IKTT :: Volume #5

#454 Part 1: I am Feng Qi( asked monthly ticket)

Chapter 454 I am Feng Qi( asked monthly ticket) 第454章我是封棋(求月票) Sits the elevator to arrive at underground square one, Feng Qi leaves the Scarlet Research Institute secret base following the channel. 坐电梯来到地下广场一层,封棋顺着通道离开猩红研究院秘密基地。 With the anticipation mood, he looks up toward the sky. 怀着期待心情,他抬头朝天空望去。 Sun in anticipation has not appeared, be only one blood moon/month hangs the horizon, sways the scarlet ray. 期待中的太阳不曾出现,只有一轮血月高悬天际,挥洒猩红色光芒。 Sees this, in the Feng Qi heart regretted. 看到这一幕,封棋心中遗憾。 Even if ahead of time knows the event that the future can have, Mu Yao cannot defeat the black ink moon/month, the world was invaded by the domain world finally. 纵使提前知晓了未来会发生的事件,慕暚还是没能战胜墨月,人类世界最终还是被领域世界侵占。 Therefore big probability human built the millenniums the cultivation systems also to be destroyed laboriously most probably, many systems are unable to be applicable to the new world under blood moon/month again. 所以大概率人类辛苦搭建千年的修炼体系也被破坏了大半,许多体系无法再适用于血月下的新世界。 Calm, before you walk I have known that the black ink moon/month defeated Sun.】 【淡定,在你走出来之前我就已经知道墨月战胜了太阳。】 How do you know?” “你怎么知道的?” 【It looks like the memory iteration not to remove to your influence, I naturally before you enters the Scarlet Research Institute secret base sees with one's own eyes, do not forget you since the future dreamland first not in scarlet secret base, because the memory iteration affected to forget how oneself climbed mountains and crossed rivers here that arrived.】 【看来记忆迭加对你的影响还未褪去,我当然是在伱进入猩红研究院秘密基地前亲眼看到的,别忘记了你进入未来梦境的第一时间并非是在猩红秘密基地,只是因为记忆迭加影响忘记了自己是怎么跋山涉水来到的这里。】 „, Right.” Feng Qi immediately suddenly. “哦,对。”封棋顿时恍然。 More than hundred years of memories squeeze in the mind, he almost forgot oneself appearance place in future dreamland not in Scarlet Research Institute. 百余年的记忆塞入脑海中,他差点忘记自己在未来梦境中的出现地点并非是在猩红研究院了。 The line of sight sweeps to the front, Star City is stretch of ruins. 视线扫向前方,星城还是一片废墟。 But compared with former timeline, can be obviously seen Star City once liveliness from these by the construction that in the years corrode, such as beforehand timeline like that is completely not ruined. 但与之前的时间线相比,能明显从这些被岁月腐蚀的建筑中看出星城曾经的繁华,并非如之前的时间线那般完全破败。 Takes a step to walking toward the West, then he prepares to go to the Star City shelter. 迈步往西方向走去,接下来他准备前往星城庇护所。 According to the description of Wei Wei, Star City and that years of sword clan battle, the shelter plan has started gradually. 根据蔚薇的描述,星城与剑族交战的那段岁月,庇护所计划就已经逐步启动了。 If there is in the future the person, big probability in Star City shelter direction. 所以如果有未来人,大概率会在星城庇护所方向。 Why as for chooses the construction shelter outside Star City, the reason is actually very simple. 至于为何选择在星城外建造庇护所,原因其实很简单。 The construction of shelter needs the huge land, but the land in Star City was used in his planning and construction massively, in the fence does not have the appropriate land to be used to build the shelter together. 庇护所的建造需要庞大的土地,但星城内的土地在他的规划建设中被大量利用,围墙内没有一块合适的土地能用于打造庇护所。 Besides the land of surface insufficient, Star City underground is also hard to construct the shelter. 除了地表的土地不够用外,星城的地下也是难以建造庇护所。 The Star City underground is found in the small-scale air-raid shelter, the perfect subdrainage network, the base space will use massively. 星城的地下遍布小型防空洞,还有完善的地下排水系统网络,将地底空间大量利用。 Scarlet Research Institute can have the bottom secret base , in the early period was Star City develops completed the plan. 猩红研究院能够拥有地底秘密基地,也是星城发展早期就完成了规划。 To construct a large-scale place bottom shelter in the time that he is, is not completely realistic, can with many original project conflict. 想要在他所在的时代建造一个规模庞大的地底庇护所,完全不现实,会与许多原本的工程冲突。 Therefore wants to construct a large-scale disaster shelter, or an asylum city, best choice outside Star City. 所以想要建造一座大型的灾难庇护所,或是一座庇护城市,最好的选择就是在星城外。 This is also each time the position and Star City of Star City shelter is away from a distance the reason. 这也是每次星城庇护所的位置与星城隔着一段距离的原因。 Now looks like, since the shelter plan starts, obviously Star City was hit by the exceptionally huge turbulence and disaster. 现在看来,既然庇护所计划启动,显然星城遭遇了异常巨大的动荡与灾难。 As for this disaster is whether related with the sword clan, he must go to the shelter to look for the answer. 至于这场灾难是否与剑族有关,他还得去庇护所寻找答案。 Walks toward the west along the ruined street, can see that many constructions of Star City have by the trace that the external force destroys, is constructs the wreckage and crushed stone along the way everywhere, sees only a left front tall building to be interrupted around the middle, from smooth of margin place can see that the building was not destroyed by the violence, is more like cuts off by some type of sharp weapon around the middle. 沿着破败的街道往西走去,能看到星城的许多建筑都有被外力破坏的痕迹,沿途到处是建筑残骸与碎石,只见左前方的一栋高楼被拦腰截断,自切口处的平整能看出大楼并非是被暴力破坏,更像是被某种锋利的武器拦腰斩断。 The line of sight shifts to the right side, on the street opposite street covers entirely the crack, the center also leaves leeway the diameter more than ten meters pits together, at this time in had grown the colorful domain plant. 视线转向右侧,街道对面的马路上布满裂纹,中心处还留有一道直径十余米的凹坑,此时里面已经长出了颜色鲜艳的领域植物。 Lost the trace of human activities, this once the lively city already completely occupied by the domain plant and domain wild animal. 失去了人类活动的痕迹,这座曾经繁华的城市已经完全被领域植物与领域野兽占据。 Continued to a distance, Feng Qi climbed up a tall building, the line of sight looks into the West. 继续向走了一段路程,封棋爬上一座高楼,视线眺望西方。 The pupil contraction, the line of sight pulls closer. 瞳孔收缩,视线拉近。 Carefully after observing one, he has not seen the Little Black trail. 仔细观察了一圈后,他并未看到小黑的踪迹。 Determined that Little Black has not appeared, Feng Qi relaxes immediately. 确定小黑还未出现,封棋顿时松了一口气。 If he walks toward the west, but Little Black came from that direction just in time, his big probability is the extreme danger, ahead of time to field. 如果他往西走,而小黑正巧从那个方向过来,他大概率是羊入虎口,提前离场。 Only if throws the sucker, received in exchange for itself continue drift along some time with the sacrifice of sucker.】 【除非是丢出吸盘,用吸盘的牺牲换取自己继续苟且一段时间。】 Complaining of Narrator touches somebody's sore spot very much, but is actually the fact. 旁白的吐槽很扎心,但却是事实。 Has not responded Narrator, he leaps directly from the tall building, later falls layer on layer/heavily in the ruined road surface. 没有搭理旁白,他径直从高楼跃下,随后重重摔在破败的路面。 Covered entirely the crack road surface to break to pieces Shiheng to fly under his fierce hit, the ground also undercuts. 本就布满裂纹的路面在他的猛烈撞击下碎石横飞,地面随之下陷。 But he is only the both legs slightly is curving, had not been affected. 而他却只是双腿微微弯曲,并未受到影响。 After returning to main timeline, he can obviously feel oneself body is changed beyond recognition, that decayed late in life feeling vanishes does not see. 回归主时间线后,他能明显感觉到自己的身体焕然一新,那种腐朽的迟暮感消失不见。 In addition, the line of sight no longer is fuzzy, ponder no longer to be slow, action to become agile, response becomes rapid, wait/etc. 除此之外,视线不再模糊、思考不再迟钝、行动变得敏捷、反应变得迅速,等等。 He can feel clearly within the body is surging the rushing strength, the blood surges like surging tides, to body taking away vigorous vitality/angry. 他能清楚感觉到体内涌动着澎湃力量,血液如潮水般涌动,给身体带去蓬勃生气。 Thought back on this sacrifice line final, he takes a chill will cough, even coughed up blood, the action definitely is unable to be independent, must depend upon the wheelchair, because also the influence of negativity often had similar senile dementia and other issues. 遥想这条牺牲线的最后,他受凉就会咳嗽,甚至是咳血,行动完全无法自主,必须依靠轮椅,还因为负面情绪的影响时常有类似老年痴呆等问题。 The feeling of return sacrifice line, looked like the brand-new samsara of life. 回归牺牲线的感觉,就像是生命的一次崭新轮回。 All are changed beyond recognition. 一切都焕然一新。 Nothing was more wonderful than this feeling. 没有什么比这种感觉更加美妙了。 This called anything, this called the air gun to change the cannon, sacrificed the line finally you looked like a bicycle, fell the bicycle of chain, went all out to stretch the legs does not walk, now this exchanges the expensive car, does not need to be strenuous, a foot accelerator can run, can not be joyful.】 【这叫什么,这就叫鸟枪换大炮,牺牲线的最后你就像是一辆自行车,还是掉了链子的自行车,卖力蹬腿也不走,现在这是换上豪车了,不需要费力,一脚油门就能跑,能不快乐嘛。】 What are you?” “那你是什么?” I naturally was a pilot, you were a steering wheel.】 【我当然是驾驶员了,你是方向盘。】 Final word system.” “煞笔系统。” Final word living corpse.】 【煞笔活死人。】 In the familiar abusing each other sound, Feng Qi continues toward the west the line. 熟悉的对骂声中,封棋继续往西而行。 The change of Star City along the way, making him sob. 沿途的星城的变化,令他唏嘘不已。 Regarding Star City, he was very familiar, on a sacrifice line he as the secret leader, the new planning and construction of Star City he basically had the participation. 对于星城,他算是非常熟悉了,上一条牺牲线他身为幕后领袖,星城的新规划建设他基本都有参与。 Therefore he is familiar with the Star City terrain. 所以他对星城的地形非常熟悉。 Walks along the way, in his mind appears automatically the Star City area map of correspondence. 沿途走去,他的脑海中自动浮现对应的星城区域地图。 The architecture style along the way after he dies has very big change, but the outlines of many landmarks can distinguish vaguely, making him find the Star City map coordinates that in the memory corresponded. 沿途的建筑风貌在他死后发生很大改变,但还是有许多标志性建筑的轮廓能依稀分辨,让他找到记忆中对应的星城地图坐标。 After forwarding a distance, he transferred the direction to walk toward north suddenly. 向前走了一段路程后,他忽然调转方向往北走去。 By remembering, he knows that this nearby has one Star City person outstanding cemetery. 凭借记忆,他知道这附近有一处“星城人杰陵园”。 There burying has the historical people of many contributions to be outstanding to the human civilization construction, Wei Wei is very likely to be buried there. 那里埋葬的都是对人类文明建设有诸多贡献的历史人杰,蔚薇极有可能被埋葬在那里。 Although may also be buried in the heroic cemetery. 虽然也有可能被埋葬于英雄陵园内。 But the heroic cemetery is far from the position that he is, hurries to there to need to spend lots of time, he can only choose to give up. 但英雄陵园距离他所在的位置较远,赶去那里需要花费大量时间,他只能选择放弃。 He can only use the limited time in the person outstanding cemetery tries one's luck. 他只能将有限的时间用在人杰陵园内碰碰运气。 Takes a step to walk into the cemetery, inside smooth marble road surface had covered entirely the crack, many domain plants tenacious grow following the crack. 迈步走入陵园内,里面原本平整的大理石路面已经布满裂纹,许多领域植物顽强顺着裂缝生长出来。 Once planted here massive planted because green also no one handled, because was covered by the domain world, lost plant massively. 曾经栽种在这里的大量绿植也因为无人打理,或是因为被领域世界覆盖,大量枯死。 On for example the old locust tree of cemetery most conspicuous position, the trunk and branches dangles, the torso spot pulled out spatially by some external force, absolutely does not have the vitality. 就例如陵园最显眼位置的一株老槐树,枝干垂下,躯干部位更是被某种外力掏空,已经完全没有了生机。 Continues to walk toward. 继续往里走去。 Tombstones arrange neatly, extends by a multi-step layout backward. 一座座墓碑整齐排列,以一种阶梯式的布局向后延伸。 Wanted to find the Wei Wei tombstone fast, was not difficult. 想要快速找到蔚薇的墓碑,并不难。 Here each steps, are representing a time, only needs to determine that the approximate year of Wei Wei death, will calculate in the future then figures out in the approximate region that the tombstone is. 这里的每一段阶梯,都代表着一个时代,只需要确定蔚薇死亡的大致年份,往后推算即可算出所在墓碑所在的大致区域。 Walks following the upward steps. 顺着向上的阶梯走去。 For a long time , before he arrived at a tombstone . 许久后,他来到了一座墓碑前。 As a result of the corrosion of years, the tombstone nearly disrupts completely, the above handwriting has also blurred. 由于岁月的侵蚀,墓碑近乎完全碎裂,上面的字迹也已经模糊。 But the above picture perhaps is the special material manufacture, can see clearly the Wei Wei appearance outline vaguely. 但上面的照片或许是特殊材料制作,能依稀看清楚蔚薇的容貌轮廓。 single Xidun sits before the Wei Wei grave, one bunch of wild flowers that Feng Qi will pick along the way placed in front of the Wei Wei tombstone. 单膝蹲坐于蔚薇的墓前,封棋将沿途采摘的一束野花摆放在了蔚薇的墓碑前。 If he is the hero of Star City human, then Wei Wei is the hero in his heart. 如果说他是星城人类的英雄,那么蔚薇就是他心中的英雄。 This old woman consistently stands in him silently behind, and each timeline effort are not less than her, the heavy burden that withstands is not weaker in him. 这个老女人始终默默站在他身后,且每一条时间线的努力都不比她少,所承受的重担更是不弱于他。 Except that did not remember pain that the iteration and negativity iteration take away, the old woman is uses for several hundred years to create the new technology in each timeline diligently, the solution ever emerging new issue. 除了没有记忆迭加与负面情绪迭加带去的痛苦,老女人在每一条时间线都是用几百年去努力创造新技术,解决不断出现的新问题。 Hot big lobster and rune/symbol Wenxiao snail and spiritual comforting medicament, brain active needle and brain vessel and memory duplication compiler technology, wait/etc. 麻辣大龙虾、符文小蜗、精神安抚药剂、大脑活性针与大脑容器、记忆复制编辑技术,等等。 This walks, Wei Wei solved problems for him, created too many new technologies. 这一路走来,蔚薇为他解决了一个又一个的问题,创造了太多新的技术。 But to human, Wei Wei is obscure. 但对人类而言,蔚薇默默无闻。 Her whole life does not have the love, not to have the kinship, even has not enjoyed the life truly, will offer the wholeheartedly to human and in the future. 她这辈子没有爱情、没有亲情,甚至不曾真正享受过生活,将全身心都奉献给了人类与未来。 In his heart, Wei Wei this old woman goes down in history sufficiently, becomes the historical extraordinary personality. 在他心中,蔚薇这个老女人足以载入史册,成为历史伟人。 Old woman, good work, next strip timeline we again hand in hand.” “老女人,辛苦了,下条时间线我们再携手。” Pays silent tribute for a long time, Feng Qi stands up, looks serves with daybreak the hand signal ritual to the Wei Wei tombstone, later must take a step to leave. 默哀许久,封棋站起身,望向蔚薇的墓碑施以破晓手势礼,随后就要迈步离开。 At this time the Narrator sound resounded in his mind: 这时旁白的声音在他脑海中响起: This? This can not according to the last words of old woman, come up „” to knock two knocks to her tombstone, how many then sobs to cry? Did you pick a wild flower to send conveniently? Whom is perfunctory?】 【就这?这不得按照老女人的临终遗言,上去对着她的墓碑“哐哐”磕上两个响头,然后呜咽着哭上几声?你随手采摘一株野花就打发了?敷衍谁呢?】 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… The blood pressure starts to elevate. 血压开始升高。 Has not paid attention to Narrator, he turns around to leave. 没有理会旁白,他转身离开。 Walks on leading to the Star City shelter direction road, all around his vision glance, seeks whether has the domain lifeform trail. 走在通往星城庇护所方向的路上,他的目光扫视四周,寻找是否有领域生物踪迹。 If present, he does not want to let off actually. 如果有,他倒是不想放过。 Proposition of Wei Wei in mailbox message is not groundless. 蔚薇在邮箱留言中的提议不无道理。 Assuming that is unable to prevent black ink to defeat Mu Yao, then the human cultivation system develops in these more than thousand years in any event, finally will welcome the time on the wane. 假设无法阻止墨战胜慕暚,那么人类修炼体系在这千余年间无论如何发展,最终都会迎来凋零时刻。 When the black ink moon/month swallows Sun, the rule system of world will be destroyed massively. 当墨月将太阳吞噬,人类世界的规则体系会被大量破坏。 This was doomed the cultivation system of human laborious research and development to tend to the collapse edge, the effect of can showing will be weakened significantly. 这注定了人类辛苦研发的修炼体系会趋于崩坏边缘,所能展现的功效会被大幅度削弱。 How should break this limit, Wei Wei has given two roads. 该如何突破这个限制,蔚薇已经给出了两条路。 Article 1 the road, grows to contends with black ink sufficiently, as well as these attacks of massive strong clan was trained by black ink, helping Mu Yao win the final victory. 第一条路,成长到足以抗衡墨,以及那些被墨培养的大量强族的进攻,帮助慕暚赢得最终的胜利。 So long as the Mu Yao undefeated, the human cultivation system will not crash. 只要慕暚不败,人类修炼体系就不会崩塌。 But this road and difficult to walk, want to obtain with the strength that many strong clans contend with, is only hard to achieve depending on sacrificial line him. 但这条路并不好走,想要获得与诸多强族抗衡的实力,仅凭牺牲线上的他难以做到。 After all sacrificed the line only to borrow the main timeline talent ability, the strength will come under the influence of physical quality finally. 毕竟牺牲线只能借用主时间线的天赋能力,实力最终还是会受到自身身体素质的影响。 Article 2 the road, builds a skill storehouse. 第二条路,搭建一个技能库。 In the future the Star City people will take the belief growth route, everyone will become his follower. 往后星城民众走信仰成长路线,所有人都会成为他的信徒。 This besides can bring the strength of continuous belief to him, the growth of human will no longer come under the influence after black ink moon/month corrosion world. 这除了能给他带来源源不断的信仰之力外,人类的成长将不再受到墨月侵蚀人类世界后的影响。 After all his talent ability from domain lifeform, not by the influence of black ink moon/month rule. 毕竟他的天赋能力来自领域生物,不受墨月规则的影响。 But this road wants to pass, has two problems that must solve. 但这条路想要走通,也存在着必须要解决的两个问题。 First what must solve, how should gain the special blood of massive main timeline, proliferates the entire Star City belief statue for the casting. 首先要解决的是,该如何获取大量主时间线的特殊血液,用于铸造遍布整座星城的信仰雕像。 The belief statue is the follower and he establishes the only way of belief relation. 信仰雕像是信徒与他建立信仰联系的唯一方式。 Next, he must have a huge talent skill storehouse to choose the use for the follower. 其次,他必须拥有一个庞大的天赋技能库供信徒选择使用。 Depending on the present dozens talent skills, obviously is only insufficient. 仅凭现在的几十个天赋技能,显然不够用。 In the tentative plan of Wei Wei he must have several thousand talent abilities, can initially launch the belief growth plan. 蔚薇的设想中他怎么也得拥有几千个天赋能力,才能初步启动信仰成长计划。 And these several thousand talents comprehensively are good. 并且这几千个天赋得非常全面才行。 Must have the spirit to strengthen, the long-distance technique law and near tactical law...... a higher point also, memory , the physique increase to pursue the space jump ability and toxic exemption ability, wait/etc. 要有精神向、体质增幅向、记忆增强、远程术法、近战术法……更高一点还可以追求空间跳跃能力、毒性豁免能力,等等。 Therefore quite builds to be possible for the follower to choose the talent ability his talent track the skill library. 相当于是将他的天赋轨道打造成一座可供信徒挑选天赋能力的技能图书馆。 In the future will need what talent, after becoming the follower, intimate borrowing then. 往后需要什么天赋,成为信徒后直接借用即可。 Only the followers must do promotes itself with borrow the talent ability diligently conjunction. 信徒唯一要做的就是努力提升自己与所借用天赋能力的契合度。 So long as the quantity of talent skill covers the range to be broad enough, can assist to promote human in the investigation and development of each domain. 只要天赋技能的数量涵盖范围足够广,能辅助提升人类在各个领域的研究发展。 But this growth route does not have the shortcoming. 但这条成长路线也并非没有缺点。 Borrows the talent ability by the influence of oneself physical quality, if the borrowing physical quality is not strong, the talent ability effect of borrowing has the upper limit. 借用天赋能力受到自身身体素质的影响,如果借用者自身身体素质不强,借用到的天赋能力效果就有上限。 On for example his sacrifice line, the Blood Source Form condition had the intensity upper limit eventually, is unable compared with main timeline. 就例如他的牺牲线,血源形态终究是有强度上限,远无法和主时间线相比。 Solving one of the issue ways, feeds the talent ability unceasingly, raises the upper limit of talent ability. 解决这个问题的方式之一,就是不断喂养天赋能力,将天赋能力的上限拔高。 Meanwhile feeds several thousand talent abilities, or tens of thousands, and even several hundred thousand talent abilities, this to him absolutely is a stressed matter. 但同时喂养几千个天赋能力,亦或是几万个,乃至几十万个天赋能力,这对他而言绝对是一件压力极大的事情。 Is equal to depending upon him to feed the entire human race. 等于是依靠他一人喂养全人类。 Therefore this growth way compares the system, earlier will have the distinct advantage, but slightly will feel weak later obviously. 所以这种成长方式相比较自研体系,前期会有明显优势,但后期会略显乏力。 According to the description of Wei Wei, the best growth way should be the two unifies. 根据蔚薇的描述,最好的成长方式应该是二者结合。 Human not only has own cultivation system, can continually enhance own physical quality, and can borrow the talent ability through the belief, and depends upon the talent ability that the physical quality better development of cultivation increase borrows. 人类既有自己的修炼体系,能够不断提升自己的身体素质,又能通过信仰借用天赋能力,并依靠修炼增幅的身体素质更好的开发借用的天赋能力。 When Feng Qi tentative plan human the growth path, the Narrator sound will resound in his mind in the future: 就在封棋设想人类未来成长道路时,旁白的声音在他的脑海中响起: 【Very good, in the future the direction will determine basically, now misses several hundred thousand domain lifeform to deliver to the mouth.】 【很好,未来方向基本确定,现在就差几十万只领域生物送到嘴边了。】 Hears complaining of Narrator, Feng Qi cannot bear roll the eyes. 听到旁白的吐槽,封棋忍不住翻白眼。 He makes the decision in the heart, talent ability that in the future will obtain, if not the effect of extremely weak chicken, for the time being does not decompose. 他在心中做出决定,往后得到的天赋能力,如果不是极其弱鸡的功效,暂且就不分解了。 After all in tentative plan belief skill storehouse, needs too many talent abilities to fill. 毕竟设想中的“信仰技能库”,需要太多天赋能力进行填充。 Walks in the shelter direction along the path, Feng Qi thinks on the way suddenly an issue, makes noise to inquire later curiously: 沿着道路往庇护所方向走去,途中封棋忽然想到了一个问题,随后好奇出声询问道: Narrator, you thought that you can be Pillar God?” 旁白,你觉得你会是柱神吗?” Pillar God, I return the dental cavity, you do not really think that I hide in what Pillar God strength of your within the body continue, then depended upon you to activate me?】 柱神,我还蛀牙呢,你不会真以为我是隐藏在你体内的什么柱神力量延续,然后依靠你自身将我激活了?】 Not?” “难道不是吗?” Good...... I is not actually clear are what ingredient, perhaps is a big villain, now lodges in your within the body waits for the opportunity to act, when I will restore the memory to torment to death you, might be some Pillar God strength continue, only retained some instinct consciousness, trained you in this way, lets challenge that you completed me not to complete, even I possibly was your missing father.】 【好吧……其实我也不清楚自己到底是什么成分,说不定是个大反派,现在寄宿在你体内伺机而动,等我恢复记忆就会把你整死,也有可能是某个柱神的力量延续,只保留了些许本能意识,通过这种方式来培养你,让你去完成我未完成的挑战,甚至我可能就是你失踪的父亲。】 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… He cannot bear in the heart raises up the middle finger to Narrator. 他忍不住在心中对旁白竖起中指。 Regarding missing of parents, he has thought they possibly went to Tongtian Road. 对于父母的失踪,他曾经想过他们可能去往了通天路。 This matter he does not have to inquire Mu Yao with enough time. 此事他没来得及询问慕暚 But can also analyze through the existence information, his parents inevitably not to Tongtian Road. 但通过现有情报也能分析出来,他的父母必然没有去往通天路。 After all that years when he was 17 years old, Mu Yao was also stranded in the vestige islands, how possibly to return to the world, and sends to Tongtian Road his parents. 毕竟他17岁以前的那段岁月,慕暚还被困在遗迹岛屿上,怎么可能回到人类世界,并将他的父母送去通天路。 Although in the heart has the expectation, but he understands that the missing parental big probability has died in the domain field. 虽然心中抱有期望,但他明白失踪的父母大概率已经死在了领域场。 Therefore Narrator is his family member's probability nearly is 0. 所以旁白是他亲人的概率近乎为0。 The Narrator real status, is more mystical than Little Black. 旁白的真实身份,比小黑还神秘。 Little Black is at least traceable, increases along with the clue, the Little Black truth is surfacing little. 至少小黑还有迹可循,伴随着线索增多,小黑的真相正在一点点浮出水面。 But Narrator is different, its status was still a riddle. 旁白不同,它的身份至今仍是一个谜。 Even does not have any clue can show how Narrator is existence. 甚至没有任何线索能够证明旁白是怎样一种存在。 But his special physique also has the possibility to have the relations with Narrator extremely. 而他的特殊体质也极有可能与旁白有关系。 Perhaps Narrator also is really Pillar God some strength continues, is only his situation is quite special, without depending upon Mu Yao activates, but in activated the hidden talent accidentally. 说不定旁白还真就是柱神的某种力量延续,只是他的情况比较特殊,没有依靠慕暚来进行激活,而是在无意中自己激活了隐藏天赋。 Then had his unusual. 这才有了他的与众不同。 Perhaps the ability of time of penetration, when was Narrator once as Pillar God some regular strength of grasping. 或许穿越时间的能力,也是旁白曾经身为柱神时掌握的某种规则力量。 Do not indulge in flights of fancy, if I really am Pillar God, when which day leads me to go to the vestige islands to take a look, perhaps when I can remember itself once to be flamboyant rumbling the appearance.】 【别胡思乱想了,如果我真是柱神,等哪天带我去遗迹岛屿上瞧瞧,说不定我就能想起自己曾经牛逼轰轰时的模样。】 Also has the possibility you are only a system of Pillar God creation, is similar to the miracle goods, essentially is only a tool.” “也有可能你只是柱神创造的一个系统,类似于奇迹物品,本质上只是工具罢了。” Just like Feng Qi expects like that hears these words Narrator to start breathless. 正如封棋所预料的那般,听到这番话的旁白开始气急败坏。 In the abusing each other sound, Feng Qi arrived at the Star City west district. 对骂声中,封棋来到了星城西区。 At this moment, he felt suddenly had one to kill intent to attack. 就在这时,他忽然感觉到了有一股杀意侵袭而来。 Looks toward the right front following the aura sensation, the line of sight pulls closer fast, sees only in the ruined construction building to stand a giant arm monster. 顺着气息感知朝右前方望去,视线快速拉近,只见破败的建筑楼中正站立着一只巨臂怪物。 Its limbs appears is very uncoordinated, the body lower part is short, the upper part is actually extremely sturdy, particularly two arms, the vertical downward condition quickly is orthogonal with the ground, seems two blood-color battle axes, in the fist peak also remains the bloodstain that other domain lifeform are leaving behind. 它的肢体显得十分不协调,身体下半身短小,上半身却是极为粗壮,尤其是两条手臂,垂直向下状态就快与地面平齐,好似两柄血色战斧,拳峰上还残留着其他领域生物留下的血印。 At this time this domain lifeform correct use vicious vision is taking a look at him, the tight body is ready. 此时这头领域生物正用凶狠的目光打量着他,绷紧的身体蓄势待发。 The intention in a flash, the physical body dissipation of Feng Qi body surface changes into the rich blood fog to gather toward the forehead, finally condenses a dark golden brand mark. 心念转瞬间,封棋体表的肉体消散化为浓郁的血雾朝眉心聚集,最终凝聚成一枚暗金色的烙印。 Lifts in the hands, the turbulent reading strength shows outside the body, this domain lifeform surrounding. 抬手间,汹涌的念力透出体外,将这只领域生物包围。
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