IKTT :: Volume #3

#205: Young bull

After graduation, everyone had the brand-new life path. 毕业晚会后,每个人都有了崭新的人生轨迹。 Mu Qing stepped at the back of the baggage went to battle a path. 沐晴背着行李踏上了前往作战一线的道路。 Lin Ran joined Tiger Soul Research Institute to start the research of technique France. 林染加入了虎魄研究院开始了术法方面的研究。 king Jinsheng arrived at Scarlet Research Institute at this time, launched decoded " Flesh Sacrifice » research project. 王晋升在这时候来到了猩红研究院,展开了破解《血肉祭》的研究项目。 Feng Qi also rushes to the path of unceasing strengthen. 封棋也奔赴在不断变强的道路上。 But in their hearts has a common ideal, rises to struggle for human. 但他们心中都怀揣着一个共同的理想,为人类崛起而奋斗。 ...... …… New world, eastern area, north. 新世界,东部地区,北部。 Cold winter city toward north, supplying area. 凛冬城往北,补给区。 Here the heavy snow flutters about year to year, all were covered under the thick snow. 这里常年大雪纷飞,一切都被覆盖在厚厚的积雪之下。 But here has a supplies small city. 但在这里却有着一座补给小城。 Here said that is the supplies area, but each supplies area resists the forefront of domain invasion. 这里说是补给区,但每一个补给区都是对抗领域入侵的最前线。 Also is the barracks of major domain regiments. 也是各大领域战团的驻扎地。 All facilities in city to serve are established in the domain regiment, inside and outside the city equipped massive high-tech weapons. 城内的一切设施都是为了服务于领域战团而建立,城内外更是装备了大量高科技武器。 The heavy snow flutters about, a transport aircraft descends under the instruction of signal light on the runway slowly. 大雪纷飞中,一架运输机在信号灯的指示下缓缓降落在跑道上。 After the moment, at the back of Mu Qing of ultra-large number travel bag, promoting the baggage to arrive at this supplies small city. 片刻后,背着超大号行囊的沐晴,推动着行李来到了这座补给小城。 She lowers the head looked in a hand „the new world map, then walks toward the supplies area north directly. 她低头看了眼手里的“新世界”地图,然后径直往补给区北面走去。 The new world is the people's after cataclysm to the name of this world, is divided into the east , south , west and north, as well as central four areas. 新世界是灾变后的人们对这个世界的称呼,分为东、南、西、北,以及中央四个区。 And Ash Sharqiyah Region is divided as six cities. 其中东部区又被划分为六座城市。 Respectively is in west the Milky Way city, south Star City and central Future City, the east Vijayanagar, Northeast Old Day City, finally is the north cold winter city. 分别为地处西面的银河城、南面的星城、中央的未来城,东面的胜利城,东北方向的旧日城,最后是北面的凛冬城。 Each city has own development characteristics. 每个城市都有着自己的发展特色。 As a result by the domain field division, each city mutual independent, was more like the ally before cataclysm. 由于被领域场分割,每一座城市都相互独立,更像是灾变前的同盟国。 But relations are also very close. 但相互之间的关系却又十分紧密。 When there are other cities encounter the domain field attack, other cities will send out the strength to support. 每当有其他城市遭遇领域场侵袭时,其他城市都会派出力量进行支援。 For example initially Star City supported Future City, until now in Future City is retaining the commemorating cemetery of Star City volunteer troops soldier. 例如当初星城支援未来城,迄今为止未来城里保留着星城志愿军战士的纪念陵园。 But the maximum jurisdiction of each city, the major research institutes and military headquarters, the parliament that waits for the representatives of highest organization comprised is responsible. 而每一座城市的最高权限,由各大研究院、军部,等最高机构的代表组成的议会负责。 Meanwhile, east the new world's top six cities also form the joint research institute and joint military headquarters together, as well as for conducts docking the Ash Sharqiyah Region highest parliament with the City Alliances of other new world regions. 与此同时,新世界东部六大城还一起组建联合研究院与联合军部,以及用于与新世界其他区域的城市联盟进行对接的东部区最高议会。 Among the seemingly scattered human influences, the relations are very actually close. 看似分散的人类势力之间,实则关系十分紧密。 Truth that the lip cold tooth perishes, who understood. 唇寒齿亡的道理,谁都懂得。 In addition over the years mutual support, making relations among the major cities become closer. 再加上历年来的相互支援,令各大城市之间的关系变得更为紧密。 The average people go out of town to go to the feeling of another city, the cross-province journey before with cataclysm has no difference, simultaneously in the major cities also shared the database, docked the network. 普通人出城前往另一座城市的感觉,和灾变前的跨省出行没有任何区别,同时各大城市之间也共享了数据库,对接了网络。 The Supreme Assembly of major cities have clearly stipulated, all attempts the behavior that destroys in the major cities to relate, will be punished severely. 各大城市的最高会议也都有着明确规定,所有企图破坏各大城市之间关系的行为,都将受到严厉处罚。 After the moment, pushed baggage Mu Qing to arrive at the destination. 片刻后,推着行李的沐晴来到了目的地。 This is a modeling is similar to standing tall and erect of fist constructs, the construction center is hanging a metal signboard regiment recruiting service. 这是一座造型类似于拳头的高耸建筑,建筑中心挂着一块金属牌匾“战团募兵处”。 Pats snow, Mu Qing takes a step to walk into the construction at the back of the also big travel bag. 拍掉身上的积雪,沐晴背着比自身还大的行囊迈步走入建筑内。 The construction hall is very spacious, in inside is dressing the domain soldier of form equipment. 建筑大厅十分宽敞,在里面的都是穿戴着格式装备的领域战士。 On the armor of some soldiers even is also stained with the blood of domain lifeform, has not cleaned promptly. 有些战士的铠甲上甚至还沾着领域生物的鲜血,还未及时清洗。 The recruitment hall is the core construction of this city, mainly two functions. 募兵大厅是这座城市的核心建筑,主要有两个作用。 The first function recruits the recruit. 第一个作用就是招募新兵。 The school graduates want to join the domain regiment to have two ways, the first type was invited by the domain regiment on own initiative, the second type is to arrive at the recruitment hall filling in form, the domain regiment that the waiting is short of manpower comes to choose. 学府毕业生想要加入领域战团有两种方式,第一种是被领域战团主动邀请,第二种就是来到募兵大厅填写表格,等待缺人的领域战团前来挑选。 But Mu Qing choice is the second way. 沐晴选择的就是第二种方式。 Throughout in Star City school very low-key her, except for the schoolmate of own class, no one is clear about her ability radically, therefore and before graduating, does not have the domain regiment to dispatch the olive branch to her. 始终在星城学府十分低调的她,除了自己班级的同学,根本没有人清楚她的能力,所以并毕业前都没有领域战团向她递出橄榄枝。 The second function of recruitment hall is, the domain regiment receives the duty. 募兵大厅的第二个作用是,领域战团接受任务。 The major research institutes have the need domain material, or duty, through transmitting to the administrative office of recruitment hall 各大研究院有需要的领域材料,或是任务,都会通过发送给募兵大厅的管理处 Then after registrating, demonstrated that in the center large screen place of hall, and lists the reward of duty correspondence. 然后进行登记后展示在大厅的中央大屏幕处,并列出任务对应的报酬。 The situation in vision glance hall, she arrives at the recruitment registration office later, brought the form and pen from the staff hand, starts to fill in own further information. 目光扫视大厅内的情况,她随后来到募兵登记处,从工作人员手中取来了表格与笔,开始填写自己的详细情况。 After filling is completed and delivers, she at the back of the travel bag arrived on the seat of hall, then puts down the travel bag. 在填写完成并上交后,她背着行囊来到了大厅的座椅上,然后将行囊放下。 Turns on the travel bag, inside is various types of between-meal snack and compression energy paste. 打开行囊,里面是各种零食与压缩能量膏。 These food, are Yang Xiaoxin and the others before she leaves bestows her leaving ritual, for fear that she cannot eat to the full outside. 这些食物,都是杨小心等人在她离开前赠送她的离别礼,生怕她在外面吃不饱。 Looks at the food in travel bag, on the face of Mu Qing the reappearing happy expression, grasps one bag of between-meal snack to start the big mouth feed. 看着行囊里的食物,沐晴的脸上浮现笑意,抓起一袋零食开始大口进食。 After a half hour, when she carries the travel bag again, food has been short of 1/3. 半小时后,等她再次背起行囊时,食物已经少了三分之一。 Is feeling on the shoulder lithe, on her face cannot help but appears wipes sadly. 感受着肩膀上的“轻盈”,她的脸上不由得浮现一抹忧愁。 If finished eating these food unable to find to adopt her domain regiment, the following day must have nothing to eat. 如果吃完了这些食物还找不到收养她的领域战团,接下来的日子就要喝西北风了。 Then before she arrives at the screen of screen soldier/weapon Hall hall, starts to wait for own assignment. 接下来她来到幕兵厅大厅的屏幕前,开始等待自己的分配情况。 After several hours of waiting, on the screen finally jumped out of her name. 数小时的等待后,屏幕上终于跳出了她的名字。 Mu Qing Star City school fight department graduates- assignment( snow wolf domain regiment)- welcome to snow wolf regiment recruitment place registration, contact method: 1852...... 沐晴-星城学府战斗系毕业生-分配(雪狼领域战团)-请到雪狼战团募兵员处报到,联系方式:1852…… Sees oneself had the ownership, she cannot help but brandished a fist happily. 看到自己有了归属,她不由得开心的挥舞了一下拳头。 Afterward she pulls out the cell phone, dialed the above number. 随后她掏出手机,拨通了上面的号码。 When the telephone passed, she takes the lead to open the mouth to say very much politely: 待电话通了,她很礼貌地率先开口道: Hello, I am Mu Qing.” “您好,我是沐晴。” „, Mu Qing, comes my snow wolf report, position in supplies area North Avenue No. 156.” “哦,沐晴是吧,来我雪狼报道吧,位置在补给区北大街156号。” Good, this comes.” “好,这就来。” Made the telephone call, she turned around to go out of the recruitment hall, then pulled out the map to walk in the North Avenue direction. 挂了电话,她转身走出了募兵大厅,然后掏出地图往北大街方向走去。 After one hour, she arrived at North Avenue. 一小时后,她来到了北大街。 Here is a manor -type architectural complex. 这里是一片庄园式的建筑群。 Before each song manor front door, is filling in the door plate, as well as respective domain regiment, this region also base stationed here domain regiment. 每一歌庄园大门前都填写着门牌号,以及所属的领域战团,这片区域也是驻扎在这里的领域战团的根据地。 After a search, before he goes to writes snow wolf regiment( the C level regiment)” the manor . 一番搜寻后,他来到了写着“雪狼战团(C级战团)”的庄园前。 At this time manor entrance, a female who wears the sable sweatshirt has been waiting. 此时庄园门口,一名穿着貂绒衣的女子已经在等待了。 Sees her to arrive, on the female face showed the delightful smile immediately: 看到她到来,女子脸上顿时露出了甜美的笑容: Mu Qing?” 沐晴?” Is I, senior hello/you good.” Mu Qing nods to say immediately respectfully. “是我,前辈你好。”沐晴当即恭敬点头道。 First comes, today regimental commander also, you introduces your ability when the time comes again in detail, then arranges your following team duty well.” “先进来吧,今天团长也在,到时候你再详细介绍一下你的能力,然后好安排你接下来的团队职务。” The following female walks into the manor, Mu Qing is sizing up all around curiously. 跟着女子走入庄园内,沐晴好奇地打量着四周。 In the manor planted planted completely green, but was covered by the white snow, continued to walk also the pond toward, at this time the river water has iced up, the glance front can also see the independent construction of ownerships for regiment member. 庄园内栽满了绿植,但都被白雪所覆盖,继续往里走还有一个河塘,此时河水都已经结冰,扫视前方还能看到一栋栋归属于战团成员的独立建筑。 Before each building, is anchoring military vehicle that smudged the snow wolf design. 每栋建筑前还停靠着涂抹了雪狼图案的军用车辆。 The female also introduced the origin of snow wolf domain regiment along the way. 沿途女子也介绍了雪狼领域战团的来历。 This regiment is earliest is forms by the cold winter school 48 fight class eight classes of graduates. 这个战团最早是由凛冬学府48届战斗班八班的毕业生组建。 They in the domain field live operational training before graduation, struck to kill a snow wolf with joint forces, and brought back to the school it. 他们在毕业前的领域场实战训练中,合力击杀了一只雪狼,并将其带回了学府。 They also formed the regiment after the graduation together, and strikes the domain lifeform snow wolf that kills to take the name of domain regiment for the first time. 它们在毕业后还一起组建了战团,并将第一次击杀的领域生物雪狼作为领域战团的名字。 By today, the snow wolf domain regiment had replaced eight regimental commanders. 到了今天,雪狼领域战团已经更换了八任团长。 Did not say the meritorious military service illustrious, but the appraisal of C level regiment actually is also the members casts with the blood. 不说战功赫赫,但C级战团的评价却也是团员们用鲜血铸就。 Arrives at the rear area of manor with the female, in the front construction is hanging a signboard snow wolf meeting hall. 跟着女子来到庄园的后方,前面的建筑上挂着一块牌匾“雪狼议事厅”。 Exposes snow, her following female opens the thick front door to enter in the construction. 抖落身上的积雪,她跟着女子推开厚实的大门进入建筑内。 The air immediately becomes warm, inside shines the orange light, in the fireplace is also burning the flame. 空气顿时变得温暖,里面亮着橘黄色的灯光,壁炉里还燃着火焰。 On the hall sofa, the smog winds around, dozens people sit together is discussing anything. 大厅沙发上,烟雾缭绕,数十人围坐在一起商量着什么。 Regimental commander, the rookie reported that receives a guest!” At this time walked in her front female high sonar shouts. “团长,新人报导了,接客!”这时走在她前面的女子高声呐喊道。 Hears the shout, in the noisy hall stops suddenly, the tall and strong man who later a left face leaves a scar stands up, the vision looked directly to Mu Qing. 听到呼喊声,吵闹的大厅内戛然而止,随后一名左脸留有疤痕的魁梧男子站起身,目光径直望向了沐晴 On his face reappearing smile: 紧接着,他的脸上浮现笑容: Sits, first comes to introduce oneself.” “过来坐,先来个自我介绍。” Mu Qing hears, not timid, arrives at one of the sofa confidently, after the baggage puts down, sits in the one side. 沐晴听闻,并未胆怯,坦然来到沙发的一处,将行李放下后坐在了一旁。 Looked at the gaze of people, Mu Qing was starting self introduction: 望着众人的注视,沐晴开始了自我介绍: I called Mu Qing, graduated fights three classes from the Star City school, I was honored to join the snow wolf domain regiment very much......” “我叫沐晴,毕业于星城学府战斗三班,我很荣幸能加入雪狼领域战团……” Her introduction has not said, by regimental commander breaking: 她的介绍还未说完,就被团长给打断了: Too form, you, since joined our regiment, was the whole family, selected directly said with emphasis, should not be cautious, optional display.” “太格式了,你既然加入了我们战团,就是一家人了,直接挑重点说,别拘谨,随意发挥。” Right, we later were a whole family, do not come empty.” The people create a disturbance to say. “对,咱以后就是一家人了,千万别来虚的。”众人起哄道。 Looked at the be with smile on the face people, cautious in Mu Qing heart was being short of several points, on the face the reappearing smile, said itself to join the idea of domain regiment confidently. 望着面带笑容的众人,沐晴心中的拘谨少了几分,脸上浮现笑容,坦然说出了自己加入领域战团的想法。 After listening to her narration, the people also started self introduction. 听完了她的讲述后,众人也开始了自我介绍。 I called to develop Yan, was the current snow wolf regiment regimental commander, met a moment ago your is our secretary Ye Yiqian of regiment, was responsible for recruiting the rookie, as well as received the duty......” “我叫拓闫,是现任雪狼战团团长,刚才接你的是我们的战团的秘书叶一茜,负责招募新人,以及接取任务……” Was introduced the member, will express best wishes with the Mu Qing nod with a smile. 被介绍到的成员,都会笑着与沐晴点头致意。 Some members outside, wait for them to come back to introduce to you now when the time comes again.” “还有部分成员现在在外面,到时候等他们回来了再介绍给你。” Then, develops Yan to look with a smile to Mu Qing said: 说完,拓闫笑着望向沐晴道: received said that your ability characteristics, I quite gave you to arrange a team duty.” “接下来说说你的能力特点吧,我好给你安排一个团队职务。” Facing the inquiry, Mu Qing has not concealed, immediately opens the mouth saying: 面对询问,沐晴没有隐瞒,当即开口道: My ability is the close combat preys, has the extremely strong strength and body surface defense, injury will also heal...... I to obtain in a team in a short time automatically main force front duty “我的能力是近战搏杀,拥有极强的力量与体表防御,身上的伤势也会在短时间内自动愈合……我希望获得一个团队中主力前排的职务” Heard Mu Qing to say oneself had extremely strong close combat preying ability, wanted a main force position, the people could not bear shake the head, the regimental commander developed Yan Geng is opens the mouth saying: 听到沐晴说自己有极强的近战搏杀能力,想要一个主力位置,众人忍不住摇头,团长拓闫更是开口道: Mu Qing, you just now graduate, without many actual combat capabilities, is first logistics of responsible team.” 沐晴,你才刚毕业,没有多少实战能力,还是先负责团队的后勤吧。” Rear service? What makes?” Mu Qing curious say/way. “后勤?做什么?”沐晴好奇道。 Team when exploring domain field, you are responsible for back food, or the protection explores the resources the related instrument.” “团队在探索领域场时,你负责背食物,或是保护探索资源的相关仪器。” Realized oneself were looked down on, she has not been surprised. 意识到自己被小瞧了,她并未感到意外。 But she has not played the role of the pig to eat the idea of tiger, she joins the domain regiment to exercise oneself, does not come low-key. 但她并没有扮猪吃老虎的想法,她加入领域战团是为了锻炼自己,不是来低调的。 Thinks of here, before she stands up the tea table squats down, looks at snow wolf group members to say seriously: 想到这里,她站起身来到茶几前蹲下,望着一众雪狼团成员郑重道: Pulls the wrist/skill?” “扳手腕吗?” Ha, this rookie I likes, was too interesting, this just arrived must initiate to us provoked, is really the dashing spirit of fearless young people.” “哈哈哈,这个新人我喜欢,太有意思了,这才刚到就要向我们发起挑衅了,真是初生牛犊不怕虎。” Regarding the Mu Qing strength, the people have the guess. 对于沐晴的实力,众人大致有猜测。 In the school graduates competent had been picked by these top regiments, needs the rookie who comes to the recruiting service to register to be able strong. 学府毕业生中有实力的早就被那些顶级战团挑走了,需要自己来募兵处登记的新人又能有多强。 Realized in the Mu Qing heart that just graduated has the arrogance, the regimental commander develops Yan to turn the head to look immediately to sitting in the one side, the tall tall and strong man said: 意识到刚毕业的沐晴心中有傲气,团长拓闫当即转头望向坐在一旁,身材高大的魁梧男子道: Buffalo, welcome our rookies.” “野牛,欢迎一下我们的新人。” No, making the dragonet go, I do not want to bully the rookie.” Was called as the man of buffalo to shake the head to say immediately. “别啊,让小龙去,我可不想欺负新人。”被称呼为野牛的男子当即摇头道。 Makes you go to you to go.” “让你去你就去。” Standing up that the buffalo did not prefer at this time, before arriving at the tea table , the squatting lower part of the body, gripped the right hand of Mu Qing. 野牛这时不情愿的站起身,来到茶几前蹲下身,握住了沐晴的右手。 Two people statures place that the disparity is quite obvious, at all is not a magnitude. 两人的身材放在那,差距极为明显,根本不是一个量级。 You catch up.” The buffalo was looking at the Mu Qing sinking sound said at this time. “你发力吧。”野牛这时望着沐晴沉声道。 Mu Qing hears, not hesitant, is only gently toward a left side pressure, the buffalo stared in a big way the eye immediately. 沐晴听闻,没有犹豫,只是轻轻的往左侧一压,野牛顿时瞪大了眼睛。 Realized that Mu Qing strength strange big, he holds the breath immediately, starts to catch up. 意识到沐晴的力量奇大,他当即屏息,也开始发力。 But he soon realized is not right. 但他很快意识到了不对劲。 Regardless how he makes an effort, is unable to promote the Mu Qing wrist/skill slightest. 无论他如何使劲,都无法推动沐晴的手腕分毫。 In the test of strength, Mu Qing appears accomplishes a task with ease, the forehead of buffalo actually appears the crowded beads of sweat. 角力中,沐晴显得游刃有余,野牛的额头却浮现密集的汗珠。 Arrived presented the crack in the tea table of elbow place under their tests of strength. 抵在手肘处的茶几更是在他们的角力下出现了裂纹。 „!” The buffalo of being unwilling exuded one to angrily roar, erupted the whole body strength. “啊!”心有不甘的野牛发出了一声怒吼,将全身力气爆发了出去。 Mu Qing also chose catching up at this time, pulled on the back of the hand of buffalo the tea table fiercely. 沐晴也在这时选择了发力,猛地将野牛的手背扳到了茶几上。 „!” The tea table collapses under the great strength accordingly. “啪!”茶几在巨力下应声垮塌。 Sees this, the people stared in a big way the eye immediately. 看到这一幕,众人顿时瞪大了眼睛。 The buffalo is the No. 1 main force front soldier in snow wolf regiment, is responsible for protecting and receiving the wound and breaking through, the strength in the team is absolute first, but he was given the relaxed steamroll by a new student/life at this time unexpectedly. 野牛是雪狼战团里的一号主力前排战士,负责保护、承伤与突围,力量在团队中是绝对的第一,但此时他竟然被一个新生给轻松碾压了。 Feels the somewhat sore right arm, the buffalo is the whole face is also panic-stricken, realized that Mu Qing said oneself have the extremely strong strength not to boast, but really has that strength. 摸着有些酸痛的右臂,野牛也是满脸惊骇,也意识到沐晴说自己有极强的力量并非是在自吹,而是真的有那份实力。 At this time Mu Qing turned the head to look to the regimental commander develops Yan: 这时沐晴转头望向团长拓闫: Regimental commander, I can also with other ways show that I am capable of holding the post of the main force front duty.” “团长,我还可以用其他方式来证明我有能力担任主力前排职务。” Good, showed that looks to me.” This time developing Yan Xiande is very excited, realized that the snow wolf regiment picked the treasure. “好,证明给我看。”此时的拓闫显得十分兴奋,也意识到雪狼战团捡到宝贝了。 „Does actual combat resist?” “实战对抗可以吗?” Facing the inquiry of Mu Qing, develops Yan to nod immediately: 面对沐晴的询问,拓闫当即点头: Good, outside we go.” “好,我们去外面。” Afterward the people went out of the assembly hall in a hurry, arrived at a outside open area. 随后众人匆匆走出了会议厅,来到了外面的一处空地。 Outside heavy snow flutters about, but the people seem somewhat excited. 外面大雪纷飞,但众人都显得有些兴奋。 Buffalo, comes one time, the actual combat to resist again.” “野牛,再来一次,实战对抗。” Good!” This buffalo has not rejected, immediately nodded to stand the air-to-surface center. “好!”这次野牛没有拒绝,当即点头站到了空地中心处。 Mu Qing also arrived at the air-to-surface center at this time. 沐晴也在这时来到了空地中心处。 At this time the buffalo launched the attack on own initiative, trod the first two steps, a fist pounded down toward Mu Qing. 这时野牛主动发起了进攻,踏前两步,一拳朝着沐晴砸下。 His fist surface reappearing scarlet red glimmer, the snowflake has not been close to being melted by the high temperature on the fist sending out. 他的拳头表面浮现赤红色微光,雪花还未接近就已经被拳头上散发的高温融化。 „!” “啪!” Mu Qing has not retroceded, lifts the left hand to catch this to gather a strength fist. 沐晴没有后退,抬起左手接住了这蓄力一拳。 Although is the actual combat resists, but in the Mu Qing heart also has own worry. 虽然是实战对抗,但沐晴心中也有着自己的担忧。 She now was unable to control oneself strength freely, the fear possibly acts excessive. 她现在还无法自如的掌控自己的力量,害怕可能出手过重。 The opposite is the future ally, is not an enemy, therefore she chose the defense. 对面是未来战友,不是敌人,所以她选择了防御。 After withdrawing right hand, the buffalo launched the attack again. 抽回右手后,野牛再度展开了进攻。 This time is a crosswise side kicks, the red flame air/Qi of buffalo body surface ascends, all around snow was also melted by the strength of this burning hot. 这次是一记横向侧踢,野牛体表的赤色焰气升腾,四周的积雪也被这股炙热的力量融化。 Facing the attack, Mu Qing lifts the hand relaxed standard to keep off, then pushes gently, the buffalo flew upside down directly. 面对进攻,沐晴抬起手轻松格挡,然后轻轻一推,野牛径直倒飞了出去。 Mother, this rookie was also too strong.” Watched some people to send out calling out in alarm, obviously was shocked by the Mu Qing strength. “妈耶,这新人也太强了吧。”观看中有人发出了惊呼,显然是被沐晴的实力震惊到了。 Compares notes still to continue, the buffalo of being unwilling after the in the air surges falls to the ground, the fireworks of body surface becomes stares, he looks to Mu Qing said: 切磋还在继续,心有不甘的野牛在空中翻腾落地后,体表的焰火变得更为凝视,他望向沐晴道: I must attack full power, you were careful.” “我要全力进攻了,你小心。” Mu Qing hears, immediately nods. 沐晴听闻,当即点头。 Then, the buffalo opened up the new round aggressive offensive. 接下来,野牛展开了新一轮的凶悍攻势。 But how whatever he attacks, and even displays to press the bottom body to cultivate/repair to fight the technique, is unable to break through the defense of Mu Qing, will be seemed like the extremely simple way to reduce and solve by one type by Mu Qing with ease. 但任凭他如何进攻,乃至施展压箱底的体修战技,都无法突破沐晴的防御,都会被沐晴以一种看起来极为简单的方式轻松化解。 The disparity between both, clear. 两者之间的差距,一目了然。 One attacks, the buffalo breathes pants beckons with the hand: 一番进攻下来,野牛喘吁吁地摆了摆手: Eldest child, I am not her opponent, I am willing to work as No. 2 main force, gives her the position of main force meat shield.” “老大,我不是她的对手,我愿意当二号主力,将主力肉盾的位置让给她。” Hears the reply of buffalo, has developed Yan to nod to the regimental commander in the extreme surprisedly immediately: 听到野牛的回答,已经惊讶到无以复加的团长拓闫当即点头: Good.” “好。” In the domain regiment is so, the weak one abdicates, powerhouse high-rank. 领域战团内就是如此,弱者退位,强者上位。 After all the domain regiment is not the vanity fair, each position is very important, this will affect the execution efficiency of entire team, has the direct relation with the lives of all members. 毕竟领域战团不是名利场,每个位置都十分重要,这会影响到整个团队的执行效率,也与所有团员的性命有直接关系。 All core main force positions, those who are able occupy it. 所有核心主力位置,能者居之。 Since Mu Qing has this strength, he decided immediately makes Mu Qing work as the main force meat shield of this team. 沐晴既然有这个实力,他当即决定让沐晴来当这个团队的主力肉盾。 Thinks of here, develops Yan Wang to say to Mu Qing: 想到这里,拓闫望向沐晴道: Mu Qing, meets to hold the post of me to roll No. 1 main force by you, but you must before then the following buffalo learn/study some time, understood that as the main force meat shield should make anything, then I felt relieved that well you replace the position of buffalo.” 沐晴,接下来由你来担任我团一号主力,但在此之前你得跟着野牛学习一段时间,去了解身为主力肉盾该做些什么,然后我才好放心你接替野牛的位置。” Said that he turned the head to look to the buffalo: 说完他转头望向了野牛: Buffalo, you are responsible for bringing Mu Qing, after Mu Qing is familiar, steps down No. 2 main force, the lion steps down No. 3 main force......” “野牛,你负责带沐晴,等沐晴熟悉后退居二号主力,狮子退居三号主力……” After arranging the regiment disposed, the regimental commander develops on Yan's face the reappearing smile: 重新安排了战团配置后,团长拓闫的脸上浮现笑容: Brothers, then hold the evening banquet that welcome the rookie, in the evening hi gets up.” “兄弟们,接下来召开欢迎新人的晚宴,晚上嗨起来。” Hears these words, people cheers. 听到这番话,众人一阵欢呼。 At this time Mu Qing won everyone's respect with the strength. 此时沐晴用实力赢得了所有人的尊敬。 The heavy snow flutters about, Mu Qing turned the head to look to the Star City school direction, on the face also the reappearing smile. 大雪纷飞中,沐晴转头望向了星城学府方向,脸上也随之浮现笑容。 You and others my good news! 你们等我好消息!
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