IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#844: Posting a reward of 10,000 US Dollar

That night, on Koro University bbs, by that bewildered public election class Cosmology brushing screen. 当天晚上,科罗大学的bbs上,已经被那门莫名其妙的公选课“宇宙学”给刷了屏。 The students of many good matter cranked up the video the classroom, on passed to the school the forum, individual space, even is Youtube wait/etc. world famous the video site. Suddenly in Future 1.0, scarf, the friend circle and other on major Social Platform, becomes the much-discussed topics. 不少好事儿的学生将课堂拍成了视频,上传到了校内论坛,个人空间,甚至是诱tube等国际知名视频网站。一时间在未来人1.0、围脖、朋友圈等各大社交平台上,成为了人们热议的话题。 Cosmology? damn, this perfect score that compels to install!” 宇宙学握草,这个逼装的满分!” Future Group this is must ascend the sky!” 未来人集团这是要上天啊!” With Sun side-by-side!” “和太阳肩并肩!” Extraterrestrial Civilization? This topic Tete simple! Definitely is that anything...... the dark forest! 10,000 US Dollar gives me!” 地外文明?这课题太特么的简单了!肯定就是那个什么……黑暗森林!一万美金给我啊!” It seems like outer space Colonization Plan of Star Ring Trading announcement is not the flickering person, even the Extraterrestrial Civilization exploration such mysterious thing brought special to establish a topic. If not one one-way airplane ticket, I want to try actually......” “看来星环贸易公布的太空殖民计划不是忽悠人的,连地外文明探索这么玄乎的东西都拿来专门成立了一个课题。如果不是一张‘单程机票’的话,我倒是想去试一试……” Compares discussion in network, many news and from media on, makes the title that was full to laugh uproariously similarly, reports that the emphasis point varied to this matter. 相较于网络上的热议,不少新闻和自媒体上,也纷纷打出了类似充满噱头的标题,对这件事进行了侧重点不一的报道。 nouveau riche Professor opens Lamborghini to attend class, is who lets University becomes the capital by the advantage field?】 土豪教授兰博基尼上课,是谁让大学成为资本的逐利场?】 【The classroom arrangement paper, posts a reward 10,000 US Dollar! In history most expensive homework!】 【课堂布置论文,悬赏一万美金!史上最贵的家庭作业!】 【Does Extraterrestrial Civilization study the Star Ring Trading project topic? Actually is the fantasy of dream of a fool, conquers the wildness of stars sea to look?】 地外文明研究成星环贸易项目课题?究竟是痴人说梦的幻想,还是征服星辰大海的野望?】 In classroom disclosed astonishing information, Star Ring Trading outer space Colonization Plan more detail exposures......】 【课堂上透露惊人情报,星环贸易太空殖民计划更多细节曝光……】 So far at noon, the aerospace volunteer immigration quantity of patent compared turned one time last month, if did not expand the aerospace training base, perhaps the training grid is insufficient. Or, first temporarily closes to the public is open?” Kelvin proposed to Jiang Chen. “截止到目前中午,航天志愿者移民申请量相较上月翻了一倍,如果再不扩建航天培训基地的话,恐怕训练场地就不够用了。要不,先暂时关闭对公众开放?”克尔温江晨提议道。 Does not use,” Jiang Chen shakes the head, money insufficiently goes to the finance department to apply, early period of aerospace is a losing money project, this you leave too worry. So long as each one cent spends in this/should flower place, you do not need to be polite with me.” “不用,”江晨摇了摇头,“钱不够就去财务部申请,航天前期本来就是个赔钱的项目,这点你别太顾虑。只要每一分钱都花在该花的地方,你不用和我客气。” Yes.” Kelvin relaxes, the nod said. “是。”克尔温松了口气,点头道。 To be honest, the entire group has been being in arrears on the project section that he brings, moreover owes also specially fierce, is taking 10 billion USD as the fever money of unit! Although Jiang Chen with him has said does not need to be worried for the matter of money, by all means this Space Elevator doing, but must not say that a psychological burden, that is absolutely impossible. 老实说,整个集团就他带的项目部一直在亏钱,而且亏的还特别的厉害,都是在以百亿美元为单位的烧钱!虽然江晨一直和他说不用为钱的事儿担心,只管把这个太空电梯给做起来,但要说没一点心理负担,那是绝对不可能的。 After Kelvin walks, Jiang Chen the working document will place one side, turned on the wrist watch, selects the mailbox, glances over work that his students deliver. 克尔温走后,江晨将工作文件放在了一边,打开了腕表,点开邮箱,浏览起他的学生们上交的作业。 Perhaps because of that 10,000 USD bonus, work that all students deliver calls an earnestness! Especially the Chinese foreign student, inherited the fine tradition of big Imperial Court education, wrote the papers of hundreds of thousands characters voluminous, quotes literature dozens, finally the father-in-law writes down the conclusion that oneself drew fully, finally the enclosed teacher you were laborious. 或许是因为那一万美元的奖金,所有学生上交的作业那叫一个认真!尤其是华人留学生,继承了大天.朝教育的优良传统,洋洋洒洒的写了十几万字的论文,引用文献数十篇,最后公公整整地写下了自己得出的结论,最后还附上个老师您辛苦了。 When Jiang Chen is moved, extremely ashamed. 江晨感动之余,也是万分的惭愧。 Was he neglected, should say with these students, only with handing over a suspicion was good, does not absolutely need to write big pile of certificates, because this type simply has not given rise to the problem, the literature of quotation multi- predecessor, is unable to obtain the absolute answer even again. 是他疏忽了,应该和这些学生说一下,只用交个猜想就行了,根本没必要写一大堆证明,因为这种根本没有发生过的问题,就算引用再多前人的文献,也无法得出绝对的答案。 He wants to borrow under this opportunity understanding, most people to have what viewpoint with the Alien contact. 他只是想借这个机会了解下,大多数人对与外星人接触持何种观点。 After ordering Jane all papers retrieve, displays each paper the central thought that and according to certain rule sorting according to groups. 命令将所有论文都检索后,罗列出各个论文的中心思想,并且按照一定的规则分门别类的排序。 Altogether 1173 papers, Jiang Chen harvested 87 entirely different viewpoints very much accidentally/surprisingly. 一共1173份论文,江晨很意外的收获了87种截然不同的观点。 Perhaps receives gradually influencing of Political Correctness year to year, much the student from West, particularly the student in Western Europe, viewpoint generally quite Holy Mother that proposed. 或许是常年受政.治正确的熏陶,不少来自西方的学生,尤其是西欧的学生,提出的观点普遍较为圣母 Some people proposed, set up the special ecological preservation area on Earth, the admission for serveral days the foreign visitor. Sets up Embassy, solves the difference that both sides possibly have through the dialogue. Also some people said, sets up Extraterrestrial Civilization protectorate some is not perhaps inappropriate on Earth, after all did not determine whether the opposite party is suitable the atmospheric environment, perhaps our livelihood oxygen, to them are the toxicants. Should place them in Moon, or is sparks (Mars)...... 有的人提出,在地球上设立特别生态保护区,接纳这些天外来客。或者是设立大使馆,通过对话解决掉双方可能存在的分歧。也有人表示,在地球上设立地外文明保护区或许有些不妥当,毕竟不确定对方是否适宜大气环境,没准我们赖以生存的氧气,对他们来说是毒药。应该将他们安置在月球,或者是火星…… But student from Asia area, answer many tendencies in conservative faction. 而来自亚洲地区的学生,答案则更多的倾向于保守派。 Namely, before believing the opposite party holds the good intentions, first suspected whether the opposite party has the hostility. 即,在相信对方抱有善意之前,先怀疑对方是否存在敌意。 Perhaps this is at with the modern war is invaded the side to be related, when surface external civilization, vigilance of Asia civilization performance, favors before revealing the olive branch, first reveals own weapon. 这或许与近代战争中处在被侵略方有关,在面的外来文明的时候,亚洲文明表现的更为警惕,也更倾向于在亮出橄榄枝之前,先亮出自己的兵器。 Some people proposed, regardless of the opposite party is holding what goal, we can first fire a spear/gun to it by far. If they are also living, we contact with it in the consideration. Also some people proposed, exchange and dialogue necessary, but the premise must show the Earth Civilization military force to the opposite party. Namely, sends out Earth Civilization Fleet, welcomed by the military might. 有人提出,无论对方抱着什么目的,我们可以先远远地向其“开上一枪”。如果他们还活着,那我们在考虑与之接触。也有人提出,交流与对话是有必要的,但前提是必须向对方展现地球文明的武力。即,派出地球文明舰队,以军威相迎。 But also some pessimists proposed, if irresistibly, should construct own Colony Ship to escape, at least makes few people run, seeks for the new homeland far away from Solar System...... 但也有悲观者提出,如果无法抵抗,应该修建自己的殖民舰逃跑,至少让一部分人跑出去,远离太阳系寻找新的家园…… Also the somewhat interesting viewpoint pointed out that since the opposite party can conduct the star-level navigation, then has proven the scientific and technological standard of opposite party above us. Does everything possible with it with it contact or the resistance, how might as well think to sell to sprout/moe well to ask for the Alien favor, how when the pet said also, when the domestic animal is better many...... 还有些有趣的观点指出,既然对方能够进行星级航行,那么已经证明对方的科技水平在我方之上了。与其想方设法与之接触或对抗,不如好好想想如何卖萌讨外星人的欢心,当宠物怎么说也比当家畜要好的多…… Also some female schoolmates have not hit to raise well, but pasted on oneself no ps trace picture in the mail, makes a veiled attack asked that weekend evening has had free time? Can lead me to catch the wind?” And so on words of chatting show...... 也有些女同学根本就没好好打提,只是在邮件里贴上了自己毫无ps痕迹的照片,旁敲侧击地问“周末晚上有没有空?能带我兜兜风吗?”之类的聊骚的话…… Looks at these viewpoints, Jiang Chen smiles, somewhat shakes the head reluctantly. 看着这些观点,江晨只是笑了笑,有些无奈地摇了摇头。 Rejects the bored thing, the viewpoint altogether can be divided into three kinds. 剔除掉无聊的东西,观点总共可以分为三类。 Pro-Peace Faction, Pro-War Faction, Pro-Surrender Faction. 主和派,主战派,主降派 Then rejects these obviously not to have the paper of plan answer, Jiang Chen to discover well, Pro-Surrender Faction in these students actually occupied 50%, but Pro-Peace Faction also occupied 30%, supports the armed resistance only, accounts for 20% merely. 接着剔除掉那些明显没打算好好答题的论文,江晨发现,在这些学生中主降派竟然占据了50%,而主和派也占据了30%,唯独支持武装抵抗的,仅仅占20%而已。 Moreover in these 2 adults, the viewpoint also has some swings. 而且这二成人中,观点也有些许的摇摆。 After all now let alone was the spaceship, spaceship dry dock Space Elevator has not constructed. 毕竟现在别说是太空飞船了,就连太空飞船的“干船坞”太空电梯都还没建好。 Although many people start writing very optimistic believing, that day when Earth Civilization and Extraterrestrial Civilization contact, the spaceship will certainly have, Grand Warship Artillery will have. But how regarding to have these almighty troops sharp weapons, in their hearts does not have many bottoms...... 虽然不少人下笔的时候很乐观的认为,等到地球文明地外文明接触的那天,飞船一定会有的,巨舰大炮也会有的。但对于如何去拥有这些神兵利器,他们自己心中也没多少底…… It seems like also too early?” Jiang Chen muttered the sentence, looked at hung the world map on Office wall. “看来还为时过早吗?”江晨喃喃自语了句,将目光投向了挂在办公室墙壁上的世界地图。 If throws to United Nations to decide this issue, what conclusion they will draw finally? 如果将这个问题抛给联合国去决定,他们最终会得出什么结论? Greets Ruin hopefully, abandons the impractical fantasy with it decisive battle, or first fights with the person on one's own side? 是满怀希望地迎接毁灭,还是抛弃不切实际的幻想与之决战,亦或者先和自己人打起来? All are the unknowns. 一切都是未知数。 He has the means to show that Colony Ship on road, is only needing a tracking telescope to be good, even the Coordinate knows in any case. But he does not have the means to prove its aggressiveness, does not have the energy to convince everyone to believe that Colony Ship harbors the bare naked hostility. 他有办法证明那艘正在路上的殖民舰,只需要一台天文望远镜就行了,反正连坐标都知道。但他却没有办法证明其侵略性,也没有底气去说服所有人相信那艘殖民舰是怀着赤果的敌意。 Chose ten comparisons to have the representative paper casually, gave the qualified appraisal, Jiang Chen projected on the accounts of these ten lucky fellows 10,000 US Dollar respectively. 随便挑选出了十篇比较有代表性的论文,给出了合格的评价,江晨一万美金分别打到了这十名幸运儿的账户中。 Regarding these students, this sum of money are possibly a lot, but to him is actually not anything. 对于这些学生来说,这笔钱可能很多,但对他而言却不算什么。 Although is somewhat regrettable, but on the present, is not the public Harmony civilization Coordinate and Colony Ship information best time.( To be continued.) 虽然有些遗憾,但就现在来看,还不是公开和谐文明坐标与殖民舰情报的最好时机。(未完待续。)
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