IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#851: New Asia Economic Cooperation Organization

This is the document that Nobel committee mails, this is the international B biometric authentication alliance mails,” is saying, Zhang Yaping while picks up on the document piles of some letters from table, then placed side, „...... also has these.” “这是诺贝尔委员会寄来的文件,这是国际b生物认证联盟寄来的,”一边说着,张亚平一边将部分信件从桌上的文件堆中挑出,然后放在了旁边,“……还有这些。” A while my secretary will come to make these documents.” Jiang Chen somewhat feared that took a look at eye that bunch of documents troublesome, has not put out a hand to read, today I ask you to not to handle these troublesome trivial matters.” “一会儿我的秘书会来将这些文件弄走。”江晨有些怕麻烦地瞅了眼那堆文件,没有伸手去翻看,“今天我来找你可不是为了处理这些麻烦的琐事儿。” Other?” Zhang Yaping had a headache held under the forehead. “还有别的?”张亚平头疼地扶了下额头。 Em, other little matter.” Saying, Jiang Chen was taking out an envelope from the bosom, placed on the table, somewhat smiles implicitly, must trouble you.” “恩,有点别的事儿。”说着,江晨从怀中取出了一份信封,放在了桌上,有些含蓄地笑了笑,“又得麻烦你了。” Looks at the two lumps of dark pouches on his eye, continued to trouble others' Jiang Chen on the contrary is somewhat embarrassed. 看着他眼睛上的两坨黑眼圈,继续麻烦别人的江晨反倒是有些不好意思了。 All right, I have been used to it in any case.” Zhang Yaping sighed, took up this letter/believes, how many disassembled to take a fast look around, the expression on face floated off gradually the look of being interested, New Pan-Asia Economic and Trade Cooperation Organization? I remember that Asia doesn't have a ASEAN? Side also has Wang Hai Economic Cooperation Organization, why can we also establish one alone?” “没事儿,反正我已经习惯了。”张亚平叹了口气,拿起这封信,拆开扫视了几眼,脸上的表情渐渐浮起了感兴趣的神色,“新泛亚经贸合作组织?我记得亚洲不是有个东盟吗?旁边还有个望海经合组织,我们为什么还要单独建立一个?” Because our influences are enough. If establishes Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation, we at least can win over three member nations. Namely, Country of Moro and Malay, as well as Philippines.” The Jiang Chen smile, was saying selects the wrist watch, assigned out a map, drew a red circle on the Asia map, will compare ASEAN, Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation will pay great attention to the economical cooperation, we on the international trade domain, the labor and environment, the intellectual property, tariff and other series of issues will start the close cooperation.” “因为我们的影响力已经足够了。如果成立泛亚经合,我们至少能拉拢三个成员国。即,摩洛国马来、以及菲国。”江晨微笑,说着点开腕表,调出了一张地图,在亚洲的地图上画了个红圈,“相比起东盟,泛亚经合将更注重经济上的合作,我们将就国际贸易领域,劳工和环境、知识产权、关税等一系列问题展开密切合作。” So long as occupied the sufficient influence economically, other two domains will also leave are being too far? 只要在经济上占据了足够的影响力,其它两个领域还会离着太远吗? We have three partners, but then can draw many people to join a group, must depend on your diplomatic means.” Jiang Chen looks at Zhang Yaping to say. “我们已经有了三个伙伴,而接下来能拉多少人入伙,就得靠你的外交手段了。”江晨看着张亚平说道。 Diplomatic means......” Zhang Yaping pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, hesitated the moment, what is essential, what we can put out to take the chip, convinces the Asia OECD that other Asia countries add to us to establish? If writes the bounced check, is the wise diplomat, perhaps cannot produce what achievement to come.” “外交手段吗……”张亚平推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,沉吟了片刻,“关键的是,我们能拿出什么作为筹码,说服其他亚洲国家加到我们成立的这个亚洲经合组织?如果只是开空头支票,就是再高明的外交官,恐怕也拿不出什么成果来。” Chip has two, high tech, Xin Federal Reserve.” Jiang Chen said confidently. “筹码有两个,高科技,还有新联储。”江晨胸有成竹地说道。 High tech? Xin Federal Reserve?” Zhang Yaping knits the brows, puzzled redundant say/way. “高科技?新联储?”张亚平皱眉,困惑地重复道。 Our surrounding countries has the rich natural resources and labor force, but engineering factor actually universal relative backwardness. Believes that put out the technology to take the bait, they impossible is not excited.” The Jiang Chen smile said that „, therefore, we can definitely take this as the breakthrough point, convinced them to join our Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation.” “我们周边国家的拥有丰富的自然资源以及劳动力,但技术条件却普遍相对落后。相信拿出了技术作为诱饵,他们不可能毫不心动。”江晨微笑道,“所以,我们完全可以以此为切入点,说服他们加入我们的泛亚经合。” „Will you take to share with them the technology?” Zhang Yaping believe did not glance Jiang Chen one, security of his very clear Future Group to actually the technology achieved what type parsimoniously the degree. “你会把技术拿出来和他们分享?”张亚平不信地瞟了江晨一眼,他可是很清楚未来人集团对技术的保密究竟是做到了何种“吝啬”的程度。 In limited degree.” The Jiang Chen smile said, for example the demand rises day by day, the applied field day after day widespread graphene material, light/only by of Xin-Ma Special Region production is absolutely insufficient. We can not involve keen partially. Feels the domain infrastructure technology to share, then earns the benefit with their labor forces for us, simultaneously focuses on the benefit of higher level......” “在有限的程度上。”江晨微笑道,“比如需求日益上升,应用领域日渐广泛的石墨烯材料,光靠新马特区生产的那点是绝对不够的。我们可以将部分不涉及敏.感领域的基础技术分享出去,然后用他们的劳动力为我们赚取利益,同时着眼于更高层次的利益……” Xin Federal Reserve?” 新联储呢?” Xin Federal Reserve can provide the investment for the Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation member nation.” Jiang Chen said. 新联储能够为泛亚经合成员国提供投资。”江晨说道。 „...... I remember the Xin Federal Reserve main fund from Future Bank. Do you have so much money? This taking country for the investment of rank, was not 20 billion can the matter.” Zhang Yaping proposed that the question said. “……我记得新联储的主要资金来自未来人银行。你们有这么多钱吗?这种以国家为级别的投资,可不是一两百亿就能了事儿的。”张亚平提出质疑道。 Now possibly only takes to obtain 20 billion, but does not represent next year so many. Imagines in our top of the heads, there resources are infinite. By this time next year, I promised you, USD, Renminbi or ruble, will turn into a digit regarding the Future Group significance.” On the Jiang Chen's face appeared self-confidently the smiling face. “现在可能只拿得出一两百亿,但不代表明年还是这么多。想象我们的头顶上吧,那里的资源可是无限的。到了明年这时候,我向你保证,无论是美元人民币还是卢布,对于未来人集团的意义都将变成一个数字而已。”江晨的脸上浮现了自信地笑容。 Looks at the self-confident smiling face on Jiang Chen face, Zhang Yaping shrugs, has not said anything again, received that letter/believes. 看着江晨脸上的自信的笑容,张亚平耸了耸肩,没再说什么,收起了那封信。 Good, since you said that then...... I can discharge the time probably next week, the first station decided because of Malay is good.” “好吧,既然你都这么说了,那么……我大概下个星期能排出时间,第一站就定在马来好了。” This matter is not anxious, at the end of the year visits does not have the issue, I wait for your good news.” Jiang Chen is smiling setting out, we want the technology of openness and cooperation in that letter/believes, under you and your Mr. Chief of Staff discussed that drafted a specific plan.” “这事儿不急,年底出访都没问题,我等待你的好消息。”江晨微笑着起身,“我们愿意开放合作的技术都在那封信上,你和你的幕僚长先生商量下,起草一个具体的方案。” I also think that you will be placed the specific plan on my desk.” The Zhang Yaping full heavy line said. “我还以为你会把具体的方案摆在我的办公桌上。”张亚平满头黑线地说道。 Although he has to expect that Jiang Chen definitely meets pit, but has not thought that Pan-Asian Economic Cooperation that this fellow proposed, the specific implementation plan has not actually written. This does not scratch bottom for him, this chapter of Presidential Palace must draw for him the excrement! 他虽然有预料江晨肯定又会坑自己,但怎么也没想到,这家伙自己提出的泛亚经合,却连个具体的实施方案都没写好。这已经不是替他擦屁.股了,这回总统府连屎都得替他拉了! hā hā hā, this type of thing can think slowly, I will send to discuss with you Xin Federal Reserve President, the economic adviser of Future Group think tank. We are many in the talent of economic domain, but political field is relatively more deficient, therefore I said that not anxious, this thing everyone discussed.” Laughs to say very much irresponsibly, Jiang Chen and Zhang Yaping said goodbye, walked toward President Office outside. 哈哈哈,这种东西可以慢慢想,我会把新联储行长派来和你讨论,还有未来人集团智库的经济顾问。我们在经济领域的人才很多,但政治领域的相对缺乏些,所以我说不急嘛,这东西得大家一起讨论。”很不负责任地大笑道,江晨张亚平告别,向着总统办公室外走去。 After leaving Presidential Palace, Jiang Chen sat his Lamborghini. 离开总统府后,江晨坐上了他的兰博基尼 Waited for Ayesha on vehicle took off sunglasses on small fine jade nose, hung in the neckband at will, simultaneously proficiently started the automobile. 等候在车上的阿伊莎摘下了小琼鼻上的墨镜,随意地挂在了领口,同时熟练地发动了汽车。 Goes?” “去哪儿?” Goes to the harbor.” “去港口。” Today doesn't go to company?” “今天不去公司吗?” Does not need, leading me to go to Specter Agent Headquarters, my a little matter must manage.” Jiang Chen looked under the time on wrist watch to say. “不用,带我去一趟幽灵特工总部,我有点事儿要办。”江晨看了下腕表上的时间说道。 ...... …… Specter Agent Headquarters leaves the Koro Island over a hundred kilometers away island situated in one, is initial that batch of agent undergoes the training the place. The island central villa is the Jiang Chen's private property, afterward was rebuilt the training facilities, for training this gives loyalty to his special army directly. 幽灵特工总部位于一座离科罗岛上百公里远的小岛,也就是最初的那批特工们接受训练的地方。小岛中央的别墅原本是江晨的私人财产,后来被改建成了训练设施,用于培训这直接效忠于他本人的特殊部队。 With the expansion of influence, Specter Agent has no longer walked the network recruitment the way to gain the fresh blood now, but changes to through the charity of Future Group support, from the chaos caused by war area around the world, gives shelter to these homeless orphans. 随着影响力的扩大,现在幽灵特工已经不再走网络招聘的途径获取新鲜血液,而是改为通过未来人集团支持的慈善机构,从全世界范围内的战乱地区,收留那些无家可归的孤儿。 The selected orphan often is 13- 15 years old, at this time the ages happen to were the most easily brainwashed age. They under the assistance of ai procedure/program, will have half brainwashing -type education, washes off the original Religion belief, and guaranteed even does not depend upon Enslavement Chip, can still offer the highest loyalty to Jiang Chen. 被选中的孤儿往往都是13-15岁,这时个年龄段正好是最容易被洗脑的年龄。她们将在ai程序的辅助下,接受半洗脑式的教育,洗去原有的宗.教信仰,并且确保即使是不依靠奴役芯片,也能够对江晨献上最高的忠诚。 Perhaps this approach is contrary to humanism mental, but changes an angle to think, aid that without Future Group extends, they have possibly died in a more pitiful way in the flames of war and hunger. 这种做法或许有违人.道主义精神,但换个角度来想,如果没有未来人集团伸出的援手,她们很可能已经以更凄惨的方式死在了战火与饥饿中。 After all Future Group is an enterprise, is not the charity. 毕竟未来人集团是企业,不是慈善组织。 Jiang Chen pledged merely, the 30 year is the Specter Agent retired age limit, passed the 30 year they to choose the retirement to leave job, or changed over to the clerical job, left once agent life. Genetic Medicine will make their lives grow into about the 20 year compared with the average person, from perspective of inequitable exchange, they obtain what pays with them is coordinated. 江晨仅仅承诺,三十岁是幽灵特工的退役年限,过了三十岁她们可以选择退役离职,或者转入文职工作,离开曾经的特工生活。基因药剂会使得他们的寿命会比普通人长上二十年左右,从等价交换的角度来讲,她们得到的和她们付出的是对等的。 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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