IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#857: Attacks and captures medicine difficult problem

Lou Gehrig's Disease, called the amyotrophy lateral sclerosis, systematic name ALS Disease. After suffering from this sickness, early also some hopes of treatment, once enters Late Stage, depends upon the clinical care to obtain the probability of recovery is almost zero. Facing Hawking this condition, the modern medicine can do, controls merely the Patient condition. 卢伽雷病,也称肌萎缩侧索硬化,学名“渐冻症”。患上这种病后,早期还有治疗的希望,而一旦进入晚期,依靠临床治疗获得康复的概率几乎为零。面对霍金这种状况,现代医学所能做的,仅仅是将病人的病情控制住而已。 However regarding the technologies of 22 centuries, treats this illness not to have the major problem. 不过对于22世纪的技术来说,治疗这种病症却没多大的问题。 The medical technology on Last of Days that timeline is quite developed, till pre-war, almost 90 percent incurable disease was solved. But one of illness Lou Gehrig's Disease, was solved. 末世那条时间线上的医学技术相当发达,截止到战前为止,几乎百分之九十的不治之症都得到了解决。而卢伽雷病,正是被解决掉的病症之一。 But the treatment Lou Gehrig's Disease most simple method, is uses previous Jiang Chen to cure Ayesha, but brings Smart Medical Cabin that arrives at the present world. How serious muscular tissue necrosis, atrophy and other disease symptoms, so long as on flower enough time and nutrient fluid, can obtain the effective treatment. As for nerve toxic material of accumulation with piling up glutamic acid in nerve cells, then may cure through the injection special medicine. 而治疗卢伽雷病简单的方法,就是使用上次江晨为了治好阿伊莎而带到现世的智能医疗舱。无论是多么严重的肌肉组织坏死、萎缩等病状,只要花上足够的时间与培养液,都可以得到有效的治疗。至于累积的神经毒性物质与堆积在神经细胞之间的谷氨酸,则可通过注射特殊药物进行治愈。 That side Last of Days has the expert in medicine, compounding these medicines is not the difficult matter. 末世那边有医学方面的专家,配制这些药物并不是什么难事儿。 Had the complex mood, Britain Prime Minister to leave Country of Xin, concluded the three-day diplomatic visit. 带着复杂的情绪,英国首相离开了新国,结束了为期三天的外交访问。 Before going to therapy, Hawking inquired about a very interesting issue to Jiang Chen. 在接受治疗之前,霍金江晨询问了一个很有意思的问题。 Before I go to therapy, can I take the liberty ask a question?” “在我接受治疗前,我可以冒昧的问个问题吗?” If you planned that asked my surgery can be very painful, my reply negative.” Jiang Chen returns with the charming tone said. “如果你打算问我手术会不会很痛苦,我的回答是否定的。”江晨用风趣的口吻回道。 Has nothing to do with my matter. What I want to inquire, about half a month ago you to the homework that the student arranged.” “和我的事儿无关。我想询问的是,关于半个月前你向学生布置的家庭作业。” What's wrong? Is the Grandmaster of Cosmos theory also interested?” Jiang Chen looks accidentally/surprisingly this old person asked. “怎么?宇宙论的大师也感兴趣?”江晨意外地看着这位老人问道。 I am curious, what you discover?” “我只是好奇,你们是不是发现到了些什么?” In the eye of that pollution as if brings the penetrating power that understands clearly Cosmos, is looking straight ahead the Jiang Chen's eye. 那浑浊的眼睛中仿佛带着洞悉宇宙的穿透力,直视着江晨的眼睛。 Why do you think?” Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “你为什么会这么认为?”江晨笑着问道。 „The rocket quantity that because you had for these years, was equivalent to over about past several years the sum total of launch.” Hawking is typing on the keyboard with the trembling finger, so frequent aerospace activity, you can definitely discover anything.” “因为你们这几年来发生的火箭数量,相当于过去十几年来发射的总和。”霍金用颤巍巍的手指敲着键盘,“如此频繁的航天活动,你们肯定能发现些什么。” What had that discovered in the past several years?” Jiang Chen asked in turn. “那在过去的数十年里发现过什么吗?”江晨反过来问道。 Hawking silent some little time, knocked a few words with the finger off and on. 霍金沉默了好一会儿,用手指断断续续地敲出了一段话。 They never have directly to answer this issue, but I can affirm that they discovered anything. Under you can pay attention to Area 51, that is not only Federation military base.” “他们从来没有正面回答过这个问题,但我敢肯定他们发现了些什么。你可以留意下51区,那不仅仅是个联邦军事基地。” Regarding the Area 51 details, Hawking had not related in detail. Obviously, scholar he, is impossible to know too many information. 对于51区的详情,霍金并没有细说。很显然,一介学者的他,也不可能知道太多的情报。 When the conclusion meeting, Jiang Chen somewhat asked the sentence towering. 在结束会面的时候,江晨有些突兀地问了句。 „If there is Extraterrestrial Civilization, but they also know us here, you thought whether they can have the hostility?” “如果存在地外文明,而他们也知道我们在这里,你觉得他们是否会带着敌意?” Hawking raps the keyboard on arm rest to reply. 霍金敲击着扶手上的键盘答道。 If you have looked at my course, you should be very clear, I have not always suspected this.” “如果你看过我的讲座,那你应该很清楚,我从来都不曾怀疑过这点。” Jiang Chen smiles, puts out a hand. 江晨笑了笑,伸出了手。 Is honored very much, our opinions are consistent.” “很荣幸,我们的意见一致。” Sorry, present I may have no way to shake hand with you.” “抱歉,现在的我可没法和你握手。” In mid October, in Future Biology affiliated Koro City Hospital, under children accompaniment that in three catch up with from Britain, Hawking entered in the operating room, lay down in medical cabin with the help of medical personnel. 十月中旬,未来人生物旗下的科罗市医院内,在三位从英国赶来的子女地陪同下,霍金进入了手术室内,在医护人员的帮助下躺进了医疗舱内。 Considering his whole body muscle has withered the quite serious degree, this time to repair fairly will be long. But attacks and captures Lou Gehrig's Disease medicine difficult problem about Future Biology, the international community also threw by the extensive attention. 考虑到他全身肌肉已经萎缩到了相当严重的程度,这个修复时间可能会相当的长。而关于未来人生物攻克卢伽雷病的医学难题,国际社会也对此投以了广泛的关注。 Any incurable illness was attacked and captured, regarding the medical research domain, is the inestimable progress. 任何一项绝症被攻克,对于医学研究领域来说,都是不可估量的进步。 Even the Lou Gehrig's Disease prevalence rate is not high, but the international medical organization had very strong interest as before. 即便卢伽雷病的患病率不高,但国际医学组织依旧产生了很浓厚的兴趣。 However such as first several such, how Future Biology is not public treats this incurable illness, is only very generally the treatment process broadly for muscular tissue restore, as well as neuron restore these two steps. Regarding Future Biology parsimonious, the international medical organization is also nothing means that after all Future Group is the enterprise rather than scholar, even discovered anything is impossible to write a paper to send. 然而如前几次那样,未来人生物并没有公开如何治疗这种绝症,只是很笼统地将治疗过程概括为“肌肉组织修复,以及神经元修复”这两步。对于未来人生物的“吝啬”,国际医学组织也是没有任何办法,毕竟未来人集团是企业而不是学者,就算发现了什么也不可能写篇论文发上。 Actually this Jiang Chen was actually parsimonious, but is he does not have the means interpretation to be clear. 其实这回倒不是江晨吝啬了,而是他也没办法解释清楚。 Nutrient fluid that in medical cabin uses under special electromagnetic interaction, can accelerate the restore of necrosis cell. If makes Last of Days that side medical expert explain, could explain the clarity that but regarding Jiang Chen this layman, he also can only with this type explain generally hoodwinked. 医疗舱中使用的培养液在特殊的电磁作用下,能够加速坏死细胞的修复。如果让末世那边的医学专家来解释的话,或许能够解释的清楚,但对于江晨这个门外汉来说,他也只能用这种笼统地解释蒙混过去了。 In any case the treatment process enough fool, coming two nurses to put, remembers the periodic replacement nutrient fluid on the line. Words that insisted on speaking, operating really and washer was similar. 反正治疗过程够傻瓜的,来两个护士把人放进去,记得定期更换培养液就行。硬要说的话,操作起来简直和洗衣机差不多。 In Hawking joins shortly after the news proliferation of Country of Xin nationality, various countries in treating the Moon policy, made the subtle adjustment. 就在霍金加入新国国籍的消息扩散不久后,各国在对待月球的政策上,也做出了微妙的调整。 First is United States, only one by one sends to the Moon country as first live person, first was actually established Colony by Star Ring Trading on Moon, obviously made them feel uncomfortable. 首先是美国,作为首个也是唯一一个将活人送上月球的国家,却被星环贸易抢先在月球上建立了殖民地,显然让他们感到了不爽。 After many rounds of discussion, convinced Congress finally, attained on the budget of 10 billion USD. The White House aspect announced Apollo Project to restart, will unite p company, resumed the exploration to Moon. It is reported that many high-tech company will also be involved including Google, shares in this country project of 10 billion USD budget. 经过多轮讨论,最终说服了国会,拿到了上百亿美元的预算。白宫方面宣布阿波罗计划重启,将联合p公司,重新展开对月球的探索。据悉,包括谷歌等多家高科技公司也将参与其中,分享这笔上百亿美元预算的国家项目。 European Space Agency is not backward, announced that will hold the conference in the Germany Darmshutat, the discussion makes the moon landing project as soon as possible. However in disburses money in this issue by whom, between various countries has not reached an agreement. Although European Space Agency and European Union do not link up, but takes off/escapes Britain after Europe very obviously to the relative desolateness of this project performance. After being short of Britain this rich brothers, light/only by the finance of France and Germany, is very difficult to squeeze out the funds investment of 10 billion Euro to the aerospace project. 欧洲航天局也不落后,宣布将会在德国的达姆施塔特召开会议,讨论尽快制定登月计划。不过在由谁出钱这个问题上,各国之间还没有达成一致。虽然欧空局欧盟并不挂钩,但脱欧之后的英国很明显对这个项目表现的相当冷淡。少了英国这个有钱的兄弟后,光靠法国德国的财政,很难挤出百亿欧元的经费投资到航天项目中。 European Space Agency Director summoned that the private enterprise invests this/should project, but in the business outlook not bright situation, can actually some people of investments be an unknown. 欧空局局长号召私人企业投资该项目,但在商业前景不明朗的情况下,究竟会不会有人投资还是个未知数。 Is China, the success of Chang'e series rocket also lets it then again in the relative self-confidence of moon landing domain performance. In European Space Agency holds shortly after the conference, the mysterious relevant departments announced new aerospace white book, plans to integrate one point in national aerospace strategy the lunar manned landing, and estimated that will launch the first lunar manned landing spaceship in 2030. 再接着就是华国,嫦娥系列火箭的成功也让其在登月领域表现的相当自信。在欧空局召开会议不久后,神秘的有关部门公布了新的航天白皮书,将载人登月计划纳入国家航天战略中的一环,并预计于2030年发射首颗载人登月飞船。 But Russia aspect, because funds insufficient and other reasons, temporarily has nothing to express. However the Kremlin aspect indicated, if conditions permit, will change existing Space Program, will land the moon to integrate one point of Russia aerospace activity. 俄罗斯方面,因为经费不足等原因,暂时没有任何表示。不过克里姆林宫方面表示,在条件允许的情况下,会更改现有航天计划,将登月纳入俄罗斯航天活动的一环。 Regarding various countries that were stimulated, Jiang Chen has not felt the threat. 对于被刺激到的各国,江晨并没有感到威胁。 Even if by the Star Ring Trading technology, he also suppressed in this day threw a lot of money, arrived nowadays this step. Perhaps United States is most hopeful second the country that realizes Moon colonizing, may wait till that day, only feared that on Moon has been found in Star Ring Trading Colony and mine pit. 纵使是以星环贸易的技术,他也狠在这天上撒了不少钱,才走到了现如今这步。或许美国是最有希望第二个实现月球殖民的国家,可等到了那一天,只怕月球上都已经遍布星环贸易殖民地与矿井了。 Even they want to colonize, does that place stop over to them? To be continued. 就算他们想殖民,还有那个地给他们落脚吗?未完待续。
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