IKTT :: Volume #3

#204: Turning around is the new journey

After rune/symbol writing transforms completes, following day Feng Qi started the adaptability training. 符文改造完成后,接下来的日子封棋开始了适应性训练。 The ability of zupaysaurus also gradually appears during the training. 恶魔龙的能力也在训练期间逐渐显现。 From the material in Wei Wei he finds, the zupaysaurus is a very powerful domain lifeform, initially wreaked havoc Evil Dragon domain field in most Johnson. 蔚薇手里的资料中他了解到,恶魔龙是一只十分强大的领域生物,是当初肆虐的“恶龙领域场”里的最强生物。 In order to scatter this domain field, two famous domain regiments lose in the devil domain field. 为了驱散这个领域场,有两支着名领域战团折戟于恶魔领域场内。 rune/symbol writing crystal stone this of zupaysaurus, the outside world cannot only discover second. 恶魔龙的符文晶石也仅此一颗,外界也找不出第二颗。 Initially a corpse of entire zupaysaurus was towed to study to Scarlet Research Institute, therefore in Scarlet Research Institute had the complete study data report preservation of zupaysaurus. 当初一整条恶魔龙的尸体被拖到猩红研究院进行研究,所以猩红研究院内有恶魔龙的完整研究数据报告保存。 The volume of this lifeform has 13 meters high, the shape is similar to the tyrannosauridae lifeform of Jurassic period, but the appearance is fiercer fearfully. 这只生物的体积有十三米高,形态类似于侏罗纪时期的暴龙科生物,但模样更为狰狞可怕。 Its body surface has a thick cuticle, the strength and speed, extremely strong linking strength is the characteristics of zupaysaurus, mainly takes the close combat as the attack method. 它的体表有着一层厚厚的角质层,力量、速度,极强的咬合力都是恶魔龙的特点,主要以近战为进攻手段。 The powerful physical body can make it resist the attack of various technique law and sharp weapon. 强悍的肉体能让它抵挡各种术法与利器的打击。 Those who made one have a headache, it also has extremely strong healing ability, the simple injury can be repaired in an instant. 更令人头疼的是,它还有着极强的愈合能力,简单的伤势转眼间就可以被修复。 Material that provides from Wei Wei, various special capabilities of other zupaysaurus domain lifeform, have not been purely by the powerful lifeform that the physical body bases. 蔚薇提供的资料来看,恶魔龙没有其他领域生物的各种特殊能力,是纯粹以肉体立足的强悍生物。 But after more than ten days of exercises, Feng Qi discovered that the zupaysaurus also has own talent ability. 但十余天的锻炼后,封棋发现恶魔龙也有着自己的天赋能力。 This ability, he names for wildly with rage. 这个能力,他取名为“狂怒”。 After opening this ability, in the zupaysaurus rune/symbol writing crystal stone will gush out one group of special energies to enter within the body. 开启这个能力后,恶魔龙符文晶石内会涌出一团特殊能量进入体内。 His skin in a short time becomes red, is large scale to the operation of body, in the mind emerges wants to tear into shreds at present the impulsions of all things intensely. 紧接着他的皮肤就会在短时间内变得通红,对身体的操纵大幅度衰弱,脑海中涌现强烈想要撕碎眼前一切事物的冲动。 Simply speaking, after opening is wild with rage, Intelligence quotient -100, battle efficiency + 100. 简单来说,开启狂怒后,智商-100,战斗力。 Trades the strength with the intelligence quotient, this talent ability very zupaysaurus. 用智商换实力,这个天赋能力就很恶魔龙。 With him with the conjunction promotion of zupaysaurus rune/symbol writing crystal stone, Feng Qi also discovered that his control to own muscle was nearly the percentage hundred degrees. 伴随着他与恶魔龙符文晶石的契合度提升,封棋还发现他对自身肌肉的掌控力达到了近乎百分百的程度。 Even is these vague spots muscles can also control flexibly, for example approximately includes the muscle. 甚至是那些隐晦部位的肌肉也能灵活掌控,例如约括肌。 With Scarlet Research Institute words of bit data inspector, he draws what shape now excrement can have one's wish. 猩红研究院的一位数据检测员的话来说,他现在拉什么形状的“屎”都能随心所欲了。 With pinching playdough. 就跟捏橡皮泥似的。 Hears these words time, he who obtained the muscle handling, an innermost feelings chill. 听到这番话的时候,原本获得肌肉掌控能力的他,内心一阵恶寒。 Even can the brain make up the picture. 甚至能脑补出来画面来。 This time Feng Qi has been able proficiently to control the body, will not have the situation that the strength lost control of again, therefore he decided to leave Scarlet Research Institute, returned to a Star City school. 这时候的封棋已经能够熟练掌控身体,不会再出现力量失控的情况,所以他决定离开猩红研究院,回一趟星城学府。 But goes back not to start the school life. 但回去并非是想重新开始学府生活。 This timeline, he continued to keep the Star City school to have no significance. 这条时间线,他继续留在星城学府已经没有任何意义了。 He plans to resign from Star City school teacher, the rest of the time keep in Scarlet Research Institute to enhance the strength with single-hearted devotion, wait for dawn Jun's establishment. 他打算辞去星城学府的老师职务,剩下的时间专心留在猩红研究院内提升实力,等待黎明军的建立。 Does not remain for white Fusheng regrettably, his time returned to the Star City school also to take Wei Wei. 为了白浮生不留遗憾,他这次回星城学府还带上了蔚薇 To white Fusheng the resignation reason is, for research of virtual game, as well as merit method research project of Scarlet Research Institute follow-up support. 给白浮生的辞职理由是,为了虚拟游戏的研究,以及猩红研究院后续赞助的功法研究项目。 Wei Wei testified in the one side. 蔚薇在一旁作证。 Anticipated white Fusheng who very much he can go to a broader sky show/unfolds fists and feet after learning of this news, looks not to abandon, but nodded assent his decision. 本就很期待他能够去更广阔天空一展拳脚的白浮生在得知这个消息后,面露不舍,但还是点头同意了他的决定。 Before leaving, white Fu lives including the happy expression, blessed him prosperity. 离别前,白浮生眼含笑意,祝福他前程似锦。 Finally is Mu Qing and the others the farewells. 最后是与沐晴等人的告别。 Sudden leaving makes Lin Ran and other student feel puzzled, but after understanding his ambition, Lin Ran and the others also offered the blessing. 突如其来的离别着实让林染等一众学生感到不解,但在了解他的志向后,林染等人也都送上了祝福。 Before leaving, is the dinner time. 离开前,已是晚饭时间了。 In Lin Ran and the others under detaining, Feng Qi decided to finish eating the dinner to walk again. 林染等人的挽留下,封棋决定吃完了晚餐再走。 This meal falls on North Point of restaurant as before, is actually this timeline people the last meal that falls to gather on North Point. 这一餐依旧是在餐厅的北角落,却是这条时间线众人在北角落相聚的最后一餐。 In the future everyone will have own future. 往后每个人都会有自己的未来。 Yang Xiaoxin will choose to join the military headquarters. 杨小心会选择加入军部。 Cai fruit will join the medical research institute. 蔡果会去加入医疗研究院。 The Xia three brothers and strict Yue after the graduation since their domain regiment, will step onto the resistance domain invasion the first line. 夏家三兄弟与严岳会在毕业后进入自家的领域战团,走上对抗领域入侵的第一线。 The monk will return to the wisdom domain regiment, Lin Ran to join Tiger Soul Research Institute...... 和尚会回到般若领域战团,林染会加入虎魄研究院…… Except for Mu Qing, they will not as if have happening together in the future again. 除了沐晴,似乎往后他们再无交集。 This meal ate for several hours. 这一餐吃了数个小时。 In this period he also urged Lin Ran do not forget that among especially them agreement, the merit law that he has not completed needed his help. 期间他还特地叮嘱林染不要忘记他们之间的约定,他未完成的功法需要他的帮助。 When Feng Qi sits to return to the Scarlet Research Institute vehicles, the time has arrived 10 : 00 pm. 封棋坐上返回猩红研究院的车辆,时间已经来到晚上 10 点了。 Looks outside the glass has been delimiting familiar scenery, he also makes the final farewell in the heart with here. 望着车窗外划过的熟悉景色,他也在心中与这里作最后的告别。 „Don't some abandon?” “有些不舍?” Naturally does not abandon, but I have a more important matter to do.” Feng Qi responded with a smile. “自然不舍,但我还有更重要的事去做。”封棋笑着回应道。 Driving Wei Wei hears, suddenly inquired: 正在开车的蔚薇听闻,忽然询问道: Has thought selfish one chapter? This timeline choice rests well, have thought life.” “有想过自私一回吗?这条时间线选择好好休息一回,过自己想过的生活。” Facing the inquiry, he shakes the head. 面对询问,他摇了摇头。 Each timeline I, with me am the same idea, I gave up, they also gave up, therefore I do not vacillate, they will not vacillate.” “每一条时间线的我,都与我是一样的想法,我放弃了,他们也就放弃了,所以我不动摇,他们也都不会动摇。” Then, he turned the head to look to Wei Wei: 说完,他转头望向了蔚薇: Incessantly is I, you are also the same, each timeline you have never given up.” “不止是我,你也一样,每一条时间线的你从未放弃过。” Ha, your strongest creation tool person?” Wei Wei narrows the eye to say with a smile. “哈哈哈,你的最强创造工具人?”蔚薇眯眼笑道。 Do not say......, although seemingly truly is such matter, starts from the initial talent blind box, each timeline will bring the new technology to me, I really did not understand that your head is how long, so to be how intelligent.” “别这么说……虽然貌似确实是这么回事,从最初的天赋盲盒开始,你每一条时间线都会给我带来新的技术,我实在不理解你的脑袋怎么长得,怎么就那么聪明。” Do not flatter, you are the tool person!” Wei Wei stares to say immediately, later cannot bear sigh: “别拍马屁,你才是工具人!”蔚薇当即瞪眼道,随后忍不住叹了口气: Thinks that in the future must eat several hundred years of nutrition paste, thinks to feel desperate.” “想到往后要吃几百年的营养膏,想想就感到绝望。” Facing her who any difficult can accept confidently, realized in the future after several hundred annual meetings will not eat well, the mentality somewhat collapsed. 面对任何艰难都能坦然接受的她,意识到往后数百年会吃不好后,心态有些崩了。 Sister Wei, or you before hiding in into the secret base research and develop several delicious nutrition paste, will prepare to the future?” 蔚姐,要不你在躲入秘密基地前研发几款美味的营养膏,给未来做准备?” Great idea, this to go back to stay up late to study, I do not think in the future all day will eat the nutrition paste that will be unpalatable.” “好主意,这就回去熬夜研究,我可不想未来整日吃难吃的营养膏。” Stays up late? That evening's approximately midnight snack?” “熬夜?那晚上约个夜宵?” Good, for these years ate, but in the future could not eat.” “好,这几年多吃些,往后可就吃不到了。” Was saying Wei Wei steps on the accelerator fiercely, the magnetic suspension swings shoots up to the sky. 说着蔚薇猛踩油门,磁悬浮车径直冲天而起。 ...... …… Returned to the day after Scarlet Research Institute, Feng Qi to throw into very intensive training. 回到猩红研究院后的日子,封棋重新投入到了高强度的训练中。 Such day is very arid, but he can definitely endure to endure. 这样的日子很枯燥,但他完全能忍耐得住。 In comparison, he felt Wei Wei in each timeline, for several hundred years now conducts the research to withstand him is more arid than and tasteless, is more difficult. 相比之下,他觉得每一条时间线里的蔚薇,数百年如一日的进行研究比他现在所承受的更为枯燥、乏味,也更艰难。 In the following day Scarlet Research Institute also moved the powerhouse who guarded the base, started to direct his learning mode , to promote his fight skill. 后续的日子里猩红研究院还调来了守卫基地的强者,开始对他的训练方式进行指点,提升他的战斗技巧。 Regarding this, Feng Qi studies very earnestly. 对此,封棋学得很认真。 These technical not only he uses to obtain, reads him to remember after another he can use. 这些技术不但他用得到,读取他记忆后的另一个他更能用的到。 In the future each timeline, these knowledge and skills will also be inherited. 再往后的每一条时间线,这些知识与技能也都会被传承下去。 In following day, along with zupaysaurus crystal stone with his body the continuation promotion of conjunction, he also starts to improve oneself intensity of training. 接下来的日子里,伴随着恶魔龙晶石与他的身体的契合度的继续提升,他也开始提高自己的训练强度。 When Scarlet Research Institute assigned a region specifically to be used in him training in the base used. 猩红研究院更是在基地内划出了一片区域专门用于他训练时使用。 In an instant year by year. 转眼一年又一年。 While Feng Qi to grow stronger breaks through the body limit unceasingly, placed Mu Qing of Star City school also to welcome the graduation season. 封棋为了变强不断突破身体极限的同时,身处星城学府的沐晴也迎来了毕业季。 Initial that timeline, graduates Mu Qing all alone of this day to leave. 最初的那条时间线,毕业这天沐晴孤身一人离开。 Does not have the family member to greet, does not have the friend to see off. 没有亲人迎接,更没有朋友相送。 But this she was actually kept hold by the friends time was passing a happy graduation. 但这一次她却被朋友们挽留着度过了一个美好的毕业晚会。 During this, Yang Xiaoxin, Cai fruit and the others offered the blessing for her future. 这期间杨小心、蔡果等人都为她的未来送上了祝福。 Once she joined the Star City school, but to complete parents' last wish, had no sentiment to the Star City school. 曾经她加入星城学府,不过是为了完成父母的遗愿,对星城学府没有任何感情。 But this time, in Feng Qi this only butterfly under the instigation, the history had changed. 但这一次,在封棋这只“蝴蝶”的煽动下,历史已经发生了改变。 The graduation of Star City school is very lively, ahead of time will prepare many outstanding programs to come for these soon to enter the duty research institute, the graduating cadet who or stepped onto the frontline saw off. 星城学府的毕业晚会很热闹,提前准备了很多优秀的节目来为这些即将入职研究院,或是走上前线的毕业学员送行。 The school teachers and students participate. 全校师生都参加。 Many Star City prominent figures come to support, on the drill ground the light was dazzling, reflects red the sky. 许多星城知名人物都前来捧场,操场上灯光耀眼,映红了天空。 At this time Mu Qing with fighting three classes of friends gathers in the corner of drill ground. 此时沐晴与战斗三班的一众朋友聚在操场的一角。 Is eating on the table specially the sumptuous good food of preparation, they are recounting the future. 吃着餐桌上特别准备的丰盛美食,他们述说着未来。 Studies the elder sister, later has free time to come to see us, although our also one year must graduate.” Completely Yang Xiaoxin does not abandon looks at Mu Qing to say. “学姐,以后有空就来看看我们,虽然我们还有一年也要毕业了。”杨小心满是不舍的望着沐晴道。 Meeting, I have free time to come to see you, when the time comes brings to you delicious.” Mu Qing serious nod. “会的,我有空就会来看望你们,到时候给你们带好吃的。”沐晴郑重点头。 Studies the elder sister, I must eat the domain beast meat.” “学姐,我要吃领域兽肉。” Studies the elder sister, I must eat, the especially those powerful domain monster, their bodies were moistened by the high-purity spiritual energy it is said that is very delicious.” “学姐,我也要吃,尤其是那些实力强大的领域怪物,据说它们的身体被高纯度的灵气滋润,特别好吃。” I also want.” “那我也要。” summer dragon and the others opened the mouth to say at this time in abundance. 夏龙等人这时纷纷开口道。 They know the Mu Qing bad expression, words that but she said that will certainly realize. 他们知道沐晴不善言辞,但她说出的话,就一定会去实现。 In the people discussed with a smile when should let Mu Qing delivers anything, a familiar sound from one side conveys: 就在众人笑着讨论该让沐晴送什么时,一个熟悉的声音从一侧传来: Hehe, did the kids who have not graduated, forget me?” “嘿嘿,还没毕业的小屁孩们,是不是忘记我了?” The people turn head look, discovered that arrives has been ahead of time by Tiger Soul Research Institute enrollment Lin Ran. 众人回头望去,发现到来是已经提前被虎魄研究院录取的林染 At this time left already nearly for a year from Lin Ran, the people have not thought that he will come back at this time. 此时距离林染离开已经快一年了,众人没想到他会在这个时候回来。 Lin Ran, how did you come?” summer dragon cannot help but is curious the say/way. 林染,你怎么来了?”夏龙不由得好奇道。 Studies the elder sister to graduate, how I possibly do not see off, when the time comes you will graduate I also to come back......, didn't Brother Qi, how have to see others?” “学姐毕业,我怎么可能不来相送,到时候你们毕业了我也会回来……诶,棋哥呢,怎么没看到他人?” Here.”, The people hear one to shout by far. “这里。”远远地,众人就听到一声呼喊。 Turns the head to look, sees only Feng Qi from distant place racing to come. 转头望去,只见封棋从远处奔来。 Sees Feng Qi that moment, the people are at present one bright. 看到封棋的那一刻,众人都是眼前一亮。 That time Feng Qi, was their collective pillars. 那时候的封棋,是他们这个集体的主心骨。 However how the people do not think, Feng Qi will depart suddenly. 但是众人怎么都不会想到,封棋会突然离去。 At this time said goodbye, in people mind cannot help but the picture in reappearing memory. 此时再见,众人脑海中不由得浮现记忆中的画面。 Brother Qi, how you come, how well...... did you grow?” Lin Ran was surprised the different way at this time suddenly. 棋哥,你怎么才来,咦……你怎么长高了?”林染这时忽然诧异道。 The people hear, sizes up carefully, discovered that in Feng Qi and memory compare, at least grew a head. 众人听闻,仔细一打量,发现封棋与记忆中相比,最起码长高了一个头。 On road trafficked jams, grew as for me, the main Scarlet Research Institute meals was good, the nutrition followed naturally to grow.” Facing the inquiry, he grins to say with a smile. “路上堵车了,至于我长高了,主要猩红研究院伙食太好了,营养跟上了自然就长高了。”面对询问,他咧嘴笑道。 This point I can show, is very delicious, what a pity could not eat again.” Mu Qing raised the hand at this time with a smile. “这一点我可以证明,很好吃,可惜再也吃不到了。”沐晴这时笑着举起了手。 Looks to Mu Qing, he discovered that in Mu Qing and memory compared had changed. 望向沐晴,他发现沐晴与记忆中相比已经改变了许多。 In the two years on Mu Qing was short felt inferior with eccentrically, many for several points was self-confident and open. 这两年来沐晴身上少了自卑与孤僻,多了几分自信与开朗。 For a long time does not see, Mu Qing study elder sister.” He smiles immediately is greeting. “好久不见,沐晴学姐。”他当即微笑着打招呼道。 For a long time does not see.” Mu Qing responded with a smile. “好久不见。”沐晴笑着回应道。 Everyone stares is making anything, eats together, tonight makes an exception to drink, usually I do not drink, after all the alcohol influence brain, affects me to conduct the research.” Lin Ran sat down in the table at this time. “大家都愣着做什么,一起吃,今晚破例喝酒,平时我都不喝,毕竟酒精影响脑子,更影响我搞研究。”林染这时在餐桌坐下。 Feng Qi sees that also follows to sit down. 封棋见状也跟着坐下。 Is listening to the party singing sound, the people speak freely about the future under the moon/month. 听着晚会歌声,众人在月下畅谈未来。 The graduation season always floods is leaving moved. 毕业季总是充斥着离别伤感。 The talk of next door table, is to make Feng Qi be moved. 隔壁桌的谈话,更是令封棋为之动容。 Okay living, I am not hoping sad news that hears you to perish, you were I in the Star City school best brothers.” “好好活着,我可不希望听到你殒命的噩耗,你是我在星城学府最好的兄弟了。” „, Today here graduates and previous frontline battlefield, how many people there are able dead a natural death? You know the mortality rate after student's who every year graduates how many in entering domain regiment is? The first year is 23.23%, the second year is 18.24%, the third year is 15%...... thinks that these things do not have the significance, joined the Star City school I to decide on that day rose to struggle for human, after joining the domain regiment, lives for a year to gain for a year......” “诶,今天在这里毕业并上前线战场的,有几人能善终?你知道每年毕业的学员在进领域战团后的死亡率是多少吗?第一年是23.23%,第二年是18.24%,第三年是15%……想这些东西没有意义,加入星城学府那天我就决定了为人类崛起而奋斗,加入领域战团后多活一年赚一年……” Is listening to the talk of next door table, Feng Qi and numerous student feelings a great deal. 听着隔壁桌的谈话,封棋与一众学生感触良多。 The graduating cadet of rushing to the frontlines, mortality rate strange tall is the fact. 奔赴前线的毕业学员,死亡率奇高是事实。 This is also in the city the common people respects the primary cause of Star City school student, they when enjoying excellent treatment, observed beginning admittance mansion the pledge that makes, rises to study for human. 这也是城内百姓尊重星城学府学员的主要原因,他们在享受优厚待遇的同时,也遵守了初入学府时立下的誓言,为人类崛起而读书。 The atmosphere somewhat is suddenly dignified, at this time the Lin Ran laughter said: 气氛一时间有些凝重,这时林染嬉笑道: „The Mu Qing study elder sister, I remembers that initially you did not say can form a domain regiment? I thought that the future ten big domain regiments have your space, we and others your good news.” 沐晴学姐,我记得当初你不是说要组建一个领域战团吗?我觉得未来十大领域战团有你一席之地,我们等你好消息。” Lying trough, what ten big regiments, by my Mu Qing study elder sister's ability, the reputation of this first regiment assigned to take.” summer dragon also follows to create a disturbance to say. “卧槽,什么十大战团,以我沐晴学姐的能力,这第一战团的名头指定是拿下了。”夏龙也跟着起哄道。 Heard teasing of friends, Mu Qing also follows to smile: 听到朋友们的调侃,沐晴也跟着笑了起来: I really have the idea of forming the domain regiment, but is not now, I plan first to join a domain regiment informed and experienced one year or so, then forms own domain regiment.” “我确实有组建领域战团的想法,但不是现在,我打算先加入一个领域战团历练个一年半载,然后再组建自己的领域战团。” At this point, she turns the head to look suddenly toward Feng Qi: 说到这里,她忽然转头朝封棋望去: A'Qi, but also remembered our past agreements? Can the position of assistant regimental commander remain to you?” 阿棋,还记得我们当年的约定吗?副团长的位置要不要给你留着?” Facing the inquiry, Feng Qi held up the wine glass with a smile: 面对询问,封棋笑着举起了酒杯: Regimental commander Sir, thank promotes, this glass of liquor I first did.” Was saying he takes up the wine glass to toss down. “团长大人,感谢提拔,这杯酒我先干了。”说着他拿起酒杯一饮而尽。 „Did you comply?” Mu Qing continues to pursue asks. “你这是答应了?”沐晴继续追问道。 If some day you will form your influence in the future, I will come in time.” “如果未来有一天你组建了自己的势力,我会如期而至。” Hears the affirmative reply, on the face of Mu Qing the reappearing happy expression: 听到肯定的回答,沐晴的脸上浮现笑意: Good, assistant regimental commander Sir, this cup respects you!” Was saying Mu Qing also tosses down the liquor in cup. “好,副团长大人,这杯敬你!”说着沐晴也将杯里的酒一饮而尽。 Commander bathe, can I mix a team leader ding-dong?” Must Hongyun also hold up the wine glass say/way at this time. “沐团长,那我能混个队长当当吗?”须鸿云这时也举起酒杯道。 I also take team leader.” Yang Xiaoxin also raised the hand. “那我也要一个队长职务。”杨小心也举起了手。 Do not be noisy, this is the domain regiment, you work as the relatives and friends group, how the duty gave you domain regiment also to develop...... does not say these, come, we did one cup.” summer dragon ridiculed to say at this time. “你们都别闹,这可是领域战团,你们当亲友团呢,职务都给你们了领域战团还怎么发展……不说这些了,来,我们干一杯。”夏龙在这时笑骂道。 The people hear, immediately stands up to clink glasses, later laughs. 众人听闻,当即站起身碰杯,随后哈哈大笑。 ...... …… When the final revelry removes, Mu Qing is dragging the baggage under the dim light of night, went out of the front door of Star City school at the back of the big backpack gradually. 当最后的狂欢褪去,沐晴在夜色下拖着行李,背着大背包缓步走出了星城学府的大门。 Then, she saw the people who had gotten drunk appear in the campus entrance. 回头间,她看到原本已经喝醉的众人出现在校园门口。 Studies the elder sister, come on!” “学姐,加油啊!” Studies the elder sister, waits to have free time to come to see us.” “学姐,等有空一定要来看我们啊。” Studies the elder sister , the future ten big regiments will have your space.” “学姐,冲,未来十大战团有你一席之地。” ...... …… Is looking with the friends who she waves goodbye, tears unconscious falling, in her heart does not abandon completely. 望着与她挥手告别的朋友们,眼泪不自觉的滑落,她心中满是不舍。 Looks to carving „the Star City school the steles of four large characters, the past events is overlapping to shine forth in the mind. 望向刻着“星城学府”四个大字的石碑,往事在脑海中交叠闪映。 She who never gets drunk, in the heart had one point of feeling of being drunk. 从未喝醉的她,心中有了一分醉意。 Looks again to the friends who coming to see off, her mouth pronounced unstressed one thanks. 再次望向前来送别的朋友们,她嘴边轻念了一句“谢谢”。 Turning around is the new journey. 转身已是新的征程。 Is her legendary life, lifted mammoth one page. 属于她的传奇一生,就此掀开了波澜壮阔的一页。
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