IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#852: Specter Island

Since being chosen as the Specter Agent training base, this island was then cancelled from the Country of Xin official map, and was given new name Specter Island. 自从被确定为幽灵特工的训练基地后,这座小岛便被从新国的官方地图上抹去,并且被赋予了一个新的名字幽灵岛 This name truly conforms to its present status very much. 这个名字确实很符合它如今的身份。 Nearby marine transportation was divided into the restricted area, except for obtaining person of authorization, no one can be close to the islands 20 kilometer. But was permitted the person who is allowed not to need to be authorized then to come and go out this islands, only has Jiang Chen and Specter Agent Chief Instructor and Minister Ayesha two people. 附近海运被划为军事禁区,除了获得授权的人,没有人能够接近岛屿二十公里。而被允许获准无需授权即可出入这座岛屿的人,只有江晨幽灵特工总教官部长阿伊莎两人。 At noon, Black Hawk Helicopter flies from the sea day connecting point, landed in the aircraft parking area. 中午,一架黑鹰直升机从海天相接处飞来,降落在了停机坪上。 Puts on the mechanical exoskeleton blond female teacher to go forward, confirmed after two people status, the standing firm body stands at attention to salute, then took into two people the islands midpoint training facilities. 穿着机械外骨骼的金发碧眼女教官上前,确认两人的身份后,站定身子立正行礼,然后将两人带进了岛屿正中央的训练设施内。 All the way, Jiang Chen saw the face of many exotic customs. They come from turbulent Eastern Europe and Middle East mainly , some yellow skin color Asian. Besides the agent necessary skill, the educational program on here Phantom Helmet, will also teach them including the language, mathematical and physical chemistry elementary knowledge. 一路上,江晨看到了不少异国风情的面孔。她们主要来自动荡的东欧与中东,也有部分黄肤色的亚洲人。除了特工必要的技能外,这里的幻影头盔上的教育程序,还将教会她们包括语言、数学、物理化学在内的基础知识。 When three people pass through along the training ground edge, the teachers and young students, stand at attention to salute to here in abundance. 当三人沿着训练场边缘走过时,教官与年轻的学员们,纷纷向这边立正行礼。 Jiang Chen notices, that both young eye, looks to own vision, is glittering completely all feels grateful and color of worship. 江晨注意到,那一双双年幼的眼睛,看向自己的目光中,闪烁着的尽皆是感激与崇拜之色。 When gratified, this also makes him be somewhat uncomfortable. 欣慰之余,这也不禁让他有些不是滋味儿。 Besides disbursing money buying their lives, he confessed that oneself has not done the matter that anything is worth them worshipping. They will have such cognition, merely is because in Phantom Helmet the educational program affects subtly, what as well as saves from the chaos caused by war area them is Future Group. 除了出钱“买下”她们的这条命外,他自认自己没有做什么值得她们崇拜的事儿。她们之所以会产生这样的认知,仅仅是因为幻影头盔中教育程序潜移默化地影响,以及将她们从战乱地区救走的是未来人集团 Naturally, did not discuss regardless in guilty conscience that the young girl to that conscience brainwashes, was worshipped by so many beautiful women looks, Jiang Chen at heart is quite dark crisp. 当然,抛开对少女洗脑的那点良知上的负罪感不谈,被如此多的美女崇拜地看着,江晨心里还是相当暗爽的。 Because the gene is good, moreover underwent the quick more than two years of recuperation, these emaciated little girl has become had to concave-convex the young girl, under army green shirt tight line, is showing the youth, but healthy vigor. Most beckoning matter, even if he proposed somebody who the presumptuous request, will have a liking for called own room, some people will not display the resistance absolutely, instead will offer wholeheartedly...... 由于基因本身不错,而且经过了快两年多的调理,这些原本瘦弱的小姑娘都已经出落成了凹凸有致的少女,那军绿色衬衫下绷紧的线条,彰显着青春而健美的活力。最令人心动的事,哪怕他提出非分的要求,将看上的某个人叫到自己的房间,也绝对不会有人表现出抗拒,反而会全心全意地献上…… Under the Ayesha puzzled vision, Jiang Chen coughed suddenly, scattered in the brain these unhealthy thought. 阿伊莎困惑的目光下,江晨突然咳了咳,驱散了脑子里那些不健康的念头。 Moral integrity thing, do not fall cleanly is quite so good. 节操这东西,还是别掉的那么干净比较好。 On the road, Jiang Chen finds, the female teacher of this blonde named Betty, by Ayesha personally training one of the in first batch of Specter Agent. 在路上,江晨了解到,这位金发的女教官名叫贝蒂,是由阿伊莎亲自培训的第一批幽灵特工中的一名。 Now is 21 she, Ukraine from Eastern Europe, is the big and open girl. Because the stature selects high, is not suitable to be engaged in a work, therefore then called in Specter Island to be responsible for training of Specter Agent. 现在已经二十一她,来自东欧的乌克兰,是个高大而开朗的女孩儿。因为身材过于高挑,不适合从事一线工作,所以便调入了幽灵岛负责幽灵特工的培训。 Under Instructor Betty leadership, Jiang Chen and Ayesha arrived at situated in the island center villa underground file. Here is depositing small-scale Civil Grade Quantum Computer, acts as this island the servers on 500 many Phantom Helmet. 贝蒂教官的带领下,江晨阿伊莎来到了位于岛中心别墅地下的档案室内。这里存放着一台小型民用级量子计算机,充当这岛上的五百多台幻影头盔的服务器。 Through the irises and fingerprint dual examinations, Jiang Chen gained the Quantum Computer jurisdiction. 通过虹膜和指纹双重检验,江晨获取了量子计算机的权限。 Then, he took out a USB of thumb size from the pocket, inserted in the abutment of main crankcase. 接着,他从兜里取出了一个拇指大小的u盘,插在了主机箱的卡槽内。 Quick, on holographic screen has read one string of progress bars, completed the installment of procedure/program. 很快,全息屏幕上读过一串进度条,完成了程序的安装。 „Is this?” Betty asked. “这是?”贝蒂问道。 This is the new training program, Specter Agent will equip the new-style equipment, I need you first on Phantom Helmet first under preparing a lesson.” The Jiang Chen's finger selected several on holographic screen, then closed the operation jurisdiction. “这是新的训练程式,幽灵特工将列装新式装备,我需要你们先幻影头盔上先预习下。”江晨的手指在全息屏幕上点了几下,然后关闭了操作权限。 Also there are equips newly? 又有新的装备了? Jiang Chen's words, really this blonde teacher shocking. 江晨的话,着实把这位金发教官给震撼到了。 Baseless that type can vanish Invisibility Clothing enough has shocked everybody, this Mr. Chairman of the Board also tells her now, will Specter Agent also introduce the new equipment? Also can be new? Also ascended the sky inadequately? 那种能够凭空消失的“隐形衣”已经够惊世骇俗的了,现在这位董事长先生又告诉她,幽灵特工还将引进新装备?还能怎么新?还上天了不成? However this suspense has not stayed is too long, the first batch of shipping in several equipment have installed when Jiang Chen came that puts up on Black Hawk Helicopter. 然而这个悬念并没有停留太久,第一批运来的几件装备已经装在了江晨来时的那架黑鹰直升机上。 But these new-style weapon is not other, that side Last of Days Viper Drone that seizes from the Lin Chao'en hand, as well as Reptile Robot of round head round brain. 而这些“新式武器”不是别的,正是末世那边从林朝恩手中缴获来的蝰蛇无人机,以及圆头圆脑的爬虫机器人 One is high bomb-carrying capacity low-flying attack drone, another is the fully-armed motion firepower platform. In the training ground, Jiang Chen told Ayesha, how demonstrated to these Specter Agent to control these powerful supporting weapons through the wrist watch, destroyed, the solid ground area target softly. 一个是高载弹量低空攻击无人机,另一个则是全副武装的移动火力平台。在训练场内,江晨吩咐阿伊莎,向这些幽灵特工们演示了如何通过腕表控制这些功能强大的支援武器,摧毁软、硬地面目标。 If bomb-carrying capacity, only then 60 rounds of small caliber bullet(s) Hummingbird Drone is only mosquito, then Viper is the fierce eagle, but as for divulges the firepower with Rotary Machine Gun and grenade launcher Reptile Robot, is out-and-out relocates divine tool. Not can only create the effective killer to the soft target, even can tear into shreds the bunker, and even threatens the armored unit in the short distance! 如果说载弹量只有60发小口径子弹蜂鸟无人机只是“蚊子”,那么蝰蛇就是凶猛的老鹰,而至于用转轮机枪和榴弹发射器宣泄火力的爬虫机器人,则是不折不扣的“拆迁神器”。不但能够对软目标造成有效杀手,甚至能撕碎掩体本身,乃至在近距离威胁到装甲单位! After experiencing so powerful weapon, the students and teachers in training ground, opened the eye in abundance as if by prior agreement. 在见识了如此强悍的武器后,训练场的学员与教官们,纷纷不约而同地睁大了眼睛。 From shocking recovers, Betty expressed own confusion. 从震撼中回过神来,贝蒂表达了自己的困惑。 This type of weapon...... we really useful?” “这种武器……我们真的用得上吗?” Firepower so powerful weapon, however and sneaks the investigation regarding the prime task for the collection information agent, these are however and gadget of egg. Moreover the Viper Drone volume at least is hummingbird dozens times, half people were quickly high, is not easy to conduct the body. 火力如此强悍的武器,然而对于主要工作为收集情报和潜入调查的特工来说,这些都是然并卵的玩意儿。而且蝰蛇无人机的体积至少是蜂鸟的数十倍,快有半人高了,也不方便携带在身上。 As for Reptile, light/only looks at that embed in tortoiseshell top bazooka, knows that this gadget definitely uses in the frontal battlefield. 至于爬虫,光是看那镶嵌在“乌龟壳”顶部的火箭筒,就知道这玩意儿肯定是用在正面战场上的。 However Jiang Chen's replied that actually concise understands very much. 然而江晨的回答却很简洁明了。 Useful.” “用得上。” Sees Betty not to understand as before his meaning, Jiang Chen smiles, answered. 贝蒂依旧没有理解他的意思,江晨笑了笑,解释道。 From now on the work of Specter Agent will not only be restricted to sneak with the gather intelligence, coordinates to launch to behead and destroy the ground installations with Sea Lion Special Forces to act, will become mission that you possibly handle. But excels you who go into hiding and sneak, is more suitable to use Sea Lion of these supporting weapons to holding the post of positive/direct army supports.” “今后幽灵特工的工作将不仅仅只限于潜入和情报搜集,与海狮特种部队协同展开斩首、破坏地面设施等行动,也将成为你们可能经手的任务。而擅长隐匿、潜入的你们,更适合使用这些支援武器对担任正面部队的海狮进行支援。” Betty understands clearly nods, but is somewhat opens the mouth at once hesitant. 贝蒂了然地点了点头,可旋即又是有些犹豫地开了口。 „An issue, does not know that facilitates to ask?” “还有个问题,不知道方不方便问?” Does not compare the taboo, asked freely.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “不比忌讳,尽管问吧。”江晨笑道。 „Was this...... must go to war?” Betty asked carefully. “这是……又要打仗了吗?”贝蒂小心地问道。 Hears this issue, Jiang Chen smiles to make noise, with ridiculing the tone said. 听到这个问题,江晨不由笑出了声来,用揶揄的口吻说道。 Goes to war? The war has started.” “打仗?战争早就开始了。” Yes, has started with the Freemasonry war. 是的,与共济会的战争早就开始了。 Madagascar Civil War has turned the superheating, almost can start to draw in a net. 马达加斯加内战已经进入白热化,差不多可以开始收网了。 After this is Turkey, Ukraine, will then be Europe, Star Ring Trading will reach the world the antenna, will crash its survival space thoroughly. In order to avoid pushing to a more serious abyss the situation, he will avoid launching the major war as far as possible, but uses these agent as well as Sea Lion Special Forces as far as possible, eliminates the Freemasonry influence in the way of surgery. 在此之后就是土耳其,乌克兰,接下来是欧洲,星环贸易会将触角伸向全球,彻底压垮其生存空间。为了避免将局势推向更为严重的深渊,他会尽量避免发动大规模战争,而是尽可能地使用这些特工以及海狮特种部队,以外科手术的方式清除掉共济会的势力。 In demonstrated after these future agent new equipment, Jiang Chen then inspected under their training, finished eating the dinner on the island with these orphans together. Before Sun soon drops the horizon completely, Jiang Chen brings Ayesha, rode returned to Koro Island in the black hawk of aircraft parking area standby. 在向这些未来的特工们展示完新装备后,江晨接着又视察了下她们的训练情况,在岛上与这些孤儿们一同吃完了晚餐。在太阳快要完全落下地平线之前,江晨带着阿伊莎,乘坐在停机坪待命的黑鹰返回了科罗岛 After returning to the villa, Jiang Chen takes a bath, is preparing to return to the room and lovable Ayesha attentive a while, the wrist watch vibrated suddenly several, the Lin Ling's telephone conversation request passed from Last of Days, said that had the good news to tell him, making him hurry. 回到别墅后,江晨洗了个澡,正准备回房与可爱的阿伊莎温存一会儿,腕表突然抖动了几下,林玲的通话请求从末世那边传了过来,说是有好消息要告诉他,让他赶紧回来一趟。 Sees that Jiang Chen has to fill with gives up regrettably temporarily, after returning to the room, cross over returned to Last of Days.( To be continued.) 见状,江晨只好满怀遗憾地暂时作罢,回到房间后,穿越回了末世。(未完待续。)
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