IKTT :: Volume #5

#454 Part 2: I am Feng Qi( asked monthly ticket)

The domain lifeform starts to struggle immediately fiercely, tries to revolt against psychic power, but in the face of the Feng Qi strength, this resistance seems very unproductive. 领域生物顿时开始剧烈挣扎,试图反抗念动力,但在封棋的力量面前,这种反抗显得十分徒劳。 Under the invisible psychic power compression, the body of domain monster starts to contract, during the skeleton friction makes creak sound, the body contracts unceasingly changes is small. 在无形的念动力压缩下,领域怪物的身体开始收缩,骨骼摩擦间发出“咯吱”声响,身体不断收缩变小。 Less than ten seconds, the domain lifeform was compressed one group of spherical flesh under Feng Qi psychic power. 不到十秒钟时间,领域生物就在封棋念动力下被压缩成一团球状血肉。 Afterward one group of blood fog appear from the domain monster body surface, drill into his within the body. 随后一团血雾自领域怪物体表浮现,钻入他的体内。 After absorbing this group of vitalities, Feng Qi called the property panel. 吸收了这团气血后,封棋唤出了属性面板。 Iron arm( passively to special capability)】: 【铁臂(被动向特殊能力)】: Talent equivalent: The 13 th track. 天赋等阶:第13轨道。 The talent ability introduced: Promotes the fight of both arms to hit the ability and destructive power, the concrete effect regards the physical quality to decide. 天赋能力介绍:提升双臂的抗击打能力与破坏力,具体效果视自身身体素质而定。 ...... …… This talent ability is not strong, but well is passively to the ability. 这个天赋能力不算强,但好在是被动向能力。 Feng Qi believes that is only in a hurry to do or too late to do passive enough many, his draw A can also the slaughter god. 封棋坚信,只要迭的被动足够多,他的平A也能够屠神。 After small interlude, he continues to hurry along in the Star City shelter direction. 小插曲过后,他继续往星城庇护所方向赶路。 Killing that the domain lifeform, he can be relentless along the way, for packing future belief skill storehouse. 沿途遇到的领域生物,他都会毫不留情的杀死,用于填充未来的“信仰技能库”。 During this, he once for a while climbing up tall building, will also look into the West, examines whether has the Little Black form to appear. 这期间他还会时不时的爬上高楼,眺望西方,查看是否有小黑的身影出现。 The time point that Little Black presents each time will change with the change of history, he did not determine when Little Black will arrive. 小黑每次出现的时间点会随着历史的改变而改变,他也不确定小黑会在什么时候到来。 Will soon go out of the Star City west district when him, arrived at the place of once burying bone, the Little Black form appeared eventually. 就在他即将走出星城西区,来到曾经的埋骨之地时,小黑的身影终究还是出现了。 Although in heart helpless, but Feng Qi can only make the choice. 虽然心中无奈,可封棋只能作出选择。 The Wei Wei creation sucker, gives the mission of sucker to win more action time for him in the future world. 蔚薇创造吸盘,赋予吸盘的使命就是为他在未来世界争取更多的行动时间。 May think that the sucker will die in battle again, he felt loves dearly. 可想到吸盘会再次战死,他还是感到心疼不已。 When Little Black is close, he threw the sucker. 小黑接近的时候,他还是将吸盘丢了出去。 The sucker is also very obedient, looks fierce facing Little Black, after being lost without hesitation launched the close combat to slaughter with Little Black. 吸盘也很听话,面对小黑龇牙咧嘴,在被丢出去后毫不犹豫的与小黑展开了近战厮杀。 This time Little Black was not strong, fought the entire journey with the sucker at the disadvantage. 这时候的小黑还不强,与吸盘交手中全程处在劣势。 Even the sunspot of body surface will be shot down by the sucker, falls in the ground twinkle electric arc, but quick will activate, returns to the main body. 甚至体表的黑点会被吸盘击落,掉在地上闪烁电弧,但很快又会重新激活,回归本体。 The contacts of so many timeline, Feng Qi was understands to the Little Black strength. 这么多条时间线的接触,封棋小黑的战力算是非常了解了。 The Little Black strength seemed like exerted the seal, is stronger with the enemy who it fought, its strength will de-archive gradually. 小黑的战力就像是被施加了封印,与它交手的敌人越强,它的实力就会逐步解封。 Even if has not shown the Narrator detected third shape, Little Black strength powerful to being possible be called non-solution situation. 即使还未展现旁白检测到的第三形态,小黑的战力就已经强大到堪称无解的地步。 Even if full power sucker of eruption, in facing to get tempered by fighting in front of Little Black is still helpless. 即使是全力爆发的吸盘,在面对愈战愈强的小黑面前也是无能为力。 When the sucker and Little Black fight, he has not stayed, picks up the body fast to fly in the Star City shelter direction with psychic power. 在吸盘与小黑交手之际,他没有停留,用念动力托起身子快速往星城庇护所方向飞去。 Does not have the old fan to harvest myriad weak clans, the place of once burying bone was not a desolateness, did not have the living corpse form all over. 没有老迷收割万千弱族,曾经的埋骨之地并非一片荒芜,也没有漫山遍野的活死人身影。 Was covered with the domain plant of cover along the way, but can also see the domain lifeform form shuttle in. 沿途长满了茂密的领域植物,还能看到有领域生物的身影穿梭其中。 Several hours of flight, Feng Qi is searching for in the memory the position of Star City shelter. 数小时的飞行,封棋搜寻着记忆中星城庇护所的位置。 For a long time, in the line of sight presents a city. 许久后,视线中出现一座城市。 This city area is broad, the city wall with the ice crystal build, is reflecting the clear blue gloss under the blood moon/month. 这座城市占地面积广阔,城墙是用冰晶搭建,在血月下折射着晶莹蓝色光泽。 Associates to the special capability of little fellow, in his heart had an anticipation immediately. 联想到小家伙的特殊能力,他心中顿时有了一丝期待。 From the position of ice crystal city also distance, ahead of time landing of Feng Qi, brand mark crystallization blasting open of forehead, changes into the rich vitality to attach later on his bone. 距离冰晶城市还有一段距离的位置,封棋的提前落地,随后额头的烙印结晶炸裂,化为浓郁的气血附着在他的骨头上。 After flesh recast, he takes a step to walk toward the ice crystal city of distant place immediately. 血肉重铸后,他当即迈步朝远处的冰晶城市走去。 After being close, Feng Qi saw was hanging the blood-color daybreak the flag in ice crystal city wall, definitely this city ownership in human. 接近后,封棋看到了悬挂在冰晶城市城墙上的血色破晓旗帜,肯定了这座城市归属于人类。 Facts showed, this timeline effort has not been in vain, after human survives today again to 1500. 事实证明,这条时间线的努力没有白费,人类再次存活至1500年后的今天。 Has the ceaseless efforts of Star City people, has lending a hand of silently old fan inevitably. 这其中有星城人民的不懈努力,必然也有老迷的默默帮衬。 Before arriving at the city wall, has not waited for him to take an action, saw that three forms leap directly from the city wall, toward his racing to come. 来到城墙前,还未等他有所行动,就看到三道身影自城墙上径直跃下,朝他奔来。 Sees the human form, Feng Qi makes noise to shout immediately said: 看到人类身影,封棋当即出声呼喊道: Do not begin, person on one's own side.” “别动手,自己人。” Hears these words, is the form of head is being away from his more than ten meters place to halt, the cold sharp look under helmet looks straight ahead his eye pupil, makes noise to inquire: 听到这番话,为首的身影在距离他十余米处止步,头盔下的冷锐眼神直视他的眼眸,出声询问道: What origin.” “什么来历。” I called Feng Qi, before 1500.” “我叫封棋,来自1500年前。” Hears the reply of Feng Qi, in the eyes of three men reveals the surprised expression, starts to size up his appearance carefully. 听到封棋的回答,三名男子的眼中流露惊讶表情,开始仔细打量他的容貌。 Takes!” “拿下!” In Feng Qi thinks when oneself will be welcomed into the human city warmly, actually listens to be the first man drinks to make noise coldly, later three forms attack directly toward him. 就在封棋以为自己会被热情迎入人类城市时,却听为首男子冷喝出声,随后三道身影径直朝他攻来。 【, Making you install to compel, but also you called Feng Qi, was not seemingly easy-to-use.】 【哈哈哈哈,让你装逼,还你叫封棋,貌似并不好使。】 Today's second finished, tomorrow looked that the situation continues to explode. 今天的第二更完毕,明天看情况继续爆更。 Asked the monthly ticket. 求月票呀。 Thank 10,000 beginning coins that the dark blue rain millet hits to enjoy. 感谢沧雨粟打赏的一万起点币。 Thank the jade to live 5000 beginning coins that the zither | Jean hit to enjoy. 感谢玉生琴打赏的5000起点币。 Thank 2000 beginning coins that the radical dream dot night will clearly hit to enjoy. 感谢丿梦丶夜将明打赏的2000起点币。 Thank the Vera 0205 dozens of enjoying 1500 beginning coins. 感谢薇拉0205打赏的1500起点币。 Thank 1500 beginning coins that the leaf hardwood hits to enjoy. 感谢叶子桢打赏的1500起点币。
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