IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#38: The suppression( asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

According to information that black pot supplies, Thousand Tides Mountain, is place that Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe should not visit. 按照黑壶提供的信息,千潮山,是左贤王修哲不应该踏足的地方。 Even if he has prepared, the risk remains. 哪怕他有所准备,风险仍然存在。 But Xiuzhe came eventually. 修哲终究还是来了。 Chen Luoyang didn't know if he should evaluate the opposite party's self-confidence as strong, or if he should lament that there is true love between those two. 陈洛阳不知道该评价对方自信心强,还是感慨那二位是真爱 In brief, the opposite gives him the opportunity. 总之,对面是给他机会了。 Now must look at whether he can grasp. 现在要看他能否把握住。 Under six dragons imperial cart, on Thousand Tides Mountain, 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing rescues Helian Zhe that crashes. 六龙皇辇下,千潮山上,“金雕”慕容行救下坠落的赫连喆 But Demon Cult Protector Wang Dubao entangles him immediately. 魔教护法王独豹立即缠上他。 old Wang bravery comes out of the feeling of shame, the worry was punished by Cult Master, at present before changes , the slick calm attitude, the move after move storm goes all out, does not give Murong Xing to cast off his opportunity using the movement technique speed. 老王知耻而后勇,担心遭到教主惩罚,眼下是一改之前油滑沉稳的作风,招招强攻拼命,不给慕容行利用身法速度甩开他的机会。 Although because of previously the Blood Soul Secret Incantation reason, the Wang Dubao body and energetic imposing manner somewhat was weak. 虽然因为先前血魂密咒的缘故,王独豹身体和精神气势都还有些虚弱。 But at this moment he, as soon as sweeps the dispirited condition, what end is powerful. 但此刻他一扫萎靡之态,端的是威风凛凛。 Leads a person, Murong Xing to be hard to resist the Wang Dubao fierce offensive. 带着一个人,慕容行难以抵挡王独豹的凶猛攻势。 However, his look does not become alarmed completely. 不过,他神色完全不着慌。 When Wang Dubao threatens assaults, on the mountain suddenly shines to wipe sword light. 就在王独豹气势汹汹抢攻的时候,山上突然亮起一抹剑光 sword light is bright. 剑光明亮耀眼。 But does not have frankly and uprightly. 但全无正大光明之相。 Instead the cold wind is intermittent, the ghost air/Qi densely. 反而阴风阵阵,鬼气森森。 In the dazzling brilliance, there are numerous ghosts to emerge, exudes the continuous wailing sound. 刺眼光辉中,有重重鬼影涌现,发出连绵不绝的尖啸声。 In the Wang Dubao mind, as if ten thousand ghosts cry aloud, soul-stirring, the god seizes. 王独豹脑海中,仿佛有万鬼啼哭,惊心动魄,神为之夺。 In Virtuous King of the Left subordinate Ten Steeds ranked second, is next to 'Demon Wolf' Bakun expert. 左贤王帐下十骏排名第二,仅次于“魔狼”巴昆高手 Ghost Sword Guo Ninglong. 鬼剑郭宁龙 Wang Dubao is not strange to this person, in the past had even also had to do. 王独豹对此人并不陌生,当年甚至还亲身打过交道。 Guo Ninglong really isn't foreign race person, but in years past on Divine Province central land active sword way expert. 郭宁龙并非异族人,而是昔年神州中土上活跃的一位剑道强者 Because antagonizes people too, violated the popular anger, is unable to base in central land, finally north escapes beyond the Great Wall, goes to foreign race, becomes one of the Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe under care Ten Steeds. 因为树敌太多,犯了众怒,无法在中土立足,最终北逃塞外,投奔异族,成为左贤王修哲座下十骏之一。 His moment take action, sword intent changes into endless ghosts prison. 他此刻出手,一身剑意化为森罗鬼狱 In purgatory innumerable evil spirits, all holds the sword, counter cuts down the world. 炼狱中无数厉鬼,个个持剑,逆伐人间。 Wang Dubao actually as if turns a blind eye, still continued to charge into Murong Xing and Helian Zhe. 王独豹却仿佛视若无睹,仍然继续冲向慕容行赫连喆 But these hold the sword evil spirit, then sets up the body is not steady suddenly, the sword light deflection, cuts spatially, is hard to threaten Wang Dubao again. 而那些持剑厉鬼,则忽然立身不稳,剑光偏转,纷纷斩空,难以再威胁王独豹 Vision complex Shangguan Song drops from the clouds. 目光复杂的上官松从天而降。 Cult Master made, he is unable to stay out. 教主令下,他无法置身事外。 At this moment since has moved the seat of honor, Shangguan Song no longer intertwines, the look restores a tranquility. 此刻既然已经动上手,上官松就不再纠结,神色恢复一片宁静。 He has no interest in die to fight with Guo Ninglong, but launches Demon Cult absolute technique, the opposite party is unable to cross him to threaten Wang Dubao again. 他无心跟郭宁龙死斗到底,但展开一身魔教绝学,对方也无法越过他再去威胁王独豹 old Wang has the full confidence, other Cult expert will help cope with Ghost Sword Guo Ninglong. 老王有充分信心,教里其他高手会帮忙对付“鬼剑郭宁龙 Therefore he takes undivided attention, fiercely attacks 'Golden Eagle' Murong Xing. 所以他心无旁骛,猛攻“金雕”慕容行 Murong Xing is quite helpless. 慕容行则极为无奈。 As long as Wang Dubao hesitated a moment ago slightly half step because of Guo Ninglong, Murong Xing displays the movement technique speed advantage to shake off the opponent hopefully. 但凡刚才王独豹因为郭宁龙而稍稍迟疑半步,慕容行发挥身法速度优势就有希望甩开对手。 But now, Wang Dubao presses on step by step, making Murong Xing not have the means. 可现在,王独豹步步紧逼,让慕容行毫无办法。 He can only first be trigged unable to move even a little bit Helian Zhe to fling finally by Demon Cult one side, first deals with the Wang Dubao offensive earnestly. 他最终只能先将被魔教制住动弹不得赫连喆甩到一旁,先认真应付王独豹的攻势。 At the same time, Xiao Yuntian and 'Demon Wolf' in Bakun midair, altogether falls. 同一时间,半空里的萧云天“魔狼”巴昆,也一并落下来。 Side is the swift and violent tornado. 一边是迅猛的龙卷风。 Side is the wild desert sandstorm. 一边是狂暴的大漠风沙。 Two people martial way true intent together appeared, making Thousand Tides Mountain go against almost covers for the storm. 两人武道真意一起显化,使得千潮山顶几乎为风暴所笼罩。 Guo Ninglong and Shangguan Song, Murong Xing and Wang Dubao, hits gloomily. 郭宁龙上官松,慕容行王独豹,也都打得天昏地暗。 In black wool giant wolf side strong black mist, appears three person's shadows, all knits the brows to look at the war between distant mountain ranges. 黑毛巨狼身旁的浓烈黑雾中,现出三个人影,全都皱眉望着远方山峦间的战局。 One of them spreads out the palm exquisitely, palm pure white, as if the mousie of jade squeak squeak called two. 其中一人摊开手掌,掌心一头小巧洁白,仿佛玉石的小老鼠“吱吱”叫了两声。 Then sees to surround area Thousand Tides Mountain, numerous giant mouse wailing that are hard to count, then initiate the charge to Thousand Tides Mountain with one voice. 然后就见包围千潮山一带,难以计数的众多巨鼠齐声尖啸,然后向千潮山发起冲锋。 On six dragons imperial cart, Vajrapani looks to Zhang Tianheng: Is 'Mouse King' Daubje that boy, lets your young married woman take action quickly.” 六龙皇辇上,金刚看向张天恒:“又是‘鼠王’多布杰那厮,快让你那婆娘出手吧。” „The black scale great snake that she previously tamed, the buckle in that Dead Sea black tide, summon wild strange beast, is not necessarily able to fight these to tame many years of mouse temporarily specially.” Zhang Tianheng blew a whistling: But I have other methods.” “她先前驯养的黑鳞巨蛇,都折损在那场死海黑潮里了,临时召唤野生的异兽,未必能斗过这些专门驯养多年的耗子。”张天恒吹了声口哨:“但我自有其他办法。” With his whistling sound, General of Ants stations in Dian Prefecture branch eight big heir. 随着他的口哨声,滇州分舵八大香主中的蚁将军站了出来。 General of Ants starts to strike the sound body previous big drum. 蚁将军开始擂响身前一只大鼓。 Then, the Thousand Tides Mountain mountainside place, appears the large military force suddenly. 然后,千潮山山腰处,突然现出大队人马。 This group of people seem like death qi heavy, fierce giant mouse that but facing being hard to count, they look unafraid, the mood has not fluctuated. 这群人看上去死气沉沉,但面对难以计数的凶猛巨鼠,他们面无惧色,情绪没有丝毫波动。 Order that as the drumbeat transmits, this large numbers of troops automatic arrange the formation, flexible tacit, rigid discipline. 随着鼓声传递的命令,这大批人马自动结阵,灵活默契,纪律严明。 Their cultivation base is all exquisite, full of vigor and energy, the upfront bumps the giant mouse group hardly! 他们个个修为精湛,神完气足,正面硬碰巨鼠群! Dashing about wildly giant mouse bumps into this team of troops, like the sea tide hit reef, the sea tide diverges, the reef is stable! 狂奔的巨鼠碰上这队人马,就像海潮撞击礁石一样,海潮散去,礁石稳定不动! Sees only brigade ant soldier stubbornly defends a position motionless at the same time, but also unceasingly counter-attacks to kill giant mouse. 只见大队蚁兵固守阵地不动的同时,还不断反击杀伤巨鼠 „Is this General of Ants training ant soldier? Lives up to reputation.” Vajrapani expressed admiration. “这就是蚁将军训练的蚁兵?名不虚传啊。”金刚啧啧称奇。 At this time, distant giant wolf side, another person went forward floating, close to mouse region of group and ant soldier battle. 这时,远方巨狼身旁,另一人飘然上前,靠近鼠群和蚁兵交战的地带。 He has not joined the regiment, but sits cross-legged under care, takes out a horse's head qin to sound. 他没有加入战团,而是盘膝座下,取出一只马头琴拉响。 The zither music is melodious. 琴音悠扬动听。 But makes the popularity erythrocyte sedimentation rate concentrate, the heartbeat gradually tends slow even static, probably was been frozen stiff same. 但却让人气血沉凝,心跳渐渐趋于缓慢甚至静止,像是被冻僵一样。 In foreign race Virtuous King of the Left subordinate Ten Steeds ranked tenth Song Above the Wall Barber, the essence excels at sound killing technique, although does not join the upfront fight, but disrupts the ant soldier camp immediately, mouse group eye looks at had the opportunity is not missed. 异族左贤王帐下十骏排行第十的“塞上歌巴博尔,精擅音杀之术,虽不加入正面战斗,但顿时扰乱蚁兵阵营,鼠群眼看着有了可趁之机。 Zhang Tianheng smile however smiles. 张天恒哂然一笑。 Then, behind ant soldier camp, resounds intermittent clear howl, sang just like the phoenix. 然后,蚁兵阵营后方,也响起一阵阵清啸声,宛若凤凰鸣唱。 The howl place visited, the will of the people cannot help but clutches tightly, the vitality fluctuates, like must boil. 啸声所过之处,人心不由自主揪紧,气血浮动,像要沸腾。 The air/Qi of invisible burning hot, neutralized opposite Song Above the Wall the Barber zither music. 无形炙热之气,中和了对面“塞上歌巴博尔的琴音。 By black wool giant wolf, the last foreign race old man looks dignified. 黑毛巨狼旁边,最后一名异族老者神情凝重。 Their this side expert, only remained him. 他们这边高手,只剩他一人了。 In Ten Steeds ranked seventh 'Medicinal King of the Northern Desert' Zaller. 十骏排名第七“漠北医王”扎勒 Is skilled in refining pills and medicine him, is also an expert in using poison. 精于炼丹炼药的他,也是用毒高手 But in opposite Demon Cult camp, similarly possibly has this field of endeavor expert. 但对面魔教阵营中,同样可能有此道强者 However previously that assassination, making them lose Ten Steeds fourth "Black Owl" Ehanko. 然而先前那场刺杀,让他们损失了十骏第四“黑枭”额汉柯 ranked third Mind Ghost Karento because was also drunk broken evil technique by Master of the Demon Cult one, Blood Soul Secret Incantation backlashes, at present is unable to go to battle again. 排第三的“心鬼克伦图也因为被魔教教主一声喝破邪术,血魂密咒反噬,目前无法再出战。 ranked ninth Helian Zhe was captured alive, ranked eighth person at present not. 排第九赫连喆被生擒,排第八的人眼下不在。 This moment Zaller also only does everything possible. 此刻扎勒也唯有尽力而为。 His hand raises, has the invisible brilliance to flash in the midair. 他手一扬,有无形光辉在半空里一闪。 But he just shortly after take action, Demon Cult this side, has the Daoist of Insects vision twinkle. 但他刚出手不久,魔教这边,就有虫道人目光闪烁。 Madame of Fragrances looked at Daoist of Insects one: „Does opposite use the poison?” 香夫人看了虫道人一眼:“对面用毒?” Daoist of Insects nods: Is expert.” 虫道人点点头:“是个高手。” Grandmother of Flowers is not, only thank you for your trouble bothersome daoist you.” Madame of Fragrances smiles tenderly. 花婆婆不在,只有劳道长你了。”香夫人娇笑。 Daoist of Insects also smiles, then claps gently. 虫道人也笑了笑,然后轻轻击掌。 Immediately, flies all over the innumerable color moths. 顿时,漫山遍野飞起无数彩蛾。 The color moth flutters, there is a partly visible a lot of phosphorus powder to scatter in the Thousand Tides Mountain group peaks. 彩蛾振翅间,有若隐若现的大量磷粉散落在千潮山群峰之间。 Opposite Zaller sees that immediately sighed, knows that own method is unable to collect the effect. 对面的扎勒见状,顿时叹息,知道自己的手段无法凑效。 Does not have the Barber zither music and his help, the mouse group cannot break through the Demon Cult ant soldier steel camp, is unable to support Bakun, Guo Ninglong on and Murong Xing mountain. 没有巴博尔的琴音和他的帮助,鼠群始终冲不破魔教蚁兵的钢铁阵营,无法支援山上的巴昆郭宁龙慕容行 Cannot rescue Helian Zhe. 也救不得赫连喆 At this time, the above broadcast the sound. 这时,身后上方传来声音。 Ok, was OK.” “好了,可以了。” Zaller and Daubje shamefacedly lower the head: His Highness.” 扎勒多布杰羞愧低头:“王上。” The giant wolf top of the head, Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe gathered together all black overcoat. 巨狼头顶,左贤王修哲拢了拢身上纯黑大氅。 In the cough sound, stands up slowly. 咳嗽声中,徐徐站起。
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