IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#850: Exciting moment

Astronauts: Preparation! From 30 meters, rate of descent 3 meters per second, the fuel is sufficient! Stands firm, from 15 meters.” 宇航员:“准备!距离30米,下降速度每秒3米,燃料充足!稳住,距离15米。” Astronauts: Lands successfully! I Repeat, lands successfully! Praised Chang'e, we succeeded!” 宇航员:“着陆成功!重复一遍,着陆成功!赞美嫦娥,我们成功了!” Ground operator: Confirmed the Moon dust.” 地面接线员:“确认月球尘。” Jiang Chen: Congratulates you!” 江晨:“祝贺你们!” At this time, in the aerospace launching center has cheered one piece. People hug, left behind the excited and joyful tears. The reporters forgot the interview, but records this historical time silently. 此时,航天发射中心内早已欢呼一片。人们拥抱在一起,留下了激动和欣喜的泪水。记者们忘记了采访,只是默默地记录着这一历史性的时刻。 [The Star Ring 4] lands successfully! 星环4号着陆成功! When this news took the lead to be released by Star Ring Trading in the official site, all Country of Xin people cheered. 当这则消息被星环贸易率先公布在官网上时,所有新国人民都欢呼了起来。 People went to the street, the store hung the banner. 人们走上了街头,商店挂出了横幅。 When one such as celebration Christmas or Spring Festival like that people are celebrating this historical time with the action, is two astronauts of moon landing cheers, is Star Ring Trading cheers. Various countries' media regarding the moon landing success of Star Ring Trading , conducted the report of dark ink serious wound. Especially with China that Country of Xin is on good terms, was gave the high praise on to these two moon landings ethnic Chinese. 一如庆祝圣诞或春节时那般,人们用行动庆祝着这一历史性的时刻,为登月的两名宇航员喝彩,为星环贸易喝彩。各国媒体对于星环贸易的登月成功,也是进行了浓墨重彩的报道。尤其是与新国交好的华国,在上更是对这两名登月的华裔给予了高度赞扬。 This intense and tranquil 60 seven hours, in that flash that the Moon dust raises, obtained the unsurpassed return. 这紧张而平静的六十七小时,在月球尘扬起的那一瞬间,得到了无上的回报。 On the Ground Command Center big screen, before the computer and the TV screen people, on holographic screen of r cell phone, astronaut of wear white spacesuits, holds the arm rest cautiously, set foot on the Moon land. 地面指挥中心的大荧幕上,在各国人们的电脑、电视机屏幕前,在r手机的全息屏幕上,一名穿着白色宇航服的航天员,小心翼翼地扶着扶手,踏上了月球的土地。 First Chinese that mounts Moon! Praised Star Ring Trading! This Moon has what extraordinary, our Chinese also came up! hā hā!” “第一个登上月球华人!赞美星环贸易!这月球有什么了不起,咱们华人也上去了!哈哈!” Inconceivable, second mounts Moon unexpectedly is not established Aerospace Great Nation Russia, is not rising China, but is the small country on this Pacific Ocean. Such small country, how do they achieve?” “不可思议,第二个登上月球的居然不是老牌航天大国俄罗斯,也不是正在崛起的华国,而是这个太平洋上的小国。这么小的国家,他们是怎么做到的?” Nonsense! Our Professor had proven a moment ago! Mounted Moon that Asian a moment ago, although is ethnic Chinese, but the bloodline definitely is our big club nationality!” “胡说!我们的教授刚才已经证明了!刚才登上月球的那个亚洲人,虽然是个华裔,但血统肯定是我们大棒子民族的!” Ok, entire Cosmos was your.” “行了,整个宇宙都是你们的。” „” “” The silence on Moon, cannot hear the noise in network. 月球上的寂静,听不见网络上的喧嚣。 Offers or blessed, or the praise in the entire world for these two, or the envy, or the language of suspicion, the second Chinese astronaut also stands the Moon land. 就在全世界为这两人献上或祝福、或赞美、或嫉妒、或怀疑的语言时,第二名华人宇航员也站上了月球大地。 Inconceivable, was really inconceivable this first Chinese that mounted Moon, was used together two inconceivable, expresses at this moment shock in heart. “不可思议,真是太不可思议了”这位第一名登上月球华人,连用了两次不可思议,来表达此时此刻自己心中的震撼。 Stands looks up to Earth in Moon, that homeland seems like spheroid of one group of illumination, is reflecting the brilliance of bright eye, entire Cosmos, till is overshadowed. If did not see with own eyes, is really unable to imagine. In this from sky on nearer moon, instead actually cannot see a star. 站在月球仰望地球,那个家园就好像是一团发光的球体,反射着亮眼的光彩,就连整个宇宙,都为止黯然失色。如果不是亲眼见到,实在是无法想象。在这距离“天空”更近的月亮上,反而却看不到一颗星星。 Two astronauts set up the Country of Xin national flag in the Moon surface, and took a group souvenir photo. 两名宇航员将新国的国旗插在了月球的表面,并合影留念。 The live broadcast stops. 直播到此为止。 After completing moon landing, they will disassemble on rocket to load 50 tons commodity, builds a simple moon ice prospecting pit in the ice layer, and life unit of simple and easy that fixes in the Moon surface, and removes touchdown target nearby geology information and meteorite event information of unmanned Moon car(riage) to conduct about one investigation. 完成登月活动后,他们将拆卸火箭上装载50吨物资,在冰层上建立一个简单月球冰钻探井,以及一个固定在月球表面的简易的生活单元,并排除无人月球车对着陆点附近的地质信息、陨石活动信息进行近一步勘查。 Afterward two [The Star Ring 4] rocket, will bring 20 companions for them, as well as total 100 tons equipment and living materials. In the future day, Star Ring Trading will launch [The Star Ring 4] at Moon every month, sends to the supplies and production equipment for these pioneer Colonist, completes till Space Elevator. 随后的两艘星环4号火箭,将为他们带来20名同伴,以及共计100吨的设备和生活物资。往后的日子里,星环贸易每月都会向月球发射一枚星环4号,为这些先驱殖民者送去补给和生产设备,直到太空电梯建成为止。 After [The Star Ring 4] launches is successful, second rocket is also pushed up the discharger. 就在星环4号发射成功后,第二枚火箭也被推上了发射架。 Has the successful precedent, everyone in this chapter of control center, performance three days ago confident many. 有着成功的先例在,这回指挥中心内的所有人,表现的都要比三天前信心十足的多。 After witnessing the success landing of first moon landing rocket, Jiang Chen has served the purpose of testimony history, left this Country of Xin southernmost island. 目睹了第一枚登月火箭的成功着陆后,江晨已经达到了见证历史的目的,离开了这座新国最南端的小岛。 When he returns to Koro Island, the holiday aura on island is still very thick. 当他回到科罗岛时,岛上的节日气息依旧很浓。 Many tourists are because this Moon Colonization Plan that” fills to laugh uproariously, has no fear of great distances to arrive in this southern China island. The small merchants and big markets seized the opportunity in abundance, organizes the activity, sells with the aerospace related doll, peripheral, souvenir, the entire country project successful day, regarded the holiday to celebrate. 不少游客都是因为这个充满噱头的“月球殖民计划”,不远万里来到这个南国小岛上。小商贩和大商场们纷纷抓住了商机,又是办活动,又是卖和航天有关的公仔、周边、纪念品,将整个国家项目成功的日子,当成了节日在庆祝着。 Seizes the opportunity, not only these ordinary merchants. 抓住商机的不只是这些普通商人。 The Future Technologies affiliated Virtual Reality Net roaming, Divine Grade Continent opened special prize instance dungeon Guanghan Palace (Moon Palace) on the same day, the player doubted the income to turn time in instance dungeon, and may through the jade rabbit that striking to kill demon, brushed to the expensive moon landing commemorating equipment. 未来人科技旗下虚拟实境网游,神级大陆同日开放了特别奖励副本广寒宫,玩家在副本中打怪收益翻倍,并可通过击杀魔化的玉兔,刷到昂贵的登月纪念装备。 After landing the moon to be successful three days, Future Biology affiliated nutrition mixture, was follows made astronaut with, used the portraits of two astronauts to represent as the product directly, and took „the Moon person to drink reached an agreement for the message, the fire then north next door China big Jiangnan. 就在登月成功后的三天,未来人生物旗下的营养合剂,也是紧随其后地打出了“航天员同款”,直接以两名宇航员的肖像为产品代言,并以“月球人喝了都说好”为广告词,火便了隔壁华国的大江南北。 As the saying goes, is entered thriftily extravagantly easy, is entered extravagantly thriftily difficult. Lived the luxurious life, lived on the ordinary life again, somewhat was uncomfortable from various significances. 常言道,由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。过惯了奢侈的生活,再过上普通的生活,从各种意义上都有些难受。 Jiang Chen confessed oneself are the person who can feel at ease whatever the circumstances, but this time stayed for three days in the dormitory in aerospace launching center, he then fondly remembered to live in the life in mansion. Although can cross over to Last of Days like that but in that person many ear mixed places, he not good use the ability on momentarily enjoying. 江晨自认自己是个能随遇而安的人,但这次在航天发射中心的宿舍里才住了三天,他便怀念起了住豪宅里的生活。虽然能够随时穿越末世那般,但在那种人多耳杂的地方,他又不太好将能力用在享受上。 After returning to Koro Island, Jiang Chen first went home to take a bath, rested for day. 回到科罗岛上后,江晨先回家洗了个澡,休息了一天。 Next day, Jiang Chen had an early bed. 次日,江晨起了个早床。 Finished eating Ayesha after he prepared the good breakfast, he then drives to go out, has not gone to Future Building, but went to Presidential Palace. 吃完阿伊莎为他准备好的早餐后,他便开车出了门,没有去未来人大厦,而是去了一趟总统府 For serveral days, President Zhang may be the diplomatic issue works hard a lot. First is the petroleum plant, is Moon Colonization Plan, Future Group and Star Ring Trading a series of movements, made many trouble to the Country of Xin government. 这些天来,张总统可没少为外交问题操劳。先是石油植物,接着又是月球殖民计划,未来人集团星环贸易的一系列动作,给新国政府着实惹来了不少麻烦。 For example, some world famous environmental organization request, Country of Xin must restrain the domestic enterprise in the research of genetic engineering domain, the large-scale planter has not passed through for a long time the transgenic crops of clinical trial arbitrarily, possibly causes the ecological crisis. If the Country of Xin government does not plan to confirm its security, at least must provide the Petroleum Palm Tree code to the international community, escorts to Europe, is appraised it by the professional is whether safe 比如,某国际知名环保组织要求,新国必须约束国内企业在基因工程领域的研究,擅自大规模种植没有经过长时间临床试验的转基因作物,可能导致生态危机。如果新国政府不打算验证其安全性,至少得向国际社会提供石油棕榈的代码,送往欧洲,由专业人士鉴定其是否安全 These are also normal, so long as related to demanded the code, many can see the shadows of certain countries from the back. 这些都还算是正常,只要涉及到索要代码,多少都能从背后看到某些国家的影子。 marvel also in behind. 奇葩的还在后面。 One day ago, United States „the Moon real estate company sues Future Group in Country of Xin, protested that it invades. Violated „the Moon real estate legal assets. 就在一天前,美国月球地产”公司新国起诉未来人集团,抗议其侵.犯了“月球地产”的合法资产。 Speaking of this Moon real estate, was marvel that left behind historically. When Outer Space Treaty method that the company founder Hopp in consulting in 1967 made surprise, all United Nations members signed and agree with outside too Sovereignty of Space body not for any national all, but this/should treaty had not actually stipulated that personal cannot have the outer space photostar, therefore declared itself to moon and Solar System another 8 planets and their satellites property rights. 说到这个“月球地产”,也算是一个从历史上遗留下来的奇葩了。公司的创始人霍普在查阅1967年制定的外层空间条约法时意外发现,所有联合国成员都签署并同意外太空天体的主权不为任何一个国家所有,但该条约却没规定私人不可以拥有外太空星体,所以宣称了自己对月亮和太阳系另外八颗行星及它们卫星的“所有权”。 The Country of Xin court rejected certainly their lawsuit, the Future Group attorney on personal Social Account, suggested the person who these create a scene has a look at the brain branch. 新国法院当然是驳回了他们诉讼,未来人集团的律师更是在私人社交账号上,建议这些无理取闹的人去看看脑科。 Did not say that Country of Xin did not acknowledge the document that they put out, they sued the objects to make a mistake. 不说新国根本不承认他们拿出的文件,他们连起诉对象都搞错了。 Moon landing is not Future Group, but is Star Ring Trading. 登月的不是未来人集团,而是星环贸易 Although two company secret shareholders are the same people. 虽然两家公司的幕后股东都是同一个人。 Sometimes the media report also to mess up occasionally to be continued 有时候媒体进行报道也偶尔会搞混未完待续
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