IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#841: Turbulent crude oil

On September 21, 1000 Star Ring Trading Marine Corps soldier went on board to set sail from the Manila harbor, ended two-month military occupation. In the future the Manila public security is responsible for by constitution army and Country of Moro army, but Star Ring Trading reduces half in the garrison of Philippines again, only retained the establishment of half travel. 二十一,1000名星环贸易陆战队士兵马尼拉的港口登船启航,结束了为期两个月的军事占领。往后马尼拉的治安将由宪兵团摩洛国的军队负责,而星环贸易菲国的驻军再度削减一半,只保留了半个旅的编制。 On the one hand this responds the peace proposal of United Nations, then on the other hand to set aside hand. 一方面这是响应联合国的和平倡议,另一方面则是为了腾出手来。 After boarding the transport ship, these soldier have not returned to Koro Island, but with another large transport ship can with, under escorting of Steregushchiy-class frigate, across the India ocean, step Africa south Madagascar Island. 登上了运输船后,这些士兵并没有回到科罗岛,而是与另外一艘大型运输船会和,在守护级护卫舰的护送下,穿过印度洋,踏上了非洲南端的马达加斯加岛 Last week, the Madagascar opposition party leader Sangweni success was elected as President, abolished the Arrowhead Company domestic all privileges, and to evade taxes, murder, bribery and other charges to revoke their business license. 上个星期,马达加斯加反对党领导人桑维尼成功当选总统,撤销了箭头公司在国内的一切特权,并以偷税漏税、谋杀、行贿等十七项罪名吊销了他们的营业执照。 However Freemasonry does not hand over in the influence of Madagascar operation ten several years obviously possibly honestly. On the first day that Sangweni was sworn, ambushed in Capital Antananarivo more than ten Arrowhead Company Special Forces, ambushed the Sangweni motorcade. 然而共济会显然不可能老老实实地将十数年来在马达加斯加经营的势力拱手相让。就在桑维尼宣誓就职的首日,潜伏在首都塔那那利佛的十余名箭头公司特种部队,伏击了桑维尼的车队。 This takes office is about 24 hours of President, died a tragic death under the Arrowhead Company chaotic spear/gun. 这位上任不过24小时的总统,就这么惨死在了箭头公司的乱枪之下。 Madagascar domestic in an uproar. 马达加斯加国内一片哗然。 Arrowhead Company thwarted simply, promoted predecessor President Lajona, declared that Liberal Party colluded with the foreign forces, attempted to subvert the Madagascar domestic stability, the election was invalid, must reelect! 箭头公司干脆将计就计,推出了前任总统拉乔纳,宣称自由党勾结外国势力,企图颠覆马达加斯加国内的稳定,大选无效,必须重新选举! However that said that Lajona may not have the meaning of election again. Is relying on the support level of south electoral district, he formed one with the help of Freemasonry absolutely loyal in his President guard, simultaneously hired Arrowhead Company, took the path of coup directly. 然而话是这么说,拉乔纳可没有重新大选的意思。凭借着在南部选区的支持率,他在共济会的帮助下组建了一支绝对忠诚于他的总统卫队,同时雇佣了箭头公司,直接走了武装政变的路子。 To the Africa small countries of these savageness, the coup d'etat may be much more frequent than in any case the election. 反正对于这些未开化的非洲小国来说,政变可比大选要频繁得多。 President died, Liberal Party became one group randomly. 总统身亡,自由党乱成了一团。 Is good takes the bull by the horns because of Vice-president Bernard, immediately takes over as President, controlled the Madagascar army, pledged to resist. 好在副总统伯纳德当机立断,在第一时间接任总统一职,掌控了马达加斯加的军队,誓言抵抗到底。 The regular armies only have 2.16 million, Tank adds is not over 15, the armored vehicle does not sufficiently collect Mechanized Brigade. By the so backward army, wanting under bridge with Freemasonry support to accept the upfront hardly just, obviously was not realistic. 正规军只有216万,坦克加起来还不超过十五辆,装甲车更是凑不够一个机械化旅。凭借如此落后的军队,想要和共济会支持之下的拉桥纳正面硬刚,显然是不现实的。 The urging army clings to tenaciously from the defense line of Antsirabe, keeps off the rebel army before Capital 120 kilometer, another side, Bernard relates Liberal Party secret supporter Jiang Chen immediately, to just repelled Freemasonry Star Ring Trading to request reinforcements in Manila. 督促陆军死守从安齐拉贝的防线,将叛军挡在首都一百二十公里处,另一边,伯纳德立刻联系了自由党的幕后支持者江晨,向刚在马尼拉击退了共济会星环贸易求援。 The ally requests reinforcements, Star Ring Trading receives certainly bounden. 盟友求援,星环贸易当然是义不容辞地接下。 A Mechanized Brigade riding transport ship sets sail, the harbor north Madagascar lands, rushes to the frontlines directly with the rebel army exchanges fire. So-called „the President guard and Madagascar army became the ornaments, the discerning people can look, was deciding truly this war result, all looked Arrowhead Company and Star Ring Trading who wins who lost/carrying. 一个机械化旅的乘坐运输船启航,在马达加斯加北部港口登陆,直接奔赴前线与叛军交火。所谓的“总统卫队”和马达加斯加陆军都成了摆设,明眼人都能看得出来,真正决定着这场战争胜负的,全看箭头公司星环贸易谁胜谁负了。 Therefore, this war was also jokingly called by many people for Proxy War and Mercenary War. 因此,这场战争也被不少人戏称为“代理人战争”、“雇佣兵战争”。 This war drags for a long time, more is then favorable for Jiang Chen. Star Ring Trading sends out is mainly foreign army, with individual drone, as well as from the armored vehicle and Tank of Russia arms sales, has not set out Hunting Tiger II and Aurora-20. 这场战争拖得越久,对江晨便越有利。星环贸易出动的主要是外籍兵团,和单兵无人机,以及从俄罗斯军购的装甲车和坦克,并没有出动猎虎ii极光-20 Only the consumption Madagascar as far as possible national strength, can let it after the war ended obedient, is insufficient to start own party the crooked brain that. 只有尽可能的消耗马达加斯加的国力,才能让其在战争结束之后听话,不至于动自立门户的歪脑筋。 Although somewhat is unfair to the ally, but for the Country of Xin benefit, can only make them make the sacrifice. 虽然有些对不起盟友,但为了新国的利益,只能让他们做出牺牲了。 ...... …… When Madagascar Island is luxurious in fierce combat of Star Ring Trading and Freemasonry, during Financial Crisis is fermenting quietly. 就在星环贸易共济会马达加斯加岛上激战正酣时,一场金融海啸正在悄悄的酝酿当中。 The situation in the Middle East deteriorates continually, from Iraq is to Turkey Civil War, the person with high aspirations can obviously discover very much, the soil that this piece is surrounding Babylon civilization, had fallen into the continuous continuous flames of war. This regarding the Black Gold war, in the international crude oil market similarly is cloud of smoke float over. 中东局势持续恶化,从伊拉克的is到土耳其内战,有心人可以很明显地发现,这片环绕着巴比伦文明的土壤,已经陷入了连绵不休的战火。这场围绕着黑色黄金的战争,在国际原油市场上同样是硝烟弥漫。 Since bottoms after at the beginning of the year, the price of each barrel of crude oil is continue rise. 从年初触底后,每桶原油的价格就在持续走高。 It is well known, United States economy long-term dependence petroleum and petroleum liangs big pillar/backbone. According to the estimate of International Monetary Fund, the oil price rises 5 USD every time, will reduce the global economic growth rate approximately 03 percentage points, but the United States economic growth rate possibly drops approximately 04 percentage points. 众所周知,美国经济长期依赖石油大支柱。根据国际货币基金组织的估算,油价每上涨五美元,将削减全球经济增长率约03个百分点,而美国经济增长率则可能下降约04个百分点。 It can be said that what USD and petroleum shows the inverse correlation relations. 可以说,美元石油的是呈负相关关系。 Also therefore, United States has been intending to promote petroleum to depreciate. In 20 2014, the shale gas revolution made the State of Texas oil offtake be for three years to turn a time of degree. Many people think all petroleum subjectively from Middle East, but actually neglected the output of United Arab Emirates national also less than a United States State of Texas fact. 也正是因此,美国一直在有意推动石油贬值。早在2014年,页岩气革命就使得德克萨斯州产油量达到了三年翻一倍的程度。很多人都主观地认为所有石油都来自中东,但却忽视了阿联酋全国的产量还不及美国一个德克萨斯州的事实。 However even so, Middle East petroleum was affected to reduce production by the war, regarding the world oil price as before is heavy losses. 然而即使是如此,中东石油受战争影响而减产,对于国际油价依旧是一记重创。 On September 23, Star Ring Trading and Arrowhead Company exchanged fire in the Madagascar Antsirabe north mountainous area, USD already, because the international crude oil market fluctuated declines continuously three days. The Wall Street dealer forecast that in September the US Federal Reserve rates hike probability will achieve 47%, at the same time, a report from Future Bank was also put on the Jiang Chen's desk. 二十三,星环贸易箭头公司马达加斯加的安齐拉贝市北部山区交火,美元已经因为国际原油市场波动连续走低三日。华尔街交易员预测9月份美联储升息概率将达到47%,与此同时,一份来自未来人银行的报告也被摆在了江晨的办公桌上。 By US Federal Reserve raising interest rate expected rise, USD small scope pull-up, stops momentum that USD fell. The sign that but the international crude oil market has not stabilized, raised interest rate to at this time leave the hidden troubles of economic crisis in the future.” “受美联储加息预期升温,美元小幅度拉升,止住了美元下跌的势头。但国际原油市场并没有企稳的迹象,此时加息已经为日后埋下了经济危机的隐患。” However this economic crisis, is doomed to pay by other countries.” “而这场经济危机,注定将由其它国家买单。” Stands before the Jiang Chen's desk, Future Bank CEO David Smith explained this report to Jiang Chen. 站在江晨的办公桌前,未来人银行eo大卫·史密斯江晨解释起了这份报告。 USD depreciation?” Jiang Chen is pinching that report, is lost in thought. 美元贬值吗?”江晨捏着那份报告,陷入了沉思。 Imagination is quicker. 比想象中来的要快。 If USD depreciates, the Future Group benefit, and even the economy of Country of Xin will bear the brunt is then attacked. But crude oil appreciation regarding industry of Xin-Ma Special Region and Ange Island, will have the inestimable impact. 如果美元贬值,未来人集团的利益,乃至新国的经济首当其冲便会受到冲击。而原油升值对于新马特区安加岛的工业,也会造成不可估量的冲击。 The minerals and grain these thing Future Group can produce, but only petroleum this gadget has had no way to solve. The Country of Xin sea area is vast, is mineral rich, but does not have petroleum only. But petroleum is in the industrial production the quite important gadget. 矿产、粮食这些东西未来人集团都能生产,但唯独石油这玩意儿一直没法解决。新国海域辽阔,矿产丰富,但唯独没有石油。而石油偏偏又是工业生产中相当重要的玩意儿。 From fuel, plastic and synthetic rubber, even is the clothes and drugs manufacture, and even the food, the domain that petroleum covers can be said as quite widespread. Also therefore, petroleum as appraising global economy expected important indicator. 从燃料、塑料、合成橡胶,甚至是衣服、制药、乃至食品,石油涵盖的领域可以说是相当的广泛。也正是因此,石油被作为评估全球经济预期的重要指标。 What good idea has?” Jiang Chen will report placed one side, looked that asked to David Smith. “有什么好想法吗?”江晨将报告放在了一边,看向大卫·史密斯问道。 Naturally.” Mr. Smith selected , from his expression, he came prepared obviously. “当然。”史密斯先生点了点,从他的表情上看,他显然是有备而来。 I notice the Country of Xin home still to use USD to settle accounts, is quite frail to the resistivity that the foreign exchange market fluctuates. If the USD devaluation, first goes bankrupt is the finance of Country of Xin. If USD depreciates ten points, Country of Xin all year round gdp must turn into the bubble last year.” “我注意到新国国内还在使用美元进行结算,对外汇市场波动的抵抗力相当脆弱。如果美元大幅度贬值,最先破产的就是新国的财政。如果美元贬值十个点,新国去年一整年的gdp都得变成泡沫。” Hears this, the Jiang Chen cold sweat almost braved. 听到这,江晨冷汗都差点冒了出来。 Your Mother, this was also too black! 尼玛,这也太黑了吧! He is the plan , after Space Elevator completes, does that but looked like must be ahead of time now! 原本他是打算等到太空电梯建成后再这么做的,但现在看来必须得提前了! Happens to hold the same view with the Jiang Chen's idea, after stopping moment, Smith said own suggestion. 江晨的想法不谋而合,在停顿了片刻后,史密斯说出了自己的建议。 At the Country of Xin present population, is completely capable of supporting one currency system. Considering Future Group in the Country of Xin influence, I proposed, is united Country of Xin domestic many personal bank by Future Bank, the establishment is similar to the US Federal Reserve organization, issues Country of Xin own currency!”( To be continued.) “以新国现在的人口,完全有能力支撑起一个货币体系。考虑到未来人集团新国的影响力,我提议,由未来人银行联合新国国内多家私人银行,成立类似于美联储的机构,发行新国自己的货币!”(未完待续。)
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