IKTT :: Volume #5

#455: After 1500 gathered together again( asked monthly ticket)

After Chapter 455 1500 gathers together again( asked monthly ticket) 第455章1500年后的再聚首(求月票) Daybreak city, ice crystal prison. 破晓城,冰晶囚牢。 Feng Qi both hands and both feets by the ice crystal shackles fetter, the body entangle completely the ice crystal chains. 封棋双手、双脚被冰晶枷锁束缚,身上更是缠满了冰晶锁链。 Is listening to the mind the Narrator laughter, in his heart somewhat is really helpless. 听着脑海中旁白的笑声,他心中着实有些无奈。 He thinks oneself will be welcomed into the city by the future person warmly, has not actually thought that when he sent out oneself reputation, instead caused hostility of defense soldier. 他本以为自己会被未来人热情迎入城内,却没想到当他报出自己的名头时,反而引起了守城战士的敌视。 Now he has the reason to suspect, human possibly had the problem. 现在他有理由怀疑,人类内部可能出现了问题。 Why will otherwise be so hostile to Feng Qi. 否则为何会如此敌视“封棋”。 Before making clear condition, he does not have the choice to begin, whatever the defense soldier arrests him, treating human his not possible resembles to treat the domain lifeform to be like that unfeeling. 在搞清楚状况前,他没有选择动手,任由守城战士将他抓捕,对待人类他不可能像对待领域生物那般冷酷无情。 After all by human that he kills, will be the same with the domain lifeform, was erased the trace in the history thoroughly. 毕竟被他杀死的人类,也会和领域生物一样,在历史中被彻底抹去痕迹。 Before making clear the situation, he decided that for the time being does not act rashly. 搞清楚情况前,他决定暂且不轻举妄动。 Arrests his defense soldier not to kill his idea, but the choice imprisons him, following will clearly have other arrangements. 况且抓捕他的守城战士并没有杀死他的想法,只是选择将他囚禁,后续显然还会有其他安排。 The train of thought returns to the present, Feng Qi to start to size up the environment 思绪回到现在,封棋开始打量所处的环境 This is one completely the cage that becomes by the thick ice layer construction, the area about hundred square meters, inside except for the biting cold chill in the air, is empty. 这是一座完全由厚实冰层建造而成的牢笼,占地面积约百平米左右,里面除了彻骨的寒意,空无一物。 Through nearly transparent clear ice layer, he can see the scene of nearby prison. 通过近乎透明的晶莹冰层,他能看到旁边囚牢的景象。 In his left side prison, is one has changed into the remnant body of skeleton, does not know that here was imprisoned many years. 在他的左侧囚牢,是一具已经化为骸骨的残躯,不知在这里被囚禁了多少岁月。 In his right side, was a same whole body is entangled completely the form of ice crystal chains. 在他的右侧,是一个同样浑身被缠满了冰晶锁链的身影。 His appearance is very sloppy, the hair is long the waist, the face covered under the disorderly hair completely, in the room full is his excreta, although the smell is unable to transmit by the impediment of ice wall, but Feng Qi cannot bear knit the brows. 他的模样十分邋遢,头发已经长到了腰间,脸庞完全笼罩在杂乱的头发下,房间里满是他的排泄物,虽然气味无法透过冰墙的阻隔传递进来,可封棋还是忍不住皱眉。 Shuts out? In the past you were the odor living corpse time, I also shut out you!】 【嫌弃吗?当年你是恶臭活死人的时候,我也这么嫌弃你!】 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” The determination arrests his defense soldier to leave, Feng Qi stands up, before arriving at the right side ice wall, puts out a hand to knock gets ice from a frozen river the wall, tries to bring to the attention of next door convict. 确定抓捕他的守城战士已经离开,封棋站起身,来到右侧冰墙前,伸手敲打冰墙,试图引起隔壁囚徒的注意。 But the prisoner in next door prison has not paid attention to him, the figure shrinks in corner, is lowering the head, does not know that is lives dies. 但隔壁囚牢的囚犯并未理会他,身形缩在角落处,低着脑袋,不知是生是死。 Feng Qi has not given up , to continue the racket to get ice from a frozen river the wall. 封棋没有放弃,继续拍打冰墙。 Under his relentlessness, shrank in the next door ice firm form raised the head slowly, revealed the old facial features. 在他的坚持不懈下,缩在隔壁冰牢的身影缓缓抬起头,露出了苍老的面容。 Can see this convict is not human. 可以看出这名囚徒并非是人类。 His eye pupil seems like the snake pupil, the dissipation the red glimmer, the left side cheeks place also has symbol document printing of distortion together. 他的眼眸像是蛇瞳,散逸着红色微光,左侧脸颊处还有一道扭曲的符文印记。 Chats?” “过来聊聊?” Now the condition in human new city he does not understand, decided gains some information from this convict. 现在人类新城市的状况他不了解,决定从这名囚徒身上获取一些信息。 But this convict low head, does not seem willing to pay attention to him quickly again. 但这名囚徒很快再次低下脑袋,似乎并不愿意理会他。 Facing the rejection, Feng Qi is always very good to speak. 面对拒绝,封棋向来很好说话。 The intention in a flash, the body surface flesh is defeated and dispersed to change into the blood fog to gather toward the forehead, congeals rapidly a dark golden brand mark. 心念转瞬间,体表血肉溃散化为血雾往眉心汇聚,迅速凝结成一枚暗金色的烙印。 Rushing psychic power crushes ice crystal chains, later toward ice wall attack. 澎湃的念动力将身上的冰晶锁链击碎,随后朝冰墙侵袭。 Made Feng Qi feel what was surprised, iced the wall the firm degree to be extremely high, unexpectedly under does not have any sign of breakage in his reading strength extrusion. 封棋感到惊讶的是,冰墙的坚固程度极高,竟然在他的念力挤压下没有任何破损的迹象。 Calm, after all after was also 1500 world, human can also persevere a city in the surface at this time, even if the comprehensive strength were in the food chain lowest level, still Star City before compared with 1500 was much stronger, including various technologies.】 【淡定,毕竟也是1500年后的世界,人类这时候还能在地表坚守一座城市,综合战力即使处于食物链最底层,也比1500年前的星城要强得多,包括各项技术。】 Listened to the explanation of Narrator, the psychic power intensity of Feng Qi release to start to increase. 听了旁白的解释,封棋释放的念动力强度开始攀升。 Pastes the right hand on ice wall gradually to draw, sees only on the impregnable ice wall to start to present the crack, the ice fragments of disruption starts the large surface area to fall off. 贴在冰墙上的右手逐渐收拢,只见原本牢不可破的冰墙上开始出现裂纹,碎裂的冰屑开始大面积脱落。 This sound immediately brought to the attention of next door convict, he raised the head again, looks seems somewhat surprised to the Feng Qi look. 这个动静顿时引起了隔壁囚徒的注意,他再次抬起头,望向封棋眼神显得有些吃惊。 Finally, ices the wall unable to support his psychic power extrusion, is defeated and dispersed loudly. 终于,冰墙支撑不住他的念动力挤压,轰然溃散。 In order to prevent to send out the sound, ices wall collapsing the instance, under psychic power hovering in midair. 为了防止发出动静,冰墙垮塌的瞬间,就在念动力下悬停在半空中。 Feng Qi waves, ices the wall fragment to arrive at corner to pile up in turn. 封棋挥手间,冰墙碎块依次来到角落处堆积。 He bridged over at this time is iced the wall impediment the region, arrived at the next door prison cell. 他在这时跨过原本被冰墙阻隔的区域,来到了隔壁牢房。 Now can chat?” “现在能聊聊了吗?” Looks at be with smile on the face Feng Qi, the appearance sloppy convict will be shrinking subconsciously in the future, later as if thought of anything, slightly dreads obviously: 望着面带微笑的封棋,模样邋遢的囚徒下意识地往后缩,随后似乎想到了什么,略显畏惧道: „Can you lead me to go out?” “你能带我出去吗?” If I am capable of rushing to bring you to go out, but you then must answer my issue truthfully.” “如果我有能力闯出去就带伱出去,但你接下来得如实回答我的问题。” Writes the bounced check to the domain lifeform, he first time was not, the tone was sincere. 对领域生物开空头支票,他也不是第一次了,语气诚恳。 Hears his guarantee, this convict nods immediately: 听到他的保证,这名囚徒当即点头: You asked that so long as is I know that can tell you.” “您问吧,只要是我知道的,都可以告诉你。” How many do you know about this city?” “你对这座城市了解多少?” „Do you come here not to know the origin of this city?” This domain lifeform expression is stunned, appears some not to dare to believe. “您来到这里不知道这座城市的来历?”这名领域生物表情错愕,显得有些不敢置信。 Is I asks you, is not you asks me.” Feng Qi complexion solemn say/way. “是我问你,不是你问我。”封棋面色冷峻道。 The domain lifeform nods immediately, later opens the mouth saying: 领域生物当即点头,随后开口道: Here is the daybreak city, is the territory of person clan.” “这里是破晓城,是人族的领地。” Who now are the hierarchs in daybreak city?” “现在破晓城的掌权者是谁?” Human leader should call thanks Yu 。 “人类领袖应该叫谢余。” Thanked?” Hears this strange name, Feng Qi cannot bear knit the brows. “谢余?”听到这个陌生的名字,封棋忍不住皱眉。 Wei Wei once gave the little fellow to get the physical exam in detail, the study concluded the little fellow natural growth can also have more than thousand years of natural life-spans, in addition the little fellow raises and quenchings the physique through cultivation accumulated unceasingly, after living 1500 today should not to have the issue to be right. 蔚薇曾给小家伙详细检查过身体,得出的结论是小家伙自然成长也能有千余年的自然寿命,再加上小家伙通过修炼不断蕴养、淬炼体质,活到1500年后的今天应该没有问题才对。 During is this, has problems? 难道是这期间出了什么问题? Hostility mood of relates to the defense soldier's these two characters to Feng Qi, in his heart had not the good premonition again. 再联想到守城战士对“封棋”这两个字的敌视情绪,他心中有了不好的预感。 Looks up to shrinking in the domain lifeform of corner, he continues to inquire ; 抬头望向缩在角落的领域生物,他继续询问道; Why were you imprisoned here?” “你为何被囚禁在这里?” I...... I pretend Feng Qi to enter a city, was recognized the true body.” “我……我假冒封棋进城,被认出了真身。” Listened to the reply of domain lifeform, Feng Qi was ignorant immediately: 听了领域生物的回答,封棋顿时懵了: You said that you do pretend to be Feng Qi? Why do you want to pretend to be Feng Qi?” “你说你冒充封棋?你为什么要冒充封棋?” You not?” “你难道不是吗?” Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… Pretends to be the Feng Qi person to be many?” “难道冒充封棋的人很多?” Facing inquiring: Shrinks in the form of corner, helpless sighed, looking to be sad: 面对询问:缩在角落的身影无奈叹气,面露忧愁道: To continue to be living, the person the clan is one near of this strongest influences, if we cannot find means of livelihood, how is the dead end, takes risk to try would rather.” “不过是为了继续活着罢了,人族是这附近的最强势力之一,如果我们不能找到一条活路,怎么都是死路一条,倒不如冒险一试。” Said in detail.” “详细说说。” Then, the domain lifeform starts to tell oneself were detained the process of ice layer prison. 接下来,领域生物开始讲述自己被关押进冰层囚牢的经过。 Through his narration, Feng Qi gradually understood the reason. 通过他的讲述,封棋逐渐明白了原因。 Originally nearby domain ethnic group knows daybreak the legend of city, it is said person clan extraordinary personality Feng Qi has to pass through the timeline ability, some day return after 1500. 原来附近的领域族群都知晓破晓城的传说,据说人族伟人封棋拥有穿越时间线的能力,会在1500年后的某天归来。 Regarding this matter, nearby race influence generally does not believe. 对于此事,附近的种族势力普遍不信。 But they discovered that the person clan actually believes in firmly to this matter, even holds „the Feng Qi sacrifice year after year, summoned this once worthy people of former times return. 但他们发现人族对此事却是深信不疑,甚至年年举办“封棋祭”,呼唤这位曾经的先贤归来。 For these years, nearby influence large surface area is on the wane, many races have reached the situation of end of hills and rivers. 这么多年来,附近的势力大面积凋零,许多种族已经走到了山穷水尽的地步。 Therefore forms an alliance with the person clan, became nearby race urgent idea. 于是与人族结盟,成了附近种族迫切的想法。 Even many races are willing to become the attached race of person clan. 甚至许多种族甘愿成为人族的附属种族。 But these requests by the high level brutal rejection of person clan. 但这些要求都被人族的高层无情拒绝。 The reason is also very simple, the person the clan simply does not have the excess resources to provide for nearby race. 原因也很简单,人族根本没有多余的资源供养附近的种族。 The resources of this region are getting fewer and fewer, the person the clan even also started several plundering wars on own initiative, defeats nearby several domain influences, plunders the resources that they only remained. 这片区域的资源越来越少,人族甚至还主动发起了几次掠夺战争,将附近几个领域势力打垮,掠走了他们仅剩的资源。 In this case, nearby these races do not have the escape route thoroughly. 这种情况下,附近的这些种族已经彻底没了退路。 Goes all out with the person clan, they must lose without doubt. 与人族拼命,它们必输无疑。 Therefore certain races that has the mimicry ability tried a new seeking livehood way, they through assembler race's hearsay about the Feng Qi, try to pretend to be Feng Qi since the daybreak city. 于是某些拥有拟态能力的种族尝试了一种新的求生方式,他们通过收集人族关于封棋的传闻,试图冒充封棋进入破晓城。 This way is no doubt risky, so long as succeeds, will bind in together, the person clan with the person clan thoroughly does not extinguish after that they can enjoy the resources of person clan, obtains the asylum of person of clan soldier. 这个方式固然冒险,但只要成功,将彻底与人族绑定在一起,此后人族不灭,他们就能享用人族的资源,得到人族战士的庇护。 Using the person clan to the frantic belief of Feng Qi, many races starts to try this seemingly incredible way to become a person clan member. 利用人族对封棋的狂热信仰,有不少种族开始尝试这种看似荒诞的方式成为人族一份子。 Has the successful case. 这其中有成功的案例。 For example first attempt, that is the domain lifeform of having the special mimicry ability. 例如第一次的尝试者,那是一个拥有特殊拟态能力的领域生物。 He simulated the Feng Qi appearance, even also simulated Feng Qi some abilities. 他模拟出了封棋的外貌,甚至还模拟出了封棋的部分能力。 After the defense soldier contacts, his warmly is welcomed into the daybreak city, on that day the daybreak city was brilliantly illuminated, the frantic cheers resounded through this side world. 在与守城战士接触后,他被热情迎入破晓城,那一天破晓城灯火通明,狂热的欢呼声响彻这方天地。 After that disguiser depends upon the Feng Qi reputation, only saved not many clansmen to seek many advantage for oneself, but also made them be admitted to the daybreak city. 此后那名伪装者依靠封棋的名头,为自己仅存不多的族人谋取了诸多好处,还让他们住进了破晓城。 But the camouflage will have one day of giving oneself away sooner or later. 但伪装迟早会有露出马脚的一天。 Until some day, the person some clan long-slumbering ancestor regains consciousness. 直到某天,人族某位沉睡已久的老祖宗苏醒。 He sees the disguiser, but then recognized his identity, waved then to reduce and solve the mimicry of that disguiser, and let order the soldier to shut in the ice to be firm this disguiser, lets its endure lonely and cold until death. 他看到伪装者,只是一眼便认出了他的身份,挥手便化解了那名伪装者的拟态,并让命令战士将这名伪装者关进冰牢,让其忍受孤独与寒冷至死。 Hence later, will have the counterfeit Feng Qi appearance, but daybreak the human in city actually becomes very vigilant, no longer easily believes. 至此以后,还是会有假冒封棋者出现,但破晓城内的人类却变得十分警惕,不再轻易相信。 Even if knows that does that to be risky, but under the dead end will have the domain lifeform to come to attempt to pretend Feng Qi. 即使知道这么做充满风险,但穷途末路下还是会有领域生物前来尝试假冒封棋 But the following disguiser universal result is pitiful. 但后面的伪装者普遍结局凄惨。 In this ice is firm detains, is the Feng Qi disguiser. 这座冰牢内关押的,都是封棋伪装者。 Including his left side ice firm, has turned into that skeleton of bleached bone, is so. 包括他左侧的冰牢中,已经变成枯骨的那具骸骨,也是如此。 Listened to narration of this domain lifeform, Feng Qi to understand suddenly why the defense soldier will be so hostile to himself. 听完了这名领域生物的讲述,封棋恍然明白了为何守城战士会如此敌视自己。 Situation he has not thought is so complex. 情况并没有他想的那么复杂。 He also thinks that is in the daybreak city has problems, perhaps is similar to the previous timeline situation, the person the clan has the ideological difference, finally presented the different sounds, causes the person clan final trend branch road. 他还以为是破晓城内出了问题,或许与上一条时间线的情况相似,人族内部出现思想分歧,最终出现了不同的声音,导致人族最终的走向歧路。 After all before he was only 1500 human leader, but does not represent in the future the person also firm belief he. 毕竟他只是1500年前的人类领袖,但不代表未来人也坚定信仰着他。 Will return this matter regarding Feng Qi after 1500, over time is more like an illusory legend, definitely will have the person to maintain the suspicion in the future. 对于封棋会在1500年后归来这件事,随着时间推移更像是一种虚无缥缈的传说,肯定会有未来人对此保持怀疑态度。 It looks like the last future dreamland time, even daybreak firm follower, but these future people to Feng Qi whether will return had many suspicions. 就像是上一次的未来梦境,即使是破晓的坚定追随者,可那些未来人还是对封棋是否会归来产生了诸多怀疑。 Now looks like, was he wants. 现在看来,是他想多了。 Was the phony were too purely many, making the person of clan defense soldier take great pains. 纯粹是假冒者太多了,让人族守城战士不厌其烦。 At this time the Narrator sound resounded in his mind: 这时旁白的声音在他的脑海中响起: 【It looks like then also has to your status conducts the link of confirmation, what I am quite curious, who the person clan ancestor in this fellow mouth is, if I have not guessed that wrong, perhaps was a little fellow.】 【看来接下来还有对你身份进行验证的环节,我比较好奇的是,这家伙口中的人族老祖宗是谁,如果我没猜错的话,或许就是小家伙了。】 Heard these words, Feng Qi had the idea immediately. 听到这番话,封棋顿时有了想法。 Keeps here waiting not to know status examination when can arrive, obviously is not the means. 留在这里等待不知什么时候才会到来的身份检测,显然不是办法。 If the status examination is conducted several days later, when the time comes the status verification personnel have not arrived, Little Black will take the lead to arrive. 如果身份检测是在几天后进行,到时候身份审核人员还未到来,小黑将率先到来。 I who you want to know told you, can you lead me to walk?” “你想知道的我都告诉你了,你能带我走吗?” Is looking at Feng Qi, shrinks anticipates to say in the domain biohorizon reveal of corner. 望着封棋,缩在角落的领域生物面露期待道。 Delivers you to start off.” “送你上路。” The voice falls, Feng Qi waves to grasp, immediately psychic power fettered the nape of the neck of this domain lifeform, the contraction broke by pressing his nape of the neck suddenly. 话音落下,封棋挥手一抓,顿时念动力束缚住了这名领域生物的脖颈,骤然收缩将他的脖颈压断。 Afterward one group of vitalities appeared from the domain lifeform of dying, flood into his within the body. 随后一团气血从死去的领域生物身上浮现,涌入他的体内。 【, The unfeeling dregs male, uses up loses.】 【呵,冷酷无情的渣男,用完就丢。】 Has not paid attention to Narrator, he turns around to look to the front thick wall, psychic power is erupting at this moment. 没有理会旁白,他转身望向前方厚实的墙壁,念动力在此刻爆发。 Crashes resounds one after another, the thick refrigerator after insisting for several seconds then collapses loudly. 碎裂声接连响起,厚实的冰箱在坚持数秒后便轰然垮塌。 His figure departs the ice to be firm under psychic power hold-up, the line of sight looks to the front, front is an aisle, the both sides all are detain the ice of prisoner to be firm. 他的身形在念动力的托浮下飞出冰牢,视线望向前方,前面是一条走道,两侧皆是关押囚犯的冰牢。 The figure continues to go toward the forward flight, arrives at the end of aisle, Feng Qi the thick metal wall will raise with psychic power flies. 身形继续往前飞去,来到走道的尽头,封棋念动力将厚实的金属墙壁掀飞。 The giant sound attracted immediately soldier who safeguards the prison. 巨大的动静顿时吸引了看管囚牢的战士。 But Feng Qi has not begun to them, puts out a hand, bullies the soldier who nearly comes to be decided in same place, waves again, their figure back up, Feng Qi flies directly in the exit|to speak direction. 封棋并未对他们动手,伸手间,欺近而来的战士被定在了原地,再次挥手,他们的身形倒退,封棋则径直朝出口方向飞去。 The ice altogether had three firmly, Feng Qi rushed with the extremely crude way hardly. 冰牢共有三层,封棋用极为粗暴的方式硬闯了出去。 When he rushes out the ice to be firm, discovered that outside has several hundred fully-armed person clan soldiers to wait for him. 当他闯出冰牢,发现外面已经有数百名全副武装的人族战士在等着他了。 Has not paid attention to them, the Feng Qi figure raises. 没有理会他们,封棋身形拔高。 Several hundred soldiers in formation also launched the offensive at this time toward him. 数百名严阵以待的战士也在这时朝他发动攻势。 The ice fog comes by extremely quick speed proliferation, in the place visited air congeals the blue ice crystal, is close toward him fast. 冰雾以极快的速度扩散而来,所过之处空气中凝结出蓝色冰晶,快速朝他接近。 The intention in a flash, the ice fog was contained by his psychic power, is unable again the little advance. 心念转瞬间,冰雾被他的念动力遏制,无法再寸进。 But daybreak the attack of soldiers had not ended, sees only several hundred soldiers to transform the position, immediately the under foot appears huge blue formation. 但破晓战士们的进攻并未结束,只见数百名战士变换位置,顿时脚下浮现一座巨大的蓝色阵法 The innumerable ice walls rise straight from the ground, from the sky transforms the giant ice claw, grasps toward him. 无数冰墙拔地而起,在空中幻化成巨大冰爪,朝他抓去。 Feng Qi under the psychic power package, figure fast shuttle among colds to the touch, the speed that but the ice layer spreads is quick, surrounds him again. 封棋念动力的包裹下,身形快速穿梭于冰手之间,但冰层蔓延的速度很快,再次将他包围。 Feng Qi erupts completely psychic power decisively. 封棋果断爆发全部念动力 Immediately blocks the ice wall of route to start large surface area collapsing, but below ice wall is still producing fast, had formed an iceberg in the midair. 顿时封锁路线的冰墙开始大面积垮塌,但下方的冰墙还在快速生成,已经在半空中形成了一座冰山。 Facing so hard to deal with offensive, in Feng Qi heart instead some gratified. 面对如此难缠的攻势,封棋心中反而有些许欣慰。 Even if the black ink moon/month won the final victory, but the human cultivation system is not totally the avalanche, obviously strength of the war. 即使墨月赢得了最后的胜利,但人类修炼体系并非完全崩塌,显然还有一战之力。 How now should from the card status, be a problem. 现在该如何自证身份,成了问题。 According to the ice firm domain lifeform described, daybreak in the city has an ancestor, he suspected that person clan ancestors were the little fellows. 根据冰牢中的领域生物描述,破晓城内有着一位老祖宗,他怀疑那位人族老祖宗就是小家伙。 This point also the ice that can the defense soldiers from daybreak city grasp is the ability can see. 这一点也可以从破晓城的守城战士所掌握的冰系能力可以看出。 He decides then full power a war, little fellow compelling. 他决定接下来全力一战,将小家伙给逼出来。 Otherwise is the daybreak city of stranger, he is really also hard from the card status. 不然全是陌生人的破晓城,他还真就难以自证身份。 The dark golden brand mark of forehead crystallizes in this moment disintegration, changes into the turbulent vitality to wrap the whole body. 额头的暗金色烙印结晶在此刻崩碎,化为汹涌气血包裹周身。 Speeds up along with the heart beat speed, the aggressive Blood Source Form condition revealed. 伴随着心脏跳动速度加快,霸气的血源形态显露。 Makes a fist, the strength of rushing surges in within the body, his figure from the sky reverses, wields the fist toward under suddenly. 握拳间,澎湃的力量在体内涌动,他的身形在空中扭转,骤然朝下方挥出拳头。 Bang! 轰! The vitality ocean waves sweep across toward the front, bumps into with the iceberg, immediately iceberg large surface area collapsing, the blood-color fist shadow continued to face forward to advance very long distance, when until soon was close to below soldier, this dissipates. 气血海浪朝前方席卷,与冰山相撞,顿时冰山大面积垮塌,血色拳影继续朝前推进了很长一段距离,直至快要接近下方战士时,这才消散。 In vision that in more than hundred soldiers do not dare to believe that Feng Qi falls to the ground. 在百余名战士不敢置信的目光中,封棋落地。 Is looking at the height eight meters, the whole body muscle congealing reality, during the breath in the mouth and nose has Feng Qi that the blood fog appears, their are nervous. 望着身高八米有余,浑身肌肉凝实,呼吸间口鼻中有血雾浮现的封棋,他们的表情紧张。 At this time in the city resounded the alarm sound, massive forms from raid in all directions in the direction that he was. 这时城内响起了警报声,大量身影从四面八方朝他所在的方向袭来。 The quick several tens of thousands of forms formed a large-scale encirclement ring, sieges him, following also has more forms on the road that marches on. 很快数万道身影形成了一个大型包围圈,将他围困,后续还有更多的身影正在赶来的路上。 Realizes the war to be unavoidable, in Feng Qi heart helpless. 意识到大战在所难免,封棋心中无奈。 It seems like in the future the person will not understand that his complete ability, includes the Blood Source Form condition. 看来未来人并不了解他的全部能力,其中就包括血源形态。 Raises a disturbance, if the little fellow, will certainly appear.】 【大闹一场吧,如果小家伙在,一定会出现的。】 Deeply inspires, Feng Qi initiates an attack. 深吸了一口气,封棋主动出击。 The figure such as one group of blood-color roaring flame, bully a near neighbor soldier suddenly, the thick arm pounded fiercely on the shield in this soldier hand, the terrifying strength struck to fly with the shield it, the shield in hand from the sky disrupted, changes into the fragment to fly horizontally. 身形如一团血色烈焰,骤然欺近附近的一名战士,粗大的手臂猛地砸在了这名战士手里的盾牌上,恐怖的力量将其连人带盾击飞了出去,手中的盾牌更是在空中碎裂,化为碎块横飞。 Then his figure glitters one after another, has the soldier to be struck to fly under his great strength unceasingly. 接下来他的身形接连闪烁,不断有战士在他的巨力下被击飞。 The daybreak soldier form that but surrounding comes is also more and more. 但包围而来的破晓战士身影也是越来越多。 But many lethality of their offensive not to Feng Qi, even is unable to penetrate his physical body defense, so long as the Blood Source Form condition does not dissipate, he can definitely be in an impregnable position. 但他们的攻势对封棋而言并没有多少杀伤力,甚至无法击穿他的肉体防御,只要血源形态不消散,他完全可以立于不败之地。 Under his violent offensive, has the soldier to fly unceasingly horizontally, after falling to the ground, loses the battle efficiency. 在他的暴力攻势下,不断有战士横飞,倒地后失去战斗力。 He looks like one from the ominous beast that the ancient times regained consciousness, with the arbitrary stance, fought vigorously daybreak the defense soldier in city. 他就像是一头自远古苏醒的凶兽,以蛮横的姿态,力战破晓城内的守城战士。 During this , the Feng Qi attempt kisses/intimate white from the card in the spoken language, the meaning that but the defense soldier has not talked with him obviously, wants first to hold him obviously, then verifies his status. 这期间封棋尝试用言语自证亲白,但守城战士显然没有与他谈话的意思,显然是想先将他抓住,然后再验明他的身份。 In fight Feng Qi also not but full power is. 战斗中封棋也并非全力而为。 Own strength is terrifying, he is clear. 自己的力量有多么恐怖,他非常清楚。 Once makes an effort excessively fiercely, will be very likely daybreak the soldier to kill, will thus cancel from timeline it thoroughly. 一旦用力过猛,极有可能将破晓战士杀死,从而将其彻底从时间线中抹去。 Therefore he chose the way of most simple and crude, breaks through with the brute force, is precisely breaks through back and forth. 所以他选择了最简单粗暴的方式,用蛮力突围,且是来回突围。 Under his wild offensive, daybreak the defense line of soldier was routed by his times. 在他的狂暴攻势下,破晓战士的防线被他一次次击溃。 Finally, Feng Qi heard a delightful sound to resound from the distant place: 终于,封棋听到了一个悦耳的声音自远处响起: Two teams, invites ancestor.” “二队,去请老祖宗。” Afterward an team in encirclement ring departs fast. 随后包围圈中的一支队伍快速离去。 Realized that the ancestors of person clan will soon appear, the Feng Qi offensive restrains immediately, the entire journey is primarily defending. 意识到人族的老祖宗即将出现,封棋的攻势顿时收敛,全程以防御为主。 After more than ten minutes, the daybreak soldier in encirclement ring achieved 100,000 people. 十余分钟后,包围圈里的破晓战士达到了十万人。 Feng Qi also felt the pressure finally. 封棋也终于感觉到了压力。 The attack methods of daybreak soldier are very strange, hit puncture not many injuries in ice, even is unable to break through his physical body defense, but he can feel clearly has faint trace chill in the air permeating within the body. 这些破晓战士的进攻手段十分诡异,打在身上的冰刺并无多少伤害,甚至无法突破他的肉体防御,但他能清晰感觉到有丝丝寒意渗入体内。 As the cold air of permeating within the body are getting more and more, he gradually felt that the action becomes stiff, this obviously is an ability of iteration injury, if continues to fight again, he could die here. 随着渗入体内的寒气越来越多,他逐渐感觉到行动变得僵硬,这显然是一种迭加伤害的能力,如果再继续战斗下去,他可能会死在这里。 In addition, the vitality in within the body will also soon exhaust. 除此之外,体内的气血也即将耗尽。 The time continues to pass, in Feng Qi decides to open the god body, sees only the form to raise in the horizon together, like one group of blue Sun, blooming deep blue ray. 时间继续推移,就在封棋决定开启神体之际,只见一道身影在天际边升起,如同一团蓝色太阳,绽放湛蓝光芒。 During this group of blue flame several twinkles, since the remote horizon appears before his body. 这团蓝色火焰几个闪烁间,自遥远的天际边出现在他身前。 When the blue flame diverges, wears the white robe, the white-haired form appears, he loses to the back single-handed, stands proudly hangingly. 当蓝色火焰散去,一名身穿白袍,满头白发的身影显现,他单手负于后背,傲然悬空站立。 Sees this person, nearby daybreak soldier looks the happy expression in abundance, lowers the head respectfully: 看到此人,附近的破晓战士纷纷面露喜色,恭敬低头: Ancestor.” “老祖宗。” Ancestor, has the domain powerful enemy to invade one's territory.” “老祖宗,有领域强敌来犯。” Was the daybreak soldier of head arrives at side the white hair old man at this time, the respectful opens the mouth said. 为首的一名破晓战士在这时来到白发老者身边,恭敬开口道。 But the white hair form has not paid attention, his vision stares at Feng Qi, the pupil shivers fiercely. 但白发身影并未理会,他的目光凝视封棋,瞳孔剧烈颤抖。 In a flash, Feng Qi saw many complex mood in his eyes. 一瞬间,封棋在他眼中看到了诸多复杂情绪。 Little fellow, does not see for a long time.” “小家伙,好久不见。” Feng Qi diverged the flesh and blood at this time, condensed the person, later looked at the white hair old form to grin to say with a smile. 封棋在这时散去血肉之躯,凝聚人身,随后望着白发苍老身影咧嘴笑道。 Chess...... Uncle Qi.” “棋……棋叔。” The brothers, asked a monthly ticket 兄弟们,求个月票
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