IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#846: Plants in the sea

The petroleum plant has not been the Future Biology origination. 石油植物并未是未来人生物首创。 In last century 70 age, Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner Melvin Calvin in the Brazil tropical rain forest, discovered named Pará Rubber Tree big often green tree, so long as drills an eye on the tree, can deliver the minor constituents with the diesel oil similar fat liquor. 早在上世纪七十年代,诺贝尔化学奖得主梅尔温卡尔文就巴西的热带雨林里,发现了一种名为“三叶橡胶树”的高大的常绿乔木,只要在树上钻个眼,就能够产出少量成分与柴油相似的油液。 In 1986, United States took the lead to conduct manual planter „the petroleum plant. Afterward, UK , France, day, Brazil, poor|Fei, Russia and other countries also developed „the petroleum plant one after another research and application, build „the petroleum botanical garden and „the petroleum farm and other completely new green petroleum production bases. 1986年,美国率先进行人工种植“石油植物”。随后,英、法、日、巴西、菲、俄罗斯等国也相继开展了“石油植物”的研究与应用,建立起“石油植物园”、“石油农场”等全新的绿色石油生产基地。 However what regrets, till today, this green energy has not obtained the widespread utilization as before. 不过遗憾的是,直到今天为止,这种绿色能源依旧没有得到广泛的运用。 It is not because is not easy-to-use, because of the issue of cost and output. 并不是因为不好用,而是因为成本和产量的问题。 First said the output. 先说说产量。 How many are the Saudi oil offtake? According to data that OPEC published, has surpassed the historical peak value 12,500,000 barrel in Year 2018 this number 沙特的产油量为多少?根据欧佩克组织公布的数据,在2018年这个数字已经超过了历史峰值1250万 Every day! 每天! Yes, every day 12,500,000 barrel! Thinks that what concept this is? 是的,每天1250万桶!想想这是什么概念? With petroleum plant research area relatively leading United States, each hectare petroleum farm years harvest petroleum also about 140 barrels. Calculates toward the wide point, even if its quality is equivalent to 120 barrels of crude oil. But at present the petroleum plant of United States nation also 100,000 hectare, every year productive 12,000,000 barrel. 就拿在石油植物研究领域相对领先的美国来说,每公顷“石油农场”年收获的“石油”也不过才140桶左右。往宽点算,就算它的质量相当于120桶原油。而目前美国全国的石油植物也才十万公顷,每年产油不过1200万桶。 Very direct-viewing data, had shown the issue very much intuitively. 很直观的数据,已经很直观地说明了问题。 The oil offtake of United States nation petroleum plant, but also is less than an OPEC member day of oil offtake. Naturally, is less than a daily oil production of United States State of Texas state. 美国全国石油植物的产油量,还不及欧佩克成员国一天的产油量。当然,也不及美国自己德克萨斯州一个州的日产油量。 Such output, wants to shake the petroleum position, obviously is impractical. 这样的产量,想要撼动石油的地位,显然是不切实际的。 Therefore various countries „the petroleum plant take the energy strategy this type alternative development, farm subsidizes these through various energy and environment policies, making them be insufficient dead. After all no one can reach an agreement, the future will be what appearance. 所以各国都只是将这种“石油植物”作为能源战略的一个备选发展项,通过各种能源、环保政策对这些“农场”进行补贴,使他们不至于死掉。毕竟谁也说不好,未来是个什么样子。 Perhaps really one day, Middle East dug the last drop of oil, perhaps these petroleum plants became the straw to grasp of solution energy crisis hopefully. 没准真的有一天,中东挖完了最后一滴油,这些石油植物没准有希望成为解决能源危机的救命稻草。 Naturally, is merely hopeful. 当然,仅仅是有希望而已。 After all this output was really few! 毕竟这点产量实在是太少了! However the Future Biology laboratory, studies Petroleum Palm Tree actually different. Only needs to delimit together small opening, can have an enough 10 liters sap from the bark undercurrent! One barrel of oil are equivalent to 159 liters, 16 trees can produce one barrel of oil. But this type of sap, one week can collect one time! 然而未来人生物的实验室,研究出来的“石油棕榈”却不同。只需要划上一道小口子,就能从树皮底流出足足十公升的树汁!一桶油相当于159公升,16棵树就能产一桶油。而这种树汁,一个星期就能采集一次! According to one mu place can plant 100 this types Petroleum Palm Tree to calculate, average daily production of one mu place had been close to 1 barrel of oil! 按照一亩地能种100棵这种“石油棕榈”来算,一亩地的平均日产量就已经接近了一桶油! The 100,000 mu is the daily output of 100,000 barrel oil, only needs to plant a 1 million mu this type Petroleum Palm Tree, covers several specifically to be used to refine this type of sap again the refinery. Let alone was the Country of Xin energy need can satisfy, even imported the Great Nation exit|to speak to petroleum of next door, only feared enough! 十万亩就是十万桶油的日产量,只需要种上一百万亩这种“石油棕榈”,再盖上几座专门用于提炼这种树汁的炼油厂。别说是新国的能源需求了可以满足了,就算是向隔壁的石油进口大国出口,只怕都够了! Comes out after the Future Biology laboratory, Jiang Chen orders immediately, at the same time full power the oil palm on purchase market, on the other hand makes Tao Ming urge the laboratory, goes all-out to conduct the differentiation to the oil palm that these purchase and other processing of special method. 未来人生物的实验室出来后,江晨立刻下令,一边全力收购市面上的油棕榈,另一方面让陶明督促实验室,尽全力对这些收购来的油棕榈进行诱导分化等特殊手段的处理。 The former is very easy to do, oil palm plant is the Country of Xin home is very even common in Luzon Island, Mindanao Island and New Guinea. A Jiang Chen telephone hits, Santos without delay, the organization Country of Moro farmer walks into the mountain, drew on the 1 million column oil palm with the truck and tractor to Davao Port, sold to Future Group by the reasonable price. 前者很好办,油棕榈这种植物在吕宋岛棉兰老岛新几内亚甚至是新国国内都很常见。江晨一个电话打过去,桑托斯二话不说,就组织摩洛国的农民进山,用卡车和拖拉机拉了上百万柱油棕榈到达沃港,以合理的价格卖给了未来人集团 This quantity has more than enough to spare regarding commodity rich Mindanao Island, Santos to gain one on the contrary was pleased with oneself. Jiang Chen paid his money less/small saying that also had 20 million USD, but he needs to pay these farmers most did not surpass 1 million. 这点量对于物资丰富的棉兰老岛来说绰绰有余,桑托斯反倒是为赚了一笔而沾沾自喜。江晨付给他的钱少说也有两千万美元,而他需要付给那些农民的最多不超过一百万 Which about these Petroleum Palm Tree types, Jiang Chen after one thinks, gave up the type in the plan of Philippines plantation. 关于这些石油棕榈种在哪,江晨经过一番深思熟虑后,还是放弃了种在菲国种植园的打算。 This type thing, places own country is quite good. Although Philippines has become Star Ring Trading dependency in fact, but the monkeys after all are the bystanders, the Cold War time Japanese and US relations iron, how many five axis linkages hadn't the Japan enterprise sold CNC Machine Tool of russians? 这种好东西,还是放在自己的国家比较好。虽说菲国已经成为了星环贸易事实上的附庸,但猴子们终归是外人,冷战的时候日美关系那么铁,日国企业还不是卖了毛子几台五轴联动的数控机床 In order to guarantee these can the petroleum plant of low cost mass production, all Petroleum Palm Tree probably plant internally, and adult plant producing technique and code must strictly keep secret! Jiang Chen gives these researchers, particularly Bill Sullivan round of so many bonuses, is a seal fee/spent in disguised form. 为了保证这些能够低成本量产的石油植物,所有的石油棕榈必须在国内种植,并且植株培育技术和代码必须严格保密!江晨之所以给这些研究员,尤其是比尔苏里文发这么多奖金,也算是一种变相的封口费。 However the area of this 100,000 mu area not entire Koro Island also hundreds of thousands mu, pull down this area that all houses can push, let alone cultivated 1 million mu Petroleum Palm Tree to become the petroleum exporter. 不过这十万亩的面积可一点都不整个科罗岛的面积也才十几万亩,把所有房子都拆了才能挤的出这面积,更别说培育百万石油棕榈成为石油出口国了。 The Seabed Farm cultivation crops are good, but plants several meters high palm a little is not unscientific. 海底农场培育农作物还行,但种几米高的棕榈树就有点不科学了。 Jiang Chen so worries for the territory area for the first time. 江晨还是第一次如此为领土面积而发愁。 However finally, he found out the solution. 不过最终,他还是想出了解决方案。 By Penglai City, constructs an area and Penglai City almost big plantation. 蓬莱市旁边,建一个面积和蓬莱市差不多大的种植园 These plantation do not need to construct according to the standard of island, only needs to take hundred mu as the unit, completes the length and breadth approximately a respectively 250 meters offshore platform, in the above packing soil, then with the graphene cable these platform connections, forms checkerboard shape marine plantation. 这些种植园没必要按照岛的标准来建,只需要以百亩为单位,建成长宽大约各250米的海上平台,在上面填充土壤,然后用石墨烯缆绳将这些平台连接,形成“棋盘状”的海上种植园 Naturally, wants to turn over to think, can realize specifically must ask this expert in aspect. 当然,想归想,具体能不能实现还得问问这方面的专家。 However Jiang Chen estimated that the difficulty should not be big, at the graphene intensity, withstanding this tidal force should be not too difficult. This float farmland, the cost of disposable investment also certainly many that Seabed Farm is cheaper. 不过江晨估计难度应该不会太大,以石墨烯的强度,承受这点潮汐力应该不算太难。这种漂浮农田,一次性投入的成本也肯定要比海底农场便宜的多。 How as to resist the storms or other severe weather, this gave these Future Heavy Industry technicians to improve. When constructs Penglai City, they had gained in the rich marine construction experience, this small issue to them, the difficulty should very greatly be not right. 至于如何对抗风暴或其他恶劣天气,这就交给那些未来人重工的技术员去完善好了。建造蓬莱市时,他们已经积累了丰富的海上施工经验,这点小问题对于他们来说,难度应该不算很大才对。 In September passed quickly, in October/ten months comes quietly. 九月很快过去了,十月悄然而至。 Compared in a while ago turbulence, in September can be said as well organized, did not have what too big calamity. Turkey Civil War is occupied the winning side by government forces, the peace talks will as if soon then approach. 相较于前段时间的动荡,九月可以说是过的四平八稳,没出什么太大的乱子。土耳其内战已经被政府军占据了上风,和平谈判似乎不久便将来临。 Except that Madagascar Civil War is continuing as before, Ukraine issue because of launching an attack of Russia, but ferments continually, global situation as if also with the Northern Hemisphere soon beginning of winter, but welcomed one to compare the moderate period slightly. 除了马达加斯加内战依旧在继续,乌克兰问题因为俄罗斯的发难而持续发酵,全球局势似乎也随着北半球即将入冬,而稍稍迎来了一段相较缓和的时期。 Naturally, merely is relatively speaking. 当然,仅仅是相对而言。 In the international crude oil market is filling the visible gunsmoke as before, looked that non- insight is controlling this market, making the global economy cast shadow. 国际原油市场上依旧弥漫着看不见的硝烟,一只看不见地手正在左右着这个市场,让全球经济都为之蒙上了一层阴霾。 The Future Group business also came under the influence, but compares in other company internationally, but also was good many. Product of Future Group under Trust pattern while making, is producing the raw material for industry, although the oil price drove the ore, agricultural product and other rises of a series of resource price, but Future Group affects to come from the oil price merely. 未来人集团的业务也受到了影响,不过相较于国际上的其他公司,还算是好的多了。托拉斯模式之下的未来人集团在生产产品的同时,也在生产着工业原料,虽然油价带动了矿石、农产品等一系列资源价格的上涨,但未来人集团所受的影响仅仅来自于油价而已。 For serveral days, the Jiang Chen's life work and rest was very regular, Monday to Friday daytime basically in Future Group Chairman of the Board Office, but on Saturday he will extract for quite a while, went to Koro University to attend class to these lovable students. 这些天来,江晨的生活作息很规律,周一至周五的白天基本上都在未来人集团董事长办公室,而周六他则会抽出半天,去科罗大学给那些可爱的学生们上课。 Did not count on that can make them learn anything, after all comes on the public election class person is also hopeless to study anything, Jiang Chen only hopes, can, change their concepts in this way subtly. 不指望能够让他们学到什么,毕竟来上公选课的人也没指望去学什么,江晨只希望,能通过这种方式,潜移默化地改变他们的观念。 As for other time, he will basically treat that side Last of Days. 至于其余的时间,他基本上会待在末世那边。 The good and evil he is also Marshal, keeping attendance rate regarding the stability morale of troops is very necessary. Even in that management general situation, does not beam with joy must. 好歹他也是元帅,保持“出勤率”对于稳定军心还是很有必要的。就算不在那主持大局,露个脸还是必须的。 Moreover, he also wants to accompany in that side family member. 另外,他也想陪陪在那边的“家人”。 Since the Wanghai City crisis relieves, after the footsteps that presently the world expands start to walk, his Major General energy placed Last of Days very much. Even if as the compensation, he also wants to accompany Sun Jiao and Yao Yao they. Finishes to him, they are in his life very important person. To be continued ^ 自从望海市的危机解除,现世扩张的脚步迈开之后,他就很少将精力放在末世这边了。哪怕是作为补偿,他也希望多陪陪孙娇姚姚她们。毕对于他来说,她们是他生命中很重要的人。未完待续^
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