IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#848: Moon landing project

Has not disappointed Jiang Chen's to expect, Future Heavy Industry graphene research institute drew up the solution, him devised that float type planted Tateda to become the reality. 没有辜负江晨的期望,未来人重工石墨烯研究所拿出了解决方案,将他构想中的那种漂浮式种植田变成了现实。 floating farm of 100 place hundred mu area floats in the Penglai City south-west sea area, falls the graphene cable in sea to be connected by, given mutual, each floating farm steady like flat land, cannot feel the tide to have jolting of ebb tide. 一百座百亩面积的浮田漂浮在蓬莱市的西南部海域,彼此之间由一条条坠在海中的石墨烯缆绳相连,在相互的牵引下,每一座浮田都稳如平地,根本感受不到潮起潮落的颠簸。 All the sap of output, on the staff after by floating farm collects, pour into the designated area, through the graphene pipeline of interpenetration, transports these sap to the oil tank, waits for the oil tanker to transport to the refinery situated in Mindanao Island it, processes industrial chemicals that the fuel as well as other petroleum can produce. 所有产出的树汁,由浮田上的员工采集后倒入指定区域,通过相互贯通的石墨烯管道,将这些树汁输送到储油罐中,等待油轮将其运往位于棉兰老岛的炼油厂,加工成燃油以及其他石油所能生产的化工原料。 Yes, although does not plan to construct plantation externally, but the industry of refinery high pollution, Jiang Chen did not mind the share gives own ally. The Country of Moro industrial background is very thin, half of finances depend entirely on the Future Mining development that several mining areas, Santos look forward to Jiang Chen to cover these high pollution factories to oneself. 是的,虽然不打算将种植园建在国外,但炼油厂这种高污染的产业,江晨还是不介意分享给自己的盟友。摩洛国的工业底子很薄,一半的财政全靠未来人矿业开发的那几个矿区,桑托斯巴不得江晨将这些高污染的工厂全都盖到自己这边来。 On the one hand can solve the employment, on the one hand can also promote the tax revenue. 一方面可以解决就业,一方面还能提升税收。 Manages it dirty, first filling was saying the belly! 管它污不污,先把肚子给填饱了在说! Then, from Penglai City to Mindanao Island, formed a relatively complete petroleum industry chain. From the petroleum product of Mindanao Island production, will lose through Davao Port to Ange Island as well as Xin-Ma Special Region, support the local chemical industry, food, clothing and other enterprise in the petroleum demands, but unnecessary petroleum exits to give China. 就这样,从蓬莱市棉兰老岛,形成了一条相对完整的石油产业链。从棉兰老岛生产的石油产品,将通过达沃港输向安加岛以及新马特区,支持当地化工、食品、制衣等企业的石油需求,而多余的石油则出口给华国 At present, the Mindanao Island refinery, is Penglai City plan over a hundred mu marine plantation, during construction. 目前,无论是棉兰老岛的炼油厂,还是蓬莱市规划中的上百亩的海上种植园,都处在建设当中。 According to the appraisal of finance department, once this petroleum industry chain completes, will be Future Group will bring at least the 20 billion Xin Dollar direct profit every year, and will reverse the Country of Xin industry to be restrained the present situation in international crude oil market thoroughly. 根据财务部的评估,一旦这条石油产业链完成,将为未来人集团每年带来至少两百亿新元的直接利润,并且彻底扭转新国工业受制于国际原油市场的现状。 ...... …… After hearing Future Group found the new way of solution energy crisis, various countries to Koro Island send oneself researcher. In name exchanges the experience, then in fact is doing everything possible wants from the Future Group hand, gets so far as this Petroleum Palm Tree D NAC code, best to be able also to engage in the breeding technique. 听闻未来人集团找到了解决能源危机的新途径后,各国纷纷向科罗岛派来了自己的研究员。名义上是交流经验,实际上则是想方设法的想从未来人集团手中,弄到这种石油棕榈的dna代码,最好是能把育种技术也搞到手。 Bright dark, various countries also used the skills. 明的暗的,各国也都是使出了浑身解数。 However these were sent the researchers who Country of Xin comes, let alone was the Future Group researcher exchanges to experience, even the person have not been seeing. 然而这些被派到新国来的研究人员,别说是和未来人集团的研究员交流经验了,连人都没见着。 Regardless of they put out anything academic borderless and for entire humanity the reason, guards Future Building entrance Star Ring Trading soldier, remains unmoved completely. 无论他们搬出什么“学术无国界”、“为了全人类”的理由,看守未来人大厦门口的星环贸易士兵,都完全不为所动。 As for these is dark spy, does not encounter counterattacking of Specter Agent without exception. The plot deports lightly, the circumstance direct secret processes seriously. Although foreign activity compared with CIA with Mossad these slippery customers, but conducts the anti- spy event in the boundaries, home advantage that the high tech brings, the National Security protection of entire Country of Xin is like the iron bucket. 至于那些暗着来的间谍,也无一例外不遭到了幽灵特工的反制。情节较轻地驱逐出境,情节严重地直接秘密处理掉。虽然境外活动比不过ia摩萨德那些老油条,但在境内进行反间谍活动,高科技带来的主场优势,将整个新国国家安全保护的向铁桶一样。 Although used the skills not to ask for the advantage, but various countries have not obviously given up. 虽然使出了浑身解数也讨不到好处,但各国明显没有放弃。 And Switzerland started out 2 billion USD to purchase the D NAC code directly the pricetag, but Jiang Chen looked that had not looked threw into the intention statement the basket. Let alone this price underestimated seriously, to/clashes your NATO status, was impossible to sell to you. 其中瑞士直接开出了二十亿美元收购dna代码的价码,但江晨看都没看就把意向书扔进了纸篓里。别说这个价严重低估了,就冲你北约的身份,也不可能卖给你。 Mobil Oil Corporation is the private enterprise, the opened price is relatively high, achieved 3.7 billion USD. However even if this number, is still far lower than Jiang Chen to the estimate value that this technology makes. 美孚石油公司是私人企业,开的价相对高一点,达到了三十七亿美元。然而纵使是这个数字,依旧是远低于江晨自己对这项技术做出的估值。 In China Liu Family, is interested in this gadget, makes a veiled attack inquired that Jiang Chen does have the plan of cooperation. 就连在华国柳家,也对这玩意儿感了兴趣,旁敲侧击地询问江晨有没有合作的打算。 You, if lacks, here just has the place.” In the telephone, Prime Minister Liu said with a laugh. “你们要是缺地的话,我们这里刚好有地。”电话中,柳相国笑呵呵地说道。 Ok, we can be lower than the pricing of OPEC to export the crude oil to you relatively, as for this Petroleum Palm Tree related technology, you do not think, I am impossible to sell.” Jiang Chen punctured his wishful thinking to say directly. “行了,我们可以以相对低于欧佩克的定价向你们出口原油,至于这石油棕榈的相关技术,你就别想了,我是不可能卖的。”江晨直接戳穿了他的小心思说道。 Is because you just have the place, therefore cannot sell to you. Future Group only advantage technically, if this technology selling, any slightly big point land locked country can by own land area, come out to plant this Petroleum Crop with several million mu casually. 就是因为你刚好有地,所以才不能卖给你。未来人集团唯一的优势就在技术上,要是把这技术给卖了,任何稍大点的内陆国家都能够凭借自己的国土面积,随随便便拿个几千万亩出来种这石油作物 In marine, on the land, did not have the technical superiority, this also competes! 一个在海上,一个在陆地上,没了技术优势,这还竞争个屁啊! Jiang Chen has not been short of money to sell in the share of technology. 江晨还没缺钱到要卖技术的份上。 „Didn't a face say?” Prime Minister Liu installs the muddled say/way. “一点情面都不讲?”柳相国装糊涂道。 Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江晨呵的一声笑道。 Does business, what face but also spoke?” “做生意,还讲什么情面?” Prime Minister Liu how the tongue is shaking the head, the secretly thought was a pity. 柳相国咋着舌摇了摇头,暗道可惜了。 Has to do with Future Group such for a long time, he is also understands Jiang Chen this person was similar. He is very clear, Jiang Chen spoke such absolutely the words, that did not plan that gives him a point to read thinks. Said again in this issue will not have any result, will get into a deadlock two relations on the contrary. 未来人集团打交道这么久,他也算是把江晨这个人了解的差不多了。他很清楚,江晨把话说得这么绝对,那就是不打算给他一点念想。再在这个问题上说下去也不会有任何结果,反倒会把两家的关系闹僵。 Did not say these, what new positive result did you do on Outer Space recently? That outer space Colonization Plan...... are you earnest?” “不说这些了,你们最近是不是在外层空间上搞什么新名堂?那个太空殖民计划……你们是认真的?” Although is the chatting tone, but Jiang Chen can feel Old Man willow the probe in language. 虽然是闲聊的口吻,但江晨能感觉到柳老头语中的试探。 However regarding this matter, he has not planned to do to conceal actually, frank said/tunnel. 不过对于这件事儿,他倒是没打算做隐瞒,直言不讳地道。 Right, my first city called anything to think.” “没错,我连第一个城市叫什么都想好了。” oh? hehe, this is not considered as that what secret.” Prime Minister Liu smiles kindly, said with the elder tone, disclosed.” 哦?呵呵,这个不算是什么机密吧。”柳相国和蔼地笑了笑,用长者地口吻道,“透露透露呗。” Guanghan City.” Jiang Chen said similarly with a smile. 广寒市。”江晨同样笑着说道。 ...... …… Guanghan City, acquires fame Guanghan Palace (Moon Palace) in fairytale. 广寒市,得名于神话故事中的广寒宫 As the name suggests, this Star Ring Trading outer space Colonization Plan first point, is Moon. 顾名思义,这星环贸易的太空殖民计划的第一环,便是月球 The construction of Guanghan City can launch with Space Elevator synchronously, after Space Elevator completes, after the transportation cost falls, then expands the Moon city scale to be able, not to need to routinely , after Space Elevator finishes, starts. 广寒市的建造可以与太空电梯同步展开,等到太空电梯建成之后,运输成本降下来后,再扩大月球城市的规模便可,没必要非得按部就班地等到太空电梯完工后再开始。 Colonizes Moon to have very strong practical significance. 殖民月球具有很强的现实意义。 Besides implication rich titanium, manganese, chrome tanning metal and Rare Earth Resources, what is most essential is Helium-3 on Moon! 除了蕴含丰富的钛、锰、铬金属和稀土资源外,最关键的是月球上的氦3 Controlled on Moon rich Helium-3, Future Group will be relying on the controllable nuclear fusion technology, after the Material Science revolution that graphene led, started the energy revolution tide again! 掌控了月球上储量丰富的氦3,未来人集团将凭借着可控核聚变技术,继石墨烯引领的材料学革命之后,再次掀起能源革命的浪潮! After the Ange Island astronaut training center completes, Star Ring Trading had once launched Moon Detector, seeks to bury moon ice under soil layer, by determining the Colony touchdown target. 早在安加岛航天员训练中心建成后,星环贸易就曾发射过月球探测器,寻找掩埋在土层之下的月球冰,以确定殖民地的着陆点。 Very lucky, in over 100 km in diameter crater, Moon Detector found the moon ice reservoir. The proven reserves over 56 million tons, distribute in 500 meters to 1000 meters moon dirt. 很幸运,在一座一百的环形山中,月球探测器找到了月球冰的储集层。以探明储量在5600万吨以上,分布于500米至1000米的月壤中。 After Kelvin reported this news to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen orders immediately, launch moon landing rocket, sending the aerospace volunteer to land Moon, took the first step of this outer space colonizing.( To be continued.) 克尔温将这个消息报告给江晨后,江晨立刻下令,发射登月火箭,派遣航天志愿者登陆月球,迈出了这太空殖民的第一步。(未完待续。)
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