IKTT :: Volume #5

#453: Gives self up to raise the blade to devise( asked monthly ticket)

Chapter 453 gives self up to raise the blade to devise( asked monthly ticket) 第453章舍身饲刀构想(求月票) Saw that the Scarlet Research Institute choice shuns the world, in Feng Qi heart helpless. 看到猩红研究院选择避世,封棋心中无奈。 Regarding sacrificial line Scarlet Research Institute, the development on the contrary is secondary, what is most important is primarily is safe. 对于牺牲线上猩红研究院而言,发展反倒是次要,最重要的还是以稳妥为主。 Facing the probe of cold winter city sword clan, Star City has had the hidden danger risk. 面对凛冬城剑族的试探,星城已经存在隐患风险。 At this time the safest choice, shunned the world. 这时候最保险的选择,就是避世。 The message as for Wei Wei, finding the way to remove the sword clan, he cannot think how now completely should resist with the sword clan. 至于蔚薇在留言中说,想办法除掉剑族,他现在完全想不出来该如何与剑族进行对抗。 The strength of sacrifice line was affected by main timeline, but affected after all limitedly. 牺牲线的实力受到主时间线的影响,但影响毕竟有限。 Even if can borrow the special capability, but these abilities came under sacrifice line their physical quality influence. 即使能够借用到特殊能力,但这些能力还是受到牺牲线自身的身体素质影响。 To have strength that contends with the sword clan, only if depends upon the external force help. 想要拥有抗衡剑族的战力,除非是依靠外力帮助。 But Mu Qing and Mu Yao jointly are not the Jian Ji opponents of complete explosion, which external force he cannot find out also has to be able, in Jian Ji completes before the cold winter city harvests, Jian Ji kills. 沐晴慕暚联手都不是完全爆发的剑寂对手,他想不出还有哪个外力能够在剑寂完成对凛冬城收割之前,将剑寂杀死。 He has thought clan Spirit Energy Race. 他想过族地灵能族 But clan Spirit Energy Race by his control, wish was not made clan Spirit Energy Race kill Jian Ji for him, completely not possibly. 但族地灵能族根本不受他的控制,想要让族地灵能族为他去杀死剑寂,完全没有可能。 This issue Feng Qi excessively had not pondered, he continued to glance through the Wei Wei mailbox content at this time downward: 这个问题封棋没有过多细想,他在这时继续往下翻阅蔚薇的邮箱内容: 387, today's Scarlet Research Institute move into the bottom base officially, in the future information acquisition will meet the relative reduction, wait to carry out the task the squad that to feed in the information outside, I can first report with you. 387、今天猩红研究院正式搬入地底基地,往后外界的信息获取会相对减少,等在外执行任务的小队传回情报,我会第一时间与你汇报。 The clone bodies of 409, small suckers was born, now is feeding the stage, anticipates to meet with her in the future, what is quite regrettable is this scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone some regions disrupts, the small sucker big probability meets not too intelligent appearance. 409、小吸盘的克隆体已经诞生了,现在正在喂养阶段,期待未来与她相见吧,比较遗憾的是这次猩红符文晶石部分区域碎裂,小吸盘大概率会是不太聪明的样子。 423, small suckers have been able to eat the thing now, moreover can eat specially, if raised after her to 1500, it is estimated that can eat thoroughly poorly our Scarlet Research Institute, without the means that can only raise for several years then to find a time to freeze again. 423、小吸盘现在已经能吃东西了,而且特别能吃,如果将她养到1500年后,估计能把我们猩红研究院彻底吃穷,没办法,只能再养几年然后找个时间冷冻了。 447, sword clans launched a wave of offensive to Star City, and way of through the space jumping arrives. 447、剑族对星城发起了一波攻势,并且是通过空间跳跃的方式到来。 This is the first time that the sword clan launched the exploratory attack to Star City officially. 这是剑族第一次正式对星城发起试探性进攻。 Is good withstand/top because of the strength of little fellow, directly this wave of probe hitting. 好在小家伙的战力非常顶,直接将这波试探给打回去了。 I estimated that in the future sword race's probe to the Star City will also continue, even Jian Ji will also arrive personally, Star City in his eye has become the hostile forces that must remove obviously. 我估计未来剑族对星城的试探还会继续,甚至剑寂也会亲自到来,他眼中的星城显然已经成了必须除掉的敌对势力。 457, today is the daybreak school 200 th anniversary, on -duty team member sent in the video of photography outside. 457、今天是破晓学府成立200周年,在外执勤队员发来了现场拍摄的视频。 In the video the Star City high level of school teacher and student and appearance toward your statue, declared that the lifetime rises to fight for human, the scene was too magnificent. 视频里全校师生与到场的星城高层面朝你的雕像,宣示毕生为人类崛起而战,场面太壮观了。 Finally the scene also broadcast your documentary film, when you that always some people must stand, why that person cannot be I appearance, the audience burst with joy. 最后现场还播放了你的纪录片,当伱那句“总有人要站出来,那个人为何不能是我”出现,全场沸腾了。 Gratified, my family A'Qi grows for the historical extraordinary personality finally, is driving the innumerable later generations, tears! 欣慰,我家阿棋终于成长为了历史伟人,激励着无数后辈,泪目呀! ( Video document.) (视频文件。) ...... …… The Feng Qi point opens the video, saw only the daybreak school in video to hang all over the red daybreak the flag, fluttered in the breeze, the innumerable form surface toward the flag, looked out the left hand to hold the book, the right hand held the grand statue of sword. 封棋点开视频,只见视频中的破晓学府挂满了红色破晓旗帜,迎风招展,无数身影面朝旗帜,遥望左手捧书,右手执剑的宏伟雕像。 The modeling of statue is the Star City people to the appraisal that he contributes. 雕像的造型便是星城民众对他贡献的评价。 The left hand holds the book to represent the knowledge. 左手捧书代表知识。 Was he promoted the educational reform of Star City, is the future knowledge that he disseminated promoted the knowledge system construction of Star City. 是他推动了星城的教育改革,是他传播的未来知识推动了星城的知识体系建设。 The right hand holds the sword to represent the strength. 右手执剑代表力量。 Is divided into two meanings, what its one represents is the foreign military force ; second, internal strength construction, will include in the future the merit law and construction and military headquarters system reform of frontline supplies area, wait/etc. 这其中分为两层含义,其一代表的是对外的武力,其二是对内的战力建设,其中就包括未来功法、前线补给区的建设、军部体系改革,等等。 In the video picture, the strange face wears daybreak the school presidents to overpower, is reading out him before death for the exhortation to students that the daybreak school establishes, with the future goal. 视频画面中,陌生的面孔身穿破晓学府校长制服,宣读着他生前为破晓学府立下的校训,与未来的目标。 When read out, everyone followed the principal surface to take an oath toward his statue...... 当宣读完毕,所有人跟随校长面朝他的雕像宣誓……。 After looking at the video, in the Feng Qi heart sighs with emotion. 看完视频后,封棋心中感慨。 【, Past you were delivered the historical criminal of guilotine, but also was spurted son of a bitch by the future person in the network emperor's wrath, now finally was to boil raises one's head...... witnessed your growth with own eyes, was gratified for the father.】 【啧啧,当年的你还是被送上断头台的历史罪人,还被未来人在网络上怒喷“狗东西”,现在终于是熬出头了……亲眼见证了你的成长,为父欣慰啊。】 Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Disregarded complaining of Narrator, he continues to read the message of Wei Wei downward. 无视了旁白的吐槽,他继续往下翻看蔚薇的留言。 467, sword clans acted to Star City again, this Jian Ji also came, but also really not ink marks, do not want to fight the protracted war with us. 467、剑族再次对星城出手了,这次剑寂也来了,还真是一点也不墨迹,根本不想和我们打持久战。 The result is shocking but not dangerous. 结果算是有惊无险吧。 Jian Ji presents time we related Lord of Mist decisively, was led the military headquarters members to welcome Jian Ji by the little fellow. 剑寂出现的时候我们果断联系了迷雾之主,然后由小家伙率领军部成员迎上了剑寂 Even if the Jian Ji injury has not recovered, but the little fellow is still not an opponent, was good always to confuse rushes promptly, leading the elder to roll makes a move to defuse this crisis together, let the Jian Ji initiative retreat. 即使剑寂的伤势还未痊愈,但小家伙依然不是对手,好在老迷及时赶到,带领长老团一起出手化解了这次危机,让剑寂主动退去。 After this war, the little fellow was injured. 此战过后,小家伙受伤了。 I prepare, the help little fellow therapy. 我准备出去一趟,帮助小家伙疗伤。 478, today's military headquarters hold the Supreme Assembly of 12 departments, Tiger Soul Research Institute and other organizations also participate, after the conference ended, unanimously passes, the little fellow was awarded the military headquarters commander-in-chief, the kid who in the past took a bath to fling the statuette to take to one's heels each time to run all over the place, before going to sleep, quarrels is making must listen to the story, finally grows the position that you expected. 478、今天军部召开十二个部门的最高会议,虎魄研究院等机构也都参与,会议结束后全票通过,小家伙被授予军部最高指挥官职务,当年每次洗完澡甩着小象撒丫子乱跑,入睡前吵着闹着要听故事的小屁孩,终于成长到了你期望的位置。 Sees this information, has shown the old father's gratified smile? 看到这条信息,是不是已经露出了老父亲欣慰的笑容? Really anticipated that you meet with the kid in the future, what a pity the life span of this beautiful woman very less than the day, thinks that each time will feel sad( beautiful woman sighs .jpg) 真期待你在未来与小屁孩见面,可惜本美女的寿命挺不到那一天,每次想到都会感到忧伤(美女叹气.jpg) The situations in 483, present five big cities are chaotic. 483、现在五大城市的局势非常混乱。 Since Star City and cold winter city choice close city, other three big cities are also the undercurrent surge. 自从星城与凛冬城选择封闭城市后,其他三大城市也是暗流涌动。 The relatively tranquil city only has Old Day City only, after all the back of that city has black profound, the black profound back has clan Spirit Energy Race. 唯一相对平静的城市只有旧日城,毕竟那座城市的背后有黑玄,黑玄的背后有族地灵能族 And most chaotic, when is Future City, does not know that in Future City had anything, recently sent out the support to request to my Star City unceasingly, we inquired the reason, but that side did not have the reply. 其中最混乱的当属未来城,也不知道未来城内发生了什么,最近不断对我星城发出支援请求,我们询问原因,但那边却没了回复。 Recently we have dispatched a team to go to Future City, perhaps Little Black in Future City has neared the awakens edge. 最近我们已经派遣一支队伍前往未来城了,或许未来城里的小黑已经接近苏醒边缘了吧。 Difficult adversary Little Black when you hit regains consciousness, the shadow and Future City cannot escape the destroyed destiny. 等你命中的克星小黑苏醒,黑影与未来城都逃不过被毁灭的命运。 568, Future City were destroyed, quiet many years of Little Black regained consciousness. 568、未来城被毁灭了,沉寂多年的小黑苏醒了。 As for the shadow and black ink, which they went, I was unknown. 至于黑影、墨,他们去哪了,我就不得而知了。 From the historical perspective, black ink should not have the matter, after all he in the future and Mu Yao will have a war. 从历史角度来看,墨应该不会有事,毕竟他未来与慕暚还会有一战。 The result that this fights how, I thought that big probability Mu Yao will lose, even knew the future layout of black ink. 这一战的结局如何,我觉得大概率慕暚还是会输,即使知道了墨的未来布局。 After all black ink trained too many powerhouses, they grow in the future for side powerful zu, facing ganging up to surround and beating up Mu Yao is very difficult to resist. 毕竟墨培养了太多强者,他们很多都在未来成长为了一方强族,面对围殴慕暚很难抵挡得住。 If really to that day, we constructed more than thousand years of cultivation systems to crash laboriously. 如果真到了那一天,我们辛苦建设千余年的修炼体系将崩塌。 Mu Yao was too important to human, is really grasshopper on a string, a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers. 慕暚对人类而言太重要了,真就是一条绳子上的蚂蚱,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 Perhaps waits for you to solve the crises of five big cities, advances the history to Mu Yao and black ink fight a decisive battle the time steadily, and helps Mu Yao games spoil, our human can welcome great development in the true sense, will cultivate the build of system also no longer to have extra worries. 或许等你解决完五大城市的危机,将历史平稳推进到慕暚与墨决战的时候,并帮助慕暚败墨,我们人类才能迎来真正意义上的大发展,修炼体系的搭建也将不再有后顾之忧。 589, actually the means can solve the problem of cultivation system collapse nowadays perfectly, that is the dependence belief link gains the strength from you directly, making you god of belief, all Star City people become the follower, then chooses to suit own talent to borrow the use from your talent skill. 589、其实现如今有一个办法能够完美解决修炼体系崩坏的问题,那就是依靠信仰手环直接从你身上获取力量,让你成为信仰之神,所有星城民众成为信徒,然后从你的天赋技能中挑选适合自己的天赋借取使用。 However established the belief relation is too troublesome. 但是建立信仰联系还是太麻烦了。 First needs to face is the build believes the issue of statue, this needs the huge resources, but also needs your blood to take the medium, your blood insufficiently pulls out radically. 首先需要面对的就是搭建信仰雕像的问题,这需要大量资源,还需要你的血液作为媒介,你身上的血液根本不够抽。 Next, establishes the belief statue to make the Old Day City black profound faction vigilant, after all establishes the belief is the future plan direction of dark god, under the conflicts of interest perhaps will have anything to expect beside the matter. 其次,建立信仰雕像又会让旧日城的黑玄派系警惕,毕竟建立信仰也是暗神教的未来计划方向,利益冲突下说不定会发生什么预料之外的事情。 Nowadays we, are oversized with the clan Spirit Energy Race strength disparity, the direction of belief growth system can only need further consideration. 现如今的我们,与族地灵能族的战力差距过大,信仰成长体系的方向只能从长计议。 679, sword clans raid, the scale of this war previous time is bigger , the old fan also catches up to support urgently, this fights Mist Race to have the battle loss with my Star City, that side the sword clan does not feel better. 679、剑族袭来,这次战争的规模远比上一次要大,老迷也紧急赶来支援,这一战迷雾族与我星城都有战损,剑族那边也不好受。 Made us feel what worried, the Jian Ji strength also had the promotion. 令我们感到担忧的是,剑寂的战力又有了提升。 Is good because of the little fellow and old fan, and Mist Race elder rolls the strength also to promote obviously, but also is can contend with Jian Ji reluctantly. 好在小家伙与老迷,以及迷雾族的长老团战力也提升明显,还算是能够与剑寂勉强抗衡。 Looking from the future angle, future Lord of Mist can inevitably steamroll Jian Ji, but present Lord of Mist is not obviously good, his growth plan will be very long-term, will not regard as important to the rise of own strength specially. 从未来角度看,未来的迷雾之主必然能碾压剑寂,但现在的迷雾之主显然不行,他的成长规划十分长远,对自身实力的提升并不是特别看重。 For example, the growth of Jian Ji by the entire clan resources stack oneself body, the old fan develops the ethnic group, then develops many sea area fronts with the ethnic group, grows stronger with the fight the growth. 举例来说,剑寂的成长以全族资源堆积己身,老迷则是发展族群,然后用族群去开拓多条海域战线,以战养战成长。 Two growth ways have the essential difference. 两种成长方式有着本质上的区别。 The growth way of old fan regards as important the future, the clansman coordinates to grow, the speed that sped up the resources to gain, grew steady. 老迷的成长方式更看重未来,族人协同成长,加快了资源获取的速度,成长得更加稳健。 But what the sword clan walks is the Jian Ji alone strong pattern, nowadays Jian Ji strength is really terrifying. 但剑族走的是剑寂独强的模式,现如今的剑寂实力着实恐怖。 If our Star City cannot shoulder the unceasing attack of Jian Ji, feared that do not have. 如果我们星城扛不住剑寂的不断进攻,怕不是要无。 Ok, did not say that these depressed words, Star City must win! 算了,不说这些沮丧的话了,星城必胜! 729, sword clan and Star City wars are still fermenting continually, the old fan was implicated by our Star City, the battle will personally lead the Mist Race strength to arrive each time, then some battle loss clansmen returned. 729、剑族与星城的战争还在持续发酵,老迷算是被我们星城拖累了,每次交战都会亲自率领迷雾族战力到来,然后战损一部分族人归去。 Really did not understand why sword clan influence can rise, the layout even is inferior to the silver moon clan, drew forcefully the sword clan with Jian Ji this iron kid. 真不理解剑族这个势力为何能够崛起,布局甚至不如银月族,就凭着剑寂这个铁头娃就将剑族给硬生生拉起来了。 But is also right, who enabled Jian Ji to grasp one with the miracle goods of his incomparable conjunction. 但也对,谁让剑寂掌握了一颗与他无比契合的奇迹物品呢。 His strength depends upon this miracle goods, but also in skip-type growth. 他的战力依靠这颗奇迹物品,还在飞跃式成长。 The life is really good. 命真好。 Anticipated that the midway demon blade appears, Jian Ji cutting, otherwise our Star City possibly cannot shoulder the continuation attack of Jian Ji. 期待中途魔刀出现,把剑寂给斩了,不然我们星城可能扛不住剑寂的继续进攻。 817, started to feel to lack the ability to do what one would like recently, the body is one day is inferior for a day, this beautiful woman is facing demanding payment of years, I have also started to train the successor. 817、最近开始感到力不从心了,身体是一天不如一天,本美女正在面临岁月的催债,我也已经开始培养继承人了。 Today stays for day in my private laboratory. 今天在我的私人实验室呆坐了一天。 Is looking at the material file of stack, thinks that also has too many research not to complete...... really does not want dead of old age like this. 望着堆积的资料文件,想到还有太多的研究没有完成……真的不想就这样老去。 Did not vent the negativity. 诶,不宣泄负面情绪了。 This beautiful woman must buoy up to continue to try hard, then that day that outside waits for soon dead of old age goes to take a look. 本美女要振作起来继续努力了,然后等快要老去的那天去外面瞧瞧。 827, Star City and war of sword clan had reached the stage of superheating. 827、星城与剑族的战争已经到了白热化的阶段。 Was good appeared because of the demon blade a while ago, making Jian Ji be injured, otherwise our Star City was on the verge of death. 好在前段时间魔刀出现,让剑寂受伤,否则我们星城危在旦夕。 857, years corrode my appearance, this beautiful women do not dare to look in a mirror, your boy remembers that gains one to let the talent ability that the appearance will be stationed in forever, later when I establish the belief must use. 857、岁月侵蚀我的容颜,本美女都不敢照镜子了,你小子记得去获取一个能够让容颜永驻的天赋能力,以后我建立信仰时要用。 879, A'Qi, this beautiful woman plans to retire. 879、阿棋,本美女准备退休啦。 The salvation road is endless, our next timeline again hand in hand. 救世路漫漫,我们下一条时间线再携手。 After 1500 that if you go to Star City still, remembers before my tombstone,...... knocks several knocks, ha. 如果你去往的1500年后星城还在,记得来我的墓碑前……磕几个响头,哈哈哈。 ...... …… Looked at the mailbox content, Feng Qi silent for a long time. 看完了邮箱内容,封棋沉默许久。 After closure mailbox page, he takes a step No. 1 room toward two laboratories to walk. 关闭邮箱页面后,他迈步往二层实验室的一号房间走去。 Opens the door, he puts out a hand to press down the light switch, the ground in room has accumulated the dust, in the wall corner has also been hanging the spider web. 打开房门,他伸手按下灯光开关,房间里的地面已经积满了灰尘,墙壁的角落上还挂着蜘蛛网。 After looking all around one, his line of sight focuses in the black metal box. 环顾一圈后,他的视线聚焦在黑色的金属箱上。 The place of there Wei Wei frozen small sucker. 那里正是蔚薇冰封小吸盘的地方。 Before taking a step to arrive at the metal box, he proficiently conducted the identification authentication, the green light on box shone in turn. 迈步来到金属箱子前,他熟练地进行了身份验证,箱子上的绿灯依次亮起。 When the ice fog spreads, the small sucker of deep sleep revealed. 当冰雾扩散,沉睡的小吸盘显露。 Holds from inside the small sucker, the Feng Qi attempt speeds up awakens of small sucker with the body temperature. 将小吸盘从里面抱出,封棋尝试用体温加快小吸盘的苏醒。 After waiting for a long time, the eyelash of small sucker shivers, opened a pupil slowly. 等待许久后,小吸盘的睫毛颤抖,缓缓睁开了眼眸。 After confused looking all around, her line of sight focused on the face of Feng Qi. 迷茫的环顾四周后,她的视线聚焦在了封棋的脸上。 The short silent, small sucker such as eight claw fish entangled in the Feng Qi chest place: 短暂沉默,小吸盘如八爪鱼般缠在了封棋的胸口处: flatter...... chess.” “阿……棋。” Hears the small sucker enunciation not to yell clear he, Feng Qi is smiling head that rubbed the small sucker. 听到小吸盘口齿不清地叫喊他,封棋微笑着揉了揉小吸盘的脑袋。 The small sucker arches his chest with the head affectionate, the expression dependence. 小吸盘则亲昵地用脑袋拱他的胸口,表情依赖。 Seemingly not too intelligent appearance, probes quickly, what has a look now is the clever Ming edition sucker or the fool sucker?】 【貌似不太聪明的样子,快试探一下,看看现在的是聪明版吸盘还是呆瓜吸盘?】 Heard complaining of Narrator, Feng Qi raised up the middle finger in the heart. 听到旁白的吐槽,封棋在心中竖起了中指。 Lowers the head to look, can see that the scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone of small sucker arm place were many several cracks, was inferior that timeline is like that complete. 低头望去,能看到小吸盘手臂处的猩红符文晶石多了几处裂纹,不如上一条时间线那般完整。 He can imagine at that time Mu Qing and Jian Ji fight intensity. 他能想象到当时沐晴剑寂的战斗激烈程度。 Because the history he changes, that time Mu Qing little grew for dozens years, the strength has not been the peak, finally in defeating in the Jian Ji hand. 历史因为他发生改变,那时候的沐晴少成长了数十年,实力还远未达到巅峰时期,最终在败在了剑寂手中。 Thinks of Jian Ji, in his heart raises kills intent intensely. 想到剑寂,他心中升起强烈杀意。 Jian Ji has become the goal that he must kill, kills Jian Ji not only can liberate the cold winter city thoroughly, but can also make the Mu Qing future walk long-term. 剑寂已经成了他必杀的目标,杀死剑寂不但能彻底解放凛冬城,还能让沐晴的未来走得更加长远。 But how to kill Jian Ji, he has no good way temporarily. 但如何杀死剑寂,他暂时没有什么好的办法。 At this moment, the Narrator sound resounds in his mind: 就在这时,旁白的声音在他的脑海中响起: 【The little brother, you have considered the Jian Ji old enemy, that iron demon blade?】 【小老弟,你是否有考虑过剑寂的宿敌,那个铁头魔刀?】 Hears the reminder of Narrator, the Feng Qi expression stares. 听到旁白的提醒,封棋表情一愣。 If the demon blade, has the ability and Jian Ji actually fights, but wants with opening sword spirit Jian Ji for the enemy, the strength missed. 如果说是魔刀的话,倒是有能力与剑寂交手,但想要与开启剑灵阵的剑寂为敌,实力还是差了些。 This sacrifice line remembers that I follow your entire journey to look, discovered this Jian Ji makes a move clearly to have the reason to you, the big probability is because he sensation on you to the blade potential of demon blade, and was afraid for this reason, this wanted to kill you urgently......, therefore you thought that what he in did fear?】 【这条牺牲线的记忆我跟随你全程看下来,发现这次剑寂对你出手显然是有原因的,大概率是因为他在你身上感知到了魔刀的刀势,并为此感到恐惧,这才迫切想要将你杀死……所以你觉得他在恐惧什么?】 Listened to the reminder of Narrator, after the Feng Qi short thinking, opens the mouth saying: 听了旁白的提醒,封棋短暂思索后开口道: „Does Jian Ji elect me in the fear demon blade for the host? Thought that on me has the blade potential aura of demon blade, agrees with the demon blade inborn?” “难道剑寂是在害怕魔刀将我选为宿主?觉得我身上有魔刀的刀势气息,天生与魔刀契合?” This big probability was the truth, worry of Jian Ji was not groundless, truly does not have any host compared with your more suitable demon blade, because your entire journey watched the development process of demon blade, realized the demon blade grew mentality on the way to change, this let you after the memory of read demon blade, comprehended the blade potential of demon blade. Perhaps if you can with the demon blade union, be able to play the demon blade true might, is more suitable than it other hosts that the demon blade chooses.】 【这大概率就是真相了,剑寂的担忧不无道理,确实没有任何宿主比你更适合魔刀,因为你全程观看了魔刀的成长过程,体会了魔刀成长途中的心态变化,这才让你在读取魔刀的记忆后,领悟了魔刀的刀势。假如你能与魔刀结合,或许就能发挥出魔刀真正的威力,比魔刀挑选的其他宿主更适合它。】 【The enemy of so-called enemy is a friend, the little brother, why does not try to look for the demon blade to cooperate a wave, with his together dry crushing Jian Ji? So long as Jian Ji died, the cold winter city will be liberated thoroughly, in the future will put in order the people in city to become our peer, Star City adds on the cold winter city, human may in the future the time, little brother!】 【所谓敌人的敌人就是朋友,小老弟,为何不试着找魔刀合作一波,和他一起干碎剑寂?只要剑寂死了,凛冬城将彻底解放,往后整座城市的人民将成为我们的同行者,星城加上凛冬城,人类未来可期啊,小老弟!】 The proposition of Narrator makes Feng Qi move immediately. 旁白的提议让封棋顿时动了心。 Gives self up to raise the tiger, provides for the demon blade to grow he with oneself to be actually indifferent, after all sacrificed the line the result unable to escape the death eventually. 舍身饲虎,用自身供养魔刀成长他倒是无所谓,毕竟牺牲线的结局终究逃不过死亡。 What he is worried, whether oneself can the approval of demon blade. 他担心的是,自己是否能够得到魔刀的认可。 Asked monthly ticket ~ 求月票~ Thank day later Ronald Cheng hit 5000 beginning coins that enjoyed. 感谢天后郑中基打赏的5000起点币。 Thank 1500 beginning coins that the Mercury star rope hits to enjoy. 感谢辰星星索打赏的1500起点币。 Thank 1500 beginning coins that jian hits to enjoy. 感谢哉詃打赏的1500起点币。 Thank 1500 beginning coins that the dream and night hit to enjoy 感谢梦、夜打赏的1500起点币 Thank 1500 beginning coins that the alone this solitary one monster moon/month hit to enjoy 感谢独孤妖月打赏的1500起点币 Thank the life, half of memory half continued 1666 book coins that hit to enjoy. 感谢生活,一半记忆一半继续打赏的1666书币。 First comes 4200 characters, today ten thousand character renews, is divided two chapters, a chapter in the evening. 先来4200字,今天万字更新,分两章,还有一章晚上更。
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