IRAS :: Volume #15

#1494: Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!

Concert scene. 演唱会现场。 ! 一首! Three! 三首! Five! 五首! ...... …… I am very ugly.” “我很丑。” But I am very gentle.” “可是我很温柔。” Semblance is indifferent, the innermost feelings are frantic.” “外表冷漠,内心狂热。” This is I!” “这就是我!” ...... …… Today I, cold night in look at the snow to flutter.” “今天我,寒夜里看雪飘过。” Harbors cooled the pit of the stomach floating distant place.” “怀著冷却了的心窝飘远方。” In wind and rain pursues.” “风雨里追赶。” In fog cannot distinguish clearly the trace.” “雾里分不清影踪。” As boundless as the heavens and sea you and I.” “天空海阔你与我。” Can change?” “可会变?” ...... …… I plant a seed.” “我种下一颗种子。” Finally grew the fruit.” “终于长出了果实。” Today is a great day.” “今天是个伟大日子。” ...... …… Concert already more than half. 演唱会已经过半。 Zhang Ye sang more than ten songs, has new song, has the old song. Because is too dedicated . Moreover the midway simply does not have the honored guest to string together the field to replace, therefore needs a Zhang Ye person to complete the performance in the stage from beginning to end, the throat and vocal cord continuously started to have the hoarse feeling under high-strength work. 张烨已经唱了十多首歌,有新歌,有老歌。因为太专注,而且中途根本没有嘉宾串场顶替,所以自始至终都需要张烨一个人在舞台上完成演出,嗓子和声带在连续不断的高强度工作下已经开始出现了沙哑的感觉。 A song also sang. 一首歌又唱完了。 The stage of Zhang Ye under foot fell. 张烨脚下的舞台降了下去。 The dressmaker make-up artist encircles immediately. 服装师化妆师立即围上来。 Little Wang fast twists off the mineral water, you drink one quickly!” 小王飞快拧开矿泉水,“您快喝一口!” Zhang Ye brings to drink. 张烨拿过来喝。 Ha Qiqi is worried saying: You rest.” 哈齐齐担心道:“您休息一下吧。” Zhang Ye shakes the head. 张烨摇头。 This was too tired.” Zhang Zuo also said. “这样太累了。”张左也道。 Zhang Ye smiles, can support.” 张烨笑笑,“撑得住。” That side the clothing said suddenly: Hat? Hat where?” 服装那边突然道:“帽子呢?帽子在哪儿?” Little Zhou: „? A moment ago also.” 小周:“啊?刚才还在的。” The make-up artists take the thing to make up the makeup, first puts on make-up!” 化妆师拿着东西补妆,“先化妆吧!” Here some have not coordinated well, enough a half minute has not handled the clothing. 这边有些没有协调好,足足半分钟都没有搞定服装。 The shout of scene transmits unceasingly. 现场的喊声不断传来。 Zhang Ye!” 张烨!” Zhang Ye!” 张烨!” Zhang Ye!” 张烨!” Zhang Ye looks to Ha Qiqi and the others, I came up.” 张烨看向哈齐齐等人,“我上去了。” Ha Qiqi one surprised, leaves, the clothing puts on make-up not to have!” 哈齐齐一愕,“别啊,服装化妆都没好呢!” Zhang Ye said with a smile: Does not use, this.” 张烨笑道:“不用了,就这样吧。” Zhang Zuo urgently said: But 张左急道:“可是” Has not said that Zhang Ye breaks saying: Rises!” 还没说完,张烨就打断道:“升!” Everybody complies hurriedly. 大家急忙照做。 Little Wang asked in a low voice: What is Leader Zhang in anxious?” 小王低声问:“张导在急什么?” Ha Qiqi said: Does not know.” 哈齐齐道:“不知道啊。” Zhang Zuo has hesitated, recalls: „Do you discover? These days Leader Zhang worked probably very much worries, probably behind had the thing to pursue him to be the same.” 张左沉吟了一下,回忆道:“你们发现没有?这些日子的张导好像做什么事都很着急,好像后面有东西追着他一样。” Wu Yi said: I also felt.” 武易说:“我也感觉到了。” The make-up artists worry, that cannot the makeup not, Teacher Zhang, but Asia superstar, to Celebrity, the image is most important, are the concerts of some where people this?” 化妆师干着急,“那也不能连妆都不化完啊,张老师可是亚洲巨星,对明星而言,形象是最重要的啊,哪儿有人的演唱会是这样的?” Puts on make-up? 化妆? Appearance? 打扮? Zhang Ye has not needed, because he did not have time, present should Net Prison receive him fixed time to send the past mail? Should that side person also guess correctly 2 real status? Zhang Ye knows that his concert momentarily possibly interrupts, he prevented the occurrence of this matter, should come after must come, therefore he must sing, he must in this final time, be able to sing many to sing many, he will sing the last minute, last second. 张烨已经不需要了,因为他没有时间了,现在的网监应该已经收到他定时发过去的邮件了吧?那边的人应该也已经猜到2的真实身份了吧?张烨知道,他的演唱会随时都可能中断,他阻止也不了这种事的发生,该来的终归要来,所以他要唱歌,他要在这最后的时间里,能唱多少唱多少,他会唱到最后一分钟,最后一秒钟。 The elevator came up. 升降机上去了。 Zhang Ye re-enters the stage center. 张烨重回舞台中央。 fans under field screamed immediately that then, everybody had also discovered did not suit, all people before live broadcast also looked. 场下的粉丝们顿时尖叫起来,然后,大家也发现了不对劲,直播前的所有人也都看出来了。 Well?” “咦?” Clothes how that?” “衣服怎么还是那身?” Hasn't traded?” “没换吗?” „Hasn't the makeup on face changed?” “脸上的妆也没变啊?” How? Such was doing in haste?” “怎么了?这么着急就回来了?” Music made a sound. 音乐响了。 Zhang Ye also smiled. 张烨也笑了。 Come! 来吧! Sang! 唱吧! So long as you want to listen, I sang to you! 只要你们想听,我就给你们唱! Suddenly, Zhang Ye has made an action, making all people kyoodle, accompanied by strong rock and roll happy, he has turned down the coat unexpectedly, put out a hand to fling to fly! 突然间,张烨做了一个举动,让所有人都嗷嗷乱叫,在浓重的摇滚乐伴奏下,他竟然一把推掉了上衣,伸手甩飞了出去! He does not use the colored makeup! 他不用花妆! He does not use the clothing! 他也不用服装! He only wants to sing! 他只想唱歌! He must act unruly in the final stage! 他要在最后的舞台上撒点野! Zhang Ye holds up the microphone, exclaimed hoarsely: 张烨举起话筒,沙哑地吼道: I stripped, I was welcoming the wind and snow!” “我光着膀子,我迎着风雪!” Runs, in that escapes from the path in hospital!” “跑在那逃出医院的道路上!” Be not blocking me, I do not want the clothes!” “别拦着我,我也不要衣裳!” Because my sickness had not felt!” “因为我的病就是没有感觉!” At this moment, all people hear blood to upwell, the yawp erupted all of a sudden! 这一刻,所有人都听得血液上涌,叫喊声一下子爆发了! Zhang Ye bellows: 张烨大吼: Gives me to order the meat! Gives me to select the blood!” “给我点儿肉!给我点儿血!” Replaces my will such as steel and Yi like the iron!” “换掉我的志如钢和毅如铁!” Makes me cry quickly, makes me smile quickly!” “快让我哭,快让我笑!” Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!!!!” “快让我在这舞台上撒点儿野!!!!” Under stage fans rave: 台下粉丝狂吼: Is rock and roll!” “是摇滚!” Zhang Ye!” 张烨!” Zhang Ye!” 张烨!” „It was good!” “太牛了!” Satisfied a craving!” “太过瘾了啊!” This his mother is concert!” “这他妈才是演唱会啊!” Aaahhhhh! “啊啊啊啊! Crisp!” “爽啊!” All people stood up! 所有人都起立了! All people together blindly shouted! 所有人都跟着一起瞎喊! Zhang Ye is loud: 张烨大声: I have not worn the clothes not to put on shoes!” “我没穿着衣裳也没穿着鞋!” Actually cannot feel the northwest wind and fierceness!” “却感觉不到西北风的强和烈!” I do not know that I am walking or am running!” “我不知道我是走着还是跑着!” Because my sickness had not felt!” “因为我的病就是没有感觉!” He is pointing at slantingly place above: 他指着斜上方: Gives me to select the stimulation, doctor master!” “给我点儿刺激,大夫老爷!” Audiences: „!” 观众:“嗷!” Gives me to select the love, my nurse elder sister!” “给我点儿爱,我的护士姐姐!” Audiences: „!” 观众:“嗷!” Makes me cry quickly! Makes me smile quickly!” “快让我哭!快让我笑!” Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!” “快让我在这舞台上撒点儿野!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Because my sickness had not felt!!” “因为我的病就是没有感觉!!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!!!!” “快让我在这舞台上撒点儿野!!!!” The person of backstage listened hi! 后台的人听嗨了! The person listened hi! 现场的人听嗨了! The person before live broadcast also listened hi! 直播前的人也听嗨了! They very long have not seen Zhang Ye such to sing, they very long have not seen Zhang Ye such to act unruly, but satisfies a craving , the real whole body rushes! 他们很久没见过张烨这么唱歌了,他们很久没见过张烨这么撒野了,但是真的过瘾啊,真的全身澎湃啊! Zhang Ye shouts to the audience greatly: Heard enough?” 张烨对现场观众大喊道:“听够了吗?” All people called out together: Does not have! Has!” 所有人一起叫道:“没!有!” Zhang Ye laughs, that again comes!” 张烨大笑,“那就再来一遍!” Audiences: Good!!!” 观众:“好!!!” Zhang Ye said: Let's all do it together !!” 张烨道:“大家一起来!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Because my sickness had not felt!!” “因为我的病就是没有感觉!!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!!!!” “快让我在这舞台上撒点儿野!!!!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Because my sickness had not felt!!” “因为我的病就是没有感觉!!” YiYe! YiYe!” “YiYe!YiYe!” Makes me act unruly in this stage quickly!!!!” “快让我在这舞台上撒点儿野!!!!” ! 一遍! Five! 五遍! Ten! 十遍! The Zhang Ye throat was mute! 张烨嗓子哑了! The throat of audience was also mute! 观众的嗓子也哑了! 100,000 people of Olympic Venue, this is 100,000 people of locations, the audiences together were singing with Zhang Ye shouted together that scene was too magnificent, the entire concert scene as if must blast out generally, each seemed together the startling thunderclap crack, this scene no one has seen! 100000人的奥运会场啊,这是100000人的场地啊,全场都在跟着张烨一起唱一起喊,那种场面真的太壮观了,整个演唱会现场仿佛要被炸开了一般,每一声都仿佛是一道惊雷炸响,这种场面谁都没有见过! This is a Cui Jian's song. 这是崔健的一首歌。 «Lets Me Acting unruly Quickly in This Snowy area»! 《快让我在这雪地上撒点野》! Was changed the word by Zhang Ye, sang in this world, he such has not sung a song, these regrets, these did not abandon, these negative mood, all did not have probably all of a sudden, he took the microphone saying: I have prepared 50 songs today, everybody wants to listen to several, I sang several to you, everybody wants to listen to anything, I sang anything to you! «L'Internationale» does want to listen?” 张烨改了词,在这个世界唱出来了,他也从来没有这么唱过一首歌,那些遗憾,那些不舍,那些负面的情绪,好像一下子全都没有了,他拿着话筒说道:“我今天准备了50首歌,大家想听几首,我就给你们唱几首,大家想听什么,我就给你们唱什么!《国际歌》想不想听?” Audience rave: Thinks!!!” 观众狂吼:“想!!!” Zhang Ye laughs, comes together!” 张烨大笑,“一起来!” Gets up, slave of suffering hunger and cold!” “起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶!” Gets up, person who in the world suffers hardships!” “起来,全世界受苦的人!” At this time, concert truly reached the high tide! 这个时候,演唱会才真正进入高潮!
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