IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#853: The breakthrough of Antimatter technology

„Is this?” “这是?” Looks is setting up that black oil tank in villa backyard, as well as these is twining intriguingly the pipeline, Jiang Chen cannot bear make noise to ask. 望着立在别墅后院中的那个黑色“储油罐”,以及那些错综复杂地缠绕着的管线,江晨忍不住出声问道。 „The crystallization of science and technology!” Lin Ling supported the small chest, the corners of the mouth is cancelling the crescent moon, happily said. “科技的结晶!”林玲挺着小胸脯,嘴角勾成了月牙,得意地说道。 „The logical expression......” the Jiang Chen full heavy line said. “说人话……”江晨满头黑线地说道。 in a nutshell, is Magnetic Confinement Equipment, is used to store up Antimatter 简而言之,就是一台磁约束装置,用来储存反物质的” The Lin Ling words have not said, Jiang Chen subconsciously on retreat one step. 林玲话还没说完,江晨下意识地就后退了一步。 damn? Such big Antimatter? 握草?这么大的反物质 In this...... is?” “这里面……全都是?” Looks at the expression on Jiang Chen face, Lin Ling titters one to smile, beckons with the hand to say. 看着江晨脸上的表情,林玲噗嗤一声笑了起来,摆了摆手说道。 Not, Antimatter, only then middle 0.1 mg, but stores up with such big Magnetic Confinement Equipment is.” “不是啦,反物质只有中间的0.1mg,不过得用这么大的磁约束装置来储存就是。” Hears Lin Ling's to explain, Jiang Chen may be relaxes. 听到林玲的解释,江晨可算是松了口气。 Dozens milligrams Antimatter makes the fuel to promote the space ship, 6 weeks can arrive at sparks (Mars). One kilogram Antimatter exposes in the air, can blast entire Earth. One ton Antimatter can make Earth turn into the Solar System second largest Asteroid belt/bring. 数十毫克反物质作燃料推动太空船,六个星期就可以到达火星。一公斤的反物质暴露在空气中,就能够炸掉整个地球。一吨反物质能让地球变成太阳系第二大小行星带。 The scientific moral committee on this timeline forbids to research and develop Antimatter also to have the truth, this gadget placed on Earth is really dangerous, making the price that everyone was finished together probably only need an experiment breakdown. 这条时间线上的科学道德委员会禁止研发反物质也不是没有道理,这玩意儿放在地球上实在是太危险了,让大家一起完蛋的代价可能只需要一次实验故障。 However this 0.1 mg Antimatter needs such big oil tank to result in the gadget to preserve unexpectedly, gave Jiang Chen really shockingly. After all Lost of the Void gives his gift, may only have size of one bottle of pulsations. 不过这0.1mg的反物质居然需要这么大一个储油罐似得玩意儿来保存,着实把江晨给惊艳到了。毕竟虚空遗民送给他的礼物,可只有一瓶脉动的大小。 As if saw Jiang Chen is thinking anything, Lin Ling somewhat coughed embarrassed. 仿佛是看出了江晨在想什么,林玲有些不好意思地咳了咳。 cough cough, we regarding the research of Antimatter in the Primary stage, they should be easier than to contact Antimatter in Void us after all.” 咳咳,毕竟我们对于反物质的研究只是在初级阶段,他们在虚空中应该比我们更容易接触反物质。” Why?” Jiang Chen asked curiously. “为什么?”江晨好奇地问道。 „A view is, Void does not have the concept of space, exists is unable...... to explain that through the specific medium connecting point in Antimatter is very troublesome, seems us to place without the desert of oasis, wants to look for a water drop. But they place in the sand beach, the left hand is not only the sand, the right hand is not only the water. Naturally, this is only a guess, after all takes the Void person is not impossible to come back again.” Lin Ling answered. “有一种说法是,虚空本身不存在空间的概念,存在于其中的正反物质无法通过特定的媒介相接处……解释起来很麻烦,就好像我们身处于没有绿洲的沙漠,想找一滴水。而他们本身就身处于沙滩上,左手既是沙,右手既是水。当然,这只是一种猜测,毕竟取过虚空的人不可能再回来。”林玲如此解释道。 What this...... this 0.1 mg can Antimatter do?” “这样啊……不过这0.1mg的反物质能干什么?” What could not do.” Lin Ling shakes the head, said with regret, „the manufacture of Antimatter is not difficult, the 21 st century can observe micro Antimatter through the large-scale Qiangzi (hadron particle) collider shortly, but this Antimatter granule has the time to be very short is very short, no means in filling Cosmos of material preserve it. After analyzing the Void technology, the Magnetic Confinement Equipment that I design can store up Antimatter few, but I cannot think temporarily this gadget has the use besides bomb...... is not inappropriate on the bomb, its cost is equivalent to above 1000 time of same equivalent bomb.” “什么都干不了。”林玲摇了摇头,语带遗憾地说道,“反物质的制造并不困难,21世纪就能通过大型强子对撞机短暂观测到微量的反物质,只是这种反物质粒子存在时间很短很短,没有办法将其在充满正物质的宇宙中保存。分析了虚空的技术后,我设计的这台磁约束装置能够少量储存反物质,但是我暂时想不到这玩意儿有除了炸弹以外的用处……就炸弹而言也不合适,它的成本相当于同当量炸弹的一千倍以上。” This oil storage......, how many are the Magnetic Confinement Equipment TNT equivalent?” Jiang Chen points at that oil tank to result in the installment to ask. “这个储油……呃,磁约束装置爆炸当量是多少?”江晨指着那个储油罐似得装置问道。 According to the mass energy equation, the 1 g Antimatter annihilation release energy is equivalent to 3 nuclear bomb, actual fragmentation effect possibly over 10 nuclear bomb.” Lin Ling gave the answer quickly. “根据质能方程,1g反物质湮灭释放能量相当于三枚核弹,实际杀伤效果可能超过十枚核弹。”林玲很快给出了答案。 the 1 g Antimatter lethality be only 3 nuclear bomb equivalents, considered that its production cost the words, this 0.1 mg Antimatter also really has no use. However as a scientific start, this achievement is good. 1g反物质的杀伤力只有三枚核弹的当量,考虑其生产成本的话,这0.1mg反物质还真没什么用处。不过作为一项科学的开始,这个成果已经不错了。 In order to reward Lin Ling's diligently, Jiang Chen gave her to have enough three box of pudding that from the present world stemmed from the Belgium cakes and pastries master's hand. Looks that Lin Ling that held the box the appearance that ran overjoyed toward the kitchen, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth was bringing back the understanding happy expression. 为了奖励林玲的努力,江晨从现世那边给她带了足足三箱出自比利时糕点大师之手的布丁。看着林玲那欢天喜地抱着箱子往厨房跑去的样子,江晨嘴角不由勾起了会心的笑意。 When with came back in the past, Yao Yao made full one table of adept good meals. On table most green goods farm from Garden of Eden, but roasts the turkey and red-roasted pork came from the present world. Now the life in Last of Days NAC Zhi District enhances day after day, in those days gnawed the time of canned food to be gone forever. 与往常回来时一样,姚姚做了满满一桌的拿手好菜。餐桌上大部分的新鲜蔬菜都是来自伊甸园的农场,而烤火鸡和红烧肉则是来自现世。现在末世na治区内的生活日渐提高,往日啃罐头的时光已经一去不复返了。 If not space that yellow radiation said that the street of out of the window that sores all over the eye, only sits before this table, cannot feel the Last of Days atmosphere. 如果不是天上那灰黄色的辐射云,还有窗外那满目疮痍的街道,单是坐在这张餐桌前,根本感受不到末世的氛围。 Five people regarding before the dining table, are enjoying the sumptuous lunch happily, the amusing thing of topic from base, has chatted Yizhou Island that builds on a large scale. It is said after the swamp crab crisis relieves, there crab egg and ovary and digestive gland, flowed in Wanghai City in the form of special product, very by the high praise of Sixth Block restaurant. 五人围绕在饭桌前,愉快地享用着丰盛的午餐,话题从基地内的趣事儿,一直聊到了正在大兴土木的夷州岛。据说泥沼蟹危机解除后,那里的蟹卵与蟹黄,都以特产的形式流入了望海市,很受第六街区餐馆的好评。 The merchants of some visions even opened the cannery, mixed the delicacy these ovary and digestive glands the canned food, sold to a farther place. 有的眼光的商人甚至开起了罐头厂,将这些蟹黄调制成美味的罐头,销往更远的地方。 Chatted is chatting, topic to modern age. 聊着聊着,话题又到了现代。 When heard that the Jiang Chen leadership Future Group, has in fact controlled three countries, Sun Jiao, Yao Yao, Xiaorou and in the Lin Ling's eye glittered the ray of expectation. If can go to that side to have a look to be good, but was a pity that the research of cross dimension transmission living creature, Lin Ling has had no clue. 当听说江晨领导的未来人集团,已经实际上控制了三个国家,孙娇姚姚小柔林玲的眼中都闪烁起了憧憬的光芒。要是能够去那边看看就好了,只是可惜跨次元传送活物的研究,林玲一直没有什么头绪。 However everyone believes, will have such a day to arrive. 不过所有人都相信,会有那么一天到来。 After the food, Jiang Chen went to Marshal Prefecture, found was processing the military affairs Han Junhua. 饭后,江晨去了一趟元帅府,找到了正在处理军务的韩君华 Northern situation how?” “北方的情况怎么样了?” After hearing the Jiang Chen's inquiry, Han Junhua stopped the pen in hand, opened holographic screen, locked the map in the Huaxia northern areas Hanzhong position. Jiang Chen reads on the map United District several large characters, the eye narrowed the eyes slightly. 听到江晨的询问后,韩君华停下了手中的笔,打开了全息屏幕,将地图锁定在了华夏北部地区汉中位置。江晨看着地图上面联统区的几个大字,眼睛不由微微眯了起来。 „Do I remember their positions in Lanzhou?” “我记得他们的位置在兰州?” „A year ago in Lanzhou,” Han Junhua supplemented the sentence, after the stop moment, then said, starting from last year, they are moving to south. Under United District the leadership of new Commander, they eliminated zombie foreign-species of Hanzhong region, and moved gradually the Hanzhong region the Northern Alliance mouth, set up Settlement along this Changjiang branch coast.” “一年前在兰州,”韩君华补充了句,停顿片刻后接着说道,“从去年开始,他们就在向南迁徙。在联统区的新任指挥官的领导下,他们肃清了汉中区域的丧尸异种,并逐步将北方联统区的人口迁徙到了汉中区域,沿这条长江支流沿岸设立了聚居地。” Why do they want to do that?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “他们为什么要这么做?”江晨皱眉道。 We sent out the Aurora-20 detection target sector, but has not obtained the useful information. They used the air defense missile to conduct driving away to our fighter aircraft, viewed from whichever angle, they displayed suitable was unfriendly.” Han Junhua said. “我们派出了极光-20侦查目标区域,但并没有获得有用的情报。他们用防空导弹对我们的战机进行了驱离,无论从哪个角度看,他们表现的都相当的不友好。”韩君华说道。 Jiang Chen will look at the map again. 江晨再次将目光投向了地图。 The migration means has given up for many years operating all that the cultivated land or the city wall, price is quite high. He is very curious, is actually anything to force in this stretch of land first moves toward Order country, gives up the land being forced to leave native place. 迁徙就意味着放弃多年来经营的一切,无论是耕地还是城墙,这其中的代价可谓是相当高昂。他很好奇,究竟是什么迫使这片大地上最先走向秩序的“国家”,放弃土地背井离乡。 However at present also has a more realistic issue he to face. 不过眼下还有更现实的问题他必须面对。 If United District has moved the Hanzhong area, goes by boat to follow Changjiang to go south, can go directly to Wu City, goes toward side again is Hongcheng NAC in eastern outpost. 如果联统区已经迁徙到了汉中地区,乘船顺着长江南下,便可直达武市,再往旁边去就是洪城na在东部的前哨 United District in Hongcheng a series of movements, has caused his vigilance. 联统区洪城的一系列动作,已经引起了他的警惕。 Thinks toward the fault, perhaps they have been having the idea of Wanghai City. Sixth Block coup d'etat time, that image that Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce puts out, is United District before several years to the Wanghai City Survivor declaring war notice. 往坏处想,没准他们早就在打望海市的主意了。第六街区政变的时候,深红商会拿出的那段影像,正是联统区在数年前对望海市幸存者的宣战布告。 In that image, United District Commander as if also mentioned the word buried treasure. Deep-Red Chamber of Commerce President its explanation is the God's Cane wreckage, however the fact proves to be not such. Then comes NAC regains Wanghai City City Center after the foreign-species hand, simply had not discovered anything can be called is buried treasure thing. 在那段影像中,联统区指挥官似乎还提到了“宝藏”一词。深红商会会长将其解释为上帝之杖的残骸,然而事实证明并非如此。而后来na异种手中收复望海市市中心后,也根本没有发现什么称得上是“宝藏”的东西。 You try to make our pilot bypass Hanzhong, flies directly Lanzhou? I am very curious, actually there had anything, making this count the 100,000 person to move to south collectively.” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. “你有没有试过让我们的飞行员绕过汉中,直接飞去兰州?我很好奇,那里究竟发生了什么,使得这数十万人集体向南迁徙。”江晨沉声道。 Naturally, but from the in the air detection, our pilot has not collected too many useful information.” Han Junhua replied. “当然,不过从空中侦查,我们的飞行员并没有搜集到太多有用的情报。”韩君华答道。 This......” the Jiang Chen's brow, tightened gradually got up- “这样啊……”江晨的眉头,渐渐紧锁了起来- Sorry, has rested. For these days the work and rest inverted completely, I must the adjustment t.t( to be continued.) 抱歉,睡过了。这几天作息完全颠倒了,我得调整下了t.t(未完待续。)
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