IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#858: To betting agreement

Does not have Jiang Chen's to anticipate, after a day returns home from work, Natasha really found him again. 不出江晨的意料,在一天下班回家后,娜塔莎果然再次找到了他。 „The Kremlin aspect hopes that you can fulfill the initial contract ahead of time. As the compensation, we are willing by two times of prices, to purchase 5 320 rocket engines.” 克里姆林宫方面希望贵方能够提前履行当初的合约。作为补偿,我们愿意以两倍的价格,购买五台320火箭发动机。” Initially Star Ring Trading contracted International Space Station supplies mission after Russia, Jiang Chen then with Russia reached the agreement, will sell a Russia by the reasonable price 320 rocket engines of Star Ring No. 1 use years later. 当初星环贸易俄罗斯手上承包了国际空间站的补给任务后,江晨便与俄方达成了协定,在若干年后将星环一号使用的320火箭发动机以合理的价格卖个俄方。 Jiang Chen is the plan, when more than ten years later implements this agreement, but saw that all countries in the world are arranging the moon landing project, Russia cannot sit still obviously. Budget anxious they cannot spend too much money to research and develop more advanced rocket engine obviously independently, therefore, Kremlin projected 原本江晨是打算等到十几年后再履行这个协定的,不过看到世界各国都在筹备登月计划,俄罗斯显然也是坐不住了。预算紧张的他们显然拿不出太多的钱自主研发更先进的火箭发动机,所以很自然而然的,克里姆林宫将主意打到了江晨的身上。 320 engines had been eliminated in Star Ring Trading. Although symbolizes the Last of Days pre-war aerospace rocket top level, but that is also the result that about the 50 years(1950) aerospace rocket development blank causes. After Space Elevator researches and develops, no one has developed the troublesome and high cost the rocket engine, but placed the missile and on the energy the Outer Space spaceship engine completely. 320发动机在星环贸易已经被淘汰了。虽然标志着末世战前航天火箭的顶尖水平,但那也是将近50年航天火箭发展空白所导致的结果。太空电梯研发出来后,已经没有人去开发麻烦而高成本的火箭发动机了,而是将精力全部放在了导弹与外层空间飞船发动机上。 But this does not mean that technically cannot achieve. 但这并不意味着技术上做不到。 Last of Days technician after conforming with some pre-war science and technology, made the improvement on 320 rocket engines, the research and development more advanced 400 this is also the engine that is used in Moon colonizing [The Star Ring 4] rocket using. 末世的技术员在整合了部分战前科技后,在320火箭发动机上做出了改进,研发出了更先进的400这也正是用于月球殖民的星环4号火箭所使用的发动机。 From this perspective, sold to Russia 320 engines to no issue, but considering the strategic requirement, Jiang Chen hopes that Russia focuses on space race that Eastern Europe, rather than gradually elevates temperature. 从这个角度来讲,将320发动机卖给俄国到没什么问题,不过考虑到战略需要,江晨更希望俄罗斯将目光聚焦在东欧,而不是逐渐升温的太空竞赛。 Therefore, after reorganizing mentality, Jiang Chen spreads out the hand to return to the covered passageway to Natasha. 所以,在整理了思路后,江晨摊开手向娜塔莎回复道。 Also only remained from Year 2020 in any case for two years, can't you wait?” “反正距离2020年也只剩两年了,你们就不能等等吗?” Time does not wait for the person, the technology to eliminate. In the present international environment, who knows that waited till Year 2020, your are 320 also the world's leading levels?” Natasha shows the whites of the eyes to say. “时间不等人,技术是会淘汰的。在如今的国际环境下,谁知道等到了2020年,你们的320还是不是全球领先的水平?”娜塔莎翻了个白眼说道。 Hears this asking back, Jiang Chen smiled immediately. 听到这句反问,江晨顿时笑了。 Let alone two years, to the p ten years, their Falcon rocket do not want to use again compared with 320 more advanced engines. 别说两年了,再给p十年,他们的猎鹰火箭也别想用上比320更先进的发动机。 Like this, I guarantee by the end of Year 2020, how are 320 performance at the world as before leading?” “这样,我保证2020年,320的性能依旧处在全球领先地如何?” Without what to do?” The Natasha corners of the mouth raised. “要是没有怎么办?”娜塔莎嘴角扬了扬。 I do not sell, gives in vain to you.” Jiang Chen said with a smile self-confidently. “那我就不卖了,白送给你们。”江晨自信地笑道。 Natasha thought some little time, nodded. 娜塔莎思索了好一会儿,才点了点头。 This should no issue. I replied to Kremlin.” “这样的话应该没什么问题。那我就这么向克里姆林宫回复好了。” Waits for.” “等一下。” Natasha that is preparing to set out sat, looks at Jiang Chen to ask. 正准备起身的娜塔莎又坐了回去,看着江晨问道。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事儿吗?” Since is the gambling makes, regardless of the victory and loss must have a good luck.” Jiang Chen smiles, „, if I won, Year 2020 cannot exceed 320 performance at the end of the year as before the rocket engines, what do you plan to pay?” “既然是赌约,那无论输赢都得有个彩头吧。”江晨笑了笑,“如果我赢了,2020年年底依旧没有能够超越320性能的火箭发动机,你们打算付出点什么?” Hears Jiang Chen these words, the Natasha red lip sips, the curve beautiful long leg curled upwards on the knee. 听到江晨这句话,娜塔莎红唇微抿,曲线姣好的长腿翘在了膝上。 What do oh? that you want?” 哦?那你想要什么?” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile, proposed oneself here proposition. 江晨微微一笑,提出了自己这边的提议。 Had contract of one to betting nature, Natasha left the Jiang Chen's villa, although now is 8 : 00 pm, but Embassy has not closed. To be honest, by helps Russia facilitate repeatedly with the achievements that Future Group cooperates, Natasha, even if took the post of Ambassador still to have more than enough to spare. 带着一份对赌性质的合同,娜塔莎离开了江晨的别墅,虽然现在已经是晚上 8 点,但大使馆并没有关门。说实话,凭借屡次帮俄国促成与未来人集团合作的政绩,娜塔莎就算是出任大使也是绰绰有余了。 Why however does not know, plan that she had not as if been promoted. 然而不知道为什么,她似乎一直都没有升职的打算。 At noon next day, Star Ring Trading successfully delivers to four Steregushchiy-class frigate of Russia new order, this value 500,000,000 USD arms sale order, will pay in the Xin Dollar form to Russia. As a result of the phenomenal success of Moon Colonization Plan, as well as Moro-Philippine War comes to an end by the victory of Country of Moro, Xin Dollar is exhibiting the situation that continues to be strong in the foreign exchange market, now has promoted to the USD exchange rate to 112. 次日中午,星环贸易俄罗斯新订购的四艘守护级护卫舰成功交付,这笔价值5亿美元的军售订单,将以新元的形式支付给俄方。由于月球殖民计划的惊人成功,以及摩菲战争摩洛国的胜利告终,新元在外汇市场中正在呈现持续走强的态势,现在对美元的汇率已经提升至112。 Although the exchange rate rises is not good exits, but Future Group many industries are unique, does not have competition in what cost. Moreover, the exchange rate enhances, means the Country of Xin import price is cheaper, is helpful to the Country of Xin enterprise to the foreign investment, to international expansion economic influence. 虽然汇率上升并不利好出口,但未来人集团很多产业都是独一无二的,不存在什么成本上的竞争。另外,汇率提高,将意味着新国的进口价格更便宜,更有助于新国的企业向海外投资,向国际扩展经济影响力。 These four Steregushchiy-class frigate will be escorted to Coconut Fruit Island, is installed Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery by Project Robot, before being counted, to two ships and two submarine that Russia buys, Star Ring navy has six frigate, composes and a firepower the attack navy formation focusing on mobile has more than enough to spare. 这四艘守护级护卫舰将被送往椰果岛,由工程机器人装上五十式电磁炮,算上之前向俄国买的两艘船和两艘潜艇,星环海军已经拥有了六艘护卫舰,组成一个以机动性和火力为主的攻击型海军编队绰绰有余。 Moreover, the Future War Industry shipyard has completed in Ange Island, and first destroyer order has issued, shortly after Star Ring Trading equips is from warship of Country of Xin native place, using own firm ship advantage artillery to protect own entrance. 另外,未来人军工的造船厂已经在安加岛建成,并且首艘驱逐舰的订单已经下达,不久后星环贸易就列装产自新国本土的军舰,用自己的坚船利炮守护自己的国门。 After holding warship handing-over ceremony, Jiang Chen returned to Koro Island, saw the time also early, then went to Future Building. 在举行完军舰交接仪式后,江晨返回了科罗岛上,见时间还早,便去了一趟未来人大厦 Xia Shiyu the recent working condition after he reports, the Ivan telephone actually follows close on to hit. 夏诗雨将近期的工作情况向他汇报之后,伊万的电话却又是紧跟着打了过来。 The point opens touch-screen, after connecting the call, Jiang Chen asked. 点开触屏,接通电话后,江晨问道。 What matter?” “什么事?” „Related with Madagascar.” Ivan replied, at present, Madagascar government forces already with the assistance of foreign army that we dispatch, Arrowhead Company and rebel army sieged south the islands Bezaha area. Before President Bernard a half hour, sends a telegram to us, hopes that we coordinate government forces launch the final general attack to the sieged rebel army.” “和马达加斯加有关。”伊万答道,“目前,马达加斯加政府军已经在我们派遣的外籍兵团的协助下,将箭头公司的和叛军围困在了岛屿南部的贝扎哈地区。总统伯纳德半小时前致电我们,希望我们配合政府军对被围困的叛军展开最后总攻。” At this point, Ivan stopped the thread of conversation, is waiting for the Jiang Chen's instruction. 说到这里,伊万停住了话头,等待着江晨的指示。 The Jiang Chen's index finger is striking the desktop gently, is lost in thought. 江晨的食指轻轻敲打着桌面,陷入了沉思。 When Star Ring Trading soldier lands Madagascar Island, the result of this war has been doomed, how regardless of first President Lajona unites Arrowhead Company to struggle, he cannot escape the result that this perishes. 早在星环贸易士兵登陆马达加斯加岛的时候,这场战争的结局就早已注定,无论前总统拉乔纳联合箭头公司如何挣扎,他都逃不掉这灭亡的结局。 However Jiang Chen has not made landing foreign army solve the opposite party immediately, but turns on the water through the direction in no trace, drags to be long this war as far as possible. 不过江晨并没有让登陆的外籍兵团立刻解决掉对方,而是通过指挥上不着痕迹地放水,将这场战争拖得尽可能长。 When Jiang Chen's this approach, with Country of Moro War of Independence is exactly the same, only when Madagascar owes enough much money, can make their government more obedient. Compared with letting Star Ring Trading involves this islands forcefully, he hopes that knocked on Prime Minister to welcome as Savior. 江晨的这种做法,与摩洛国独立战争时如出一辙,只有当马达加斯加欠下足够多的钱,才能让他们的政府更听话。比起让星环贸易强行介入这座岛屿,他更希望以救世主的身份被叩首相迎。 Let alone, has been towing this war, but can also consume the Freemasonry effective strength. 更何况,将这场战争一直拖着,还能消耗共济会的有生力量。 However Jews as if gave up Arrowhead Company this board game piece, has also been increasing mercenary to Madagascar, now the transportation of supplies is quite discrete. The turbulence of situation of East Europe, has made them have no time to care about this Africa southernmost islands. 不过犹太人似乎放弃了箭头公司这颗棋子,原本还一直在向马达加斯加增派佣兵,现在就连补给的输送都相当谨慎了。东欧局势的动荡,已经让他们无暇顾及这座非洲最南端的岛屿。 Obviously, looks like in Freemasonry, compares Future Group this multinational corporation, the threat from Russia is bigger. 很显然,在共济会看来,相比起未来人集团这个跨国企业,来自俄罗斯的威胁更大。 Sends our Aurora-20, delivers them to start off.” Hesitated after the long time, Jiang Chen says. “把我们的极光20派过去,送他们上路。”沉吟了半晌之后,江晨开口说道。 Yes!” Ivan replied neatly, ended the telephone conversation. To be continued. “是!”伊万干净利落地答道,结束了通话。未完待续。
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