 He recalled before , have read numerous literature books. 他回想之前看过的众多文献书籍。 How then starts to study to use furnace to refine pill medicine. 然后便开始着手学习如何用鼎炉来炼制丹药 Refines material that Ten Cycles Returning to Origin Pill needs, is quite precious. 炼制十转归元丹所需的材料,都比较稀贵。 Divine Province is bounteous, but many treasures still only happen by happy circumstance. 神州地大物博,但很多宝物依然可遇而不可求。 Before oneself have in a big way grasps, Chen Luoyang first takes other quite ordinary material and pill formula practices acquiring a skill. 在自己有较大把握前,陈洛阳先拿其他较为普通的材料和丹方练手。 After approximately confident, refines this Ten Cycles Returning to Origin Pill again officially. 等大致心里有底后,再正式炼制这十转归元丹 While he estimates the study pill refining, the time passes. 在他揣摩学习的炼丹的同时,光阴流逝。 six dragons imperial cart, flying line. 六龙皇辇,飞天而行。 Passes through Qian Prefecture gradually, close to the Xiang Prefecture boundary. 渐渐穿越黔州,靠近象州地界。 Xiang Prefecture, situated in Grand Land of the Divine Province due south. 象州,位于神州浩土正南。 The south mountain spans in this surely, names of the hundred more, the ancient times are the barren lands. 南方千万大山在此横亘,有百越之称,古时乃不毛之地。 In the past thousand years, develops gradually cultured, deriving many to be scenic, bell world attractive treasure trove. 近千年来,渐渐开化发展,衍生出许多风光秀美,钟天地之灵秀的宝地。 Because of terrain reason, still many unvisited remote mountain swamps, miasma covers, strange beast everywhere. 但因为地形缘故,也依然有很多人迹罕至的深山沼泽,瘴气覆盖,异兽遍地。 Demon Cult initial place of origin, then here. 魔教最初的发源地,便在这里。 West of Xiang Prefecture, is Dian Prefecture. 象州以西,是滇州 Northeast is Xiāng Prefecture. 东北是湘州 The northwest is Qian Prefecture. 西北是黔州 To east is Yue Prefecture. 向东则是粤州 To south, is the Southern Sea open sea. 向南,则是南海远洋。 Is the place of demon region core. 魔域核心之地。 Demon Cult main altar, then situated in Xiang Prefecture and place of Yue Prefecture common border. 魔教总坛,便位于象州粤州交界之处。 Chen Luoyang one line passes through Qian Prefecture, enters Xiang Prefecture, from returning to Demon Cult main altar, is not then far. 陈洛阳一行穿越黔州,进入象州,距离返回魔教总坛,便已不远。 Line on road, there are more and more information news to transmit. 行在路上,也有越来越多的情报消息传来。 „The situation that reporting to the Cult Master, keeps abreast at present, the opposite party fans out in three groups to intrude on this cult sacred region.” 禀教主,目前掌握的情况,对方兵分三路进犯本教圣域。” Azure Dragon Three knees down, report to said: East road goes south to capture Min Prefecture from Zhe Prefecture, the west road captures Xiang Prefecture from Xiāng Prefecture, mid-way captures Yue Prefecture from Gan Prefecture.” 青龙三单膝跪地,禀报道:“东路从浙州南下攻入闽州,西路从湘州攻入象州,中路赣州攻入粤州。” Zhe Prefecture is the Great Xia Dynasty control. 浙州大夏皇朝统御。 Min Prefecture is a part of demon region. 闽州则是魔域的一部分。 Xiāng Prefecture and Gan Prefecture, then previously was the frontline position that Demon Cult and Great Xia Dynasty fought, basically by two families to the half a point, fell over one another, give-and-take. 湘州赣州,此前则是魔教大夏皇朝争锋的前线阵地,基本被两家对半分,你争我夺,有来有往。 mid-way is the enemy main force, Emperor of Xia commands personally, the King of the Eastern Sea peer, concentrates most expert, the offensive is quite swift and violent, has seized entire Gan Prefecture, invades the Yue Prefecture boundary, soldier/weapon front threatens this cult main altar.” Azure Dragon Three said: West road enemy is foreign race Virtuous King of the Left assumed personal command, seizes the Xiāng Prefecture boundary quickly, afterward Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe entered Qian Prefecture to challenge Cult Master, the enemy mid-way army branches out together , to continue to go south from Xiāng Prefecture, threatens Xiang Prefecture.” 中路是敌人主力,夏帝亲自统帅,东海王同行,集中大部分高手,攻势极为迅猛,已经抢占整个赣州,侵入粤州地界,兵锋威胁本教总坛。”青龙三说道:“西路敌人原是异族左贤王坐镇,也很快抢占湘州地界,后来左贤王修哲黔州挑战教主,敌人中路军分出一道,继续从湘州南下,威胁象州。” Diverts as for the enemy only deceptive attack of east road, forcing this cult unable to support to leave the road in Min Prefecture cult members.” “至于东路的敌人则只是佯攻牵制,迫使本教闽州教众无法支援别路。” His after a slight pause said: „ That side this cult main altar, you are not at because of Cult Master at present, therefore Great Chief gives orders with veteran pavilion, leads the enemy of cult members fight invasion. 稍微顿了一下后说道:“本教总坛那边,因教主您眼下不在,所以大首座元老阁发号施令,领导教众抗击入侵之敌。 The Great Chief order give away place of Xiāng Prefecture and Gan Prefecture temporarily, focuses on defend in Xiang Prefecture and Yue Prefecture. ” 大首座命令暂时让出湘州赣州之地,集中力量于象州粤州一线御敌。” Continues to say.” The Chen Luoyang facial expression is invariable, cannot see the happy anger. “继续讲。”陈洛阳神情不变,看不出喜怒。 Actually from he idea, supports processing of Vermilion Bird Hall chief. 其实从他个人内心想法来说,赞成朱雀殿首座的处理。 Changes the time by the space. 以空间换时间。 Centralized superior force. 集中优势兵力。 Reduction defense area. 缩小防御面积。 Changed him in the opposite party position, the means estimate is also mostly the same except for minor differences. 换了他在对方位置上,办法估计也大同小异。 West foreign race Virtuous King of the Left goes to Qian Prefecture, this cult fights area north of Yue Sky Rainbow Mountain with the enemy mid-way army.” At this point, Azure Dragon Three sound somewhat dry: Right Envoy Wang and the others, with veteran pavilion and Vermilion Bird Hall that side...... coordination is not good.” 异族左贤王西去黔州,本教同敌人中路大军在粤北天虹山一带大战。”说到这里,青龙三的声音有些干涩:“王右使等人,同元老阁朱雀殿那边……配合的不大好。” Chen Luoyang hearing this, has almost the impulsion of rolling the eyes. 陈洛阳闻言,几乎有翻白眼的冲动。 Did not ask may know, here Right Envoy Wang and the others, is loyal to his Cult Master Demon Cult young faction representative. 不问可知,这里的王右使等人,是忠于他这个教主魔教少壮派代表。 Does not nip the string with veteran faction. 元老派不咬弦。 At present foreign enemy current, both sides coordinate reluctantly. 眼下外敌当前,双方勉强配合。 But must say that tacit of how coordination, that is not thinks about it. 但要说配合的多么默契,那是想都别想。 Not internal strife enough has shown due respect for the feelings. 不内讧已经够给面子了。 Chen Luoyang almost can guess correctly with the knee, perhaps young faction, hugs is consuming the veteran faction thoughts taking advantage of the enemy army. 陈洛阳用膝盖几乎都能猜到,少壮派,说不定抱着借敌人大军消耗元老派的心思。 Finally happen to comes back to tidy up the scene by Cult Master of their wise supernatural might. 最后正好由他们英明神武的教主回来收拾场面。 How perfect. 多么完美。 If their Sir Cult Master the real injury is not affected much...... 假如他们的教主大人真的伤势无大碍的话…… Naturally, veteran faction may also take the opportunity to eliminate the young faction go-getter. 当然,元老派同样有可能借机剪除少壮派的干将。 Passes on the this Majesty order, is faced with an archenemy, the spearhead first shows no external differences, has internal friction, cult rules punishes mercilessly.” Chen Luoyang calmly said: this Majesty will execute at the appointed time personally, warns others against following a bad example, spares to anybody will not.” “传本座命令,大敌当前,矛头首先一致对外,有内耗者,教规严惩不怠。”陈洛阳静静说道:“本座届时会亲自行刑,以儆效尤,对任何人都不会容情。” Azure Dragon Three kotows said: Respectfully follows Cult Master to command!” 青龙三叩首道:“谨遵教主谕令!” After the opposite party draw back next, Vajrapani seeks an interview. 对方退下后,金刚又来求见。 „The Cult Master ……” Vajrapani expression is somewhat disturbed, starts to speak but hesitates rarely. 教主……”金刚的表情有些忐忑,难得欲言又止。 Chen Luoyang looks at he has not spoken. 陈洛阳看着他没说话。 Vajrapani smiles bitterly was saying: reporting to the Cult Master, Old Fortune just passed on the news, Miss Qingqing previously left Sword Pavilion.” 金刚苦笑着说道:“禀教主,老福刚刚传回来消息,青青姑娘此前离开了剑阁。” Person?” The Chen Luoyang expression is invariable, does not have any scowl, only asked indifferently. “人呢?”陈洛阳表情不变,没有任何怒容,只是淡然问道。 Vajrapani replied: Old Fortune checks, she with the Sword Pavilion disciple south, by way of Xiāng Prefecture, should together now already quickly to Xiang Prefecture.” 金刚答道:“老福查到,她跟剑阁弟子一起南来,经由湘州,如今应该已经快到象州了。”
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