IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#42: You want too many( to ask the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

„Does Cult Master, how handle these two people?” Xiao Yuntian bows to salute. 教主,如何处置这二人?”萧云天躬身行礼。 Chen Luoyang sitting high on the seat, the vision takes a fast look around below Helian Zhe and Zaller two people. 陈洛阳高居座上,目光扫视下方赫连喆扎勒二人。 In his heart calculates fast. 他心中飞快盘算。 The line of sight first falls on Zaller, tone optional instruction: This, Tianheng takes away the interrogation.” 视线首先落在扎勒身上,语气随意的吩咐道:“这个,天恒领走审讯。” Zhang Tianheng leaves ranks immediately: Yes, Cult Master.” 张天恒当即出列:“是,教主。” After Zaller is captured, the state of mind is stable. 扎勒被擒之后,心境还算稳定。 At this time heard to interrogate itself, this foreign race old man was also without turning a hair, obviously had the expectation early. 这时听见要审讯自己,这异族老者也面不改色,显然早有预料。 Chen Luoyang swept Helian Zhe again: This, Yuntian takes away.” 陈洛阳再扫了一眼赫连喆:“这个,云天领走吧。” Then, then takes back the vision, no longer cared. 说罢,便收回目光,不再关心。 Xiao Yuntian said immediately: Thanked the Cult Master kindness.” 萧云天当即说道:“谢教主恩典。” Nearby Wang Dubao asked at this time: Left Envoy Xiao, how do you plan to handle him?” 一旁的王独豹这时问道:“萧左使,你打算怎么处置他?” Punishes properly according to law.” Xiao Yuntian replied lightly. “明正典刑。”萧云天淡淡答道。 Wang Dubao tactful saying: Left Envoy Xiao, Black Emperor Xiuzhe although at present severe wound, but did not have dead ……” after all 王独豹委婉的说道:“萧左使,黑帝修哲眼下虽然重伤,但毕竟还没死……” Vajrapani hehe said with a smile: Xiuzhe collapses completely in Cult Master, which also has a face provokes this cult again?” 金刚呵呵笑道:“修哲教主手下一败涂地,哪还有脸再来挑衅本教?” be that as it may, but if killed this pretty boy, is difficult to guarantee Xiuzhe not to retaliate in the future.” Wang Dubao said: He naturally did not have the courage to look for Cult Master, but this cult sacred region was vast in territory, cult members large number, Xiuzhe, if abandoned the status face do not retaliate wholeheartedly, has to guard.” 话虽如此,但要是杀了这个小白脸,难保修哲日后不报复。”王独豹说道:“他当然没胆子来找教主了,但本教圣域幅员辽阔,教众人数众多,修哲若是舍了身份脸面不要一心报复,不得不防啊。” On the Vajrapani face the smiling face is slightly stiff, looked at Chen Luoyang one on place secretly. 金刚脸上笑容略微僵硬,偷瞄了座上的陈洛阳一眼。 He somewhat afraid saying: Xiuzhe considered only itself to escape a moment ago wholeheartedly, does not pay attention to this pretty boy, obviously doesn't regard as important this person?” 他有些心虚的说道:“修哲刚才一心只顾自己逃跑,都不理会这个小白脸,可见也不是那么看重此人吧?” Because of this, was explaining that Xiuzhe regards as important this pretty boy very much.” Zhang Tianheng careless saying. “正因为这样,才说明修哲很看重这小白脸。”张天恒大大咧咧的说道。 He previously already severe wound, again with me and other dogfights, if stirs up Cult Master is not quick, they must die today here. Only then Xiuzhe escaped, had the deterrent force that will retaliate in the future, after we held his person, then possibly has scruples like the present, instead saved the poor life of this pretty boy.” “他先前已经重伤,再与我等缠斗,万一惹得教主不快,他们今天全都要死在这里。只有修哲自己逃出去了,才具备日后报复的威慑力,我们抓住他的人以后,便可能像现在这样有所顾忌,反而保住这小白脸的小命。” Zhang Tianheng that said, but the facial expression is unruly, the tone is frivolous, complete the appearance that mixes to be liberal with. 张天恒话虽如此说,但神情桀骜,语气轻佻,完全一副混不吝的模样。 Wang Dubao shakes the head: After all it's still better to be careful.” 王独豹摇摇头:“毕竟还是要小心的。” They look up above Chen Luoyang. 他们抬头看上方的陈洛阳 Chen Luoyang sits quietly motionless, the facial expression is indifferent. 陈洛阳安坐不动,神情淡然。 This, first solves the this cult main altar this side problem, later, does not need he to crop up, this cult first directly searches for him to come out to process well then.” “今次,先解决本教总坛这边的问题,之后,不用等他冒头,本教直接搜他出来处理掉便好。” Demon Cult people hearing this, the spirit inspires: Respectfully follows Cult Master to command.” 魔教众人闻言,都精神一振:“谨遵教主谕令。” Wang Dubao said to Xiao Yuntian, who is shrouded in flowing wind submissively: Today looks like, Black Emperor truly regards as important to this Helian Zhe extremely, Left Envoy Xiao might as well first sends for the time being this person of poor life, later searches the Black Emperor whereabouts, or has the use.” 王独豹冲着流风笼罩下的萧云天拱手说道:“今日看来,黑帝对这赫连喆确实极为看重,萧左使不妨将此人小命暂且先寄下,稍后搜索黑帝下落,或有用处。” Xiao Yuntian looked at Helian Zhe. 萧云天看了一眼赫连喆 Silent after long time, his slight nod. 沉默半晌后,他微微点头。 Chen Luoyang sits, is seemingly careless, but has observed hand/subordinate people's response in secret. 陈洛阳坐着,看似漫不经心,但一直暗中观察手下众人的反应。 Currently speaking, Xiao Yuntian this person is not warm-hearted to the Demon Cult business. 目前来说,萧云天此人对魔教事务不算热心。 But can guarantee to dedicate. 但能保证尽心。 Is also loyal and devoted. 同时忠心耿耿。 People skills take the Demon Cult benefit as first, does not hesitate to suppress his idea. 为人处事以魔教利益为优先,不惜压制其自身的想法。 However, can this reach some limit in later? 不过,这在以后会不会达到某种极限呢? Cannot treat it lightly, must try to reduce and solve is...... Chen Luoyang mentally said. 还是不能掉以轻心,要设法化解才是……陈洛阳心道 Helian Zhe is at this moment pale, is calm, but does not have the vitality/angry. 赫连喆此刻脸色苍白,情绪还算稳定,但全无生气。 Zaller deeply looked at his one eyes. 扎勒则深深看了他一眼。 Helian Zhe as if knows the meaning of this old seniors. 赫连喆仿佛知道这位老前辈的意思。 He is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 他苦笑着摇摇头。 Xiuzhe Black Death Heavenly Book has the flaw, regarding this he does not know the circumstances of the matter. 修哲黑死天书有缺陷,对此他并不知情。 Although Helian Zhe did not determine that Demon Cult has to prepare or score a lucky hit early, but the secret in this aspect definitely does not divulge from his here. 虽然赫连喆不确定魔教是早有准备还是歪打正着,但这方面的秘密肯定不是从他这里泄露。 The opportunity that the Demon Cult people have not continued to exchange to them, Xiao Yuntian and Zhang Tianheng distinguish take along to withdraw two people immediately. 魔教众人没给他们继续交流的机会,萧云天张天恒当即将二人分别带下去 Dubao, then, you then keep Qian Prefecture.” Chen Luoyang told. 独豹,接下来,你便留在黔州。”陈洛阳吩咐道。 Wang Dubao knees down: Respectfully follows Cult Master to command.” 王独豹单膝跪地:“谨遵教主谕令。” Shu Prefecture that northwest Qian Prefecture then Demon Cult just hit continually newly. 黔州西北连接着魔教刚刚新打下来的蜀州 The north side is Yu Prefecture that because Five-colored Hall falls newly. 北边是因为五色堂新降的渝州 One are the Dian Prefecture northeast gateway. 自身则是滇州的东北门户。 To the southeast, is Xiang Prefecture and Yue Prefecture of demon region rule core. 向东南去,是魔域统治核心的象州粤州 East Xiāng Prefecture, one of the forefronts then with Great Xia Dynasty fighting. 东边的湘州,则是与大夏皇朝争锋的最前线之一。 Guards Dian Prefecture Zhang Tianheng to follow Chen Luoyang to go back to help main altar. 镇守滇州张天恒可以跟随陈洛阳回援总坛 But guards Qian Prefecture Wang Dubao to need to keep own branch to assume personal command, colludes the demon region east, west, south, and north. 但镇守黔州王独豹则有必要留在自己的分舵坐镇,勾连魔域东西南北。 foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe is repulsed. 异族左贤王修哲败退。 Although its subordinate some foreign race expert, if by any chance after Wang Dubao returns to Demon Cult Qian Prefecture branch, by numerous Mountain Moving Golden Ape that the family raises, may support greatly for a while. 虽然还有其麾下部分异族高手,但等王独豹回到魔教黔州分舵后,凭借眷养的众多搬山金猿,也大可支撑一时。 Deciding place, eventually also in Demon Cult main altar. 决胜负的地方,终究还在魔教总坛 Others, then along with Cult Master continue together to the southeast go. 其他人,便随教主一起继续向东南而去。 After the people must make, draws back in abundance. 众人得令后,纷纷退下。 Chen Luoyang also leaves the main hall, returns to own room. 陈洛阳也离开大殿,返回自己的房间。 He looks down oneself palm. 他低头看自己的手掌。 a light shout, is killed by shock Martial King "Black Owl" Ehanko. 一声轻喝,震死武王“黑枭”额汉柯 A fist, defeats Black Death Heavenly Book great accomplishment Martial Emperor Xiuzhe. 一拳,击败黑死天书大成武帝修哲 But after displaying great technique of staking all on one throw, oneself is weak, the grief feeling obvious enhancement, is unable to fight the person again. 但施展孤注一掷大法后,自己身体虚弱,伤痛感觉明显增强,无法再跟人动手。 According to experience, for one day and one night , just now can restore. 按照经验,一天一夜过后,方才能恢复。 If not use great technique of staking all on one throw, present approximately are also the Martial Ancestor level. 如果不使用孤注一掷大法的话,眼下的自己大约也就是个武宗的水平。 Indeed, on Grand Land of the Divine Province, Martial Ancestor actually has establishing a monastery or sect, being majestically located a county is as for basing qualifications of state, innumerable Acquired Martial Artist and Innate Martial Master are unattainable. 诚然,在神州浩土上,武宗其实已经有开山立派,雄踞一郡乃至于立足一州的资格,无数后天武者先天武师可望而不可及。 Places Demon Cult, was the authentic lineage direct legacy backbone. 放在魔教内部,也是正宗嫡传骨干了。 But to the current situation, was too miserable, is completely insufficient. 但对自己当前的处境来说,就太惨了,完全不够用。 Chen Luoyang takes up a crushed stone, ligthly touching it back and forth with his finger, the feeling Clear Sky Divine Sword sword intent that contains. 陈洛阳拿起一块碎石,手指轻轻摩梭,感受其中蕴藏的昊天神剑剑意 As soon as possible therapy is proper. 尽快疗伤是正经。 His vision gradually becomes sharp. 他目光渐渐变得锐利。 One day and one night passed. 一天一夜过去。 The six dragons imperial cart flying the line, passes through Qian Prefecture ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountains. 六龙皇辇飞天而行,穿越黔州万里山川。 Later, Chen Luoyang summons Zhang Tianheng. 晚些时候,陈洛阳传召张天恒 reporting to the Cult Master, the old man very is very slippery, subordinate needs to select the time to confirm his oral confession.” The Zhang Tianheng report said. 禀教主,那老头很贼滑,属下需要多点时间验证他的口供。”张天恒汇报道。 this Majesty sees him.” The Chen Luoyang indifferent instruction said. 本座见见他。”陈洛阳淡然吩咐道。 Zhang Tianheng receives an order immediately, goes to bring in front of Chen Luoyang. 张天恒当即领命,去把人带来陈洛阳面前。 Zaller looks at does not have the wound, but the facial expression cannot withstand wearily. 扎勒身上看着无伤,但神情委顿不堪。 Chen Luoyang beckons with the hand, then Zhang Tianheng under drawing back. 陈洛阳摆摆手,张天恒便即退下。 old man has seen Cult Master Chen.” Zaller spunks up, looks to Chen Luoyang. 老朽见过陈教主。”扎勒强打起精神,看向陈洛阳 Chen Luoyang has not actually looked at Zaller oneself. 陈洛阳却没有看扎勒本人。 His line of sight, falls on the Zaller personal effects. 他的视线,落在扎勒的随身物品上。 These things after the Zhang Tianheng inspection, offered at this time, glances for oneself Cult Master. 这些东西经过张天恒检查,这时也如数奉上,供自家教主过目。 Chen Luoyang stands up, before arriving at these goods, puts out a hand to take up side small cauldron. 陈洛阳站起身来,走到这些物品前,伸手拿起其中一方小鼎 foreign race medical skill, with central land furnace refining pills and medicine?” He asked indifferently. 异族医术,也用中土鼎炉炼丹炼药?”他淡然问道。 Zaller replied: central land has the word, stones from other hills may serve to polish jade, swallows anything and everything uncritically, gets rid of the bad and retains the good.” 扎勒答道:“中土有言,他山之石,可以攻玉,兼收并蓄,去芜存菁。” Chen Luoyang light nod. 陈洛阳淡淡点头。 In the Zaller heart the thought revolves rapidly. 扎勒心中念头飞转。 Demon Sovereign summoned him alone, whether can rely on for help his medical skill and pill refining technique? 魔皇单独召见他,是否要借重他的医术和炼丹术? Such it seems like, hasn't the Demon Sovereign severe wound recovered? 这么看来,魔皇到底还是重伤未愈? Previously defeated His Highness, was actually opportunistic? 先前击败自家王上,其实是取巧? How should he then do? 他接下来该怎么做? Whether to help therapy insincerely, looks for the opportunity in secret except at present this unparalleled demon? 能否假意帮忙疗伤,暗中寻找机会除去眼前这个盖世魔头? He knows the secret of opposite party, after helping the opposite party therapy, will definitely eliminate a potential informant. 他知道对方的秘密,等帮对方疗伤后,肯定会被灭口。 How can delay some date and time, and found the opportunity relation outside world, informs His Highness and the others? 如何才能多拖延些时日,并找到机会联系外界,通知王上等人? In the old man heart is thinking. 老头心中正思索。 Sees front Chen Luoyang to show a faint smile suddenly. 忽见面前的陈洛阳微微一笑。 With central land pill refining furnace same good.” “跟中土炼丹鼎炉一样就好。” Chen Luoyang said, superficial, a palm pats in the Zaller top of the head! 陈洛阳说罢,轻描淡写,一掌拍在扎勒头顶!
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