IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#847: Marine plantation

Arrived at Penglai City already nearly one year. 来到蓬莱市已经快一年了。 Zhou Qiang has not thought, his hā hā worker life, really also has to become one day of 1 million wealthy man painstakingly. 周强怎么也没想到,他这条苦哈哈的工人命,竟然也有成为百万富翁的一天。 2017 that little while, prompted by family member, he walks the online recruitment, comes Country of Xin to work from China. That little while Penglai City is just constructing, with mental that a good physique and bears hardships and stands hard work, he sent in the deck working party to work as the labor. 17年那会儿,在家里人的怂恿下,他走网上招聘,从华国新国这边打工。刚好那会儿蓬莱市正在施工,凭着一副好身板和吃苦耐劳的精神,他被调进了甲板作业队当工。 The name sounds very on big, actually every day the dry/does work throws box toward the water, all right helps the tender unload cargo, that or follows to maintain cleanliness does sanitary work. 名字听起来很高大上,其实每天干的活儿就是往水里扔“箱子”,没事儿的时候帮着补给船卸货,或者跟着保洁的一起搞卫生。 To be honest, that day of until Penglai City being completed, he cannot believe, the project that floats the great city that is he participates from seabed. 说句实话,直到蓬莱市竣工的那天,他都不敢相信,那座从海底浮上来的巨城是他参与的工程。 After Penglai City completes, everyone received a 20,000 USD bonus. Because during the work, performs well, after the deck working party dismisses, he not only becomes one of the Future Heavy Industry formal establishment very much luck, but also when the Penglai City 1 level of household sale, has the opportunity in buying, bought one set of position quite leaning real estate by the 90,000 USD price. 蓬莱市建成之后,所有人都拿到了一笔2万美元的奖金。因为工作期间表现不错,甲板作业队解散后,他不但很幸运地成为了未来人重工正式编制的一员,还在蓬莱市一级户型销售时,获得了内购的机会,以9万美元的价格买下了一套位置比较偏的房产。 Now, this set of 1 level of household market price, has been close to 500,000 USD. 现在,这套一级户型的市价,已经接近50万美元 Moreover does not have the city valuably! 而且还有价无市! Converts native place the words of Renminbi, his asset was also broken 1 million. 换算成老家的人民币的话,他的资产也算是破百万了。 However although, he is so doing the work of basic unit in Penglai City as before. His years of schooling are not high, really could not do other work. 不过虽说是如此,他还是依旧在蓬莱市做着很基层的工作。他文化程度不高,也实在干不了别的活儿了。 In buys in the agreement to have a stipulation, the house that in this set buys although is his asset, but in three years can not hire, in ten years can not hand over the transfer. Must otherwise, he also really want to rent this house, several Xin Dollar, return to one's old home the life of Renminbi...... 内购协议上有一条规定,这套内购的房子虽然算是他的资产,但三年内不得出租,十年内不得转手过户。要不然的话,他还真想把这房子租出去,数着新元,回老家去过人民币的生活…… In this year, he has been the pipeliner, has done the logistics sort, the job movement is separates for several months a pattern. Is good can raise in salary because of the change of station each time, otherwise he really did not determine are oneself falls insanely. 这一年来,他当过管道工,也干过物流分拣,工作变动可谓是隔几个月一个花样。好在每次工作调动都会加薪,否则他真不确定自己是不是得疯掉。 However this company gives his transfer order, was makes him wonder thoroughly. 不过这次公司给他的调令,却是让他彻底纳闷儿了。 Is transferred to Future Biology? Penglai City Petroleum Crop plantation? 调任未来人生物蓬莱市石油作物种植园 He is supposing, this transfer order possibly is because he filled in resume initially time, writes one to do the forest ranger on resume in the native place. However this Penglai City saw the earth rarely, which on looks for plantation to go? 他估摸着,这次调令可能是因为他当初填简历的时候,在简历上写过一条在老家的时候干过护林员。不过这蓬莱市连土都难得看到,上哪儿去找种植园去? Also, what ghost that is Petroleum Crop? 还有,那石油作物是什么鬼? He lived so many years, hears petroleum to be able the type for the first time from the place! 他活了这么多年,还是第一次听说石油能从地里种出来! How long however this question has not been barely alive in him, when he was brought to the operating location, when sees with one's own eyes that in the heart all doubts, transformed the speechless shock. 然而这个疑问并没有在他心里弥留多久,当他被带到工作地点,亲眼看到那一幕时,心中所有的疑惑,都转变成了无言的震惊。 Sees only that rectangular floating farm, does not know that by what material holding, to be floating safely in the sea level. The soil is higher than the sea level enough half meter, has the partition board to protect, preventing the high salinity the ocean waves to hit. 只见那一座座长方形的浮田,也不知道是被什么材料给托着,稳稳当当地漂浮在海面上。土壤高出海平面足足半米,有隔板护着,防止高盐度的海浪打进去。 Zhou Qiang supposed sketchily , such a floating farm length and breadth comes the meter/rice on 200 probably, the area probably about hundred mu. The words of entire palm, such 100 mu place also on the 10,000 column about. Planting trees not to have the farm is so troublesome, is putting, no matter the tree dies rarely, two people manage such piece of floating farm, this work should very not be tired. 周强粗略估摸了下,这么一片浮田长宽大概就两百来米,面积大概百亩左右。全种棕榈树的话,这么一百亩地也就一万柱左右。种树没种地那么麻烦,放着不管树都难得死,两个人管这么一片浮田,这份工作应该不会很累。 Mounted this piece of floating farm, Zhou Qiang took a look at drainage ditch of a encirclement in wall, saw only in that drainage ditch to be full the limpid water, does not know these water were salty or pale. 登上了这片浮田,周强瞅了眼环绕在墙内的沟渠,只见那沟渠中充盈着清澈的水,也不知道那些水是咸的还是淡的。 However if is used to irrigate, wants to come should not be salty. 不过如果是用来灌溉的话,想来应该不会是咸的吧。 Limited to the cultural level, what he does not understand is the semi-permeable membrane technology. However this are not related, the above person does not need them to understand that principle, according to requirement, the palm entire type that the boat drags in can by all means. 受限于文化水平,他不是很懂什么叫半透膜技术。不过这没关系,上头的人也不需要他们明白这其中的原理,只管照着要求,将小船拖来的棕榈树全种进地里便可。 Without after a while, this piece of floating farm on then stood about hundred people. 没过一会儿,这片浮田上便站了百把人左右。 Under leader's greeting, Zhou Qiang follows in others' behind, in this piece of floating farm center, stood a row of crooked formation. 在领导的招呼下,周强跟在别人的后面,在这片浮田的中央,站成了一排歪歪扭扭的队列。 A while Future Biology researcher, how will come to speak these trees should with you to plant, which work every day should do......” “一会儿未来人生物的研究员,会来和你们讲这些树该怎么种,每天该干哪些活儿……” Boss, we will plant trees!” Some people hide in the crowd, shouts at the top of one's voice to be smiling to say. 老板,咱会种树!”有人藏在人群中,扯开嗓子嬉皮笑脸道。 On the oil palm, that gadget I have not planted!” “不就油棕榈吗,那玩意儿我种过!” Does not need University to live to teach us, the seedling sent to us on the line!” “不用大学生教我们,树苗给咱发下来就行了!” Sees these people is not obviously serious his words, that is supporting the leader mouth glance of wholesale market, immediately the volume enhanced several decibels. 见这些人明显没把他的话当回事儿,那挺着啤酒肚的领导嘴巴一瞥,顿时音量提高了几个分贝。 I know before you, has planted the tree, do not suspend a careless appearance with me. I told you, these trees that you later planted, the fruit that tied was not the fruit, that called the gold! A while heard!” “我知道你们以前都种过树,别和我摆个吊儿郎当的样子。我跟你们讲,你们以后种的那些树,结的果子都不是果子,那叫黄金!一会儿都听到了没有!” Gold! 黄金! Everyone stares. 所有人都是一愣。 Although many people think otherwise, but in the eye the impatient mood actually sweeps away, gradually became fiery. 虽然不少人对此不以为然,但眼中不耐烦的情绪却是一扫而空,渐渐变得火热了起来。 This does Petroleum Palm Tree really have such fine expensive/noble? 石油棕榈真有这么精贵? Heard!” “听到了!” At this time, wore the jeans and white shirt, the appearance for a part had the young people of culture very much, walked. 这时,一名穿着牛仔裤和白衬衫,扮相很有文化的年轻人,走了过来。 Boss that their are supporting the wholesale market, after seeing this researcher, immediately exhibited the smiling face of flattering, very much politely welcome him to front. Saw only that researcher proficiently to open the total information image function on uture cell phone, clears throat then enters the subject, explained the detail of work to these newly appointed plantation staff. 他们那个挺着啤酒肚的老板,在见到这位研究员后,顿时摆出了讨好的笑容,很客气地将他请到了前面来。只见那研究员熟练地打开了uture手机上的全息图像功能,清了清嗓子便直入正题,向这些新上任的种植园的员工讲解起工作的细节来。 From daily this/should pouring how much water, takes how much oil by each week. How the opening of this bark opens, how this oil takes, each step has tasteful! The listened Zhou Qiang some people are dumbfounded. Originally that several were shouting person who the father can plant trees, at this moment was also a face compels ignorant stupidly in that. 从每天该浇多少水,到每个星期取多少油。这树皮的口子怎么开,这油怎么取,每一个步骤都是有讲究的!听的周强在内的一干人一愣一愣的。原来那几个喊着老子会种树的人,此刻也是一脸懵逼地傻在了那。 After saying, that researcher switched off holographic screen, observed the situation all basic unit staff on the scene. 讲完了后,那名研究员关掉了全息屏幕,环视了一眼在场的所有基层员工。 Also has anything not to understand quickly asked.” “还有什么不懂的赶快问。” The crowd made excuses the half of the day, no one makes a sound. What has not understood, where they from start to ask that is not clear. 人群支支吾吾了半天,没人吱个声出来。什么都没听懂,他们连从哪开始问都不清楚。 Regarding this situation, the researcher obviously is early some expectations, he is also hopeless these people able in such a short time, digested the Petroleum Palm Tree planter skill completely. What he needs is only these people to a planter flow understanding general idea, in the floating farm worker hut is equipped with connects in company the computer of net, can consult the relevant detail of planter. 对于这种情况,研究员显然是早有预料,他也没指望这些人能够在这么短的时间里,将石油棕榈的种植技巧全部消化了。他需要的只是这些人对种植流程了解个大概,浮田的工人小屋内设置有连接公司内网的电脑,可以查阅种植的相关细节。 So long as is willing to study, could not have mastered. 只要肯学,没有搞不懂的。 I hope that you can seriously treat this work.” The researcher pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, looks at everyone saying that from now on you will be divided into the 100 production group, each group of two people, manage hundred mu floating farm. The output first ten production groups, company will give 10- 1 ten thousand Xin Dollar bonuses, provides with the year-end bonus.” “我希望你们能认真对待这份工作。”研究员推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,看着所有人说道,“今后你们会分成一百个生产小组,每组两人,管一座百亩的浮田。产量前十的生产小组,公司将给予十-一万新元不等的奖金,和年终奖一起发放。” These things that I spoke a moment ago, in your dormitories, is in that hut has,” researcher referred to near floating island that iron-covered room, „, if you cannot have, can through the intelligent program inquiry.” “我刚才讲的那些东西,在你们的宿舍,也就是那栋小屋里都有,”研究员指了指浮岛边上的那个铁皮房,“如果你们有不懂的,可以通过智能程序询问。” Time is money, a day starts to produce early, you compared with station by to the competitor is in the lead for day.” “时间就是金钱,早一天开始生产,你们就比站旁边对的竞争对手领先一天。” My words first said in front, the seedling plants does not live, but must deduct the bonus.” “不过我话先说在前头,树苗栽不活,可是得扣奖金的。” The researcher finally emphasized that then looked that to that leadership that is supporting the wholesale market, gave him the time. 研究员最后强调了一句,然后便看向了那个挺着啤酒肚的领导,将时间交给了他。 Understood what is heard!” The leader strained the voice to roar the sound. “都听明白了没有!”那领导扯着嗓门儿吼了声。 Understood what is heard!” “听明白了!” Under the stimulation of bonus, in everyone's eyes is glittering the intense fighting spirit, wishes one could to crash in the dormitory now, holds the computer to gnaw these planter skills crazily. Just like that researcher said that the time is money! A day starts to produce early, they can lead an opponent day of output! 在奖金的刺激下,所有人的眼中都闪烁着强烈的斗志,恨不得现在就冲进宿舍,抱着电脑狂啃那些种植技巧。正如那个研究员所说的,时间就是金钱!早一天开始生产,他们就能领先对手一天的产量! 100,000 Xin Dollar, converts Renminbi, that may be the more than 600,000 Yuan! 十万新元,换算成人民币,那可就是六十多万元! Even two person minutes, a person can still divide to 300,000! 就算是两个人分,一个人也能分到三十万 Bonus so high work, their first sight.( To be continued.) 奖金如此高的工作,他们还是第一次见到。(未完待续。)
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