IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#36: The powerful counter-attack( asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

Chen Luoyang actually also suspected at first Helian Zhe is the foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe bloodlines heir. 陈洛阳最初其实也怀疑赫连喆异族左贤王修哲的血脉子嗣。 But in inquiring the Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe material, after reading its entire life experienced, Chen Luoyang knew that the opposite party had the hobby of homosexuality. 但在查询左贤王修哲的资料,阅读其生平经历后,陈洛阳得知对方有断袖之癖。 In the material mentioned, being for three years ago, Xiuzhe received Helian Zhe to enter subordinate to become one of the Ten Steeds. 资料上提及,在距今三年前,修哲赫连喆帐下成为十骏之一。 The bilateral relations are closer than the master and servant rulers and ministers. 双方关系远比主仆君臣更加亲密。 This in the Xiuzhe material only simple has had one line of characters. 这在修哲的资料上只是简单一笔带过的一行字。 But Chen Luoyang sees some different meaning. 陈洛阳从中看出些许不同的意味。 Is Helian Zhe, merely Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe toyboy plaything? 赫连喆,仅仅是左贤王修哲男宠玩物 or is, does Xiuzhe have on him invests more sentiments? 还是说,修哲有在他身上投入更多感情? Looks at Black Death Divine Pearl on Helian Zhe, as well as he acts arbitrarily using Black Death Divine Pearl attacks the Demon Cult action, Chen Luoyang felt, pure will regard as Xiuzhe toyboy plaything, perhaps is inaccurate. 赫连喆手上的黑死神珠,以及他独断独行利用黑死神珠袭击魔教的举动,陈洛阳觉得,单纯将之看作修哲男宠玩物,或许不准确。 Teased a Helian Zhe only Xiuzhe crotch playing a flute young lad, possibly some extremely despised him. 调侃赫连喆只是修哲胯下一个吹箫童子,可能有些太过轻视他了。 Xiuzhe to his attaching great importance, as well as his conduct attitude, explained that his really isn't is trembling, is a king's right-hand man as dangerous as being in the company of atiger, flatters flattered His Highness concubine. 修哲对他的重视,以及他自身的行事作风,说明他并非战战兢兢,伴君如伴虎,讨好谄媚自家王上的“姬妾”。 Chen Luoyang does not know how should describe. 陈洛阳不知该怎么形容。 using an analogy that might not be appropriate, he feels that Helian Zhe activating the Black Death Divine Pearl to attack the Demon Cult, it's a little bit like a young wife that was accepted into the husband's family and wants to prove herself. 用个可能不那么恰当的比喻,他觉得赫连喆这次催动黑死神珠袭击魔教,有几分受了婆家气,想证明自己的小媳妇模样 Perhaps, his relations with the Xiuzhe, suffices on lover this definition? 或许,他跟修哲的关系,够得上“恋人”这个定义? In the heart had this guess, therefore Chen Luoyang previously made Xiao Yuntian capture alive Helian Zhe. 心中有了这个猜测,所以陈洛阳先前才让萧云天生擒了赫连喆 Zhang Tianheng curls the lip: „A boy unyielding person, the torture does not have an effect actually, but in his state of mind has such big flaw, my slightly circuitous, he swallowed the bait.” 张天恒撇撇嘴:“那小子倒是个硬骨头,拷打不起作用,但他心境上有这么大的破绽,我稍微迂回一下,他就上钩了。” Previously the mystical rare news flowed out, but also guessed that he has the special skill that anything keeps secret, now looks like, really has the originality.” This agile and fierce youth shakes the head again and again, the color of whole face despising: foreign race advocates expert compared with other Divine Province places for the king, regards as important the genuine materials, the boy by selling the buttocks becomes Virtuous King of the Left under care Ten Steeds, knows the person who truth definitely looks down upon him, he to prove oneself, wanting to pin on Black Death Divine Pearl.” “此前神神秘秘少有消息流出,还猜测他有什么秘而不宣的特长,如今看来,确实有独到之处。”这剽悍的青年连连摇头,满脸鄙夷之色:“异族神州其他地方更崇尚强者为王,看重真材实料,那小子靠卖屁股成为左贤王座下十骏,知道真相的人肯定看不起他,他为了证明自己,就把希望寄托在黑死神珠上。” Mentioned Black Death Divine Pearl, the Zhang Tianheng complexion was not quite good. 提到黑死神珠,张天恒脸色也不太好。 Defends between foreword evil and chaotic evil to the plate, with destroys purely to the plate...... Chen Luoyang does not want to roll the eyes or at heart. 守序邪恶跟混乱邪恶之间的不对盘,或者说,和纯粹破坏之间的不对盘……陈洛阳心里想翻白眼。 In fact, foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe oneself also can't be called is chaotic evil. 事实上,异族左贤王修哲本人也称不上混乱邪恶 But Black Death Heavenly Book this existence, really some inhuman. 只不过黑死天书这种存在,着实有些反人类 Chen Luoyang restrains indulging in flights of fancy in mind. 陈洛阳收敛自己脑海中的胡思乱想。 This person relates with Xiuzhe anything, immaterial.” He said indifferently: Cannot change anything, this Majesty has invited Xiuzhe at a Thousand Tides Mountain war, led the past this boy, when the this Majesty mercy, prepared a burying person to Xiuzhe.” “此人跟修哲什么关系,无关紧要。”他淡然说道:“改变不了任何事情,本座已经邀修哲千潮山一战,把这小子也带过去,就当本座慈悲,给修哲备个殉葬之人。” Zhang Tianheng and Xiao Yuntian respectful sound replied simultaneously: Respectfully follows Cult Master to command.” 张天恒萧云天同时恭声答道:“谨遵教主谕令。” After they draw back leaves, Chen Luoyang slightly relaxes. 在他们退下离开后,陈洛阳微微松口气。 Said, Helian Zhe this person, was not immaterial. 讲真,赫连喆此人,可不是无关紧要。 Should say that is important is right. 应该说是至关重要才对。 Had him, own plan has the successful possibility. 有了他,自己的计划才有成功的可能。 In the Chen Luoyang peaceful seat, looks down own both hands palm. 陈洛阳安坐椅中,低头看自己双手手掌。 If own guess right, importance of Helian Zhe in Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe mind, many people estimated that is much bigger. 如果自己的猜测没错,赫连喆左贤王修哲心目中的重要性,比很多人预想要大得多。 As the matter stands, no matter one's own side killed Helian Zhe, captures alive Helian Zhe, Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe can rampage. 这样一来,不管己方杀了赫连喆,还是生擒赫连喆,左贤王修哲都会暴走 Broken goes to Dead Sea black tide, does not calculate. 破去死海黑潮,不算完。 both sides will definitely have a decisive battle! 双方肯定还会有一场决战! Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe is aggressive, oneself as one of the Three Sovereigns Master of the Demon Cult, can't avoid it. 左贤王修哲咄咄逼人,自己身为三皇之一魔教教主,不能避让 Even if indicated that disdaining paid attention to past the arrogance of defeated again, under the opposite party closed on unceasingly, the persuasive power also seems insufficient. 哪怕表明一种不屑再理会昔日手下败将的傲慢,在对方不断进逼下,说服力也会显得不够。 Dead Sea black tide, flooded Qian Prefecture within the boundaries over a thousand li (0.5 km) surrounding area demon region. 一场死海黑潮,淹了黔州境内上千里方圆的魔域 Demon Cult must give the powerful counter-attack to be good. 魔教必须给予强力回击才行。 Ignores, does not mean arrogantly, but is completely discredited. 置之不理,不意味着高傲,而是威风扫地。 Although the setters are Helian Zhe, but his component was too light. 始作俑者虽然是赫连喆,但他的份量太轻了。 Has the qualifications to bear the person of Demon Sovereign anger and Demon Cult retaliation attack, only has foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe. 有资格承受魔皇怒火和魔教报复打击的人,只有异族左贤王修哲 Therefore this fights, not only that side Xiuzhe will not give up, Demon Cult must initiate an attack. 所以这一战不仅修哲那边不会善罢甘休,魔教更要主动出击。 And must win. 而且必须要赢。 Xiuzhe related information information that Chen Luoyang after careful reading mind strength black pot supplies, in the heart had calculation gradually. 陈洛阳在仔细阅读脑海力黑壶提供的修哲相关资料信息后,心中渐渐有了盘算。 Captures alive Helian Zhe this person, is plans the first step. 生擒赫连喆此人,是计划第一步。 Then chooses an appropriate battlefield, is the second step. 然后挑选一个合适的战场,是第二步。 Thousand Tides Mountain. 千潮山 Then after is Chen Luoyang carefully studies the Qian Prefecture living map will, choice place. 便是陈洛阳仔细研究黔州地理图志后,选择的地点。 Now, the hope really such as expect, position of Helian Zhe in the Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe mind is not truly ordinary. 现在,就希望真如自己所料,赫连喆左贤王修哲心目中地位确实不一般。 So, in the hand is grasping Helian Zhe this weights, oneself can take the lead. 如此,手里握着赫连喆这个砝码,自己就可以占据主动。 Let Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe have to follow his baton to walk. 左贤王修哲不得不跟着他的指挥棒走。 If oneself expected mistakenly, might as well. 如果自己料错了,也无妨。 Xiuzhe does not come Thousand Tides Mountain to keep an appointment, disgraced is not his Chen Luoyang. 修哲不来千潮山赴约,丢人的不是他陈洛阳 The Demon Cult face has preserved, can return to main altar safely, supporting main altar after all is now the number-one important matter. 魔教的面子已经保全,可以安心返回总坛,支援总坛毕竟还是当今头号要事。 If actually Xiuzhe really comes Thousand Tides Mountain to keep an appointment, that this/should I plan third step. 倒是修哲如果真来千潮山赴约,那就该我计划的第三步了。 This third step is actually most difficult one step. 这第三步其实才是最难的一步。 Only has one move...... 只有一招…… Chen Luoyang looks at both hands palm. 陈洛阳看着自己双手手掌。 He long puts out the one breath. 他长长吐出一口气。 Two palms, grasp the fist slowly. 两只手掌,徐徐握成拳。 black light that in both eyes flashes, gets makes dark gold color gradually. 双目之中闪动的乌黑光芒,渐渐变作玄金之色 Chen Luoyang closes the eyes slowly, breathing, recuperates itself silently. 陈洛阳徐徐闭上双眼,默默呼吸吐纳,调养自身。 six dragons imperial cart is carrying him and Demon Cult people, flies to the destination. 六龙皇辇载着他和魔教众人,飞向目的地。 Thousand Tides Mountain situated in Qian Prefecture south, is a prominent peak of huge mountain range, is surely illustrious in the Southern Wasteland mountain. 千潮山位于黔州南部,乃一条庞大山脉的主峰,在南荒千万大山中也算赫赫有名。 Becoming famous in Qian Prefecture, the primary cause lies in Thousand Tides Mountain is in Qian Prefecture is quite rare, has a volcano that earth fire yang flame erupts. 黔州出名,主要原因在于千潮山黔州境内极为少见,有地火阳炎爆发的一座火山。 When six dragons imperial cart flies to sky over Thousand Tides Mountain, happen to can see the summit thick smoke to soar to the heavens, the scarlet earth fire magma erupts from the mountain pass. 六龙皇辇飞抵千潮山上空的时候,正好可以看见山顶浓烟冲天,赤红地火岩浆从山口爆发出来。 „Does Cult Master, fall?” Vajrapani asked. 教主,落下去吗?”金刚问道。 Stops to the mountain pass above.” Chen Luoyang told. “停到山口上方。”陈洛阳吩咐。 Therefore imperial chart to rising, then arrives above the Thousand Tides Mountain mountain pass, in midair hovering. 于是皇辇向上升,然后抵达千潮山山口上方,于半空中悬停。 Fierce blazing aura, from under continuously. 凶猛炽烈的气息,从下方源源不断冲起。 Here truly suits Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe to bury the bone.” The Elder Ming Jing looks at under crater said: earth fire yang flame can clean up black death evil strength, this will not harm the exerting a baneful influence four directions afterward.” “这里确实适合左贤王修哲埋骨。”明镜长老看着下方火山口说道:“地火阳炎能清理黑死邪劲,这样事后不会危害流毒四方。” Did not say when begins how. 不说动手时如何。 If Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe died, black death that erupts exerts a baneful influence, must be stronger than previously that Dead Sea black tide. 左贤王修哲如果死亡,爆发出来的黑死流毒,比先前那场死海黑潮还要更强。 Pitifully in Xiuzhe before death, earth fire yang flame cannot restrain his Black Death Heavenly Book.” Shangguan Song said. “可惜在修哲生前,地火阳炎并不能克制他的黑死天书。”上官松说道。 Simply nonsense, Cult Master what kind of cultivation base, but also uses in the place advantage occupies the opposite party to be cheap?” Zhang Tianheng snorts contemptuously. “简直废话,教主何等修为,还用在地利上占对方便宜?”张天恒嗤之以鼻。 Feared that these foreign race person don't dare come.” Vajrapani said with a smile cheerfully: They also only dare to sneak attack to plot, where has the courage upfront with Cult Master become enemy?” “就怕那些异族不敢来。”金刚乐呵呵笑道:“他们也就只敢偷袭暗算,哪有胆子正面同教主为敌?” Is saying, Xiao Yuntian shouted in a soft voice: Came!” 正说着,萧云天轻声喝道:“来了!” The people look together to the distant place. 众人一起向远方望去。 Sees in the horizon, suddenly are many dark clouds. 就见地平线上,忽然多出一片黑云。
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