IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#849: Setting sail Colonist

Entire Moon Colonization Plan is divided three steps. 整个月球殖民计划分为三步。 To show the Star Ring Trading aerospace strength to the public, the entire colonizing process will conduct 24 hours of track live broadcast in the official site to the entire world. 为了向公众展现星环贸易航天实力,整个殖民过程会在官网上向全世界进行24小时跟踪直播。 Moon landing rocket named [The Star Ring 4] that first launches, is Star Ring Trading load-carrying capacity biggest delivery rocket. As moon landing use rocket, unlike other Star Ring series rocket, what it adopts is the normal rocket similar Level 3 advancement pattern. But as rocket, it will carry the tools, materials, some daily necessities as well as two pilots Colonist construction base. 首先发射的登月火箭名为星环4号,为星环贸易载重量最大的运载火箭。作为登月用途火箭,与星环系列其它火箭不同,它采取的是与正常火箭相似的三级推进模式。而作为火箭,它将携带殖民者修建基地的工具、材料、部分生活用品以及两名驾驶员。 For arrival of this day, Kelvin and other staff in numerous aerospace launching center, have prepared for a long time too is too long. 为了这一天的到来,克尔温等一众航天发射中心的工作人员,已经准备了太久太久。 In launching center, not only staff, but also is standing the reporter of various large plate and three-dimensional media, from United Nations aerospace division, US , France, magnificent, Russia , UK and other country's of observers, as well as Future Group Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen. 发射中心内,不只是工作人员们,还站着各大平面、立体媒体的记者,来自联合国航天司、美、法、华、俄、英等国的观察员,以及未来人集团董事长江晨 Issuance of order when ignites, under being a focus of public attention, the thick fog disseminates rapidly from the decoy launching. Holds a long path, the [The Star Ring 4] carrying/sustaining the hope and pride of entire Country of Xin people, flew to the deep blue sky. 当点火的命令下达,在万众瞩目之下,浓雾从发射场迅速弥散开来。托着一道长长的轨迹,星环4号承载着全新国人民的希望与自豪,飞向了碧蓝的天空。 The moon landing is the long waiting process. 登月是个漫长的等待过程。 After rocket launch, along the straight line does not fly to Moon, the midway also to undergo several orbital transfers. 火箭发射后并不是沿直线飞向月球,中途还要经过几次轨道变换。 What [The Star Ring 4] first enters is the standby track, this is surrounds the Earth circular track, the spaceship operates like the satellite here. Two pilots conduct various inspections to the spaceship, confirmed after all equipment are normal, decides whether sets out to Moon. If there is problem, then returns to Earth, cancels the launch. 星环4号首先进入的是待机轨道,这是环绕地球的圆形的轨道,飞船在这里像卫星一样运行。两名驾驶员对飞船进行各项检查,确认一切设备正常后,决定是否向月球进发。如果出现问题,便返回地球,取消发射。 Everyone's heart mentioned the throat, the vision locks on dead ahead holographic screen stubbornly, as well as that surrounds Earth green. 所有人的心都提到了嗓子眼,目光死死地锁定在正前方的全息屏幕上,以及那个环绕地球的绿点。 After several hours of waiting, on the standby track transmitted normally all.” Feedback. 数个小时的等待后,待机轨道上传来了“一切正常。”的反馈。 Kelvin relented with a sense of relief, wipes under the palm perspiration, the sinking sound ordered. 克尔温如释重负地松了口,擦了下手心的汗,沉声下令道。 [The Star Ring 4] all normal, sets out to Moon!” 星环4号一切正常,向月球进发!” Receives.” “收到。” After receiving the order of Ground Command Center, [The Star Ring 4] operates for one -and-a-half weeks on the standby track, third stage rocket ignited again, stresses the time, entered the trans-lunar trajectory at a about 11 kilometers second of speed. 接到地面指挥中心的命令后,“星环4号”在待机轨道上运行一周半,三级火箭再次点火,抓准了时机,以近11千米秒的速度进入奔月轨道。 Till this, the entire launch plan has succeeded the larger part. 到这为止,整个发射计划已经成功了一大半。 Kelvin relaxes, wiped under the sweat on cheeks. 克尔温松了口气,抹了下脸颊上的汗水。 Obviously what strenuous has not done exactly, he actually felt that the whole body soaked. 明明什么费力的活都没做,他却感觉浑身都湿透了。 The reporters of major media go forward, carry the camera and microphone interview him. However he beckons with the hand, the opportunity of speaking gave own assistant, walked to the direction of lounge. 各大媒体的记者纷纷上前,扛着摄像机和话筒上来采访他。不过他只是摆了摆手,将发言的机会交给了自己的助手,向休息室的方向走了过去。 Congratulates you, Mr. Jiang, until now, the launch program is very smooth. If following 60 in many hours does not have the accident/surprise, you will become the world's second successfully to send to the Moon country humanity.” Arrived in front of Jiang Chen's, United Nations specially appointed observer Henry is smiling putting out a hand. “恭喜你,江先生,到现在为止,发射程序都很顺利。如果接下来的六十多个小时里不出现意外,你们将成为世界上第二个成功将人类送上月球的国家。”走到了江晨的面前,联合国的特派观察员亨利微笑着伸出了手。 Since Star Ring Trading launched first rocket, because he Country of Xin frequent aerospace activity was based on Koro Island. From the beginning he has the complaint, but Jiang Chen here delicious tasty is supplying him, he pours the words that could not say anything to complain. In the two years later, person fat many, he was also used to it in the life of Country of Xin. 自从星环贸易发射了第一枚火箭之后,他就因为新国频繁的航天活动而常驻在了科罗岛上。一开始他对此还是颇有怨念,不过江晨这里好吃好喝的供着他,他倒也说不出什么抱怨的话。这两年下来,人胖了不少,他也习惯了在新国的生活。 After Penglai City completion, he bought a house above simply, planned after retiring, did not return to New York simply, settled down directly here. 蓬莱市竣工之后,他干脆在上面买了套房子,打算退休之后干脆不回纽约了,直接定居在这里。 It can be said that he is looks Country of Xin aerospace arrived at present lunar manned landing this step from the start. Did not discuss regardless the standpoint, he heartfeltly is Star Ring Trading feels happy. 可以说,他是看着新国航天从起步走到了如今载人登月这步。抛开立场不谈,他是由衷地为星环贸易感到高兴。 Taking advantage of your auspicious words.” Jiang Chen said with a smile, looked at eye these to face up to the chart to break through the reporters who the bodyguard intercepted, then also said,ate anything together, “借你吉言。”江晨笑着说道,看了眼那些正视图突破保镖拦截的记者们,然后接着又说道,“一起吃点什么吧,从早上到现在我一粒米都没进。” I am also.” Henry said with a smile, moved toward the cafeteria with Jiang Chen together. “我也是。”亨利笑着说道,与江晨一同走向了食堂。 Because the foreign guest are quite many, the staff in cafeteria were also the ultra level display made a sumptuous dinner. Jiang Chen saw that the people of United States delegation sit in the corner, the big mouth chews this pork chop and fried shrimp also to have the ham, while is discussing the launch of today's Star Ring Trading. 因为外宾比较多,食堂的工作人员也是超水准发挥地做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。江晨看到美国代表团的人坐在角落,一边大口嚼这猪排、炸虾还有火腿,一边谈论着今天星环贸易的发射工作。 Obviously, they were so smooth regarding the launch of Star Ring Trading, were shocked. 很显然,他们对于星环贸易的发射如此顺利,感到了震惊。 Although they successful delivered Moon from Earth in the 60 age, but from Apollo 1 of failure to 11 th, they successfully achieved this. Actually these put in how much sweat and sacrifices, to have the budget, only then they were clear. 虽然他们在六十年代就成功将人从地球送上了月球,但从失败的阿波罗1号一直到11号,他们才成功做到了这点。这其中究竟付出了多少汗水、牺牲、还有预算,只有他们自己才清楚。 However the moon landing most difficult several barriers, so relaxed overcame by Star Ring Trading, when this makes them shock also deeply feels depressed. 然而登月最困难的几个障碍,都被星环贸易如此“轻松”地逾越,这让他们震惊之余也不由深感沮丧。 Perhaps just like the Ministry of National Defense official to them disclosed that Star Ring Trading has been in the lead in the ballistic missile technology in United States, but delivery rocket is just another manifestation of this scientific-technological superiority. 或许正如国防部的官员向他们透露的,星环贸易在导弹技术上已经领先于美国,而运载火箭只不过是这种科技优势的另一种表现形式而已。 After using up the dinner, Jiang Chen met with US , France, magnificent, Russia , UK and other country's of respectively the representatives. Regardless of the standpoint how, they also first extended the congratulation to him. However at the same time, these representatives from various countries also inquired the next plan of Star Ring Trading. 用完了晚餐后,江晨分别会见了美、法、华、俄、英等国的代表。无论立场如何,他们也都首先向他表示了祝贺。不过与此同时,这些来自各国的代表也询问了星环贸易的下一步计划。 The information that can disclose, Jiang Chen said frankly. 能透露的情报,江晨都直言不讳地说了。 Involves the enterprise secret content as for these, Jiang Chen is how regardless of the opposite party makes a veiled attack asked that also did not disclose the half a point. 至于那些涉及企业机密的内容,江晨则是无论对方怎么旁敲侧击地问,也绝不透露半分。 Until ten o'clock, the reporters of major media linger in the reception hall in launching center as before. Has not spent time For these days he will treat on this island, until entire launched mission to complete. 直到十点钟,各大媒体的记者依旧徘徊在发射中心的接待厅内。没有将时间花在这些记者身上,江晨来到了工作人员为他安排的宿舍。这几天他都会待在这座岛上,直到整个发射任务完成。 The moment of this testimony history, how could did he miss? 这见证历史的一刻,他岂能错过了? The representatives in other countries also think that turned down Star Ring Trading for the hotel that they arranged, the want work personnel for them arranged the dormitory. Even if lodging environment simple and crude, but no one complained. 其它国家的代表也是这么想的,纷纷推掉了星环贸易为他们安排的酒店,要求工作人员为他们安排宿舍。哪怕住宿环境简陋了些,但却没有任何人抱怨。 Next day, [The Star Ring 4] shuttles back and forth in jet black space, third stage rocket has extinguished, the speed is getting more and more slow. In the travel to the earth-moon transfer orbit center-section, the speed has dropped to 3 kilometers second, 第二天,“星环4号”在漆黑的空间内穿梭,三级火箭已经熄灭,速度越来越慢。在行驶至地月转移轨道中段时,速度已降至三千米秒, Third day, [The Star Ring 4] third stage rocket ignites, enters the Moon capture orbit. 第三天,“星环4号三级火箭重新点火,进入月球捕捉轨道。 By this time, [The Star Ring 4] had arrived to the Moon recent point, 到了这时,“星环4号”已经抵达离月球最近的点, However it has not started to land immediately. At this time its speed is quite fast, needs to raise in the track of oval-shape several times, from 12 hours of track falls the axle to 127 minutes of track, then can start to land. 然而它并没有立刻开始着陆。此时它的速度相当快,需要在椭圆形的轨道上调相数次,从12小时轨道降轨至127分钟轨道,然后才能开始着陆。 astronaut on Ground Command Center and rocket , before welcomed the distance landed , the most crucial time! 地面指挥中心火箭上的航天员,也都迎来了距离着陆前最关键的时刻! If the speed control of rocket were not good at this time, not a careful rocket very easy de-orbit, but the remaining fuels are not enough to revise the track, the final result is rocket entire turns into uncontrolled space trash, the astronaut can only lie down Hibernation Cabin, waits for many years later the engineering factor permitted, was picked the conclusion dormancy by the later generation again. 如果这时候火箭的速度控制不好,一个不小心火箭就很容易脱离轨道,而剩下的燃料又不足以修正轨道,最终的结果就是火箭整个变成不受控制的“太空垃圾”,宇航员只能躺进休眠仓,等待多年后技术条件允许了,再被后人捡回来结束休眠。 However the lucky matter, accidental/surprised has not appeared. 不过幸运的事,意外并没有出现。 According to the track that Quantum Computer calculates, [The Star Ring 4] successfully hit the scheduled lunar landing point. 按照量子计算机计算出的轨道,星环4号成功撞击了预定的月面着陆点。 Lasted 60 seven hours. 历时六十七小时。 That flash when the Moon dust raises, all staff including Kelvin, as well as United Nations aerospace division and US , France, magnificent, Russia , UK and other country's of the observers, all shakes the fist and applaud, unrestrainedly cheers. 月球尘扬起的那一瞬间,包括克尔温在内的所有工作人员,以及联合国航天司和美、法、华、俄、英等国的观察员,全都情不自禁地挥拳、鼓掌、为之喝彩。 Even if there is different nationalities, but in this moment, they by a humanity status, looks up to humanity to advance to the galaxy the first step. To be continued. 哪怕有着不同的国籍,但在这一刻,他们是以一名人类的身份,仰望着人类迈向星河的第一步。未完待续。
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