IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#44: divine assist!( Asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

Hears Ying Qingqing to travel together with the Sword Pavilion disciple, the Chen Luoyang facial expression has not changed. 听闻应青青剑阁弟子同行,陈洛阳神情没有丝毫变化。 This makes uneasy Vajrapani feel relieved slightly. 这让忐忑不安的金刚略微放下心来。 Besides the Sword Pavilion disciple, can have others to travel together?” Chen Luoyang asked. “除剑阁弟子以外,可还有其他人同行?”陈洛阳问道。 Vajrapani replied: „The news that Old Fortune passes on, Xia Dynasty Sixth Prince, in addition the tourmate has not as if confirmed the status completely.” 金刚答道:“老福传回来的消息,似乎还有夏朝六皇子,此外同行的人尚未完全确认身份。” „Did she enter the war?” Chen Luoyang asked. “她参战了?”陈洛阳问道。 That does not have.” Vajrapani shakes the head: Miss Qingqing does not have take action to feel embarrassed with the this cult disciple, probably the onlooking is the same, goes south.” “那倒没有。”金刚摇头:“青青姑娘没有出手本教弟子为难,像是旁观一样,一路南下。” The Chen Luoyang finger raps the seat arm rest gently. 陈洛阳手指轻轻敲击座椅扶手。 At this moment in his heart erect is transferring the thought quickly. 此刻他心中正飞快转着念头。 Ying Qingqing it's a true amnesia or a fake amnesia? 应青青到底真失忆还是假失忆 She goes to Sword Pavilion, reclaims its memory? 她去剑阁,是否找回其记忆? Sees Sword Sovereign? 是否见到剑皇 What is she relates with Sword Sovereign? 她跟剑皇是什么关系? This time with cutting down the demon allied armies goes south together, institute why? 这次同伐魔联军一起南下,所为何来? Her actually what details? 她究竟什么底细? In the Chen Luoyang heart somewhat hesitates erratically. 陈洛阳心中有些犹疑不定。 The original plan with the aid of this female clear sky sword qi , helping itself therapy. 原打算借助此女的昊天剑气,来帮助自己疗伤。 Now looks like, the uncertainties somewhat seem big. 现在看来,不确定因素似乎有些大。 Also can bet this? 还要不要赌这一把? Old Longevity and did Old Prosperity, where the present arrive at?” After thinking moment, Chen Luoyang asked. 老寿老禄,现在到哪里了?”思索片刻后,陈洛阳问道。 „The latest news, Old Prosperity circles the sea route to return to sacred region from Eastern Sea, prepares the shore of Xiang Prefecture Southern Sea to land, then goes north, catches up to return to your presence to obey orders.” Vajrapani replied: Old Longevity goes south from the land route, across Ezhou Prefecture and Xiāng Prefecture, at present also quickly to Xiang Prefecture.” “最新的消息,老禄东海绕海路返回圣域,预备象州南海之滨登陆,然后北上,赶返您座前听令。”金刚答道:“老寿从陆路南下,穿过鄂州湘州,目前也快到象州了。” Chen Luoyang is not very actually clear to oneself this details of luck, wealth and long-lived three servants. 陈洛阳对自己这福、禄、寿三仆的底细其实还不很清楚。 Passes on the this Majesty order, Old Longevity does not use anxiously going south, follows Qingqing they.” After he thinks slightly, said: Does not need to converge with Old Fortune, he cannot know Old Fortune to exist, two people each one handles affairs separately.” “传本座命令,老寿不用急着南下,也去跟着青青她们。”他略微思索后说道:“不用跟老福汇合,他也不需知道老福存在,两人各自分头行事。” Vajrapani draws back according to the instruction. 金刚依吩咐退下。 Chen Luoyang calls Azure Dragon Three: „The situation of west road enemy, the thorough attention, returns as soon as possible.” 陈洛阳又唤来青龙三:“西路敌军的情况,深入关注,尽快回报。” Yes, Cult Master.” Azure Dragon Three meets the command to kotow immediately. “是,教主。”青龙三当即接令叩首。 In the room only remains, the Chen Luoyang non- compound prescription is calm the free appearance, but frowns. 房中只剩自己一人,陈洛阳不复方才淡定自若的模样,而是皱起眉头。 After long time, his brow stretch/leisurely launches gradually. 半晌后,他眉头渐渐舒展开。 At present might as well be an opportunity. 眼下未尝不是一个机会。 Chen Luoyang shows a faint smile, no longer thinks this matter, attention again centralized to studying at the matter of pill refining technique. 陈洛阳微微一笑,不再多想此事,注意力重新集中到学习炼丹术的事情上。 Quick, then has the recent news to feed. 很快,便有新的消息传回。 This time, the Vajrapani facial expression previous time must be stranger. 这次,金刚的神情比上次还要更古怪。 reporting to the Cult Master, Old Fortune incoming telegram.” The guys hesitate were saying: „The situation of latest ascertainment, Miss Qingqing as if put under house arrest by Xia Dynasty and Sword Pavilion person.” 禀教主,老福来报。”大汉犹豫着说道:“最新探知的情况,青青姑娘似乎被夏朝剑阁的人软禁了。” Chen Luoyang reads the books, has not raised the head: Reason?” 陈洛阳翻看书卷,没有抬头:“理由?” Said that is because is on close terms with this cult, has the suspicion of spy.” Vajrapani said. “说是因为同本教过从甚密,有奸细的嫌疑。”金刚说道。 Chen Luoyang closes the books, raised the head. 陈洛阳合上书卷,抬起头来。 Two possibilities. 两个可能。 First, is aims at itself and Demon Cult trap. 其一,是针对自己和魔教的陷阱。 Second, Ying Qingqing was really put under house arrest. 其二,应青青真的被软禁了。 Naturally, possibly the two all are. 当然,也可能二者皆是。 Puts under house arrest the position of Ying Qingqing, likely stems from the Great Xia Dynasty person. 软禁应青青的主张,很可能出自大夏皇朝的人。 Their goals perhaps are not only Demon Cult, Sword Pavilion. 他们的目标恐怕不仅仅是魔教,还有剑阁 Naturally, does not have no consideration for face become enemy with Sword Pavilion. 当然,不是跟剑阁撕破脸为敌 But strives for the leading power. 而是争夺主导权。 In Divine Province central land, present age Emperor of Xia is actually very awkward. 神州中土,当代夏帝其实很尴尬。 As the supreme control of central land unification dynasty, supreme emperor, central land first expert had someone else in name. 作为中土名义上大一统皇朝的至高主宰,九五至尊,偏偏中土第一高手另有其人。 With northern Sabre Sovereign and southern Demon Sovereign three main contesting forces the people, is Sword Sovereign. 同北方刀皇和南方魔皇三强鼎立的人,是剑皇 Rather than Sovereign of Xia. 而不是夏皇 Outward, both sides naturally want the heartfelt solidarity, together onset and retreat. 对外,双方自然要精诚团结,一起进退。 but there will inevitably be a question of who is in charge and who is second. 但这其中必然牵扯到一个谁主谁次的问题 Sword Sovereign this time fights a decisive battle to be wounded with Demon Sovereign, to Emperor of Xia is the rare opportunity. 剑皇这次同魔皇决战负伤,对夏帝来说是难得机会。 Coordinates to organize all influence south to draft demon region jointly, has this to affect again. 牵头组织各方势力联手南征魔域,就有这重作用在。 Except for this, Ying Qingqing possibly becomes another board game piece that reduces the Sword Pavilion prestige. 除此以外,应青青则可能成为另一个消减剑阁威信的棋子。 According to so to speak, Sword Pavilion could not explain the Ying Qingqing origin ............ 这么说来,剑阁也解释不清应青青的来历………… If oneself previously expected. 如自己先前所料。 This possibly is the chance of a lifetime, some people deliver divine assist to him. 这可能是千载难逢的机会,有人给他送上神助攻 But also possibly is a trap. 但也可能是陷阱。 Oneself happen to have the means to probe. 自己正好有办法试探一下。 The previous preparation, can apply. 早先的准备,可以派上用场了。 Reason that remaining, not for the present? 之所以留着,不就是为了现在吗? Investigates thoroughly their concrete whereabouts.” The Chen Luoyang facial color is calm, told to Vajrapani: Then, gives a present for this Majesty to them.” “查清楚他们的具体下落。”陈洛阳面色波澜不惊,冲金刚吩咐道:“然后,代本座送份礼给他们。” ............ ………… Xiāng Prefecture and place of Xiang Prefecture common border, has the Desolate Dragon Mountain lineage/vein. 湘州象州交界之地,有龙萧山脉。 This place at present some massive martial artist activities. 此地眼下有大量武者活动。 These martial artist, from north Central Land of the Divine Province. 这些武者,来自北边的中土神州 They go south, capture the Southern Wasteland surely mountain, and continues to south pushes onward, goal Demon Cult main altar. 他们一路南下,攻入南荒千万大山,并继续向南挺进,目标正是魔教总坛 In this place tent, Ying Qingqing tranquil sits cross-legged to sit in meditation. 此地一处营帐内,应青青平静的盘膝打坐。 Opposite of her, then there are two people. 在她对面,则有两个人。 One of them, is Sword Sovereign third disciple, Flying Sword Nie Hua. 其中一人,正是剑皇门下三弟子,飞剑聂华 He at this moment resigned-looking looks at Ying Qingqing: Miss Ying, you...... were really the sincere.” 他此刻正一脸无奈的看着应青青:“应姑娘,你……真的是太实诚了。” My only spoke truthfully in the Ancient God Cult story.” Ying Qingqing replied: Put to trouble to two gentlemen, really sorry.” “我只是将自己在古神教的见闻如实讲出来。”应青青答道:“给二位先生添麻烦了,实在抱歉。” Nie Hua nearby white clothing youngster, seems like 16-17 years old, is similar to the Ying Qingqing age, at this time tranquil saying: Miss Ying , you see not necessarily to, possibly only Demon Cult with all due respect confuse your false appearance.” 聂华旁边一个白衣少年,看上去不过十六、七岁,同应青青年纪相仿,这时平静的说道:“应姑娘,恕我直言,你所见未必为真,可能只是魔教迷惑你的假象。” Has the possibility.” Ying Qingqing nods, replied confidently: This time with you south, has seen some Ancient God Cult branch incense hall in Xiāng Prefecture, truly revealed the Ancient God Cult other aspect, but, I take the liberty, if I see all in Ancient God Cult am the false appearance of being concocted, you bring all that I look, doesn't have the possibility?” “有可能。”应青青点点头,坦然答道:“这次同你们南来,在湘州见过一些古神教分舵香堂,确实揭示了古神教的另一面,不过,恕我冒昧,如果我在古神教内所见一切为虚饰的假象,你们带我看的一切,不也有可能吗?” She raised the head with that white clothing youngster looks at each other tranquilly: This goes south, I also looked at the actions of many Xia Dynasty person, holds except for third mister and fifth mister your few frankly really positively, other most people also can't be called seem honest.” 她抬头与那白衣少年平静对视:“这一路南下,我也看了不少夏朝人的所作所为,除了三先生五先生你们寥寥几位光明磊落持身甚正,余下大多数人似乎也称不上多么正派。” The white clothing youngster said: choose the lesser of two evils.” 白衣少年言道:“两相其害,取其轻。” Ying Qingqing nods: Therefore, I want to walk the watch many places, has a look, makes the judgment well , it seems like it is is not pitifully good temporarily.” 应青青颔首:“所以,我想走更多的地方,多看看,才好做判断,不过可惜,暂时看来是不行了。” Was we are disrespectful.” The white clothing youngster said: only requested earnestly the Miss Ying understanding, you're all tied up at the moment, it's not related to persons, but possibly related to the entire world general situation.” “是我们失礼了。”白衣少年说道:“只是恳请应姑娘谅解,你现在一身所系,非关乎个人,而是可能关系到整个天下大局。” He said slowly: if the Demon Sovereign only has the desire of seeking for beauty, I and others, although does not endure to see the miss to join in the devil's lair to fall into the mire, but also don't dare interferes with Miss Ying you to make a decision.” 他徐徐说道:“如果魔皇只是有求凰之意,我等虽不忍见姑娘投身魔窟陷入泥沼,但也不敢干涉应姑娘你个人决断。” But the miss you have Clear Sky Divine Sword sword qi, the Demon Sovereign true intention, likely with your hand , helping him therapy.” “可是姑娘你身怀昊天神剑剑气,魔皇真正的意图,很可能是借你之手,助他疗伤。” Cult Master Chen has not at least covered me, does not make me leave.” Ying Qingqing said. “至少陈教主没有扣住我,不让我离开。”应青青言道。 Because needs you to be voluntary, therefore tries to put on a false show of great peace, confuses in you.” The white clothing youngster calmly asked: If at that time his directly proposed that asked you to help, you will help him?” “因为需要你自愿,所以才设法粉饰太平,迷惑于你。”白衣少年静静问道:“那时如果他直接就提出请你帮忙,你会帮他吗?” After Ying Qingqing thinks deeply about one carefully next, replied: I do not know, he has the life-saving efforts to me, I repay by rights ought, but I do not know whether that will create the evil consequence, therefore cannot make up mind, I leave, wants to stand to be farther, looks to see clearly.” 应青青仔细思索一下后答道:“我不知道,他对我有救命之恩,我理当报答,但我不知道那是否会造成恶果,所以拿不定主意,我之所以离开,就是想站远一些,看看清楚。” „The matter of Shu Prefecture, should make you see clearly his true colors sufficiently.” Nie Hua said in side at this time. 蜀州之事,应该足以让你看清他的真面目。”聂华这时在旁说道。 Ying Qingqing said: According to from your there hears the plan that the news, south the allied armies drafts, subjugates Shu Prefecture with Cult Master Chen, basically also launches.” 应青青言道:“按照从你们那里听来的消息,联军南征的打算,和陈教主征讨蜀州,基本是同时展开。” „Can that be the same?” Nie Hua patted the forehead: Demon Cult sin, too numerous to mention......, you know limitedly also normal.” “那能一样吗?”聂华拍了拍自己额头:“魔教罪孽,罄竹难书……呃,你所知有限也正常。” He cannot help but sighed. 他不由得叹气。 Ying Qingqing also sighed. 应青青也叹气。 The white clothing youth asked: About the beforehand matter, what Miss Ying you still couldn't think?” 白衣青年则问道:“关于以前的事,应姑娘你仍然什么都想不起来吗?” Contacts sword intent that Pavilion Lord leaves behind in Sword Pavilion, slightly has a feeling, but does not have the essence to harvest.” Ying Qingqing shakes the head, then asked: Does not know whether I do see one side Pavilion Lord?” “在剑阁接触阁主遗留的剑意,略有所感,但没有实质收获。”应青青摇头,然后问道:“不知,我可否见阁主一面?” Nie Hua replied: „The my master present whereabouts, our fellow apprentices several are not clear, really does not intend to be perfunctory you, but also please excuse me.” 聂华答道:“家师现在的下落,我们师兄弟几个也不清楚,实在不是有意敷衍你,还请多见谅。” Doesn't matter.” Ying Qingqing said: Does not know how then to handle me, leading me to continue to go south together, escorts to Xia Dynasty imperial city?” “没关系。”应青青言道:“不知接下来会如何处置我,带我一同继续南下,还是送往夏朝皇城?” The white clothing youngster said: Miss Ying you spoke discreetly, no matter we, are Sixth Prince they, only does not hope that you fall on Demon Sovereign in the hand, therefore the peer nurses, if you do not want to continue to go south, is returns to this sect to temporarily reside to go to bed, waits for my master to return, for your doubt, how can there be to go to the Xia Dynasty Imperial Capital truth.” 白衣少年说道:“应姑娘你言重了,不管是我们,还是六殿下他们,都只是不希望你落在魔皇手里,所以同行看护,如果你不想继续南下,也是回本门暂住安歇,等家师回归,为你释疑解惑,岂有去夏朝皇都的道理。” Ying Qingqing nods: Thanked fifth mister to return to the sentiment of protecting, if not you, I am not perhaps able to settle sit quietly here.” 应青青点头:“谢五先生回护之情,若非你们,我恐怕无法安稳坐在这里了。” Then she also expressed gratitude to Nie Hua: Thanked third mister.” 然后她又向聂华道谢:“谢三先生。” Nie Hua forced smile: don't say this, it is too much, you did not scold our fellow apprentices, I'm already satisfied.” 聂华苦笑:“别这么说,受之有愧,你不骂我们师兄弟,余愿足矣。” Miss Ying you, although has the communication with Demon Sovereign, but since we have been acquainted, everyone trusts you are.” 应姑娘你虽与魔皇有来往,但咱们相识以来,大家都信得过你为人。” only is related to the my master clear reputation, I and others only offend, is contrary to the hospitality greatly, after has, apologized to you.” 只是事关家师清誉,我等唯有得罪,大大有违待客之道,只好以后再给你赔礼了。” But, hopes that Miss Ying you can clearly recognize the Demon Cult true colors, do not receive it hoodwinking, get into real trouble.” The white clothing youngster said in the one side. “不过,也希望应姑娘你能认清魔教真面目,不要受之蒙蔽,泥足深陷。”白衣少年在一旁说道。 Three people are talking, some outside people knock on a door suddenly. 三人正谈话间,外面忽然有人敲门。 Then the group walked. 然后一行人走了进来。 The leaders, wear the bright yellow clothing, an imperial style, the appearance is handsome, young, but imposing manner powerful and heroic. 为首者,身穿明黄服饰,一身皇家气派,面相俊朗,年纪轻轻,但气势沉雄 Saw came the person, the Nie Hua eyebrow to raise: Sixth Prince ……” 见了来人,聂华眉毛一扬:“六殿下……” The words have not said, his vision concentrates suddenly. 话未说完,他目光陡然一凝。 The line of sight of nearby white clothing youngster, falls on an opposite party in the hand continually sheath long sword. 旁边白衣少年的视线,也落在对方手里一把连鞘长剑上。 It seems like two gentlemen have the preparation.” The royal robe youth said with a smile: this King brings a good news to two gentlemen, the furthermore there is another bad news.” “看来二位先生已经有心理准备了。”王袍青年笑道:“本王给二位先生带来一个好消息,还有一个坏消息。” He raises in the hand continually the sheath long sword: Good news, such as two institutes to see, your sect fourth mister is most likely still alive.” 他扬起手中连鞘长剑:“好消息,如二位所见,贵派四先生很可能还尚在人世。” Nie Hua and that white clothing youngster took a deep breath. 聂华和那白衣少年都深吸一口气 That is Sword Sovereign fourth disciple, Absolute Sword Xie Xingmang's sword! 那是剑皇门下四弟子,绝剑解星芒的佩剑 On the royal robe youth face appears several points of happy expression, the line of sight falls on Ying Qingqing. 王袍青年脸上浮现几分笑意,视线落在应青青身上。 Bad news is, perhaps your honored guests, with involvement of Demon Cult, compared with us estimated that comes deeply.” “坏消息则是,你们这位贵客,跟魔教的牵连,恐怕比我们预想中来得更深。” Nie Hua asked: „Did Sixth Prince this say what intent?” 聂华问道:“六殿下此言何意?” Sends with the sword together, letter/believes.” royal robe youth beckons with the hand, he accompanies to offer the letter behind. “同剑一起送来的,还有封信。”王袍青年招招手,他身后随从奉上信件。 After Nie Hua received launches, looks with nearby white clothing youth together. 聂华接过后展开,同旁边白衣青年一起看。 The letter/believes is very short. 信很短。 On ten characters. 就十个字。 a person for a person, a life for a life.” 一人换一人,一命换一命。”
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