IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#37: Black Emperor( asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

In the horizon presents dark clouds, and approaches to Thousand Tides Mountain rapidly. 地平线上出现一片乌云,并迅速向千潮山靠近。 The Demon Cult people look fixedly on, discovered had seen that crowd of giant mouse. 魔教众人定睛细看,发现正是先前曾经见过的那群巨鼠 giant mouse all over howls to run, turnover black mist, condensed and gathered firmly, changes into the dark cloud. 漫山遍野的巨鼠呼啸奔跑间,吞吐黑雾,凝结不散,化为乌云。 Previously in Dead Sea black tide, this crowd of giant mouse were like a fish in water. 先前死海黑潮里,这群巨鼠如鱼得水。 But Dead Sea black tide pointed out by the Demon Cult ball, Helian Zhe was also captured alive. 死海黑潮魔教弹指破去,赫连喆也被生擒活捉。 Mouse King Daubje smells there is something wrong, retreats with other companions hastily together, these giant mouse also escape along with him. 鼠王多布杰见势不妙,连忙跟其他同伴一起退走,那些巨鼠也随他逃跑。 Now, reappears. 现在,又重新出现。 Build of not like when Dead Sea black tide is so huge, but still had the small calf size, the appearance is rogue. 不像死海黑潮里时体型那么庞大,但一个个都仍然有小牛犊般大小,面目凶恶骇人。 After the mouse group rushes to the Thousand Tides Mountain nearby stops, disperses to the two sides. 鼠群跑到千潮山附近后停下,向两边散开。 In black mist, the huge forms appear gradually. 黑雾里,渐渐有一个巨大的身影浮现。 As if a small mountain peak of movement, goes out from black mist slowly. 仿佛一座移动的小山峰,从黑雾中徐徐走出。 That is unequalled giant wolf! 那是一头硕大无朋的巨狼 The whole body hair pitch-black shines, two eye pupils just like the deep green fireball, in the mouth sends out to make the person palpitation roaring sound. 通体毛发乌黑发亮,两只眼瞳犹如碧绿的火球,口中发出令人心悸的咆哮声。 By giant wolf is setting up a guy, the height about two meters. 巨狼旁边立着一个大汉,身高两米开外。 Compared with giant wolf, its figure nature small pity. 巨狼相比,其身形自然小的可怜。 However on this man actually spreads compared with the aura that giant wolf also wants the terrifying. 然而这汉子身上却传出比巨狼还要恐怖的气息。 giant wolf blindly follows suit, follows in its side. 巨狼亦步亦趋,跟在其旁边。 On the guy face the smiling face is willful and insolent, looks to Thousand Tides Mountain above six dragons imperial cart, although is looks up, but has nothing to look up at meaning of respect, instead hehe sneers. 大汉脸上笑容恣意而又张狂,望向千潮山上空的六龙皇辇,虽然是抬头看去,但没有任何仰视尊重的意味,反而嘿嘿冷笑。 On six dragons imperial cart, Xiao Yuntian looked at that guy one eyes, said: Bakun.” 六龙皇辇上,萧云天看了那大汉一眼,说道:“巴昆。” He has just now fought with the opposite party a short time ago. 他前不久才刚跟对方交过手。 Virtuous King of the Left subordinate Chief of the Ten Steeds. 左贤王帐下十骏之首 'Demon Wolf' Bakun. “魔狼”巴昆 In Divine Province central land northern border martial artist there is a saying spreads. 神州中土北疆武者有说法流传。 That is not a person, radically is a monster that is throwing over the person skin. 那不是人,根本就是一头披着人皮的怪兽。 In Ten Steeds most bloodthirsty crazy existence, cruel bloodthirsty, violent militant, runs amuck Northern Desert, recognizing in Ten Steeds is most dangerous the tyrannical character. 十骏之中最为嗜血疯狂的存在,残忍嗜杀,暴烈好战,横行漠北,公认十骏中最危险强横的人物。 However, after having looked at Bakun one, the line of sight of Xiao Yuntian then moves out of the way. 不过,看过巴昆一眼后,萧云天的视线便挪开。 Other Demon Cult people, is the same movement. 魔教其他人,也是相同动作。 Their attention, were captured by another person at this moment firmly. 他们的目光,此刻都牢牢被另一个人吸引。 'Demon Wolf' Bakun side, is setting up that mountain peak huge black wool giant wolf. “魔狼”巴昆身旁,立着那头山峰般庞大的黑毛巨狼 In the giant wolf top of the head, then sits another person. 巨狼头顶,则坐着另外一人。 Wears all black overcoat, the whole person besides the face the overcoat by the man who wraps. 一个身披纯黑大氅,除了脸以外整个人都被大氅包裹起来的男子。 His figure is slim, seeming like different from most foreign race people. 他身材瘦小,看上去同大多数异族人不同。 The face of reveal outside fur overcoat is quite pale, often coughs lightly, a weak appearance. 露在毛皮大氅外的面孔极为苍白,不时轻咳,一副体弱多病的样子。 But on six dragons imperial cart, no one dares to despise this seemingly feeble man. 六龙皇辇上,无人敢轻视这个看似病弱的男子。 'Demon Wolf' Bakun stands by under giant wolf, although the imposing manner is rogue, but accompanies to be the same like the guard. “魔狼”巴昆站在下方巨狼旁边,气势虽然凶恶,但如同侍卫随从一样。 Can make this human form ominous beast obedient, is resigned to the person who submits , the status is obvious. 能让这头人形凶兽俯首帖耳,甘心臣服的人,身份昭然若揭。 Divine Province one of the five emperors. 神州五帝之一 foreign race Virtuous King of the Left, Black Emperor Yuwen Xiuzhe. 异族左贤王,“黑帝宇文修哲 The whole body wraps the man under all black overcoat, at this time also looked to six dragons imperial cart. 浑身包裹在纯黑大氅下的男子,这时也向六龙皇辇看去。 In Demon Cult people heart imposing. 魔教众人都心中凛然。 not like 'Demon Wolf' Bakun is so rogue fierce. 不像“魔狼”巴昆那么狰狞凶恶。 The Xiuzhe facial expression is very gentle. 修哲的神情很平和。 But he takes to the pressure of person, by far Bakun. 但他带给人的压力,远胜巴昆 Chen Luoyang calmly sits, remains unmoved. 陈洛阳静静坐着,不为所动。 But in his heart also beats a drum slightly. 但他心中也微微打鼓。 Xiuzhe has not displayed any cultivation base strength, but to the direct-viewing feeling of person, as if blotted out the sky to cover all sea tide of thousand li (500 km) also yesterday to unexpectedly be sadder worse. 修哲没有展现任何修为力量,但给人的直观感觉,竟似乎比昨日铺天盖地覆盖千里的四海大潮还要更加凄厉。 Martial King by far Martial Ancestor. 武王远胜武宗 Martial Emperor really with Martial King is the completely different levels. 武帝果然跟武王又是完全不同的层次。 The Chen Luoyang heart is relaying the thought that in the surface calmly. 陈洛阳心中转着念头,面上则若无其事。 His facial expression is relaxed, to subordinate optional waving. 他神情轻松,冲着身边属下随意的挥挥手。 Yes, Cult Master.” Zhang Tianheng smiles, raised Helian Zhe, arrives at outside the main hall, then shouted loudly: Cult Master has the command, the foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe body arranges in order the position of five emperors, when to treat courteously it, bestows the person of burying especially.” “是,教主。”张天恒嘿嘿一笑,提了赫连喆,走到大殿外边,然后高声喝道:“教主有令,异族左贤王修哲身列五帝之位,当以礼待之,特赐殉葬之人。” Then, his directly loosen. 说罢,他直接手一松。 Helian Zhe then falls from six dragons imperial cart. 赫连喆便从六龙皇辇上落下。 Falls straightly to the under crater. 笔直摔向下方火山口。 Helian Zhe could only catch a glimpse of the black figure on the head of the giant wolf far below the mountain. 赫连喆只来得及望了远方山下巨狼头顶那个黑色的身影一眼 Then the whole person is dizzy, falls downward falls. 然后整个人就天旋地转,向下摔落。 He pours also unyieldingly, clenches the teeth, does not utter a sound. 他倒也硬气,咬紧牙关,不吭一声。 The man who under the black wool giant wolf top of the head, the overcoat covers has not made noise similarly. 黑毛巨狼头顶,大氅笼罩下的男子同样没有出声。 But in the midair, suddenly has golden light together to flash through. 但半空里,突然有一道金光闪过。 Huge Golden Eagle, from the sky glides, flies toward Helian Zhe that crashes downward. 一头巨大的金雕,在空中滑翔,朝着向下坠落的赫连喆飞去。 Words that carefully looks, that really isn't true great vulture. 仔细看的话,那并非真正的巨雕。 But is a person. 而是一个人。 This person of martial way true intent congealment light shadow, the appeared huge Golden Eagle appearance, wraps in which his whole person. 此人一身武道真意凝结光影,显化巨大的金雕模样,将他整个人包裹其中。 He then changes into the true bird probably, hovers in the air, the preparation midway catches Helian Zhe that crashes. 他便像是化为真正的飞鸟,翱翔空中,预备中途接住坠落的赫连喆 foreign race Virtuous King of the Left subordinate Ten Steeds, ranked fifth 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing. 异族左贤王帐下十骏,排名第五“金雕”慕容行 tenth realm, Thought Congealing Realm Martial King expert, excels at movement technique especially, after appeared martial way true intent, seriously like Golden Eagle. 第十境,凝意境界武王强者,尤其擅长身法,显化自身武道真意后,当真如同一头金雕似的。 On six dragons imperial cart, Xiao Yuntian maintains composure. 六龙皇辇上,萧云天不动声色。 The tornado is silent vanishes in the main hall. 龙卷风无声无息间在大殿里消失。 Then appears in the midair, directly blocks the 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing way. 然后于半空中出现,直接挡住“金雕”慕容行的去路。 Murong Xing movement technique is exquisite, in the midair changes, dances in the air freely. 慕容行身法精湛,半空中变向,自如飞舞。 However he is quick, flowing wind is quicker than him. 然而他快,流风比他更快。 Whatever Golden Eagle moves aside, the final result actually seems like one to hit in the storm on own initiative. 任凭金雕躲闪,最后的结果却像是自己一头主动撞进风暴里。 In a twinkling, then has the lines after lines of golden light to scatter downward. 霎时间,便有道道金光向下散落。 As if Golden Eagle tail feather was torn down by the storm. 仿佛金雕翎羽被风暴撕下。 But while Xiao Yuntian take action, in the under ground 'Demon Wolf' Bakun sends out to grin fiendishly, an arrow step runs out then to rush to Thousand Tides Mountain. 但在萧云天出手的同时,下方地面上“魔狼”巴昆发出狞笑,一个箭步冲出便奔上千潮山 Then this guy makes an effort to tread in the ground with the foot again. 然后这大汉再用脚在地面上用力一踏。 Precipice large expanse of disruption at the same time, the Bakun whole person arrow shoots up to the sky equally upwardly. 山岩成片碎裂的同时,巴昆整个人箭一样向上冲天而起。 Vicious overbearing sabre light, imitates, if Beyond the Great Wall of the Northern Desert bone-chilling coldest north wind, slashes the sky and splits the earth. 凶狠霸道的刀光,仿若漠北塞外最凛冽的朔风,斩天裂地 Perhaps he was inferior that the wind is nimble and resourceful. 他或许不如风灵动敏捷。 But this wild swift and violent blade, must divide into two storm. 但这狂暴迅猛的一刀,要将风暴一分为二。 Xiao Yuntian abandoned 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing temporarily, first meets head-on 'Demon Wolf' Bakun. 萧云天暂时舍了“金雕”慕容行,先迎战“魔狼”巴昆 Murong Xing seizes the chance to fly down again. 慕容行趁机再向下飞去。 But on six dragons imperial cart, then there is another person to fall. 六龙皇辇上,则有另一人落下。 Demon Cult wields Qian Prefecture this place branch Kuafu Protector, Wang Dubao. 魔教执掌黔州此地分舵夸父护法,王独豹 Previously was injured by foreign race Blood Soul Secret Incantation, Wang Dubao has not thoroughly restored. 先前被异族血魂密咒所伤,王独豹还未彻底恢复。 But was assassinated Cult Master by the enemy use, making in this Demon Cult Protector surface unable to hang completely. 但被敌人利用来行刺自家教主,让这位魔教护法面上完全挂不住。 Qian Prefecture is his domain, now his where can also heal from a wound safely? 黔州正是他地盘,现在他哪里还能安心养伤? Immediately spunks up, requests a combat assignment to Chen Luoyang. 当即强打起精神,向陈洛阳请战。 Chen Luoyang has no particular preference, has not prevented. 陈洛阳无可无不可,没有阻止。 He is staring at opposite foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe. 他在盯着对面异族左贤王修哲 When Helian Zhe falls from the midair, Xiuzhe does not have the sound, as if not by influence. 赫连喆从半空中落下的时候,修哲全无动静,似乎一点都不受影响 When 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing at the crucial moment, fishes Helian Zhe above the crater, Xiuzhe also remains unmoved. “金雕”慕容行千钧一发之际,在火山口上方捞起赫连喆,修哲也不为所动。 Demon Cult Wang Dubao pursued to tie down Murong Xing, Helian Zhe also has the danger, Xiuzhe as if still did not care. 魔教王独豹追下来缠住慕容行,赫连喆又有危险,修哲似乎仍不在乎。 Sees this, in the Chen Luoyang heart to laugh in one's heart. 看见这一幕,陈洛阳心中暗笑。 Because extremely regards as important, therefore the semblance had not responded. 正因为太过看重,所以外表才没反应。 Xiuzhe fully realized, oneself displays more to Helian Zhe does not care, Helian Zhe is safer. 修哲深知,自己对赫连喆表现得越不在意,赫连喆才越安全。 Is rescued by the subordinate then. 由手下人去营救即可。 He must stare at Chen Luoyang. 他要盯着陈洛阳 But to Chen Luoyang, Xiuzhe does not come today already. 而对陈洛阳来说,修哲今日不来则已。 He comes Thousand Tides Mountain, Chen Luoyang to know oneself guessed right. 他来千潮山,陈洛阳就知道自己猜对了。
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