IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#842: „Xin Federal Reserve” establishment!

On the morning of September 25, the Country of Xin statistics bureau announced that Year 2018 Country of Xin gdp, the economic output and other data, proposed in the first half of the year Country of Xin the huge domestic market has supported day by day sufficiently issues the domestic currency. 二十五,新国统计局公布2018年上半年新国gdp、经济总量等各项数据,提出新国日益庞大的国内市场已经足以支撑发行本国货币。 In order to deal with the fluctuation of international currency exchange market, Country of Xin needs to use own currency for own product pricing. 为了应对国际汇率市场的波动,新国有必要用自己的货币为自己的产品定价。 This reported one, the intelligent person smells the wind sound/rumor immediately, this was the Country of Xin government to issue the domestic currency drums up support! 这项报告一出,聪明的人立刻从中嗅到了风声,这是新国政府在为发行本国货币造势! Really, shortly after this report promulgation, Future Group then stood, expressed the support for this/should proposal. 果然,在这则报告颁布后不久,未来人集团便站了出来,对该倡议表示了支持。 Meanwhile, Future Bank unites the Country of Xin domestic many bank enterprises, announced establishment Country of Xin Joint Savings Agency, release named Xin Dollar the currency, the plan by the end of Year 2019, thoroughly gets rid of the domestic use foreign exchange as currency. 与此同时,未来人银行联合新国国内多家银行企业,宣布成立“新国联合储蓄总局”,发行名为“新元”的货币,计划2019年,彻底摆脱国内使用外汇作为货币的局面。 The currency of release is mainly 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Yuan 6 currency values. 发行的货币主要为一、五、十、20、50、100元六种面额。 Release total 50,000,000,000 Xin Dollar, is guaranteed by the total value 54,100,000,000 USD precious metal and foreign exchange achievement for the first time, mainly by loan form delivery market, simultaneously to the channel of its citizen opening exchange currency. Behind will also put in 50,000,000,000 Xin Dollar to the market one after another, the guarantee currency total quantity in 100,000,000,000. 首次发行共计500亿新元,由总价值541亿美元的贵金属、外汇作为担保,主要以贷款的形式投放市场,同时面向本国公民开放兑换货币的渠道。后面还将陆续向市场投放500亿新元,保证货币总量在1000亿 Shortly after considering the currency just distributed, and foreign exchange reserves of Future Bank are sufficient, Xin Federal Reserve used the fixed rate of exchange system temporarily, namely stipulated that 1 Xin Dollar exchanges 1 USD, makes Xin Dollar high and low fluctuate regarding the current exchange rate through the foreign exchange reserves. 考虑到货币刚发行不久,以及未来人银行的外汇储备还算充足,新联储暂时采用了固定汇率制度,即规定一新元兑换一美元,通过外汇储备来使新元围绕当前汇率上下浮动。 After the waiting currency stabilizes, Xin Federal Reserve will gradually let loose the monetary policy, to is transited by market the floating exchange rate system of supply and demand decision monetary value. 等待货币企稳后,新联储会逐步放开货币政策,向由市场的供求决定货币价值的浮动汇率制过渡。 As the Xin Federal Reserve biggest shareholder, first Xin Federal Reserve President holds the post by Future Bank President David Smith, vice- President is selected by the electing by ballot recommendations of other Country of Xin domestic bank. 作为新联储的最大股东,第一任新联储行长未来人银行行长大卫·史密斯担任,副行长则由新国国内其它银行的票选推举选出。 The matter in financial aspect, said easily, but concrete operations actually suitable trouble. Had the truth of studying in line with the technique industry, Jiang Chen gives Mr. Smith to process the Xin Federal Reserve specific matter, before he believed this , the Citibank executive, will certainly not disappoint his expectation. 金融这方面的事,说起来容易,但具体操作起来却相当的麻烦。本着术业有专攻的道理,江晨新联储的具体事宜交给了史密斯先生去处理,他相信这位前花旗银行的高管,一定不会辜负他的期望。 Some Pacific Ocean small country release currency, has not international started what very big mighty waves. 太平洋某个小国发行货币,在国际范围内并没有掀起什么很大的波澜。 However compares the desolateness that the international media responded, under adding fuel to the flames of media, the Country of Xin home actually raised from below from tide that supported the domestic currency. Under drive of Future Group, on the shelves of many market, pasted on the Xin Dollar label, and to using the customer of Xin Dollar purchase commodity gives the preferential benefits of 9- 20% discount. 不过相比起国际媒体反应的冷淡,在媒体的推波助澜下,新国国内却是从上自下掀起了支持本国货币的浪潮。在未来人集团的带动下,不少商场的货架上,都纷纷贴上了新元的标签,并对使用新元购买商品的顾客给予九-8折的优惠。 But Penglai City, joined in Xin Dollar the individual electronic account of city resident, and provided „an exchange button. 蓬莱市,更是将新元加入了城市居民的个人电子账户中,并提供了“一键兑换”的按钮。 In order to reduce the traveling cost, many tourists also when the entry, choose USD, RMB, ruble wait/etc. the domestic currencies change into Xin Dollar to spend. However regarding Xin Dollar this type of thing, many foreigners expressed the quite puzzled mood. 为了缩减旅游成本,不少游客也在入境时,选择将美元软妹币卢布等本国货币换成新元进行消费。不过对于新元这种东西,不少外国人都表现出了相当困惑的情绪。 Xin Dollar? Guarantees with the coconut tree?” 新元?用椰子担保吗?” Also perhaps with the rubber, or is shell anything.( Smiling face)” “也没准是用橡胶,或者是贝壳什么的。(笑脸)” Why can't use USD directly? The population 1 million small country must issue own currency, except for paying time becomes more troublesome outside, I do not see any advantage.” “为什么不能直接用美元?人口不过百万的小国非要发行自己的货币,除了买单的时候变得更麻烦以外,我看到不任何好处。” Perhaps because of Future Group that Chairman of the Board, wants own head picture seal on the bill? To achieve this, it seems like he as if could not find out a better way.” “也许是因为未来人集团的那个董事长,想把自己的头像印在钞票上?为了达到这个目的,看来他似乎想不出更好的办法了。” Assorted teasing, can see in the related news commentary area occasionally. 杂七杂八的调侃,偶尔能在相关新闻的评论区上看到。 Although people do not care about what Xin Federal Reserve and Xin Dollar, but is interested in Future Group very much. 虽然人们并不关心什么新联储新元,但对于未来人集团本身还是很感兴趣的。 The merchant of starting from scratch can achieve this degree, not only the control national extraction did the monopoly group of Trust pattern, now also issues own currency, is enough flamboyant. 白手起家的商人能做到这种程度,不但控制离岸国家搞起了托拉斯模式的垄断集团,现在还发行起了自己的货币,也是够牛逼的了。 The innumerable capitalists and merchants treat as the goal that Jiang Chen oneself struggled, the innumerable ambitious youth regarded him lighthouse that lights the life journey. Also Jiang Chen does not know these luckily, if makes him know, will refer to smiling to make noise erratically. 无数资本家、商人都将江晨当做了自己奋斗的目标,无数有志青年都将他当成了照亮自己人生道路的灯塔。也幸亏江晨不知道这些,要是让他知道,指不定会笑出声来。 Your Mother, little master my success can duplicate casually? 尼玛,小爷我的成功是能随便复制的吗? To duplicate, first does Interdimensional Bracelet to go! 想复制,先搞个跃迁手环去吧! ...... …… Saturday does not need to go to work. 星期六不用上班。 8 : 00 am, Natasha rested a lie-, rubbed the awake song sleepy eyes to walk from the room, happen to bumped into Jiang Chen that came out from the bathroom. 早上8点,娜塔莎睡了个懒觉,揉着惺忪地睡眼从房间走了出来,正好碰上了从卫生间出来的江晨 Early.” “早。” „......, Morning.” “哈……啊,早。” Hit, Natasha was returning to the sound to Jiang Chen, bypassed him to move toward the bathroom. 打着哈切,娜塔莎江晨回了声,绕过他走向了卫生间。 After washing, came to the dining room, 洗漱完后来到了餐室, On the table is suspending the sandwich, with the milk, sees only to put on Jiang Chen of clothes, is enjoying the breakfast. 桌上摆着三明治,和牛奶,只见已经穿好衣服的江晨,正在享有着早餐。 Freemasonry by Russia in stubbornly, did not have the movement to Jiang Chen that in the Ukraine issue diverts temporarily, this day is also rare leisurely and carefree. Although both sides attack brutally in Madagascar as before, but Africa is very after all remote from Asia. 共济会俄罗斯乌克兰问题上牵制的死死地,对江晨暂时没了动作,这日子也是难得的悠闲了起来。虽然双方依旧在马达加斯加大打出手,但非洲距离亚洲毕竟还很遥远。 Took up a piece of sandwich, the Natasha arm put lazy on the table, a hand held the profile, the blue blue eye doubt to size up Jiang Chen up and down. 拿起了一片三明治,娜塔莎胳膊慵懒地搁在了桌子上,一只手托着侧脸,碧蓝色的眼睛狐疑地上下打量着江晨 Really is unusual, today how early such?” “真是稀奇,今天怎么起的这么早?” And wears the formal dress. 而且穿着正装。 Whose early morning gets up to wear the formal dress? Moreover in weekend? 谁一大早起来就穿正装?而且还是在周末? Hears Natasha to ask, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back wiped happily. Saw only him to manage the collar, very smelly fart pushed under the eyebrow, said with a smile. 听到娜塔莎这么问,江晨嘴角勾起了一抹得意。只见他理了理衣领,很是臭屁地挤了下眉毛,笑着说道。 cough cough, what now stands before you are Professor Jiang.” 咳咳,现在站在你面前的是江教授。” Natasha shows the whites of the eyes unrestrained/no trace of politeness, bit a big sandwich, eye suddenly one bright, is unbelievable is looking at the sandwich in hand. 娜塔莎毫不客气地翻了个白眼,咬了一大口三明治,眼睛突然一亮,难以置信得看着手中的三明治。 Is this flavor...... really the sandwich? 这味道……真的是三明治? Flavor how?” “味道如何?” Jiang Chen smiles, the last piece of sandwich will force in the mouth, then took the paper goods to scratch the hand. 江晨笑了笑,将最后一片三明治塞进了嘴里,然后取过纸巾擦了擦手。 „Very good!” Natasha did not praise parsimoniously said, ate the sandwich in hand rapidly, but also had not given full expression to lick the salad dressing on finger, „was this does with what?” “很棒!”娜塔莎毫不吝啬赞美地说道,迅速啃完了手中的三明治,还意犹未尽地舔了舔手指上的沙拉酱,“这是用什么做的?” Actually also has nothing, the vegetables that the seabed planter base delivers, are adding on the Ayesha craftsmanship.” “其实也没什么,海底种植基地产出的蔬菜,在加上阿伊莎的手艺。” Was saying at the same time, Jiang Chen turned away subtly. 说着的同时,江晨微妙地移开了视线。 Obviously she has not noticed, this movement cancels the person crime in the masculine eye. 显然她没注意到,这个动作在男性的眼中是多么的勾人犯罪。 Especially she also wears the pajamas now...... 尤其是她现在还穿着睡衣…… At this time, the gate of dining room shoved open, what appeared in the entrance was Ayesha. 这时,餐室的门推开了,出现在门口的是阿伊莎 Arrived behind, the hand fell on the Jiang Chen's shoulder gently massages pinched pinching, the Ayesha probably docile little wife was common, takes possession to approach the ear to say in a soft voice. 走到了身后,手轻轻地落在江晨的肩上按摩地捏了捏,阿伊莎就好像温顺的小妻子一般,附身凑近了耳边轻声道。 Car(riage) has prepared.” “车已经准备好了。” Un. You also eat a thing quickly.” “嗯。你也快来吃点东西吧。” „After early morning runs, I have eaten in the kitchen.” “晨跑后我就在厨房吃过了。” First night if Jiang Chen has not tossed about is too late, Ayesha will get out of bed about 6 : 30 generally, early morning runs for a half hour after the seashore, then goes to the bathroom to take a bath, is Jiang Chen prepares the breakfast. 如果前一天晚上江晨没有折腾的太晚,阿伊莎一般都会在六点半左右起床,沿着海边晨跑半个小时后,再去浴室洗个澡,然后为江晨准备好早餐。 What today has to arrange?” Looks that the Jiang Chen preparation goes out, Natasha cannot bear ask. “今天有什么安排吗?”看着江晨准备出门,娜塔莎还是忍不住问道。 „Don't I mean? Today please call me Professor Jiang.” The Jiang Chen smile, revealed full mouth white teeth. “我不是说了吗?今天请叫我江教授。”江晨微笑,露出了满口白牙 „...... Spoke the logical expression.” “……说人话。” Looks the expression that the Natasha whole face does not believe that Jiang Chen shrugs reluctantly. 看着娜塔莎满脸不信的表情,江晨无奈地耸了耸肩。 Good, the Koro Island University public election class teaches a course, as Honorary Professor, just has my public election class today.” “好吧,科罗岛大学公选课开课,作为荣誉教授,今天刚好有我的公选课。” After listening to the Jiang Chen's words, Natasha visits him dumbfounded, held in the mouth the sandwich on mouth to fall in the tray continually. 听完江晨的话后,娜塔莎傻眼地看着他,连叼在嘴上的三明治都掉回了盘子里。 Professor? You? ...... hā hā...... coughs!” 教授?你?噗……哈哈……咳!” Smiles!” “笑个屁啊!” Jiang Chen stared ruthlessly made an effort to strike one's chest, filled a milk fiercely, the chest is fluctuating unceasingly Natasha. 江晨狠狠地瞪了使劲拍着胸脯,猛灌了一口牛奶,胸口不断起伏着的娜塔莎 Cracking a joke, little master was I a successful person? 开玩笑,小爷我怎么也是个成功人士了好吗? How when Professor plated the gold/metal, my also first Principal! To elect my class student, many does not know where! 当个教授镀下金怎么了,我还第一届校长呢!想选我的课的学生,多的不知道到哪里去了! Asked while convenient, what you did plan to hand over your student?” “顺便问下,你打算交你的学生些什么?” The serious face, Jiang Chen replied very much honestly. 一本正经脸,江晨很老实地答道。 Cosmology.” 宇宙学。” ...... cough cough! Water! cough cough! Is dying!” “噗……咳咳!水!咳咳!要死了!” The milk had drunk up a moment ago, was being choked Natasha endured the happy expression, wind is resulting in crashed in the kitchen. 牛奶刚才已经喝完了,被呛着的娜塔莎忍着笑意,风似得冲进了厨房。 Looks the gate that kitchen that sways, Jiang Chen managed the tie on neck, was complaining the sentence ruthlessly at heart. 看着厨房那晃荡的门,江晨理了理脖子上的领带,狠狠地在心里吐槽了句。 Choked!( To be continued.) 呛死得了!(未完待续。)
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