IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#856: Nothing is impossible

Originally ordinary weekend, because a Star Ring Trading public video boiled. 原本平淡无奇的周末,因为星环贸易公开的一则视频而沸腾了起来。 The 30 minute of documentary film, recorded the 24 famous astronaut's living condition in outer space. How to collect moon ice including them, how to gain the livelihood oxygen through the brine electrolysis, refines the Rare Earth element from moon dirt, as well as drives the Moon car(riage) in being found in the crater land explores, the Moon greenhouse being built wait/etc.. 三十分钟的纪录片,记录了二十四名宇航员在太空上的生活状况。包括他们如何采集月球冰,如何通过电解水获取赖以生存的氧气,从月壤中提炼稀土元素,以及开着月球车在遍布环形山的大地上探险、正在建造中的月球温室等等。 Because the controllable nuclear fusion technology is also the security stage, therefore in the documentary film has not collected moon dirt other uses to explain to Colony, but used to collect Rare Earth Resources this excuse. 由于可控核聚变技术还处在保密阶段,所以纪录片中并没有对殖民地采集月壤的其它用途进行解释,只是用了收集稀土资源这个借口。 The one who is responsible for photographing the work is an astronaut named Li Fang, joins outer space Colonization Plan in the registration, before having astronaut training, she once was the reporter in the Koro Island broadcast television station. When receiving this Ground Command Center mission of photography documentary film, she receives this mission immediately willingly, during photography, but also enclosed vivid illustration. 负责拍摄工作的是一位名叫李芳的宇航员,在报名加入太空殖民计划,接受宇航员培训之前,她曾在科罗岛广播电视台担任记者。在接到这个地面指挥中心的拍摄纪录片的任务时,她立刻自告奋勇地接下了这个任务,在拍摄的同时,还附上了绘声绘色的解说。 Looks at my behind that greenhouse, there is our Moon greenhouses. Supplies rocket that although we must travel between through each month at present gains food, but three months we can eat to be from the Moon potato at the latest. Listened to be responsible for looking after these potato Jim saying that the mashed potatoes that the Moon potato made will be very certainly delicious, I the greedy rapidness is mouth-watering.” “看我身后的那座大棚,那里是我们的月球温室。虽然目前我们必须通过每月往返的补给火箭获取食物,但最晚三个月我们就能够吃到产自月球的土豆了。听负责照料这些土豆的吉姆说,月球土豆做的土豆泥一定会很好吃,我已经馋的快流口水了。” In final of movie, this little girl had the propaganda color words to make the ending with one. 在影片的最后,这位小姑娘用一句颇具宣传色彩的话做了结尾。 If you and I are the same, is deeply loving aerospace, that joins to our great colonizing enterprises in quickly!” “如果你们和我一样,热爱着航天,那就赶快加入到我们的伟大殖民事业中吧!” Does not need her to propagandize, after seeing so novel Moon life, around the world raised one „the aerospace heat. The curiosity forever is the driving force of person forward exploration, when the outer space when was unattainable is close, even to the aerospace enterprise completely non- interested party, still under drive of mood, to colonizing Moon had the interest. 根本不用她宣传,当看到了如此新奇的月球生活后,全世界范围内都掀起了一股“航天热”。好奇心永远是人向前探索的原动力,当原本遥不可及的太空近在咫尺时,即使是对航天事业完全不感兴趣的人,也在情绪的带动下,对殖民月球产生了兴趣。 Previously, about this 24 famous astronaut already turned into the space trash to the hearsay, immediately with this documentary film publicized to collapse of itself. Not only others received work in Moon, now starts the cultivation outer space crops on Moon! 此前,关于这二十四名宇航员已经变成太空垃圾对的传闻,顿时随着这段纪录片的公开而不攻自破。别人不只是在月球上活了下来,现在都开始在月球上培育太空作物了! In the video upload to the next day of Star Ring Trading official site, saw Moon colonizing dawn American, visited the White House website in abundance, the delivery petition requested that restarted Apollo Project. According to stipulation, when the signature population surpasses 100,000 White House to respond. 就在视频上传至星环贸易官网的次日,看到了月球殖民曙光的美国人,纷纷登陆了白宫的网站,投递请愿书请求重启阿波罗计划。根据规定,当签名人数超过十万白宫就必须做出回应。 But this time used the 24 hour, the petition population to surpass 100,000 merely. 而这次仅仅用了二十四小时,请愿人数就超过了十万 But, Hillary must stand in the front of media , indicating to be able with the Congress discussion about restarting the Apollo Project feasibility. However she also stressed that even if restarts Apollo Project, United States is impossible to imitate Star Ring Trading to colonize Moon in a short time. 无奈之下,希拉里只得站在媒体的面前,表示会和国会商讨关于重启阿波罗计划的可行性。不过她同时也强调,即使是重启阿波罗计划,美国也不可能在短期内效仿星环贸易殖民月球 However in final of speech, she satirized Star Ring Trading space program two. 不过在讲话的最后,她还是讽刺了星环贸易的太空计划两句。 Star Ring Trading has spent on outer space Colonization Plan has counted 10 billion USD, they use six months, spent NASA one to two years of budget. What they spend is own money, I am unable to say this and that to it, but stands in the President standpoint, I will not spend freely the money of taxpayer am looking like radically in the meaningless project at present. Colonizes Moon with it, we might as well colonize Sonoran Desert.” 星环贸易在太空殖民计划上已经花费了数百亿美元,他们用半年的时间,就花掉了nasa一到两年的预算。他们花的是自己的钱,我无法对其说三道四,但站在总统的立场上,我不会将纳税人的钱挥霍在目前看来根本毫无意义的项目上。与其殖民月球,我们不如去殖民索诺拉沙漠。” Sonoran Desert, is United States and big desert of Mexico intersection point, besides the stowaway, no one will idle is going into that life-forbidden zone bored. The implied meaning nothing but is, satirized Star Ring Trading to spend money in the meaningless project. 索诺拉沙漠,是美国墨西哥交界处的大沙漠,除了偷渡者之外,没人会闲着无聊闯入那生命禁区。其言下之意无非是,讽刺星环贸易将钱花在了毫无意义的项目上。 But how regardless to say, this 30 minute of video, lit people regarding exploring the expectation of Cosmos thoroughly. 但无论怎么说,这三十分钟的视频,都彻底点燃了人们对于探索宇宙的憧憬。 In three days of time of video announcement, the aerospace volunteer requisition that Star Ring Trading receives, exceeded the sum total over the past two months! 就在视频公布的三天时间里,星环贸易收到的航天志愿者申请书,就超过了过去两个月的总和! More explosive news also in behind. 更劲爆的消息还在后面。 Shortly after the documentary film announced that Hawking issued the news on individual Social Account, said oneself immigration Country of Xin, will have resigned from a Professor duty from University of Cambridge, and held the post of physics Professor in Koro University, by the form of adviser joined to Star Ring Trading outer space colonizing in plan. 就在纪录片公布不久后,霍金在个人社交账号上发布消息,称自己已经移民新国,将从剑桥大学辞去教授一职,并在科罗大学担任物理学教授,以顾问的形式加入到星环贸易的“太空殖民”计划中。 Stephen William Hawking, this name likes thunder reverberating in one's ears in the scientific circles. This contracts Lou Gehrig's Disease, the whole body, only then eyes and three fingers active to the man, once proved the oddness theorem and black hole area theorem of general theory of relativity, proposed evaporation of black hole theory, in unifying Einstein's theory of relativity and Planck's quantum mechanics makes the contribution that quite had. 斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金,这个名字在科学界可谓是如雷贯耳。这个患有卢伽雷病,全身只有眼睛和三根手指能动对的男人,曾证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,提出了黑洞蒸发理论,在统一爱因斯坦的相对论与普朗克的量子力学上做出了相当结出的贡献。 It can be said that he is the Britain modern physics world proud is not overrated. 可以说,他是英国现代物理学界的骄傲也不为过。 However now, pride of this British, actually after visiting Country of Xin finished suddenly announced the change nationality, this let Britain Prime Minister Teresa May as well as 90 Queen of England has shocked. 然而现在,这位英国人的骄傲,却在访问新国结束后突然宣布更改国籍,这让英国首相特雷莎·梅以及已经九十英国女王都纷纷大跌眼镜。 By the media reporters was inquired about why when will make so the choice, the reply of Hawking is quite confident. 当被媒体记者问及为何会做出如此选择时,霍金的回答相当坦然。 As before is that ice-cold electronic sound, the reporters but who interviewed felt revealing of that true feelings as if by prior agreement. 依旧是那冰冷的电子音,但采访的记者们不约而同的感受到了那真情的流露。 Science borderless, the scientist also borderless. I saw in the old age humanity migrates the hope of outer space, now I hope that can own dream near-point, with the superficial knowledge, do the slightly small work for this dream. Hopes excessively do not explain, this is only an old person, hopes that with own way, walks in the life a final distance.” “科学是无国界的,科学家同样是无国界的。在晚年我看到了人类移居太空的希望,现在我希望能离自己的梦想更近点,用自己浅薄的学识,为这份梦想做些微小的工作。希望你们不要过度解读,这只是一位老人,希望用自己的方式,走完人生中最后的一段路程。” However regarding this great scientist, Britain Prime Minister Teresa May even visited personally Koro Island, hopes that can keep hold of him. 不过对于这位伟大的科学家,英国首相特雷莎·梅甚至亲自到访了科罗岛,希望能够挽留他。 Realizes the way of dream to have, European Space Agency in the discussion moon landing project, it is expected to also establish the Colony Nieuw Amsterdam of Europe in 2030 in Moon in the near future, we need your help.” “实现梦想的途径有很多,欧空局近期也在讨论登月计划,预计于2030年在月球建立欧洲的殖民地新阿姆斯特丹,我们需要您的帮助。” Has not had scruples Jiang Chen that stands, Teresa is in front of his, entered the subject to change Hawking of nationality to extend the olive branch. 没有顾忌站在旁边的江晨,特雷莎当着他的面,直入正题地向已经更改国籍的霍金抛出了橄榄枝。 However the reply of Hawking is very pertinent. 然而霍金的回答却很一针见血。 So long as you were still discussing, will then never have the result.” “只要你们还在讨论,那么就永远不会有结果。” Teresa May is stunned, after silent moment, cannot bear ask. 特雷莎·梅不由错愕,沉默了片刻后,忍不住问道。 Taking the liberty asked that actually did Future Group comply with your what? You iron core must keep this.” “冒昧的问一下,未来人集团究竟答应了您什么?以至于您铁了心的要留在这。” Hears this issue, Hawking pushes the faint smile smiling face with the stiff muscle, three fingers knocked knocking on the arm rest. 听到这个问题,霍金用僵硬的肌肉挤出来个似笑非笑的笑容,三根手指在扶手上敲了敲。 He promised, can make me stand.” “他许诺,能让我站起来。” Stands? 站起来? Teresa was shocked, immediately on the face then appeared wiped the resentful face, looked to standing Jiang Chen. 特雷莎愣住了,随即脸上便浮现了一抹愠色,看向了站在旁边的江晨 Mr. Jiang Chen, the deceit thinks that the old person is not the action of gentleman.” 江晨先生,欺骗以为老人可不是绅士之举。” Deceit?” Jiang Chen hā hā smiles, I had said that will make him stand, that can definitely make him stand.” “欺骗?”江晨哈哈笑了笑,“我说过会让他站起来,那就肯定能让他站起来。” Right? As far as I know, Lou Gehrig's Disease is incurable disease, the modern medicine is unable to solve this problem. But you said that can cure the sickness of Mr. Hawking, what isn't this fraud is?” Teresa narrowed the eye, the wrinkles pushed in one. “是吗?据我所知,卢伽雷病是不治之症,现代医学根本无法解决这个问题。而贵方表示能够治好霍金先生的病,这不是欺诈是什么?”特雷莎眯起了眼睛,鱼尾纹挤在了一起。 Has saying that female Prime Minister that this replaces Cameron has iron lady Thatcher's style, however has long been used to power type of thing Jiang Chen, has been able for cloud Dan the atmosphere facing coming from the pressure of power. 不得不说,这位接替卡梅伦的女首相颇有“铁娘子”撒切尔的风范,然而早已经习惯权力这种东西的江晨,已经能供云淡风气地面对来自权力者的压力了。 Modern medicine cannot cure, but cannot cure on behalf of Future Biology.” At this point, Jiang Chen smiles, don't forget, saved the T Virus vaccine of the world, was our affiliated research institute development.” “现代医学治不好,但不代表未来人生物治不好。”说到这里,江晨笑了笑,“别忘了,拯救世界的t病毒疫苗,都是我们旗下的研究院开发的。” After listening to these words, Teresa visits him. 听完这句话后,特雷莎愣愣地看着他。 Your meaning is, had Future Group found the Lou Gehrig's Disease method of treatment? This is how possible......” “你的意思是,未来人集团已经找到了卢伽雷病的治疗方法?这怎么可能……” Jiang Chen quite smiles self-confidently, said with the tone without a doubt. 江晨相当自信地笑了笑,用毋庸置疑地口吻说道。 Regarding Future Group, nothing is impossible.”( To be continued.) “对于未来人集团来说,没有什么是不可能的。”(未完待续。)
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