IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#855: scholar on wheelchair

At the Koro Island airport, Jiang Chen saw one of the modern greatest physicists, Professor Hawking on wheelchair. 科罗岛机场,江晨见到了这位现代最伟大的物理学家之一,轮椅上的教授霍金 However at this moment in his appearance for a part and network much-quoted picture Hawking paralysis different, sits is pushing by the assistant on wheelchair him, but the head wears, is Future Technologies product Phantom Helmet. 不过此刻他的扮相与网络上广为流传的图片“霍金瘫”不同,坐在轮椅上的他由助理推着,而头上戴着的,正是未来人科技出品的幻影头盔 Sees you very much happily, Mr. Jiang Chen. Does not know that you do have the means to be able on helmet to open a small seam? Wears helmet to make the electricity consonant synthesis tool make me feel better much, the doctor even said that I can live the last two years, but my anything could not see as the matter stands.” “很高兴见到你,江晨先生。不知道你们有没有办法能在头盔上开个小缝?戴着头盔使用电子音合成工具让我好受了不少,医生甚至说我可以多活上两年,但这样一来我就什么也看不到了。” hears word, Jiang Chen gawked, immediately hā hā said with a smile. 闻言,江晨愣了下,随即哈哈笑道。 I will let under my technician research this issue, the difficulty should not be big.” “我会让我的技术员研究下这个问题的,难度应该不大。” Thanked.” The electronic sound replied. “非常感谢。”电子音回答道。 Considering Hawking in the influence of scientific circles, Jiang Chen has not refused him to visit the request of aerospace launching center. In some sense, he compared with the researcher who United States NASA sends, can represent the world academic community. 考虑到霍金在科学界的影响力,江晨并没有拒绝他访问航天发射中心的请求。从某种意义上,他比美国nasa派来的研究员,更能代表世界学术界。 Naturally, which things can demonstrate, which things cannot demonstrate, he has the discretion. 当然了,哪些东西能够展示,哪些东西不能展示,他还是有分寸的。 Goes by boat in islands that went to the launching center to be , the Star Ring Trading bodyguard replaced the position of his assistant, pushed the wheelchair to walk by Jiang Chen's. 乘船来到了发射中心所在的岛屿上,星环贸易的保镖接替了他助手的位置,推着轮椅走在江晨的旁边。 Here is our decoy launching, [The Star Ring 4] lifts off from here, that side is used to launch other model rocket, our recent outer space activity is somewhat frequent, basically has primary emission mission every weeks.” Jiang Chen is introducing, while took into him the launching center. “这边是我们的发射场,星环4号从这里升空,那边是用来发射别的型号的火箭,我们最近太空活动有些频繁,基本上每隔一个星期就有一次发射任务。”江晨一边介绍着,一边将他带进了发射中心内。 Enviable budget.” Hawking says with emotion. “令人羡慕的预算。”霍金感慨道。 Because I spend is not the money of taxpayer, but is own money.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “因为我花的不是纳税人的钱,而是自己的钱。”江晨笑道。 Entered in the launching center, Kelvin welcomed, took away three people Ground Command Center that is responsible for Guanghan City Colony. In there, 50 many staff before the computer, is processing work on hand busily. 进入了发射中心内,克尔温迎了上来,将三人带去了负责广寒市殖民地地面指挥中心。在那里,五十多名工作人员正在电脑前,忙碌地处理着手边的工作。 Hawking let help him push the person of wheelchair to cast off helmet, at this time he does not want to speak, actually he only wants to have a look here to look like. 霍金让帮他推轮椅的人摘掉了头盔,这时候他不想说话,他只想看看这里究竟长得什么样子。 Before Kelvin arrived at a computer, knocked several buttons on touch-screen, quick, a holographic imaging projection in the front of people, by the picture that holographic screen transmitted, was from Guanghan City 384400 km away. 克尔温来到了一台电脑前,在触屏上敲下了几个按钮,很快,一副全息影像投影在了众人的面前,透过全息屏幕传来的画面,正是来自384400千米外的广寒市 Here is Guanghan City Colony, has what instruction? Mr. Commander.” An astronaut appeared in the lens, asked to Kelvin. “这里是广寒市殖民地,有何吩咐?指挥官先生。”一名宇航员出现在了镜头中,向克尔温问道。 Reports the Colony commodity condition.” “汇报殖民地物资状况。” Good, please wait a bit......” “好的,请稍等……” Listens to the astronaut after the Colony oxygen and tap water, collect moon dirt and other reports of commodity situations, with the help of Star Ring Trading bodyguard, Hawking put on Phantom Helmet, voiced the heartfelt feeling. 听完宇航员对殖民地氧气、饮用水、采集月壤等各项物资情况的汇报后,在星环贸易保镖的帮助下,霍金重新戴上了幻影头盔,发出了由衷的感慨。 I saw the future.” “我看到了未来。” Is honored to win this great honor very much.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “很荣幸能获此殊荣。”江晨笑道。 After stopping the moment, Hawking continues to say. 停顿了片刻后,霍金继续开口说道。 humanity cannot place in a basket all eggs, therefore cannot place a star the gambling stake. I had spoken these words long before, but very regrettable the Britain government or the United States government, are never serious it. Spends the money of taxpayer in Iraq, forever compared with throwing cannot be seeing the prospect the outer space to be much better, even everyone were clear, in the future there. Historical astonishing similar, Columbus also once has always lobbied Britain, France, Italy and Portugal. Very marvelous, Icarus Paradox and is not only suitable for the enterprise, is also suitable regarding certain Superpower.” 人类不能把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里,所以不能将赌注放在一个星球。我很早以前就说过这句话,但很遗憾无论是英国政府还是美国政府,都从未将它当回事儿。将纳税人的钱花在伊拉克,永远要比扔在看不见前景的太空要好得多,即使所有人都清楚,未来就在那里。历史总是惊人的相似,哥伦布也曾游说过英国法国意大利和葡萄牙。很奇妙,伊卡洛斯悖论并不仅仅适用企业,对于某些超级大国来说同样适用。” Stands before you thinks the big entrepreneur.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “可是站在你面前的就是以为大企业家。”江晨笑道。 But you are very young, young always good.” With the electron of that synthesis, Hawking spoke the significance unclearly words. “但你还很年轻,年轻总是好的。”用那合成的电子,霍金说了句意义不明地话。 Jiang Chen is impossible to treat here, the group also has the conference of field about VR City to wait for him to manage in the afternoon. After exchanging the visit the matter gives Kelvin, Jiang Chen is being about to leave the aerospace launching center, but at this moment, his vision actually fell on the Hawking wheelchair suddenly. 江晨不可能一直待在这里,下午集团还有场关于v日ty的会议正等着他去主持。将交流访问的事交给克尔温后,江晨正准备离开航天发射中心,可就在这时,他的目光却是突然落在了霍金的轮椅上。 What matter has?” “有什么事吗?” As if notices this, has taken off helmet Hawking, the finger selects on the keyboard of arm rest, the electricity consonant asked to Jiang Chen. 仿佛是注意到了这点,已经摘下头盔霍金,手指在扶手的键盘上点了点,用电子音向江晨问道。 A little matter,” Jiang Chen nods, smilingly sees this old person, I have a proposition, does not know whether you are interested?” “有点事,”江晨点了点头,笑眯眯地看着这位老人,“我有个提议,不知道你是否感兴趣?” ...... …… At this moment, in United States Washington Colombia Special Region, in the Congress building is holding a special public hearing. 此刻,远在美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,国会大厦内正在召开一场特别的听证会。 „...... We must restart Apollo Project immediately! Star Ring Trading has started Moon colonizing, we led the world most century in the moon landing, now actually falls on their behind on the contrary. Regarding the American people, this is not acceptable!” “……我们必须立刻重启阿波罗计划星环贸易已经开始月球殖民,我们在登月领先了世界大半个世纪,现在却反倒落在了他们的后面。对于美国人民来说,这是不可接受的!” Stands in hearing seat before, NASA Minister Charles Bolden is speaking to Representative of public hearing fervently, tries to convince their again activate(d) Apollo Project. However sits Representative actually performance the interest on hearing seat lacks, some people transfer set pen to paper, the used person selects the eyebrow to look at Bolden, but also some have turned the next page the document simply. 站在听证席前,nasa部长查尔斯?博尔登慷慨激昂地向听证会的议员们演说着,试图说服他们重新启动阿波罗计划。然而坐在听证席上的议员们却表现的兴趣缺缺,有的人转着笔,用的人挑着眉毛看着博尔登,还有的干脆已经将文件翻到了下一页。 Since 1972, the budget of NASA has not increased, instead was reduced approximately 75%, and maintained of more than 40 year. Unlike the Kennedy period, then NASA wanted to apply to budget, did not need troublesome, only to need with a few words Soviets also to do!”, The big budget can approve immediately. 从1972年以来,nasa的预算就没有增加过,反而被削减了约75%,并保持了四十多年之久。与肯尼迪时期不同,当时的nasa想要申请预算,根本不需要这么麻烦,只需要用一句话“苏.联人也在搞!”,大笔的预算马上会批下来。 But now, President has nodded, so long as Congress is willing to pay the budget, restarts Apollo Project, however makes Bolden feel what despairs, Congress is not interested in place of the without owner 384400 km away. 而现在,总统已经点头,只要国会肯下拨预算,就重启阿波罗计划,然而让博尔登感到绝望的是,国会对于384400公里外的无主之地并不感兴趣。 „Are the American people unacceptable? How I felt that United States * is a person who participates in Star Ring Trading astronaut many?” Representative sends to ask with a smile. 美国人民不可接受?我怎么感觉美国*名参加星环贸易航天员的人不少?”一名议员笑着发问道。 „Do you feel like this correctly?” Bolden asked. “你觉得这样正确吗?”博尔登反问道。 No is correct,” sat in middle Representative selected the minute book with the fountain pen, I needed you to tell me, did Apollo Project eliminate can the advantage that what we brought to see? Besides boosting national confidence?” “没什么正不正确,”坐在正中间的议员用钢笔点了点记录本,“我需要你告诉我,阿波罗计划除能给我们带来什么可以看见的好处?除了提振国民信心外?” Bolden is at a loss for words, after long time, pushes a few words. 博尔登不由语塞,半晌后才挤出来一句话。 „...... Not all advantage can see.” “……并不是所有的好处都能看见。” Several Representative smile, sits shrugs in first that Representative. 几名议员相视一笑,坐在首位的那名议员耸了耸肩。 „The advantage that but can only see, can convince the taxpayer to take out money.” “但只有看得见的好处,才能说服纳税人掏钱。” After the public hearing ended, Bolden returned to NASA Office, ruthlessly preparing the document fell on the table. 听证会结束后,博尔登回到了nasa办公室,狠狠地将准备的文件摔到了桌上。 Congress was discussing that about raising research and development new anti-ballistic Artillery System, and budget of anti- EMP weapon, this is the issue of great urgency, we convinced their odds of success are almost zero.” The assistants follow the entering gate, took the gate to say conveniently. 国会正在讨论关于上调研发新型反导系统,以及反emp武器的预算,这是更迫在眉睫的问题,我们说服他们的胜算几乎为零。”助手紧随其后的走进门来,顺手带上了门说道。 What meaning that is Hillary?” Bolden said annoyedly. “那希拉里又是什么意思?”博尔登恼火地说道。 She possibly drew a cake to us.” The assistants smile bitterly to say. “她可能只是给我们画了个饼。”助手苦笑道。 But at this moment, the gate was shoved open suddenly, NASA work walked, was placed a newspaper on the desk, the facial expression said excitedly. 可就在这时,门突然被推开了,一名nasa的办公员走了进来,将一份报纸摆在了办公桌上,神情激动地说道。 Has a look at this quickly! This!” “快看看这个!还有这个!” Bolden is frowning with the newspaper, when sees was being drawn the writing of red circle, the eye immediately stares in a big way quick raised. 博尔登皱着眉头拿过了报纸,当看到被画着红圈的文字时,眼睛顿时瞪大的快凸了出来。 They unexpectedly! 他们竟然! Wait! 等等! At this moment, his eye one bright, received the newspaper, immediately walks toward out of the door. 就在这时,他眼睛一亮,将报纸收了起来,立刻向门外走去。 „Do you want to go?” “您是要去哪儿?” White House! Our opportunities came!” 白宫!我们的机会来了!” Stays behind two people that a face compelled ignorant, Bolden vanishes in the entrance.( To be continued.) 留下了一脸懵逼的二人,博尔登消失在了门口。(未完待续。)
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