IKTT :: Volume #3

#206: The riddle of Tiger Soul- silent domain field

Scarlet Research Institute. 猩红研究院 Three hours of convalescent conclusions, the nourishing cream dropped, immediately the Bin gate opened opens slowly. 三小时的疗养结束,营养液下降,随即仓门开缓缓开启。 Retracts in hose along with the post automatically, in the Feng Qi nutrition warehouse goes out. 伴随着贴在身上的软管自动缩回,封棋营养仓内走出。 Takes up the towel in nearby table, he is clean liquid cleaning, then changed clean clothes. 拿起一旁桌上的毛巾,他将身上的液体擦拭干净,然后换上了一身干净的衣服。 Deeply inspires, he only feels refreshing, the whole body is happy. 深吸了一口气,他只觉得神清气爽,浑身舒畅。 When exercise the fatigue of having sweeps away. 锻炼时产生的疲惫感一扫而空。 Then he arrives at one side on the nutrition warehouse sofa to sit down. 然后他来到营养仓一侧的沙发上坐下。 Looks up to the screen of nutrition Cangshang, above records his body details, bloodlines intensity, age and other data. 抬头望向营养仓上的屏幕,上面记录着他的身体详情、血脉强度、年龄等数据。 Three years passed by, he was also 20 years old. 三年过去了,他也已经20岁了。 Actually can live how long as for this timeline, he is not clear. 至于这条时间线究竟能活多久,他也不清楚。 But formerly several timeline situations speculated, lives more than ten years should not be the issue again. 但从前几条时间线的情况来推测,再活个十余年应该不是问题。 These days training, his control to the strength is even more free, his strength under the strengthening of zupaysaurus rune/symbol writing crystal stone has also achieved under the silver the appraisal of step. 这段时间的训练,他对力量的掌控愈发自如,在恶魔龙符文晶石的强化下他的实力也已经达到了白银下阶的评价。 If purely to putting together strength, he does not even lose in the body of silver middle rank cultivates the powerhouse. 如果纯粹对拼力量的话,他甚至不输于白银中阶的体修强者。 Since this period of time, he has also had real-time watches the Mu Qing news. 这段时间以来,他也有实时关注沐晴的消息。 Knows that the Mu Qing present stage has joined a domain regiment, will soon go to the true battlefield. 知道沐晴现阶段已经已经加入了一支领域战团,即将踏上真正的战场。 Regarding the Mu Qing safety, he was not worried actually. 对于沐晴的安危,他倒是不担心。 Even oneself changed the history, making Mu Qing join with the historical different domain regiments, but the Mu Qing strength had not been affected. 即使自己改变了历史,让沐晴加入了与历史不一样的领域战团,但沐晴的实力没有受到影响。 On her special rune/symbol writing crystal stone gives her the powerful strength at the same time, gave her unequalled fight instinct. 她身上的那颗特殊符文晶石赋予她强悍实力的同时,也给了她无与伦比的战斗本能。 In the Wei Wei words. 蔚薇的话说。 If really hit to fly into a rage, this girl can with ease a liao level( the third level) the domain field threw off, regarded between -meal snack to gnaw the space crystal stone in domain field. 真要是打急眼了,这妮子能轻松将一个獠级(第三级)的领域场掀翻,将领域场里的空间晶石当成零食啃了。 As most understands Mu Qing, gives Mu Qing to conduct Wei Wei that rune/symbol writing transformed personally, her appraisal obviously Mu Qing strength is fully terrorist. 身为最了解沐晴,也是亲手给沐晴进行了符文改造的蔚薇,她的评价足可见沐晴的实力到底有多么恐怖。 Even during the Star City school, she still never shows own true strength. 即使在星城学府期间,她也从未展现出自己的真正实力。 Except that Mu Qing, he also often contacts with Lin Ran. 除了沐晴这边,他也时常与林染进行联系。 He needs the spirit to attack technique in the merit law of research, urged that he conducts the research in this aspect. 他以研究的功法需要精神攻伐术为由,催促他进行这方面的研究。 He also understands. 他还了解到。 Enters Lin Ran after Tiger Soul Research Institute, showed extremely terrifying technique method research talent. 进入虎魄研究院后的林染,展现出了极为恐怖的术法研究天赋。 First was he publicizes to the outside world officially tied seal class/flow technique law. 首先是他正式向外界公开了“结印流术法”。 Then by the shortest time won human outstanding tribute making cash contributions medal great honor. 然后以最短的时间获得了“人类杰出贡献金勋章”的殊荣。 Tied the seal class/flow technique law to have the embryonic form, super technique law School that went down in history sufficiently was born. 结印流术法有了雏形,一个足以载入史册的超级术法流派就此诞生。 In addition, Lin Ran also issued several very outstanding output technique laws, making him go against the class/flow in a short time. 除此之外,林染还一口气发布了数门非常优秀的输出术法,让他在短时间内成为了顶流。 The major media reported the news about Lin Ran. 各大媒体争相报道关于林染的新闻。 But recently with the relation of Lin Ran, he discovered a strange matter. 但最近与林染的联系中,他发现了一件怪事。 According to forest to come said that after entering Tiger Soul Research Institute, he had proposed more than once wants to enter the merit method research team to conduct the research of merit France. 根据林来所说,进入虎魄研究院后,他不止一次提出过想要进入功法研究小组进行功法方面的研究。 But these requests, were rejected unexpectedly. 但这些请求,竟然都被拒绝了。 Even to prevent him conducts the research of merit France, the Tiger Soul Research Institute high level also holds the conference especially, regarded the material for negative education to approve Lin Ran ruthlessly. 甚至为了阻止他进行功法方面的研究,虎魄研究院的高层还特地召开会议,将林染当成反面教材狠批了一顿。 Then is the persuasion of doing best to convince, an numerous Tiger Soul high level thinks talent far ultra merit method research of Lin Ran in technique method research, should not the energy expenditure in the merit method research. 然后又是苦口婆心的劝说,一众虎魄高层都认为林染在术法研究上的天赋远超功法研究,不该将精力花费在功法研究上。 In order to cease the Lin Ran contact merit legal science, Tiger Soul Research Institute even gave back to him to arrange the duty in massive technique method research. 为了杜绝林染接触功法学,虎魄研究院甚至还给他安排了大量术法研究方面的任务。 This looked like in Feng Qi somewhat is strange. 这在封棋看来就有些奇怪了。 This time Lin Ran has shown talent for the first time, is the top class/flow technique law researcher. 此时的林染已经崭露头角,也已经是外界的顶流术法研究员了。 If Tiger Soul Research Institute back Lord of Mist wants to promote «Flesh Sacrifice», can definitely start to control the Lin Ran future trend. 如果虎魄研究院背后的迷雾之主想要推出《血肉祭》,完全可以开始操控林染的未来走向了。 But this time Lin Ran applied to enter the merit method study team on own initiative, was rejected unexpectedly. 但这时候的林染主动申请进入功法研究组,竟然被拒绝了。 According to normal historical orbit, even if Lin Ran has not joined the merit law group now, but will join the merit method study team someday in the future, and is headed by him infinite merit law group. 按照正常的历史轨迹来看,即使林染现在没有加入功法组,但在未来的某一天还是会加入功法研究组,并且是以他为组长的“无限功法”小组。 Tiger Soul Research Institute did not comply at this time, appeared has strangely. 虎魄研究院这时候不答应,就显得有奇怪了。 Regarding this in his mind appears two guesses. 对此他的脑海中浮现两个猜测。 The first possibility, Tiger Soul Research Institute back Lord of Mist thought that the influence of Lin Ran present stage is insufficient, planned and other Lin Ran are more influential, then takes advantage of opportunity to promote «Flesh Sacrifice». 第一种可能,虎魄研究院背后的迷雾之主觉得林染现阶段的影响力还不够,打算等林染再有影响力一些,然后再顺势推出《血肉祭》。 But this guess has the non- reasonable place. 但这个猜测存在着不合理之处。 In his opinion the Lin Ran influence is completely enough, and now promotes «Flesh Sacrifice», so long as the cultivation feeds back, quick will be known by all followers. 在他看来林染的影响力已经完全足够了,并且现在推出《血肉祭》只要外界修炼反馈好,很快就会被所有修炼者知晓。 The second possibility, Tiger Soul Research Institute of present stage had not been controlled by Lord of Mist. 第二种可能,现阶段的虎魄研究院还未被迷雾之主掌控。 Therefore Tiger Soul Research Institute from the viewpoint issue of entire human race, thinks that the Lin Ran more suitable technique method research, should not waste the talent in the merit method research. 所以虎魄研究院从全人类的角度考虑问题,认为林染更适合术法研究,不该浪费天赋在功法研究上。 Joins the merit law group as for following Lin Ran , because that time Tiger Soul Research Institute was infiltrated and controlled by Lord of Mist. 至于后面林染加入功法小组,是因为那时候的虎魄研究院才被迷雾之主渗透、掌控。 In comparison, obviously the second guess is more credible. 相比之下,显然第二种猜测更为靠谱。 After all ahead of time makes Lin Ran join the merit method research team not to conflict with the plan of Lord of Mist, even it can be said that to Lord of Mist ahead of time upholstery. 毕竟提前让林染加入功法研究小组并不与迷雾之主的计划冲突,甚至可以说是给迷雾之主提前铺垫了。 When the time comes promotes «Flesh Sacrifice» time, can be said as the Lin Ran concentrating on study merit law X years later obtained. 到时候推出《血肉祭》的时候,就可以说是林染潜心研究功法X年后所得。 Therefore Tiger Soul Research Institute is not been more credible than the first guess by the guess of Lord of Mist control. 所以虎魄研究院还未被迷雾之主掌控的猜测比第一种猜测更靠谱。 If this guess is correct. 假如这个猜测正确。 He starts to speculate the Tiger Soul Research Institute truly infiltrated time. 他开始推测虎魄研究院被真正渗透的时间。 From the historical perspective, Lin Ran promotes «Flesh Sacrifice» time, before he on any timeline had died. 从历史角度来看,林染推出《血肉祭》的时候,之前任何一条时间线上的他都已经死了。 Then Tiger Soul Research Institute by time of complete infiltration in he dies for dozens years. 那么虎魄研究院被完全渗透的时间是在他死后的几十年间。 But is careful thinks, this answer is not obviously right. 但仔细一想,这个答案显然也不对。 He joined Science and Technology Institute that meeting initially, has instigated relations between Science and Technology Institute and Tiger Soul Research Institute, and Science and Technology Institute use true words also really caught Tiger Soul Research Institute to place the spy in Science and Technology Institute. 他当初加入科技研究院那会,有过挑拨科技研究院虎魄研究院之间的关系,并且科技研究院利用“真言器”还真就抓到了虎魄研究院安插在科技研究院内的间谍。 In other words, before timeline he also living time, Tiger Soul Research Institute had been infiltrated. 也就是说,之前时间线他还活着的时候,虎魄研究院就已经被渗透了。 Therefore the time span can reduce again. 所以时间跨度可以再次缩小。 Analyzes from the existence information, he feels the Tiger Soul Research Institute truly infiltrated time probably more than ten years later. 从现有情报中来分析,他觉得虎魄研究院被真正渗透的时间大概在十余年后。 Also before is, in timeline, that several years that he was close to dying. 也就是之前时间线中,他接近死亡的那几年。 Probably is 30 -year-old over appearances. 大概就是30岁出头的样子。 But the new issue came, since that meets Tiger Soul Research Institute to be infiltrated, why will promote «Flesh Sacrifice» time must move in the future for more than ten years. 但新的问题又来了,既然那会虎魄研究院已经被渗透,为什么推出《血肉祭》的时间点还得往后挪十余年。 Regarding his guess is, perhaps Tiger Soul Research Institute was just controlled that to meet Lord of Mist not to study «Flesh Sacrifice». 对此他的猜测是,或许虎魄研究院刚被掌控那会迷雾之主还未研究出《血肉祭》。 Therefore he was dormant for more than ten years, after studying «Flesh Sacrifice» succeeded takes advantage of opportunity to seize to abandon outside influences strength huge Lin Ran, 所以他蛰伏了十余年,在研究《血肉祭》成功后顺势夺舍了在外界影响力巨大的林染, And formed the infinite group of research merit law, issued «Flesh Sacrifice» in the name of Lin Ran again. 并成立了研究功法的无限小组,再以林染的名义发布了《血肉祭》。 The answer is anything, he remained unknown. 答案到底是什么,他无从得知。 But from the existing information, such speculation is the most reasonable line. 但从现有的情报来看,这么推测是最合理的一条线。 Also can explain why Tiger Soul Research Institute of present stage does not comply with Lin Ran to study the merit law, can explain why must pass " Flesh Sacrifice » merit law does not promote ahead of time. 既能解释为什么现阶段的虎魄研究院不答应林染研究功法,也能解释得通《血肉祭》功法为什么不提前推出。 Thinks of here, in his heart remembered this information. 想到这里,他心中记下了这个情报。 Besides Lin Ran, the research and development that in the near future «Daybreak» plays is also conducting vigorously. 除了林染外,近期《破晓》游戏的研发也正在大力进行。 But until now, has not chosen promotes outward. 但迄今为止,都没有选择对外进行推广。 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 The promotion that «Daybreak» plays inevitably has a great influence, all will influence re-focus on Scarlet Research Institute. 《破晓》游戏的推广必然影响巨大,各方势力都会将注意力转向猩红研究院这边。 Even if all domain influence because of his existence, thinks that Scarlet Research Institute other domain influences have infiltrated, may still create many variables. 即使各方领域势力因为他的存在,认为猩红研究院已经其他领域势力渗透,却也有可能造成许多变数。 What whether this timeline can contact Mu Yao he to need is steady, rather than wave. 这条时间线能否接触到慕暚他需要的是稳,而不是浪。 He after an numerous scarlet high level discussed that the result is also so, will develop " Daybreak » following technology takes to another him, this timeline does not promote «Daybreak». 他与一众猩红高层商量后的结果也是如此,将开发《破晓》的后续技术带给另一个他,这条时间线不推出《破晓》。 After all in he and numerous scarlet high-level eyes, immediately is a sacrifice line. 毕竟他与一众猩红高层眼中,当下已经是一条牺牲线了。 Daybreak promotion can change the future, necessity that but the change the result, has not promoted. 破晓的推出能改变未来,但改变不了结局,就没有推出的必要了。 Stands firm this line would rather, trying to be contacting Mu Yao is the key. 倒不如稳住这条线,试着去接触到慕暚才是关键。 In the mind various information connection, Feng Qi cannot help but lost in thought. 脑海中各种情报交汇,封棋不由得陷入了沉思。 After the moment, he took up Scarlet Research Institute to drink a big mouth to the drink that he mixed specially, then sat from the sofa sets out, started the new round high-intensity training. 片刻后,他拿起了猩红研究院给他特别调制的饮料喝了一大口,然后从沙发上坐起身,开始了新一轮的高强度训练。 ...... …… Outside cold winter city, supplying area. 凛冬城外,补给区。 Here the heavy snow covers year to year, a piece clads in silvery white. 这里常年大雪覆盖,一片银装素裹。 Toward the East to continuous mountain range like Snow Dragon that occupies the winding, icy blast when the collision connects, the howling sound that tears seems Snow Dragon to roar. 往东方向的连绵山脉如同一条条盘踞缠绕的雪龙,凛冽寒风在碰撞交汇时,撕裂出的呼啸声好似雪龙咆哮。 Here environment is worst in the eastern six cities. 这里的环境在东部六城中最为恶劣。 But this is also the name origin of cold winter city. 而这也是凛冬城的名字来历。 The cold winter city continues in north, is one of the Ash Sharqiyah Region frontline supplies areas, was called the cold winter supplies area. 凛冬城继续往北方向,是东部区的前线补给区之一,也被称之为凛冬补给区。 Massive domain regiments are stationed in this. 大量领域战团驻扎在此。 At this time in the cold winter supplies area, the revelry comes to an end. 此时凛冬补给区内,狂欢接近尾声。 But at this time in the supplies area also leaves leeway the interview media that many cities send. 但此时补给区内还留有许多各城市派来的采访媒体。 Several days ago, the supplying area blood punctured domain field to be scattered toward northern medium domain field, the space crystal in domain field was destroyed, human won a big victory. 就在数日前,补给区往北方向的中型领域场“血刺领域场”被驱散,领域场内的空间结晶被打碎,人类迎来了一场不小的胜利。 Punctures the resources that in the domain field leaves behind as for the blood, performs all participates in this action the domain field carving up according to the contribution. 至于血刺领域场内留下的资源,尽皆被参与此次行动的领域场按照贡献瓜分。 At this time trucks one after another packed with the domain resources to drive into the supplies area, later the huge resources were delivered the transport aircraft to escort to the major cities. 此时一辆接一辆的卡车满载着领域资源驶入补给区,随后大量资源被送上运输机送往各大城市。 The airport direction has also piled up with various resources. 机场方向也已经堆满了各种资源。 The advertisement positions of major cities are also broadcasting this good news in these days one after another. 各大城市的广告位也在这几天轮番播放着这则喜讯。 The entire human race is jubilant. 全人类为之欢腾。 At this time snow wolf manor. 此时雪狼庄园。 More than hundred people of teams assemble in the manor, the people are fully-armed. 百余人的团队在庄园内集结,众人都是全副武装。 Mu Qing stands behind the team, at the back of also wants on big several times compared with her the package, a face earnest listens to the regimental commander to develop Yan Jianghua. 沐晴站在队伍后方,背着比她还要大上数倍的包裹,正一脸认真的听着团长拓闫讲话。 Although is the core main force personnel. 虽然已经是核心主力人员了。 But the related knowledge in regiment she also understood one time really few, only enters the domain field recently the scattered blood punctures the domain field. 但战团方面的相关知识她还了解甚少,唯一一次进入领域场是最近被驱散的血刺领域场。 Also five days ago. 也就是在五天前。 But that time blood punctured the domain field to be captured quickly completely, their snow wolf domain regiment was assists to settle the transportation, even the final enemies could not have met, the blood punctured the domain field to be scattered. 但那时候的血刺领域场已经快被完全攻略了,他们雪狼领域战团不过是去协助善后运输罢了,甚至连最后的敌人都没见上一面,血刺领域场就被驱散了。 But today the first time will be she as the combatants, will rush to the frontlines officially. 而今天将是她第一次作为战斗人员,正式奔赴前线。 After five days of recuperation rests, you have raised the spirit, the blood punctures the domain field disperses us to join fully late, then the goal is the silent domain field, we are part of main force...... now, all.” “经过五天的调养休息,想必你们都已经养足了精神,血刺领域场的驱散我们加入得太晚,接下来目标是寂静领域场,我们将会是主力的一部分……现在,全体出发。” Develops Yan Huishou to cry out along with the regimental commander, the entire group personnel start to get on a vehicle. 伴随着团长拓闫挥手呐喊,全团人员纷纷开始登车。 Mu Qing arrived at the final side of team at this time, mounted one for loading the military truck of resources, put down after the travel bag, sat down. 沐晴在这时来到了队伍的最后方,登上了一辆用于装载资源的军用卡车,将行囊放下后坐下。 Anxious?” At this time sat in her opposite buffalo inquires with a smile. “紧张吗?”这时坐在她对面的野牛笑着询问道。 Facing the inquiry, Mu Qing shakes the head, very honest saying: 面对询问,沐晴摇了摇头,很诚实的说道: „It is not anxious, even is a little excitedly small.” “不紧张,甚至还有点小兴奋。” Hears these words, the buffalo stares, immediately laughs. 听到这番话,野牛一愣,随即哈哈大笑。 The motorcade drove out of the manor at this time, drove toward the supplies area north. 车队在这时驶出庄园,往补给区北面驶去。 The quick motorcade met with several other motorcades, goes toward north together. 很快车队与另外几支车队会合,共同往北而去。 This action is jointly taken the action by eight domain regiments. 这次行动由八支领域战团联合展开行动。 The snow wolf regiment is. 雪狼战团就是其中一支。 This time goal is toward the northern silent domain field. 此次的目标是往北方向的寂静领域场。 The appearance of this domain field more than ten years ago, the cold winter supplies area has several domain regiments to have the preliminary exploration to this domain field. 这个领域场的出现是在十余年前,凛冬补给区有数支领域战团对这个领域场有过初步探索。 Several teams that but early explores, the member casualty is serious. 但早期去探索的几支团队,成员死伤惨重。 The only material is, in the silent domain field has monster that can take the person blood, but has the length of body anything appearance, because in the domain field by the thick dense fog package, could not be seen clearly. 仅有的资料是,寂静领域场内有能够吸食人鲜血的怪物,但具体长什么样子,由于领域场内被浓厚的迷雾包裹,根本就看不清。 The several failure of exploration team, in addition several of supplies area nearby in north was also advocating the domain field that captures at that time, therefore the exploration of silent domain field and captures is temporarily put aside. 探索团队的几次失败,再加上那时候补给区往北方向附近还有几个正在主攻略的领域场,所以寂静领域场的探索与攻略被暂时搁置。 But punctures the domain field to be scattered along with the recent blood, becomes various supplies area regiment's main capturing/raiding targets from near silent domain field. 但伴随着最近血刺领域场被驱散,距离较近的寂静领域场成为了补给区各战团主要的攻略目标。 In addition the silent domain field has existed for more than ten years, internal rule and world have fused gradually, inside might appear to be able extremely to tread the domain unique lifeform of domain field. 再加上寂静领域场已经存在十余年了,内部的规则与世界已经逐步融合,里面极有可能已经出现了能够踏出领域场的领域超脱生物。 Threatens big to human. 对人类威胁不小。 In domain field that was just born, the minimum probability presented the domain unique lifeform. 刚诞生的领域场内,极小概率出现领域超脱生物。 Because the rule and world in domain field are not same, the domain lifeform is extremely difficult to bridge over the rule hindrance to enter the world. 由于领域场内的规则与世界不相同,领域生物极难跨过规则阻碍进入人类世界。 But along with the domain the fusion and expansion of field and world, this hindrance gradually will weaken, and even vanishes, thus presented the domain unique lifeform. 但伴随着领域场与世界的融合、扩张,这种阻碍就会逐渐削弱,乃至消失,从而出现了领域超脱生物。 In recently, the silent domain field expansion markedly intensified, even can describe with crazy. 就在最近,寂静领域场的扩张明显加剧,甚至能用疯狂来形容。 Therefore this domain field becomes the goal that the cold winter supplies area then mainly captured. 所以这个领域场就成了凛冬补给区接下来主要攻略的目标。 Also can be the next scattered domain field. 也会是下一个被驱散的领域场。 The buffalo starts to give Mu Qing to tell that along the way as the team main force core, should make anything in the domain field, in this period was also mixing with his many experiences. 沿途野牛开始给沐晴讲述身为团队主力核心,在领域场中该做些什么,期间还夹杂着他的许多经历。 When the buffalo mentioned oneself entered the domain field for the first time is tense the complexion to be pale, said also added on the exaggerating expression, a ally on truck could not bear laugh, Mu Qing was also as if smiles. 当野牛说起自己第一次进入领域场时紧张得面色惨白,说的时候还加上了夸张的表情,卡车上的一众战友都忍不住哈哈大笑,沐晴也是宛然一笑。 The ally who here risks one's life together, is together does not have false in work place, only then the brothers sentiment of sincerety. 这里都是一起出生入死的战友,相处中没有职场上的虚伪,只有真情实意的兄弟情。 Therefore is together with them, before Mu Qing no longer has, like that cautious. 所以与他们相处,沐晴不再有之前那般拘谨。 The motorcade went most of the day. 车队行驶了大半天。 The curtain of night covered the land, in the sky presented the gorgeous aurora. 夜幕笼罩大地,天空中出现了绚丽的极光。 „Does Mu Qing, what talent and skill have? Comes the talent show.” Sits side Mu Qing, the fully-armed female opens the mouth to say with a smile. 沐晴,有没有什么才艺?来个才艺表演呗。”坐在沐晴身边,全副武装的女子笑着开口道。 I...... I do not have the talent and skill.” Mu Qing shakes the head immediately. “我……我没有才艺。”沐晴当即摇头。 Do not be shy, I noticed obviously you bring the harmonica, before the preparation to embark along, cleaned several to come.” “别害羞呀,我明明看到你随身带着口琴,准备出发前还擦拭了好几遍来着。” Hears these words, people on truck creates a disturbance. 听到这番话,卡车上的众人一阵起哄。 Facing the invitation, Mu Qing no longer declines, pulls out the white harmonica that Feng Qi bestowed. 面对邀请,沐晴不再推辞,掏出了封棋赠送的白色口琴。 Is looking in the sky such as the smoke wave indistinct green aurora, she sounded the harmonica. 望着天空中如烟波般缥缈的绿色极光,她吹响了口琴。 The people stopped noise at this time, calmly listens respectfully to bent/tune Shengdang to make a sound, was brought back the recollection of heart by the music. 众人在这时停止了喧闹,静静聆听曲声荡响,也被音乐勾起了心底的回忆。 Is looking at the Mu Qing shy face, many people think when oneself just entered the snow wolf regiment scene. 望着沐晴青涩的脸庞,许多人想到了自己刚进入雪狼战团时的景象。 From then on, removes shy, they accepted the baptism of blood and fire. 从那以后,青涩褪去,他们接受了血与火的洗礼。 But every rushes to the frontlines one time, is a life and death pass/test. 但每一次奔赴前线,都是一次生死关。 No one knows that these several people can return time safely. 谁都不知道这一次又有几人能平安归来。 Looks up to the radiant starry sky, various people bosom concerns. 仰望璀璨星空,众人各怀心事。 But the choice takes this road, they have accepted the fate that oneself have engaged in a decisive battle dead. 但选择走上这条路的时,他们就已经接受了自己会战死的宿命。 At this time the innermost feelings as always, are duty-bound not to turn back. 此时内心一如既往,义无反顾。
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