IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#845: Type from place petroleum

On September 28 the oil price that continued to rise set the record in the same month the maximum increase, closed each barrel of 71 USD, the comparing year ago had turned one time.? 二十八,持续走高的油价创下当月最高涨幅,报收每桶71美元,相较年前已经翻了一倍有余。? <[?( <[?〔 < < ] High oil price to the pressure that the global economy resulted, Jiang Chen also from the Future Heavy Industry financial statement looked. ]高油价对全球经济造成的压力,江晨同样也从未来人重工的财报上看了出来。 Receives influence that the cost rises, Future Heavy Industry the profits of many projects, compared dropped 13% in the previous quarter. Future Biology and Future Mining also came under the influence of small scope, the Future Tourism profit is level with the last season, maintains the rise situation only only has Future Technologies. 受到成本上升的影响,未来人重工的多个项目的利润,都相较上季度同比下降了13%。未来人生物未来人矿业也受到了小幅度的影响,未来人旅游利润则与上季持平,唯一保持上涨态势的只有未来人科技 So long as maintains the technology to be in the lead, Internet like the gold ore that cannot dig. 只要保持着技术领先,互联网就像一座挖不完的金矿。 The petroleum Exporter Organization( OPEC) the same day table stated, the OPEC member will hold the informal meeting in October/ten months in Algeria, the discussion moderate production increase maintains the petroleum steady market. Only when oil price stable in a relatively reasonable sector, can cause the maximum benefits of these oil-producing countries. 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)当天表声明,欧佩克成员国将于十月在阿尔及利亚召开非正式会议,讨论适度增产维持石油市场稳定。只有当油价稳定在一个相对合理的区间内,才能使这些产油国的利益最大化。 If global economy because of oil price, but dispirited, although they can gain one in a short time ruthlessly, but then the petroleum demand withers, their days will become will not feel better. 如果全球经济因为油价而萎靡,虽然他们能在短时间内狠赚一笔,但接下来石油需求萎缩,他们的日子也会变得不好过起来。 However after this/should statement announcement, has not contained the oil price of rise. 然而该项声明公布之后,并没有遏制上涨的油价。 Tesla's executive Elon Musk once had words: The petroleum such precious industrial chemicals, do you actually bring to burn? 特拉斯的老总埃隆·马斯克曾有句话:石油这么珍贵的化工原料,你们竟然拿来烧? The petroleum chemical industry level is to weigh one of the country basic industries show/unfolds level standards, the ethene output is to weigh national petroleum chemical industry a symbol of show/unfolds level. But the fuel function merely is far end a petroleum function, why otherwise to need gasoline to weigh the key industry the show/unfolds level? 石油化工水平是衡量一个国家的基础工业展水平标准之一,乙烯产量是衡量一个国家石油化工的展水平的标志。而燃料功能仅仅是石油最末端的一个功能,要不然干嘛不用汽油来衡量国家基础工业的展水平? Including ethene, propene, butadiene, benzole, toluol and xylol for the basic industrial chemicals of representative, from petroleum! 包括乙烯、丙烯、丁二烯、苯、甲苯、二甲苯为代表的基本化工原料,都是从石油身上来的! The oil price is too high, regarding the emerging economy, truly is a big trouble. 油价太高,对于新兴经济体来说,确实是个不小的麻烦。 However regarding having Jiang Chen of entire 22 century science and technology, this trouble has not imagined is so big. 然而对于坐拥整个22世纪科技的江晨来说,这个麻烦并没有想象中的那么大。 Is petroleum insufficient? That used other thing to replace is good! 石油不够?那就用别的东西代替就好了! At this moment, in the Future Biology laboratory, Jiang Chen entered in the training area with branch company CEO Tao Ming. 此刻,在未来人生物的实验室,江晨随着分公司eo陶明走进了培养区中。 Here invited.” “这边请。” Tao Ming gave the hand signal of invitation, opened the door for Jiang Chen very much respectfully. 陶明做了个请的手势,很恭敬地替江晨打开了门。 The gate opens, the fresh air heads on. 门打开,清新的空气扑面而来。 The circular ceiling is spreading six grid shapes graphene boards, under is piece of experimental plot that a training trough that is separated by composes. Sees only in these training troughs, erect the adult plants of shape being an excellent likeness palms. 圆形的棚顶铺着六网格状的石墨烯板,下方是一片由一座座分隔开来的培养槽组成的试验田。只见在这些培养槽中,正立着一颗颗形状神似棕榈树的植株。 Several researchers regarding the training trough, some are responsible for the data recording, some debuggings experimental device, but also some inspections the growth condition of adult plant. 十几名研究员围绕着培养槽,有的负责记录数据,有的调试着实验器材,还有的检查着植株的生长状况。 After seeing Jiang Chen and research institute Director walks, is leading researcher eyes that experiments team one bright, immediately walks up. 当看到江晨研究所所长走进来后,正带领着实验团队的研究员眼睛一亮,立刻走上前来。 The white man who this wears the white coat looks very high, is very thin, age roughly 50 comes the year the appearance. 这位穿着白大褂的白人男子看上去很高,也很瘦,年龄约莫五十来岁的样子。 This is our Group's Chairman of the Board Mr. Jiang Chen.” Tao Ming to walking the researcher said with a smile, then drew out oneself Jiang Chen. “这位是我们集团的董事长江晨先生。”陶明向走来的这位研究员笑着说道,然后引出了自己身旁的江晨 Knows your Mr. Jiang Chen very much happily, greeting on first meeting your given name.” Sullivan revealed full mouth white teeth with a smile, gripped Jiang Chen's hand operated to swing said. “很高兴认识您江晨先生,久仰您的大名。”苏里文笑着露出了满口白牙,握住了江晨的手摇了摇说道。 Tao Ming introduces present Sullivan Professor to Jiang Chen. 紧接着,陶明江晨介绍起了眼前的苏里文教授 This is we from Massachusetts Institute of Technology invitation Bill Sullivan Professor, the research area is the bio-engineering and gene technology, the main research direction is the petroleum plant, has the authoritative position in the evolved petroleum grass relevant research.” “这位是我们从麻省理工学院聘请的比尔·苏里文教授,研究领域是生物工程与基因技术,主要研究方向是石油植物,在改良型石油草相关研究上有着权威地位。” Similarly knows you very much happily, Sullivan Professor. Thank has your joining, our research subjects went forward a stride.” Returns shakes the hand of Sullivan Professor, Jiang Chen was saying with a smile. “同样很高兴认识您,苏里文教授。感谢有你的加入,我们的研究课题前进了一大步。”回握着苏里文教授的手,江晨笑着说道。 „, Should not be I thanks you.” After loosening the hand, Sullivan shakes the head very much earnestly, looks at Jiang Chen saying that the D NAC code that you provide is interesting, after seeing these materials, puzzled my several issues to be easily solved immediately. I can know that who these codes are bright? If convenient, I hope with his exchange under.” “不不不,应该是我感谢你。”松开手后,苏里文很认真地摇了摇头,看着江晨说道,“贵方提供的dna代码非常有趣,在看到那些资料后,原先困扰我的几个问题顿时迎刃而解。我可以知道那些代码是谁明的吗?如果方便的话,我希望与他交流下。” „, This is somewhat difficult, for various reasons, he is unable temporarily to here.” After Jiang Chen casually this issue deceived, then changed the topic, did not say these, research development how? Under can demonstrate for me?” “呃,这有些困难,因为各种各样的原因,他暂时无法到这边来。”江晨随便将这个问题糊弄了过去后,接着岔开了话题,“不说这些了,研究进展如何?可以为我展示下吗?” Hears Jiang Chen to ask the research development, the Sullivan expression seems quite self-satisfied. 听到江晨问起研究进展,苏里文的表情显得相当得意。 Naturally, my demonstrated for you.” “当然,我这就为您展示。” Then, he has turned around, before bringing Jiang Chen and Tao Ming arrived at one palm, then to the direction of that training trough is spreading out the hand, the smile said. 说完,他转过了身去,带着江晨陶明来到了一株“棕榈树”前,然后对着那个培养槽的方向摊开了手,微笑道。 This is our research results, Petroleum Palm Tree.” “这就是我们的研究成果,石油棕榈。” Saying, Sullivan gestures to the assistant, received the glove to put from his hand, then turned on the training cabin coverglass. 说着,苏里文对助手打了个手势,从他手中接过了手套戴上,然后打开了培养舱的玻璃罩。 In conducts the beautification after D NAC of oil palm, after revising 37 D NAC fragments, after two generations of cultivations, obtained present this named Petroleum Palm Tree the variant oil palm. Reason that called it Petroleum Palm Tree, was the oil that because he produced is not the original palm oil, but was close to 9 o % liquids to the petroleum similarity...... like this.” “在对油棕榈的dna进行修饰之后,修改了37条dna片段后,经过两代培育,得到了现在这株名为‘石油棕榈’的变种油棕榈树。之所以叫它石油棕榈,是因为他产的油已经不是原先的棕榈油,而是与石油相似度接近9o%的液体……就像这样。” Saying, he received the knife from the assistant hand, in the surface of palm, gently a stroke. 说着,他从助手手中接过了小刀,在棕榈树的表面,轻轻地一划。 Astonishing appeared. 惊人的一幕出现了。 Cut the bark merely, that dark-red like the blood sap, then the wound flows off following that say/way! 仅仅是划破了树皮,那暗红色如血液般的树汁,便顺着那道浅浅的伤口流下! Wears the assistant of plastic glove to go forward, met 21 liquids with the beaker, then attained under an instrument, conducted the ingredient appraisal. 戴好塑胶手套的助手上前,用烧杯接了21的液体,然后拿到了一台仪器下,进行了现场的成分鉴定。 Quick, a report swayed in front of Jiang Chen's. 很快,一份报告摆在了江晨的面前。 Although he cannot understand, but Jane had explained various parameters on report for him. 虽然他看不懂,但已经替他解读了报告上的各项参数。 Truly such as Sullivan Professor said that sap that this Petroleum Palm Tree delivered, ingredient truly with petroleum astonishing similar! So long as processing, can obtain slightly even compared with the underground working also wants high-quality petroleum! 确实如苏里文教授所言,这种石油棕榈产出的树汁,成分确实与石油惊人的相似!只要稍加处理,便可得到甚至比地下开采出来的还要优质的石油 From the beginning we attempt through having the fruit, produces this type of liquid. However afterward we present, if will secrete the organization design of petroleum in the parenchyma of adult plant, will reduce the production efficiency greatly. Afterward we deleted related D NAC simply, thoroughly transformed the non- result solid palm it, will then secrete the organ design of petroleum by the conducting tissue, finally we then obtained present this gadget.” Saying, Sullivan Professor was knocking the coverglass outside training trough excitedly, only needs to open a small mouth on the bark, can harvest massive petroleum from the drive pipe under bark!” “一开始我们尝试通过结出的果实,生产这种液体。不过后来我们现,如果将分泌石油的组织设计在植株的营养组织中,将会大大削减生产效率。后来我们干脆删减了相关的dna,将其彻底改造成了不结果实的棕榈树,然后将分泌石油的器官设计在输导组织旁,最后我们便得到了现在这玩意儿。”说着,苏里文教授兴奋地敲了敲培养槽外的玻璃罩,“只需要在树皮上开个小口,就能从树皮下的导管中收获到大量的石油!” Looks that this was also long to have no plant of difference from the palm, the Jiang Chen's expression follows splendidly. 看着这株长得和棕榈树没什么差别的植物,江晨的表情也跟着精彩了起来。 My little darling, petroleum from the place comes out, Renminbi that this Your Mother really can grow! 我的乖乖,从地里种石油出来,这尼玛简直是会生长的人民币 Although related D NAC of petroleum plant is he brings from Last of Days that side Database, the D NAC code that but a basis cannot understand, is far from seeing with own eyes this Black Gold remains to shock from the bark! 虽然石油植物的相关dna是他从末世那边的数据库带过来的,但一段根本看不懂的dna代码,远远没有亲眼见到这“黑色黄金”从树皮底下留出来震撼! It is not the dark-red liquid...... manages his! So long as can refine petroleum on the line! 哦不,是暗红色的液体……管他的呢!只要能提炼出石油就行了! Production cycle how many of this adult plant?” Jiang Chen asks immediately. “这种植株的生产周期多少?”江晨立刻问道。 In his mind, the arecaceae plant initial period growth is quite slow. After mature period, almost one year one meter. If five years can use this palm mass production petroleum, the day lily was when the time comes cool! 在他的印象中,棕榈科的植物初期生长是相当缓慢的。到了成熟期后,也才差不多一年一米的度。如果等个五年才能用上这种棕榈树量产石油,到时候黄花菜都凉了! Does not need the heavy seedling to start to plant, we can through conduct the differentiation to the oil palm with the special method, causes in his parenchyma and conducting tissue some structures lives the specific variation, can obtain the end product adult plant! The cycle of this differentiation is only two months probably!” Sullivan definitely said. “不用重幼苗开始栽种,我们可以通过对油棕榈用特殊手段进行诱导分化,使其营养组织和输导组织中部分结构生特异性变异,就能获得成品植株了!这个诱导分化的周期大概只有两个月!”苏里文肯定地说道。 hā hā, this you may contribute to the great merit!” Jiang Chen reveals immediately. Had/Left the joyful color, is patting the shoulder of Sullivan, said loudly, participating all researchers, can receive the 500,000 USD bonus! As for Sullivan Professor, I reward his 5 million USD again!” 哈哈,这回你们可立大功了!”江晨顿时露.出了欣喜之色,拍着苏里文的肩膀,高声说道,“参与该项目的所有研究员,都能领到五十万美元的奖金!至于苏里文教授,我个人再奖励他五百万美元!” Everyone in research institute sucked in cold air. Stands in Jiang Chen behind Tao Ming, could not bear the brow jump jumping. 研究所内的所有人都倒抽了一口凉气。就连站在江晨身后的陶明,都忍不住眉头跳了跳。 Only was the bonus started out tens of millions, this put internationally only feared that whom did not have. 光是奖金就开出了数千万,这放到国际上只怕都没谁了。 However Jiang Chen did not feel being unworthy that this sum of money spends, he never parsimonious expense on researchers. 然而江晨一点也不觉得这笔钱花的不值,他在研究人员身上从来不会吝啬花销。 The talents forever are the Future Group cores, can retain these talents, can have the future! 人才永远是未来人集团的核心,能把这些人才留住,才能拥有未来! ( To be continued.) 8 (未完待续。)八
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