IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#41: Some sleepy people deliver the pillow( asked recommendation ticket to seek collection!)

In the lava sea of fire, Xiuzhe looks up to Chen Luoyang on six dragons imperial cart, does not say a word. 熔岩火海之中,修哲仰望六龙皇辇上的陈洛阳,不发一言。 On the Chen Luoyang face the light disappointment disappears quickly, returns to normal. 陈洛阳脸上淡淡的失望之情很快消失,恢复平静。 His directly takes back the line of sight, turns around to leave side the windowing without consulting anybody. 直接收回视线,径自转身离开窗边。 Also disdains to continue to pay attention to Xiuzhe as if unexpectedly again. 竟似乎再也不屑继续关注修哲 Tranquilly to being possible be called the indifferent sound transmits. 只有平静到堪称漠然的声音传来。 Xiuzhe no longer has with the qualifications that this Majesty fights, your several looks at processed.” 修哲不再有跟本座交手的资格,你们几个看着处理了。” Previously because Xiuzhe dreadful arrogance, but the anxious six flood dragons, restored strength and glory at this time, from the sky kept crying loud and long, resounds through Yuntian. 先前因为修哲滔天气焰而不安的六条蛟龙,这时也重振雄风,在空中不停长啸,响彻云天 The Demon Cult people acknowledged loudly. 魔教众人轰然应诺。 Respectfully follows Cult Master to command!” “谨遵教主谕令!” At present the magma sea of fire is in flood, place that has almost not put one's foot down. 眼前岩浆火海泛滥,几乎没有下脚的地方。 Zhang Tianheng said with a smile to Wang Dubao: old Wang, we cooperate today.” 张天恒王独豹笑道:“老王,今天咱俩合作一场。” He waves, side then has to hand over a great bow hand/subordinate. 他挥挥手,身旁便有手下递上来一张巨弓。 Also some people deliver one to Wang Dubao. 同时也有人给王独豹送过去一张。 Humpbacked Wang Dubao received the great bow, the back straightened up a point slightly. 驼背的王独豹接过巨弓,腰杆略微挺直了一点。 Both Demon Cult Protector are the same movements, grasps the bow, the wrist/skill of another hand, contacts the bowstring, then a stroke. 两位魔教护法都是相同动作,一手持弓,另外一只手的手腕,接触弓弦,然后一划。 The themselves wrist lineage/vein, were lacerated by the bowstring immediately, blood crossflow. 他们自己的腕脉,顿时被弓弦割破,鲜血横流。 Two people also draw. 两人同时拉弓。 Blood that on the bowstring flows, the automation is a blood arrow. 弓弦上流淌的鲜血,自动化为血箭。 Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe in goal direction lava sea of fire. 目标指向熔岩火海中的左贤王修哲 Although the opposite party is stranded for the magma, but regarding Martial Emperor realm expert, Zhang Tianheng and the others gives the foot respect. 虽然对方为岩浆所困,但对于一位武帝境界强者,张天恒等人还是给足尊重。 If the intention approached the distance to hit falls hot dog, finally likely stuck out suddenly by Xiuzhe backlashes. 如果意图靠近了距离去打“落火狗”,结果很可能被修哲暴起反噬。 Therefore, they choose attack. 于是,他们选择远攻。 Demon Cult one of the 36 great secret legacies. 魔教三十六密传之一 Heavenly Vein Blood Arrow! 天脉血箭 Two Martial King, burn the vitality to take the price, the receiving in exchange absolutely tyrannical striking power. 两个武王,燃烧自身气血作为代价,换取绝对强横的攻击力。 Two great bows, is specially-made divine weapon. 两张巨弓,也是特制的神兵 Places usually, Xiuzhe does not care. 放在平时,修哲不在意。 But at this moment, his Black Death Heavenly Book strength is keeping being weakened by the earth fire lava. 但此刻,他一身黑死天书的力量正不停被地火熔岩削弱。 When two blood arrow aim at him, heart immediately warning sign of reappearing danger. 当两支血箭指向他的时候,心头顿时浮现危险的警兆 Helian Zhe, Murong Xing and other foreign race expert, the going forward intention prevents Zhang Tianheng and Wang Dubao hastily. 赫连喆慕容行异族高手,连忙上前意图阻止张天恒王独豹 But has Vajrapani, Shangguan Song, Elder Ming Jing and other Demon Cult expert interception. 但自有金刚上官松明镜长老等其他魔教高手拦截。 Walks.” “都走。” In the lava sea of fire been stranded Xiuzhe, seemingly sits waiting for death, but actually order Ten Steeds retreats hand/subordinate. 熔岩火海中被困的修哲,看似坐以待毙,但却命令手下十骏撤退。 Zhang Tianheng and Wang Dubao two people loosen the bowstring. 张天恒王独豹二人松开弓弦。 Immediately two daoist rainbows after day. 顿时两道长虹经天。 The blood-color rainbow arrives in front of Xiuzhe instantaneously. 血色的长虹瞬间就到修哲面前。 Xiuzhe big shouts. 修哲喝一声 Surviving black death evil strength centralized at 2 : 00, keeps off the next two blood arrow accurately. 残存的黑死邪劲集中于两点,准确挡下两支血箭。 But distant Zhang Tianheng and Wang Dubao not at all is therefore disappointed. 但远方张天恒王独豹并没有因此失望。 They are always hopeless this to kill Martial Emperor. 他们从来没指望这样就能杀死一位武帝 Attack of Heavenly Vein Blood Arrow, only to disturb Xiuzhe. 天脉血箭的攻击,只是为了干扰修哲 Really, Xiuzhe diverts attention to resist the blood arrow, earth fire lava immediately surges upward. 果然,修哲分心抵挡血箭,地火熔岩立马高涨。 Must embezzle him shortly! 眼看就要将他吞没! But at this moment, Xiuzhe long puts out the one breath suddenly. 但就在这时,修哲忽然长长吐出一口气。 This tone puts out, his facial expression is quite exhausted. 这口气吐出,他神情极为疲惫。 But the whole body imposing manner rises suddenly suddenly! 可是周身气势骤然猛涨! Xiuzhe lifts a hand. 修哲抬起一只手。 Sets up the palm like the blade. 立掌如刀。 Then cuts to fall. 然后斩落。 sabre light forwards unceasingly, the front magma sea of fire, breaks out a path. 刀光不断向前,将面前岩浆火海,劈开一条道路。 The overcoat burns down completely, the whole person as if turns into Xiuzhe of hot person, smothers the grief, seizes the chance to run out of lava surrounding fast. 大氅完全烧掉,整个人都仿佛变成个火人的修哲,强忍伤痛,趁机快速冲出熔岩包围。 Previously obtained the foreign race people of Xiuzhe order, drifted apart, fled and became separated separately. 先前得到修哲命令的异族众人,也都纷纷各奔东西,分头逃散。 The Demon Cult people looks at separated magma gets together in together, recalls just now the scene, is surprised. 魔教众人看着被分开的岩浆重新聚合在一起,回想方才场面,都深感意外。 A moment ago was that...... sabre move in Ten Tribulations of the Flame-Yellow?” “刚才那是……炎黄十劫中的刀招吗?” Vajrapani don't dare affirmative asking. 金刚不敢肯定的问道。 Elder Ming Jing and Shangguan Song also nod: Is First Tribulation of the Flame-Yellow.” 明镜长老上官松同时点头:“是炎黄第一劫。” Ten Tribulations of the Flame-Yellow. 炎黄十劫 foreign race race-protecting first absolute technique. 异族镇族第一绝学 Patriarch stands erect the Divine Province peak depending on this absolute technique, overcomes Sabre Sovereign the name. 族主凭此绝学屹立神州巅峰,打下“刀皇”之名。 When has the hearsay foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe youngster also once cultivate Ten Tribulations of the Flame-Yellow. 有传闻异族左贤王修哲少年时也曾修习炎黄十劫 After the youth, actually abandons the blade not to use, then in cultivation foreign race also Black Death Heavenly Book of few person study. 青年后却弃刀不用,转而修练异族中也少有人学的黑死天书 Finally Xiuzhe Black Death Heavenly Book great accomplishment, reaches to the unprecedented boundary, achievement Martial Emperor Realm. 最终修哲黑死天书大成,臻至前无古人之境,成就武帝之境 Black Emperor also becomes under Patriarch, now foreign race first expert. 黑帝也成为族主之下,当今异族第一高手 never before thinks, today fights Demon Sovereign again, collapses completely. 不曾想,今日再战魔皇,一败涂地。 forcing Xiuzhe to use the sabre once again. 逼得修哲再次动刀 Present he has the blade, the might is less than cultivate many years of Black Death Heavenly Book. 如今的他出刀,威力不及修习多年的黑死天书 But actually not by earth fire lava restraint. 但却不受地火熔岩克制。 Finally gives him a go out way out. 终于给他杀出一条生路。 However, when the heaviness of his injury, not first decisive battle Demon Sovereign is slightly lighter , can only retreat as soon as possible. 不过,这一趟他伤势之重,不比第一次决战魔皇时稍轻,只能尽快退走。 On six dragons imperial cart, Chen Luoyang sits down, facial expression ease depends toward the chairback on. 六龙皇辇上,陈洛阳重新坐下,神情悠然的往椅背上一靠。 After listening the subordinate reports the tactical situation, his optional beckoning with the hand: Disappointing goods, cannot turn the storm.” 听手下人汇报战况后,他随意的摆摆手:“一个让人失望的货色,翻不起风浪。” After front person draws back next, Chen Luoyang grows the one breath. 待面前人退下后,陈洛阳才长出一口气。 Just now soul-stirring, only then, just now slightly alleviation. 方才的惊心动魄,直到此时,方才略微缓解。 Different from Martial King that before assassinated, foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe that just oneself faced, after all was Martial Emperor. 不同于之前行刺的武王,刚刚自己面对的异族左贤王修哲,毕竟是武帝 One of several people high occupying Grand Land of the Divine Province most apex. 高居神州浩土最顶点的几个人之一。 Normally, Demon Sovereign of most flourishing condition wants to win the opposite party, was not three moves of two types can end the fight, must spend a time. 正常情况下,全盛状态的魔皇想要赢对方,都不是三招两式能结束战斗,需花费一番功夫。 Let alone do oneself only have one move? 何况自己只有一招? this move, must hit in the opposite party vital part. 这一招,必须打在对方要害处。 Black Emperor Xiuzhe has such obvious strategic point luckily. 幸好黑帝修哲有这么个明显的要害。 Before through black pot, Chen Luoyang knew the opposite party, although promoted Black Death Heavenly Book cultivation base, but the deduction estimated was still imperfect, had the place of gaps and omissions. 之前通过黑壶,陈洛阳得知对方虽然提升黑死天书修为,但推演揣摩尚不完善,有缺漏之处。 Xiuzhe Black Death Heavenly Book eleventh layer realm, at present strictly speaking, perhaps calling it the 10.5th layer would be more accurate. 修哲黑死天书第十一重境界,目前严格来说,或许叫十点五重更准确 The might was truly stronger than before. 威力确实比之前强。 But has the obviously weak area. 但却有明显短板。 In brief. 简而言之。 Fears the fire! 怕火! Naturally, the same fire is definitely useless. 当然,一般的火肯定没用。 Must be the extremely violent enthusiasm. 必须是极为猛烈的火劲。 Therefore Chen Luoyang chooses in Qian Prefecture the only volcano area, Thousand Tides Mountain as the decisive battle place. 所以陈洛阳才选择黔州境内唯一的火山地区,千潮山作为决战地点。 Therefore his useless Divine Martial Demon Fist, but is use first-level absolute technique, Great Sun Heavenly King Secret Art. 所以他没用神武魔拳,而是使用次一级的绝学,大日天王诀 Happen to restrains Xiuzhe current Black Death Heavenly Book, hits the weak area of opposite party specially. 正好克制修哲目前的黑死天书,专打对方的短板。 Finally strikes to subdue. 终于一击制胜。 However then Xiuzhe refuses stubbornly dead, must look at the magma sea of fire. 不过接下来修哲死不死,就要看岩浆火海了。 Xiuzhe can rush , is only left over half life. 修哲能闯出去,也只剩下半条命。 Then, should pose the threat very much difficultly again. 接下来,应该很难再形成威胁了。 Chen Luoyang sighed at heart. 陈洛阳心里叹口气。 Outside Thousand Tides Mountain, Qian Prefecture within the boundaries any place, will not has today's victory. 千潮山以外,黔州境内任何一个地方,都不会有今天的战果。 Xiuzhe is obviously clear to his weak area. 修哲对他自己的短板显然再清楚不过。 Enhancing strong points and avoiding weaknesses obviously is the righteous path principle. 扬长避短显然才是正道理。 For no matter his face countenance self-respect is also good, feared that Demon Cult throws in Helian Zhe directly the crater. 不管是为了其自身的颜面自尊也好,还是怕魔教赫连喆直接扔火山口里也罢。 He came Thousand Tides Mountain finally. 他最终还是来了千潮山 The Chen Luoyang vision gradually becomes tranquil. 陈洛阳目光渐渐变得平静。 In his moment mind is transferring the idea, only has one gradually. 他此刻脑海里转着的想法,渐渐只剩下一个。 Oneself later, if like today's Xiuzhe, there is a soft rib flaw to be caught by the opponent, what to do should? 自己以后,如果像今天的修哲一样,有软肋破绽被对手抓到,该怎么办? After long time, Chen Luoyang cannot help laughing, shakes the head. 半晌之后,陈洛阳哑然失笑,摇了摇头。 At this time, the Demon Cult people returned to six dragons imperial cart to report after carrying out orders. 这时,魔教众人返回六龙皇辇上复命。 They a moment ago, pursued other foreign race expert outside Xiuzhe. 他们刚才,追击修哲以外的其他异族高手 Xiao Yuntian melts in the hurricane, is binding two person's shadows excluding him, returns to the main hall. 萧云天所化飓风中,裹着除他本人以外的两个人影,回到大殿里。 Two people were thrown on the ground. 两个人被扔在地上。 And, clearly Helian Zhe. 其中一个,分明正是赫连喆 Xiao Yuntian hates him to stimulate to movement Black Death Divine Pearl, continuously him. 萧云天恨他催动黑死神珠,一直记着他。 Xiuzhe just now cannot take care of oneself, finally Helian Zhe was clutched unexpectedly by Xiao Yuntian, making Chen Luoyang not know whether to laugh or cry. 修哲方才自顾不暇,结果赫连喆居然又被萧云天揪回来,让陈洛阳哭笑不得。 However, his moment attention falls on another person. 不过,他此刻注意力落在另外一人身上。 Before treated Helian Zhe, leading him to evacuate together, finally by 'Medicinal King of the Northern Desert' Zaller that Xiao Yuntian altogether grasped. 之前医治赫连喆,带他一起撤离,结果被萧云天一并抓回来的“漠北医王”扎勒 In the Chen Luoyang heart moves. 陈洛阳心中一动。 He was previously pondering over to refine Ten Cycles Returning to Origin Pill. 他先前正琢磨炼制十转归元丹呢。
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