IRAS :: Volume #15

#1470: Chinese phenomenon level animation!

Night. 夜里。 Zhang Ye studio. 张烨工作室 Sun Xiaobei cried. 孙小贝哭了。 Chen Xiang cried. 陈翔哭了。 Hu Kebang also cried. 胡克邦也哭了。 They hug excitedly in the same place, from time to time laughs, from time to time the rave, bursts into tears from time to time, that at heart excited does not know how should divulge! 他们激动地抱在一起,时而大笑,时而狂吼,时而流泪,心里的那份兴奋根本不知道该怎么宣泄! Succeeded!” “成功了!” We succeeded!” “我们成功了!” We won Japanimation! First time won!” “咱们把日漫赢了!第一次赢了啊!” Waited for many years!” “等了多少年了啊!” Leader Zhang, you were too fierce! Too was really fierce!” 张导,你太厉害了!真的太厉害了!” We achieved finally!” “咱们终于做到了!” Aaahhhhh! what to do! I now am much more excited insanely!” “啊啊啊啊!怎么办啊!我现在激动得快疯了啊!” This, is really this our result?” “这,这真是咱们的成绩?” Real! Naturally real!” “是真的!当然是真的!” Visits them to be happy that the person eye socket of Zhang Ye studio somewhat is also hot, they are not the person of this profession, any native place animation, any domestic-made anime, their anything does not understand actually, is in the Leader Zhang brain that string moves, they throw into. To be honest, they to the native animation not that deep sentiment, but after these days contacts and understanding, Ha Qiqi Zhang Zuo they admired to Sun Xiaobei this group of domestic-made anime people very much, admired their insistences, admired their rigid, they were want to set an appearance to come native anime really wholeheartedly, the young people like them were too few. 看着他们高兴,张烨工作室的人眼圈也有些热,他们并不是这个行业的人,什么本土动画啊,什么国产动漫啊,他们其实什么都不懂,都是张导脑子里那根弦一动,他们才一头扎进来的。说实话,他们对本土动画并没有那么深的感情,但是经过这些日子的接触和了解,哈齐齐张左他们对孙小贝这群国产动漫人很佩服,佩服他们的坚持,佩服他们的执着,他们真的是一心一意想把本土动漫做出点样子来,像他们这样的年轻人真的太少了。 Payout. 付出。 Diligently. 努力。 Disciplining. 磨练。 Waiting. 等待。 Now, on this day finally came. 现在,这一天终于来了。 They should be happy that this glory belongs their. 他们应该高兴,这份荣耀是属于他们的。 Sun Xiaobei has held Zhang Ye, Leader Zhang, thanks!” 孙小贝上去抱了张烨,“张导,谢谢!” Hu Kebang and the others also come up to hug Zhang Ye, shouts to laugh. 胡克邦等人也上来一个个拥抱张烨,大喊大笑。 Sun Xiaobei scratches tears saying: Dot sound, the neighbors have rested, do not put to trouble to Teacher Zhang.” 孙小贝擦着眼泪道:“都小点声儿吧,邻居都睡了,别给张老师添麻烦。” Zhang Ye said with a smile: All right, today is our China anime person raises eyebrow Exhale one day, we are happy that should also be.” 张烨笑着说道:“没事儿,今天是咱们中国动漫人扬眉吐气的一天,咱们高兴高兴也是应该的嘛。” Also our China anime person? 还咱们中国动漫人? Can you not give one's own to toot one's own horn? 您能不给自己脸上贴金吗? Zhang Ye studio person roll one's eyes. 张烨工作室的人都翻白眼 Others Sun Xiaobei they are the standard China anime people, you not, before you , the time period just the court eunuch seven Manhua, that side Japan had not drawn, comes back China to make animation, your this anything China anime person, your this keeps changing one's goals, all depending on being prompted by a sudden impulse to be good! 人家孙小贝他们是标准的中国动漫人,您可不是啊,您前阵子刚太监了七部漫画,日本那边不画了,又回来中国动画,您这什么中国动漫人呀,您这就是打一枪换一个地方,全凭心血来潮好不好! Zhang Ye said: Hungry? Walks, I asked everybody to have a night-time snack!” 张烨道:“都饿了吧?走,我请大家吃夜宵!” Thanked Zhang Ye!” “谢张爷!” „, Eats meal!” “哇,吃饭啦!” The people went to celebration. 众人都去庆功了。 Also truly this celebration. 也确实该庆功 Same day report card came out, the 《The Leg­end of Qin》 first episode first broadcast hit rate finally stops on the same day in 130 million people, this is one lets the person scared out of one's wits the digit, not only broke the Domestic animation all-time record, even can the hit rate unexpectedly with industry in most splendid variety program and drama series has placed on a par, but also this is first episode, was only the first broadcast one volume! 当天的“成绩单”已经出来了,《秦时明月》第一集首播当日点击量最终停在了130000000人次上,这是一个让人吓破胆的数字,不但打破了国内动画的历史最好成绩,甚至居然可以和业内最出色的综艺节目电视剧的点击量相提并论了,而且这是第一集啊,只是首播了一集啊! Two now reddest domestic-made drama series and a variety were affected, the network hit rate compared with usually dropped 0% twenty, made that the movie-making side and some production unit fearful and apprehensive also dumbfounded , drama series and variety program hit rate was shared unexpectedly? 两部现在最红的国产电视剧和一部综艺都受到了波及,网络点击量比平时下降了0二十几,弄得制片方和制作单位心惊胆战的同时也有些哭笑不得,电视剧和综艺节目的点击量竟然被分摊了? When native animation had this grade of power and influence! 本土动画什么时候有这等威势了啊! When domestic-made can animation one high get down with the drama series variety? 国产动画什么时候能跟电视剧综艺一较高下了? ...... …… Japan. 日本 Several companies meet at the same night. 几家公司连夜开会。 «King Wu» was affected is very big!” “《武王》受影响很大!” Our «Angel's Beheading» , the click dropped!” “我们的《天使之斩》也是啊,点击下降了很多!” Was shared by 《The Leg­end of Qin》!” “都被《秦时明月》分摊了!” This animation what's the matter!” “这动画到底怎么回事啊!” Who knows how the dispirited China anime market has braved such animation suddenly!” “谁知道一直萎靡的中国动漫市场怎么突然冒出来这么一部动画啊!” Oh, this Zhang Ye, disrupted our plans!” “唉,这个张烨,把咱们的计划都打乱了!” This is first episode, because the Zhang Ye fame was too big, their publicity funds are also many, therefore first episode is higher is very normal, following definitely will not continue like this, if hundred million hit rates, that also plays anything, is impossible to continue!” “不过这才是第一集,因为张烨名气太大了,他们的宣传经费又多,所以第一集高一些很正常,后面的肯定不会继续这样了,如果都是过亿的点击量,那还玩什么啊,不可能持续的!” Reasonable!” “有道理!” Right, we cannot be chaotic.” “对,咱们不能乱。” However, the matter of Japan anime anticipation has not occurred! 然而,日本动漫界期待的事情并没有发生! ...... …… Next day. 第二天。 《The Leg­end of Qin》 second episode broadcast. 《秦时明月》第二集播出了。 Oh!” “哇塞!” Broadcasts serially?” “连播吗?” an episode per day? Satisfied a craving!” 一天一集?太过瘾了!” Attractive! second episode is also attractive!” “好看啊!第二集也好看啊!” Hahahaha! Dubbing of Yao Jiancai!” 哈哈哈哈姚建才的配音出来了!” Old Yao sound is quite funny!” 老姚的声儿好逗啊!” I also listened, one hear was he!” “我也听出来了,一听就是他!” Splendid!” “精彩!” On the same day, the second episode hit rate drew a charge! 当天,第二集点击量出炉! 140 million! 140000000! Was unexpectedly higher than first episode same day hit rate! 竟比第一集当天的点击量还要高! ...... …… Third day. 第三天。 《The Leg­end of Qin》 renewed once more! 《秦时明月》再次更新了! Another volume!” “又一集!” Good small snail!” “牛牛牛!” This dubbing lineup, was too ruthless!” “这配音阵容,太狠了啊!” Is, in the entire industry who invited these many A-list S-list Big shot!” “是的啊,整个业内谁请的起这么多一线超一线大腕儿啊!” Really attractive, more looks more becomes addicted!” “真好看啊,越看越上瘾!” Plot continuity was too strong!” “情节连贯性太强了!” Right, the picture is that attractive, is worth seeing a hundred times!” “对,画面还是那么漂亮,百看不厌!” I looked at three!” “我已经看了三遍啦!” Is domestic-made animation is proud!” “为国产动画骄傲!” Zhang Ye is great! Miracle Corporation is great!” 张烨好样的!奇迹公司好样的!” On this day, the third episode hit rate counted! 这天,第三集点击量统计出来了! Is 150 million! 是150000000! But the 《The Leg­end of Qin》 first episode single volume hit rate at this moment, broke the 200 million critical junction! 《秦时明月》第一集此刻的单集点击量,已经突破了两亿大关! ...... …… «King Wu» knelt! 武王》跪了! «Angel's Beheading» knelt! 天使之斩》跪了! All came China market amassing money circle place Japan animation to kneel! 所有来中国市场抢钱圈地的日本动画都跪了! After several Japan anime Corporation see this result, collapsed! 几个日本动漫公司看到这个成绩后,也都崩溃了! paralysis!” 麻痹!” What does this also play?” “这还玩什么啊?” Stabilizes more than 100 million? This become excited surnamed Zhang!” “稳定一个多亿?这姓张的打鸡血了啊!” Possibly so to be how high!” “怎么可能这么高啊!” This Zhang Ye is first time makes animation obviously!” “这张烨明明是第一次做动画啊!” 《The Leg­end of Qin》? Is this National Grade anime?” 《秦时明月》?这已经是国民级动漫了吧?” „Can the China such backward anime industry, make the National Grade work unexpectedly?” 中国这么落后的动漫产业,居然也能出国民级作品?” Desperate! 绝望! Really desperate feelings! 真的有一种绝望的感觉! If the opposite party is several million click amounts of space occupied, their perhaps can also pursue, perhaps can also make some recoveries the measures, perhaps can also spell with the opposite party blood, but more than 100 million! 200 million! Does his mother spell? They nurse getting a grip to cause unable to overtake! 如果对方是几千万的点击体量,他们或许还能追一追,或许还能做一些补救的措施,或许还能和对方血拼一下,但是一个多亿啊!两个亿啊!这他妈怎么拼啊?他们吃奶得劲使上也追不上啊! Lost! 输了! Loses was too miserable! 输的太惨了! This time enters the China anime market, comes really in high spirits, then made others palm of the hand pulling out! 这次的进军中国动漫市场,真的是兴冲冲地来,然后让人家一巴掌给抽回来了啊! At this time, some people fondly remembered «One Piece», fondly remembered «Naruto», fondly remembered «Conan», if these animation, them will still fall to so the paddies? Can with the opposite party one high , can perhaps win? However thinks suddenly that how many anime are also Zhang Ye draws, time, they despaired, for several months, Asia made the anime works of eight phenomenon levels unexpectedly, Japan seven, China, but these anime his mother stems from the same person's hand unexpectedly? 这时候,有人怀念起了《海贼王》,怀念起了《火影忍者》,怀念起了《柯南》,如果那些动画还在的话,他们怎么会落到这般田地?怎么也能和对方一较高下吧,或许能赢?但是猛然间才想起来,那几部动漫也都是张烨画出来的啊,一时间,他们更加绝望了,短短几个月,亚洲竟然出了八部现象级的动漫作品,日本七部,中国一部,而这些动漫居然他妈是出自同一人之手? This is a fearful matter! 这是一件多可怕的事啊!
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