IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#843: Cosmology

In the Koro University campus, under the green and glossy tree shade, can see young and good-looking forms. They mostly come from China, there is United States from Pacific Ocean other shore , many people come from the Other Side of the Earth Europe. 科罗大学的校园内,绿油油的树荫下,可以看见一道道青春靓丽的身影。他们大多来自华国,也有来自太平洋彼岸的美国,也有不少人来自地球背面的欧洲。 Loose, multiverse mission, causes where student from, can quick integration to this in young University. 宽松、多元化的办学理念,使得无论是来自哪里的学生,都能很快的融入到这所年轻的大学中。 At this moment, on filling the brick rock road of books aura, the students are holding the books, walking past in threes and fours, walks in the direction of classroom building. This in usually sloppy ordinary, but is actually really rare in the weekend. 此刻,在充满书卷气息的砖石路上,学生们正捧着书本,三五成群的走过,向着教学楼的方向走去。这一幕在平时稀松平常,但在周末却实属罕见。 „, Did you hear? That Jiang Chen must come to our school to teach the public class!” “诶诶,你听说了吗?那个江晨要来我们学校讲公开课!” Jiang Chen? Is that Jiang Chen? Future Group Chairman of the Board, Virtual Reality Network Founder?” 江晨?是那个江晨未来人集团董事长,虚拟实境网络奠基人?” Really really?! What said was anything, I requested to rub the class!” “真的真的?!讲的是什么呀,我要求蹭课!” Cosmology.” Wears the eyeglasses, seems like very gentle female student to say. 宇宙学。”戴着眼镜,看上去很文静的女生说道。 „......” “……” „...... Space...... Cosmology?” “……宇……宇宙学?” „...... Is the science subjects?” “……是理科吗?” Also is really accidental/surprised, I also think that he will stress the economy, Internet and so on.” “还真是意外呢,我还以为他会讲经济啦,互联网啦之类的。” Hee hee, can that also rub the class? Has not related with our specialties completely.” “嘻嘻,那还要去蹭课吗?和我们的专业完全没关系哦。” Nonsense, this also with asking!” Female student eyes are dodging the small star, said excitedly. “废话,这还用问吗!”一名女生眼睛闪着小星星,激动地说道。 After all is the class that the world's richest taught! Heard that Harvard University wants to ask him to explain Artificial Intelligence Database with three definitions, he has not gone!” Another female student also echoed what others say. “毕竟是世界首富讲的课!听说哈弗大学想请他去讲解人工智能数据库与三定义,他都没去呢!”另一名女生也随声附和道。 Truly, can listen to the world's richest course the opportunity is not many, particularly this Mr. Jiang Chen suitable low key, besides has beamed with joy at last year opening ceremony, basically rarely appear here campus. 确实,能听世界首富讲座的机会可不多,尤其是这位江晨先生相当的低调,除了在去年的开学典礼上露过脸之外,基本上就很少出现在这座校园中。 Even if this public election class name is quite strange, is seemingly irrelevant with the domain that Jiang Chen oneself involve, but this has not hindered people as before to his curiosity. 哪怕这节公选课的名字相当奇怪,看上去似乎和江晨本人涉及的领域毫不相关,但这依旧没有妨碍人们对他本人的好奇心。 Is hitting what goal, when Jiang Chen enters the lecture amphitheater, sees only in the classroom human head|number of people to sway. 无论是打着何种目的,当江晨走进阶梯教室的时候,只见教室内已经人头攒动。 Can hold 200 to come to the classroom of person, at this moment performs by stops up slowly ding-dong, some people even moved in the stool from the next door classroom, sat on the aisle simply. 能够容纳两百来人的教室,此刻尽是被塞得慢慢当当的,有些人甚至从隔壁教室搬来了凳子,干脆坐在了走道上。 Looks at that passionate face, even if saw the magnificent scene, the Jiang Chen's scalp also somewhat tingled with numbness. 看着那一张张热情洋溢的脸,纵使见惯了大场面,江晨的头皮也不由有些发麻。 At this time he remembered yesterday when telephoning, laughter that Rafael Leif Principal that harbored evil intentions. Really by that old fogy in saying, if he has this public class, the curriculum of unexpected winner, the classroom absolutely will be full house. 这时他想起了昨天在打电话时,拉斐尔·莱夫校长那不怀好意的笑声。果然被那个老家伙给说中了,如果他开这公开课,无论是多么冷门的课程,教室绝对都会座无虚席。 Creepy feeling turns over to tingle with numbness, having stage fright naturally is impossible. 头皮发麻归发麻,怯场当然是不可能的。 How saying that he also counts the leader of 100,000 person, that side Last of Days was separated a side big warlord, only hundred students, but also being insufficient made him have stage fright. 怎么说他也是数十万人的领导者了,在末世那边更是割据一方的“大军阀”,区区百来名学生,还不足以让他怯场。 Smiles is waving to the stage, Jiang Chen opened hung headset near ear, coughed lightly was trying the last word, then opened the mouth to say. 微笑着向台下挥了挥手,江晨打开了挂在耳边的耳麦,轻咳着试了下音,然后开口道。 Everyone present definitely in wants to ask, today stands before you person, why will choose Cosmology this bewildered topic, rather than teaches some usefully or more actual successful experience?” “在座的各位肯定在想问,今天站在你们面前的这个人,为什么会挑选宇宙学这个莫名其妙的课题,而不是传授些更有用的或者更实际的成功经验?” In the classroom the noisy sound subsided gradually, everyone is looking at the position of platform with total concentration, is looking at the Jiang Chen's face. 教室内嘈杂的声音渐渐平息了下来,所有人都聚精会神地望着讲台的位置,望着江晨的脸。 This issue is very good to reply. The renowned economist and Wall Street investor James Glassman published this book recently, me as his object of study, thorough...... naturally in my opinion is one-sided why...... analyzed me and my Future Group only used the short three years, then stood Pyramid to be sharp from having a thing in the world.” Saying, Jiang Chen smiles, looks to all students of sitting, I do not approve his discussion process, but I approve his conclusion.” “这个问题很好回答。著名的经济学家、华尔街投资人詹姆斯·格拉斯曼最近出了本书,把我作为了他的研究对象,深入……当然在我看来是片面的……剖析了我和我的未来人集团为何只用了短短的三年,便从一无所有站到了金字塔尖。”说着,江晨笑了笑,看向了在坐的所有学员,“我不认同他的论证过程,但我认同他的结论。” That is, my success experience, is not replicable.” “那就是,我的成功经历,是不可复制的。” Since my experience is not replicable, then it regarding, is not the good medicine, possibly is only toxicant also perhaps.” “既然我的经验不可复制,那么它对于诸位来说,不是什么良药,可能只是一剂毒药也说不定。” But besides beyond the success in commercial, I confessed and cannot put out anything to be able in other domains strong ability. Therefore, I chose me to be interested very much, had the topic of research slightly, was Cosmology that I must speak today.” “但除了在商业上的成功外,我自认又拿不出什么能在其它领域强过诸位的本领。于是,我就挑选了一个我个人很感兴趣,也稍有研究的课题,也就是我今天要讲的宇宙学。” Jiang Chen notices, many students took up the cell phone, is recording full of enthusiasm. 江晨注意到,有不少学生都拿起了手机,正兴致勃勃地录像。 However he has not cared, words that he must speak today, to offer a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas. 不过他并没有在意,他今天所要说的话,本来就是为了抛砖引玉。 Saying, him is turning around to take the symbol pen, wrote down four characters in the blank slate. 说着,他转身拿起了记号笔,在白板上写下了四个字。 where are they?】 他们在哪?】 Has turned around, Jiang Chen put the symbol pen on the table, looked at everyone present. 转过身,江晨将记号笔搁在了桌上,将目光投向了在座的各位。 where are they? Everyone who this issue, I want to present will not be definitely strange. Right, it is famous Fermi Paradox.” 他们在哪?这个问题,我想在座的各位肯定都不会陌生。没错,它就是著名的费米悖论。” It is estimated that may observe the Stellar quantity in Cosmos probably to 10 24 powers of exponent in 10 22 powers of exponent, but on Earth the quantity of sand is the 7.5 * 10 18 power of exponent grains.” After stopping the moment, Jiang Chen smiles, then spreads out the hand saying that in other words, on Earth each grain of sand, can correspond in Cosmos a 10,000 planet.” “据估计,可观测宇宙内的恒星数量大概是在十的22次方到十的24次方之间,而地球上沙子的数量是7.5*10的18次方粒。”停顿了片刻后,江晨笑了笑,接着摊开手说道,“也就是说,地球上每一粒沙子,就可以对应宇宙一万颗行星。” Cosmos compared with our imagination big many, imagine compared with us the darkness.” 宇宙远比我们的想象力大的多,也要比我们想象中的黑暗。” This darkness does not come from what Alien, in the face of 13.8 billion years of criterion, all civilization is base and low and tiny. Perhaps on our main house gate sparks (Mars), had once sprouted civilization Fire Seed. But it appeared 1 billion or the previous 10 billion year ago has exhausted the life span, but on 1 billion year ago Earth was also only chaos sea, did not exist the trilobita.” “这种黑暗不是来自于什么外星人,在138亿年的时间尺度面前,所有文明都是卑微而渺小的。或许我们的家门口火星上,就曾萌发过文明火种。只不过它出现在十亿或者上百亿年前就已经耗尽了寿命,而十亿年前的地球上还只是一片混沌的海洋,连三叶虫都不存在。” This is so-called Cosmos Sifter. The probability that we and Extraterrestrial Civilization meet is minimal, but after the meet, can discover that each other probability, is minimal.” “这就是所谓的宇宙筛子。我们和地外文明相遇的概率微乎其微,而相遇后能够发现彼此的概率,更是微乎其微。” But we must come up with the hypothesis as before, if we and Extraterrestrial Civilization meet, but among us just can discover each other, and can understand each other existence. Then I can assert, the consequence of blind contact will be quite dangerous......” “但我们依旧必须做出假设,如果我们与地外文明相遇,而我们之间刚好能够发现彼此,并且能够理解彼此的存在。那么我可以断言,盲目接触的后果将会相当危险……” The understanding does not mean the approval, but does not approve will cause the conflict. This approval manifests , the values, the core value aesthetically was various, like taking Death for the dead spirit of beautiful, is unable to admit with the live person of eulogy life absolutely mutually. 理解不意味着认同,而不认同将导致冲突。这种认同体现在审美、价值观、核心价值等多方面,就像以死亡为美的亡灵,绝对无法与歌颂生命的活人相互接纳。 Jiang Chen had not counted on that own class can bring many inspirations to these students, argument that he stated that was the predecessor has discussed. 江晨没有指望自己的课能给这些学生带来过多的启发,他所陈述的论点,很多都是前人已经讨论过的。 He wants to have a look, after he said the truth, these students will have anything to respond. 他只是想看看,当他说出真相后,这些学生们会有什么反应。 Through these students' responses, at least can appraise sketchily, announces to the public the brought consequence the crisis that Earth Civilization faces. 通过这些学生们的反应,至少能够粗略的评估,将地球文明所面临的危机公布于众所带来的后果。 The classroom was near the end. 课堂接近了尾声。 „......, if, I meant if, has such Colony Ship from Extraterrestrial Civilization, is going to the Earth road. We do not know where it comes, did not determine whether it has the good intentions, if you are the Earth Civilization policy-maker, you after learning this information, what kind of decision makes.” “……假如,我是说假如,有那么一艘来自地外文明殖民舰,正在前往地球的路上。我们不知道它从哪里来,也不确定它是否带着善意,如果你是地球文明的决策者,你会在获悉这个情报后,做出怎样的决定。” This is your homework, hopes that you conscientiously complete.” “这是你们的家庭作业,希望你们认真完成。” Jiang Chen notices, under stage many students' after hearing this work, the expression appears the suitable interest in lack. 江晨注意到,台下不少学生在听到这个作业后,表情都显得相当的兴趣缺缺。 Obviously, no one will really be serious this bewildered work. After all viewed from whichever angle, this work arrangement was really bored. They are not that weak age, will fantasize the outer space, fantasized that the first contact of humanity and Extraterrestrial Civilization, fantasizes these impractical issues. 很显然,没人会真的将这个莫名其妙的作业当回事儿。毕竟无论从哪个角度看,这个作业布置的都实在是太无聊了。他们已经不是那个幼稚的年龄,会去幻想太空,幻想人类地外文明的第一次接触,幻想那些不切实际的问题。 Perhaps a work, a scholarship, or is the Professor topic, can let the thoughts that they raised seriously treat. 或许一份工作,一份奖学金,或者是教授的课题,更能让他们提起认真对待的心思。 Thinks of here, Jiang Chen shakes the head with a smile. 想到这里,江晨不由笑着摇了摇头。 Managed the books on table, he coughed gently, said to the student who preparing to finish class. 理了理桌上的书本,他轻轻咳了咳,对准备下课的学生说道。 Good, I know that you are not definitely interested, then I spoke frankly.” “好吧,我知道你们肯定对此都不感兴趣,那么我就直说好了。” Believes that frequently plays the cell phone wears helmet, to Star Ring Trading outer space Colonization Plan will not be certainly strange. The Extraterrestrial Civilization research is Star Ring Trading outer space Colonization Plan one point, you possibly feel very senseless, but I tell you now, this topic has the commercial value. But the homework that I assign, is then related with this topic.” “相信经常玩手机戴头盔的诸位,对星环贸易的太空殖民计划一定不会陌生。地外文明研究是星环贸易的太空殖民计划的一环,你们可能觉得很无趣,但现在我告诉你,这个课题有商业价值。而我布置的这个作业,便与这个课题相关。” Bonus 10,000 USD of topic, will choose ten qualified papers to provide. If you are interested, that hands over a paper to me. Right, without electing the class student can also participate, mailbox in blank slate. I compare to fear the trouble, oneself paste in the mailbox to send together the bank card account number......” “课题的奖金一万美元,会选十篇合格的论文发放。如果你们感兴趣,那就交篇论文给我。对了,没有选课的学生也可以参与,邮箱就在白板上。我这个人比较怕麻烦,自己把银行卡账号贴邮箱里一起发过来……” The words have not said, Jiang Chen then notices. 话还没说完,江晨便注意到。 That both eye, looked that was different to own vision immediately......( to be continued.) 那一双双眼睛,看向自己的目光顿时不一样了……(未完待续。)
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