IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#854: Begins to take shape Colony

At present except for completing defense work, did not have a better option. 眼下除了做好防御工作,也没有更好的选项了。 Deterrent forces of Aurora-20 when facing present world various country, is not applicable to Northern United District. Although Aurora-20 has not investigated United District to have fighter this type of unit, however inherited them of Pan-Asia Cooperation science and technology, can for poses the fatal threat by the ground air-defense missile and laser air-defense weapon to Aurora-20. 极光-20在面对现世诸国时的威慑力,并不适用于北方联统区。虽然极光-20没有侦查到联统区存在战斗机这种单位,然而继承了泛亚合作科技的他们,能供凭借地面防空导弹以及激光防空武器对极光-20构成致命的威胁。 If the war breaks out, battlefield of both sides without a doubt in ground. 如果战争爆发,双方的战场毫无疑问将在地面。 Stayed on the 3rd in Last of Days, Jiang Chen returned to the present world. 末世停留了三日,江晨返回了现世。 This time he had ten by Sixth Block ordnance machine shop new release Aurora-20, as well as K1-Type Mechanical Exoskeleton production line that was built by Zhao Group newly. 这次他带回来了十架由第六街区军工厂新出厂的极光-20,以及由赵氏集团新打造的k1型机械外骨骼生产线。 Before present world here mechanical exoskeleton was by the ordnance machine shop production of Sixth Block, was acted as the porter by Jiang Chen, turned over that side commodity. However now that side Last of Days must bear the pressure from United District, but must branch out few capacities to serve the present world, was somewhat beset with problems. 以前现世这边的机械外骨骼都是由第六街区的军工厂生产,然后由江晨充当搬运工,将那边的物资倒腾过来。不过现在末世那边必须承受来自联统区的压力,还要分出为数不多的产能服务于现世,着实有些捉襟见肘了。 Now Future War Industry has begun to take shape, completely to be capable of conforming with this set of production line, after Hummingbird Drone, another set of 22nd Century military production line settles down in Ange Island. 现在未来人军工已经初见规模,完全有能力整合这套生产线,继蜂鸟无人机之后,又一套二十二世纪的军火生产线落户安加岛 Whole set unfolded over ten thousand square meters production equipment, Jiang Chen chooses him to be used to anchor [The Droplet 1] Coconut Fruit Island as storage terminal. After shifted in all equipment the island, Jiang Chen called the Star Ring Trading transport ship, setting out frigate to escort, did not lag behind to transport on Ange Island this batch of equipment screw bolts. 整套铺开足足有上万平米的生产设备,江晨选择了他用来停靠水滴一号椰果岛作为“转运仓库”。在将所有设备都转移到了岛上后,江晨叫来了星环贸易的运输船,出动了护卫舰进行护航,将这批设备一颗螺丝钉也不拉下地运到了安加岛上。 By Last of Days that side manpower and resources, the development industry has the obvious bottleneck, however this type of bottleneck actually does not exist regarding Future Group. Future Mining the continuous ore will lose to Xin-Ma Special Region, conducts the rough machining after Xin-Ma Special Region steel and iron works will transport to Ange Island, Future War Industry will remelt these end product steel, refining up shaped steel and pours in the grinding tool. 末世那边的人力和资源,发展工业存在着明显的瓶颈,然而这种瓶颈对于未来人集团却不存在。未来人矿业将源源不断的矿石输向新马特区,由新马特区钢铁厂进行粗加工后运往安加岛,未来人军工会将这些成品钢进行回炉,炼成型钢并浇入磨具。 But preciser internal structure, on the factory by Ange Island will complete. 而更为精密的内部构造,也将由安加岛上的工厂完成。 All mechanical exoskeleton of output not only can fill expands at present gap of foreign army in equipment, but can also meet the Last of Days that side NAC three big army needs in turn. Without the war for a long time, the Last of Days that side several army exoskeleton popular rate is inferior to the present world on the contrary. 所有产出的机械外骨骼不但可以填补目前扩张中的外籍兵团在装备上的缺口,还能够反过来满足末世那边na三大兵团的需求。因为长时间无战事,末世那边几个兵团外骨骼普及率反倒不如现世。 Believes that this predicament can improve quickly. 相信这种窘况很快就能改善了。 ...... …… Started to pass for two weeks from Moon Colonization Plan, fed in the image that to see from Moon, Guanghan City Moon Colony has taken shape initially. 距离月球殖民计划开始已经过去了两个星期,从月球传回的图像中可以看到,广寒市月球殖民地已经初见雏形。 The barracks of several long strips placed in the crater edge, wore Colonist of spacesuits to erect solar generator in the open area. Before Nuclear Fusion Generator delivers to Guanghan City, they can only depend upon the solar energy to gain to maintain the energy that Colony operates. 几个长条状的营房安置在了环形山的边缘,身穿宇航服的殖民者们在空地上架设太阳能发电机。在核聚变发电机送到广寒市之前,他们只能依靠太阳能来获取维持殖民地运行的能量。 The mining station in not far away, respectively is the drilling moon ice mine pit, as well as excavates to collect the moon dirt mine. 不远处的采矿站,分别是钻探月球冰的矿井,以及开凿采集月壤的矿场。 moon ice is one of the Colony tap water origins, is the important source of Colony oxygen. Carries oxygen tank only enough this 24 Colonist on spaceship to survive for a week, but in the following time, all oxygen will be responded by the brine electrolysis obtain. 月球冰殖民地饮用水的来源之一,同时也是殖民地氧气的主要来源。携带在飞船上的氧气箱只够这二十四殖民者生存一个星期,而接下来的时间里,所有的氧气都将由电解水反应获得。 Currently speaking, this is lowest cost gains the way of oxygen. the 1 l electrolysis of water can produce 0.6 cubic meter oxygen, as well as 1.25 cubic meters hydrogen. But according to 15% air oxygen contents calculates, the pure oxygen that per day per person consumes is only the 0.5 cubic meter under normal atmospheric pressure. As for by-product hydrogen, will be stored up in the special vessel, under the high-temperature catalyst produces the methanols and few water with the carbon dioxide that the breath produces. 从目前来看,这是成本最低的获取氧气的方式。1l水电解可以生成0.6立方米氧气,以及1.25立方米氢气。而按照15%的空气含氧量来计算,每人每天消耗的纯氧仅为正常大气压下的0.5立方米。至于副产物氢气,将被储存在特殊的容器中,与呼吸产生的二氧化碳在高温催化剂下生成甲醇与少量水。 The methanol will be used to produce as the raw material for industry. 甲醇将作为工业原料被用于生产中。 Then formed a circulation of simple. 如此一来就形成了一个简单的循环。 Naturally, Jiang Chen delivers to Moon to come up them, not only but to let them solves the problem how to go on living. Every day except for driving the Moon car(riage) is going to prospect, maintains these maintaining livelihood installments, they also shoulder assistance ground researcher to start the scientific effort mission. 当然,江晨将他们送到月球上去,可不只是为了让他们解决如何活下去的问题。每天除了开着月球车出去探矿,维护这些维生装置,他们还肩负着协助地面科研人员展开科研工作的任务 But in all scientific research items, as key, collection project about Helium-3! 而在所有的科研项目中,作为关键的,就是关于氦3的采集项目! The small-scale mine that excavates moon dirt, is shouldering a facility of such heavy responsibility. 那座开凿月壤小型矿场,正是肩负着这么一个重任的设施。 Because on Moon does not have global character dipole magnetic field the protection, containing the carbon, nitrogen and helium, neon, argon, krypton and other solar wind of noble gas ion may push directly into, shells the lunar surface continuously and enters in the moon dirt particle, enabling in moon dirt to include considerable rich Helium-3. 由于月球上没有全球性“偶极磁场”的保护,含有碳、氮以及氦、氖、氩、氪等稀有气体离子的太阳风可长驱直入,源源不断地轰击月面并进入月壤微粒中,使月壤中含有相当丰富的氦3 As for the value of this energy, here has one group of data to display intuitively. 1 kilogram Helium-3, when used to generate electricity, may have 19 megawatts energy, enough uses for 6 years for the Moscow city illumination. But only needs 10 tons Helium-3, power rate then enough entire China uses the last year! 而至于这种能源的价值,这里有一组数据可以直观地表现。一公斤氦3,如果用来发电,就可产生19兆瓦的能量,足够供莫斯科市照明用六年。而只需要十吨氦3,发电量便足够整个华国用上一年! In addition, extracts 1 ton Helium-3 from the Moon soil every time, can obtain 6300 tons hydrogen, 70 tons nitrogen and 1600 tons carbon. However compares former's value, the values of these by-products can ignore on the contrary. 除此之外,从月球土壤中每提取一吨氦-3,便可得到6300吨氢、70吨氮和1600吨碳。不过相比起前者的价值,这些副产物的价值反倒是可以忽略不计了。 But moon dirt, is the mineral of rich aluminiferous, iron, magnesium, titanium as well as Rare Earth metal. 月壤本身,也是富含铝、铁、镁、钛以及稀土金属的矿物。 Nuclear Fusion Power Generator technology Jiang Chen has, the electric power origin of Penglai City Nuclear Fusion Generator that makes from Last of Days Yizhou Island, as well as several storage deuterium pots. Now needs to solve is, how to mine these Helium-3 from moon dirt efficiently. 核聚变发电技术江晨已经有了,蓬莱市的电力来源就是从末世夷州岛那边弄来的核聚变发电机,以及几个储氘罐。现在需要解决的就是,如何从月壤中高效地开采那些氦3 This is also these colonizes the one of the trail blazer and researcher main mission. 这也是这些殖民先驱者和研究员的主要任务之一。 Colony of such trivial 24 person, spent Jiang Chen 1,000,000,000 Xin Dollar. 就这么区区二十四人的殖民地,就花掉了江晨10亿新元 However he believes that these money spend is worth. 不过他相信,这些钱花的都是值得的。 After looking at image, Kelvin found Jiang Chen. 在看完了影像后,克尔温找到了江晨 United States NASA hopes that we can publicize the Colonist living conditions, as well as sharing to Moon inspection. They are willing not to receive in exchange for these information with one to the United Nations aerospace department's public file with us.” 美国nasa希望我们能够公开殖民者生活情况,以及共享对月球的考察情况。他们愿意用一份尚未向联合国航天司公开的档案与我们换取这些情报。” „Are these information very important? I refer to their.” Jiang Chen asked. “那些情报很重要吗?我指的是他们的。”江晨问道。 After Kelvin thought deeply about the moment, replied. 克尔温思索了片刻后答道。 Very is not important, the NASA official disclosed that these not public file mainly the analysis about KREEP, as well as in moon dirt the Helium-3 reservoir distribution, these thing our researchers is also studying, but does not know that which step they studied.” “不算很重要,nasa的官员透露称,那些未公开的档案主要是关于克里普岩的分析,以及月壤氦3储集层分布,这些东西我们的研究员同样在研究,只是不知道他们研究到了哪一步。” That does not need to exchange the information with them, I believe that you will walk in their front.” Jiang Chen said, stopped a while, then said, „the Colonist living conditions can publicize, after all this is also a part of propaganda. Online currently does not have the rumor to slander us, said that is these astronaut is little white mouse, now has died? Photographs documentary short subject that they live, is a powerful counter-attack! Which contents as for can publicize, which must keep secret, I think that you should be clear.” “那没必要和他们交换情报,我相信你们会走在他们的前面。”江晨说完,停顿了一会儿,又接着说道,“不过殖民者的生活情况可以公开,毕竟这也是宣传的一部分。网上现在不是有谣言在诋毁我们,说是那些航天员都是小白鼠,现在已经死了吗?拍摄一段他们生活的纪录短片,正好是个有力的回击!至于哪些内容能够公开,哪些必须保密,我想你应该清楚。” This you can feel relieved.” Kelvin nods to say with a smile. “这你可以放心。”克尔温笑着点头道。 Confessed that this afterward, Jiang Chen is about to leave, but Kelvin seems like remembers anything to resemble to result, stopped by calling out him. 交代完这件事后,江晨正准备离开,不过克尔温又像是想起什么似得,叫住了他。 Jiang Chen has turned head, asks. 江晨回过头,问道。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事吗?” „A matter. Two days ago, our aerospace launching center received a visit application from Britain.” Kelvin replied. “还有一件事。两天前,我们航天发射中心收到了一封来自英国的访问申请。”克尔温答道。 Visit application? Can't we receive one pack of visit applications every day?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “访问申请?我们每天不都得收到一叠访问申请吗?”江晨笑着说道。 This person status is a little special. I not good direct to reject, must ask your opinion.” Kelvin said discretely. “这个人身份有点特殊。我不好直接拒绝,得问下您的意见。”克尔温谨慎地说道。 Who? Is Queen of England?” Jiang Chen teased. “谁?难道是英国女王?”江晨打趣道。 No, is Hawking.”( To be continued.) “不,是霍金。”(未完待续。)
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