IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#840: Mental Bridging technological breakthrough!

Group's future development direction, this is a quite broad proposition. 集团未来的发展方向,这是个相当宽泛的命题。 In order to resist to come from threat 20.5 light years away, from now on Future Group will develop with emphasis definitely is Cosmos. Even if Earth Civilization is doomed with bow and arrow Lance resists a day of foreign visitor foreign-made small arms cannon, he must rubs this bow and this lance is sharper. 为了对抗来自20.5光年外的威胁,未来人集团今后发展的重点肯定是宇宙。哪怕地球文明注定要用“弓箭长矛”去对抗天外来客的“洋枪大炮”,他也得把这弓和这矛磨的锋利些。 As for coming from the humanity internal threat...... 至于来自人类内部的威胁…… Perhaps at the right moment spreads some news is quite good? 或许适时放出些消息比较好? Does not know that can have the counter-effect...... 就是不知道会不会起反效果…… When Jiang Chen thinks soon to fall asleep, Jane's holographic imaging appears in Jiang Chen's on hand, with awakened him without the mighty waves intonation. 就在江晨想着想着快要睡着了的时候,简的全息影像浮现在江晨的手边,用毫无波澜地语调唤醒了他。 Mr. Chairman of the Board, Dr. Amos wants to see you.” 董事长先生,阿莫斯博士想见您。” Jiang Chen rubbed the awake song sleepy eyes, sat from the chair, had a yawn to say. 江晨揉了揉惺忪的睡眼,从椅子上坐了起来,打了个哈欠说道。 Amos? What matter?” 阿莫斯?什么事儿?” According to his view, the Mental Bridging technology as if presented breakthrough “按照他的说法,精神桥接技术似乎出现了突破” Jiang Chen stood from the chair fiercely. 江晨猛地从椅子上站了起来。 Mental Bridging technology? Is that through the brain wave junction circuit board, transplants on the technology to machine spirit soul?” 精神桥接技术?就是那个通过脑波连接电路板,将灵魂移植到机器上的技术?” Perhaps is the understanding of spirit soul this word is not very profound, Jane used for one second analyzed the Jiang Chen's words, then gave the affirmative answer. 或许是对灵魂这个词的理解不够深刻,用了一秒钟的时间分析了江晨的话,然后给出了肯定的答复。 Yes.” “是的。” Told him to wait for me, I go now!” “告诉他等着我,我现在就去!” After leaving behind these words, Jiang Chen was very happy left Office, walked toward the direction of elevator directly, pressed down the underground button. As present world's first independently developed Black Technology in the true sense, he needs witnesses its birth personally. 留下了这句话后,江晨喜上眉梢地离开了办公室,径直向电梯的方向走去,按下了地下一层的按钮。作为现世第一款自主研发的真正意义上的黑科技,他有必要亲自去见证它的诞生。 ...... …… Amos truly is a talent. 阿莫斯确实是个天才。 Even always venomous tongue Lin Ling, still acknowledged heartfeltly this, appraises him to stand on the giant shoulder, actually saw scenery talent that the giant cannot see. 即使是一向毒舌的林玲,也由衷地承认了这点,评价他为站在巨人肩膀上,却看到了巨人看不到的风景的天才。 Carried on the derivation based on Neural Access, through taking the brain wave plucker conducts the increase, then can the body of remote access Robot, seem spirit soul to take possession to be the same, can look like moves both hands like that moves the hands and feet of Robot. 神经接入的基础上进行了衍生,通过带上脑波采集装置进行增幅,便可以远程连接机器人的身体,就好像灵魂附体一样,能够像活动自己双手那般,活动机器人的手脚。 At this moment, Jiang Chen is standing in the Dr. Amos laboratory, looks to sit on the chair, wears helmet. 此刻,江晨正站在阿莫斯博士的实验室内,看着坐在椅子上,戴着头盔的自己。 Does not penetrate the mirror, but is the Robot electronic eye. 不是透过镜子,而是机器人的电子眼。 How feels?” “感觉如何?” Amos looks at Jiang Chen eyeful frantically, Jiang Chen could not bear brave goosebumps immediately......, if Robot had the goosebumps. 阿莫斯满眼狂热地看着“江晨”,江晨顿时忍不住冒了一身的鸡皮疙瘩……如果机器人有鸡皮疙瘩的话。 Generally speaking, but also good......” “总的来说,还不错……” Looks both hands of own that metal system, Jiang Chen moved under the arm and finger, then moves the leg interestingly. 看着自己那金属制的双手,江晨活动了下手臂和指头,接着又饶有兴趣地动了动腿。 With moving own body almost, although also has a big difference from the human body, but list on flexibility, this mechanical body already not compared with four limbs difference many of person. The only flaw is, in the body of Robot, the whole person feels emptily, was short of anything to resemble to result in probably. 和活动自己的身体几乎一样,虽然和人体还有着不小的区别,但单就灵活性而言,这具机械身体已经不比人的四肢差多少了。唯一的缺陷就是,待在机器人的身体里,整个人感觉空空荡荡,就好像少了些什么似得。 Also, because does not have sense of touch type of thing, Jiang Chen discovered in the test, this Robot is very bad regarding the control of strength. 哦,还有,由于没有触觉这种东西,江晨在测试的时候发现,这种机器人对于力量的控制很差。 For example puts out a hand to grip the cup, actually because could not feel to use many strengths, will act bashful does not permit to give the crumb the cup. Is thinking is only gently jumps, result does not pay attention, ran upon the ceiling directly. 比如伸手握住杯子,因为感受不到究竟用了多少力量,一个拿捏不准就会把杯子给捏碎。想着只是轻轻的跳一下,结果一个不注意,就直接撞上了天花板。 Afterward under the guidance of Dr. Amos, Jiang Chen set the output power upper limit of each joint, this avoided presenting mishap so forth. 后来在阿莫斯博士的指导下,江晨设定了各个关节的输出功率上限,这才避免了出现诸如此类的乌龙 However if each movement needs to establish the parameter ahead of time, this troublesome is not a tiny bit. 不过若是每个动作都需要提前设置参数,这麻烦可不是一点半点。 It seems like that this mechanical substitute person pilot, must undergo the long-term training, can proficiently use this mechanical body. 看来,这款机械替身的“驾驶员”,必须经过长时间的训练,才能熟练的使用这幅机械身体。 Jiang Chen under the instruction of Dr. Amos, completed in big pile of experimental devices jogged, weight lifting, boxing, fire a series of the relatively complex movement. 紧接着,江晨又在阿莫斯博士的指示下,在一大堆实验器材中完成了跑步、举重、拳击、射击等一系列相对复杂的动作。 In Dr. Amos is collecting experimental data joyfully, Jiang Chen is also lost in thought. 就在阿莫斯博士欣喜地收集着实验数据时,江晨也不禁陷入了沉思。 Regarding the application prospect of this mechanical substitute person, is the Outer Space construction that his first choice thinks! 对于这种机械替身的应用前景,他首选想到的就是外层空间施工! Does not need on the ship the spacesuits, directly through the Mental Bridging technology, remote control Robot enters the outer space, completes the danger, but complex work. 无需船上宇航服,直接通过精神桥接技术,远程控制机器人进入太空,完成危险而复杂的工作。 Although the Robot construction cost be higher than the spacesuits did not know many times, but considered from the secure and operating efficiency these two angles, uses this Robot performance-to-price ratio in Outer Space is quite high! 虽然机器人的造价要比宇航服高了不知道多少倍,但从安全性和工作效率这两个角度来考虑,在外层空间使用这种机器人的性价比还是相当的高的! The object of movement in Cosmos, the relative movement speed is the high being hard imagination. 宇宙中运动的物体,相对运动速度都是高的难以想象。 Even if the meteorite fragment of casual sesame seed size, delimited on the spacesuits at several hundred Mach relative velocity, the accident that creates was also quite serious. Because the aerospace activity of humanity could not have said that nowadays is very frequent, therefore this issue had not been exposed. 哪怕随便一片芝麻大小的陨石碎片,以数百马赫的相对速度划到了宇航服上,所造成的事故也是相当惨重的。只不过因为现如今人类航天活动还称不上很频繁,所以这个问题并没有被暴露出来。 Last of Days that side solution is to improve the intensity of spacesuits, the common meteorite fragment hits on the body does not have too in a big way to feel. After all bumps into the relative velocity several hundred Mach meteorite fragment the probability, compared with buying the lottery ticket drew a prize-winning ticket high many. Bumped into can also be pounded, that can blame the idea being low. 末世那边的解决方案是提高宇航服的强度,一般的陨石碎片打在身上没有太大感觉。毕竟碰上相对速度几百马赫陨石碎片的概率,比买彩票中奖高不了多少。碰上了还能被砸中,那就能怪自己点子低了。 However what is undeniable, uses the Mental Bridging technology, through the way of remote access, by Robot of human brain control, replaces the person to go to Outer Space to carry out the danger, and ai does not facilitate the work that completes, truly is a feasible quite high choice! 然而不可否认的是,使用精神桥接技术,通过远程连接的方式,由人脑操控的机器人,代替人去外层空间执行危险且ai不方便完成的工作,确实是一项可行度相当高的选择! Also a little, that is the supplies issue. 还有一点,那就是补给问题。 Before Space Elevator has not completed, in the bygone days deliver a cost of astronaut is not small. A person treats in the space must the eating and drinking rubbish, was unable to live in the Zero Gravity environment is too long, three months must trade class a time. Therefore, when are more in the Outer Space person, takes to the Star Ring Trading transportation resources is then bigger. 太空电梯没有完成之前,往天上送一名宇航员的成本可一点都不小。一个人待在天上得要吃喝拉撒,还不能在无重力环境下生活太久,三个月就得换一次班。所以,待在外层空间的人越多,对星环贸易的运输资源占用便越大。 Has not completed Space Elevator now, these people are depend on rocket and lander module are travelling! 要知道,现在没有建成太空电梯,这些人都是靠着火箭和降落舱在往返! Affected by this, constructs the Space Elevator astronaut quantity to be limited in Outer Space, although has the engineering facilities of intellectualization to be auxiliary, but many mission cannot leave the person to do as before, slow of very progress of work continuously progress. 受此影响,在外层空间修建太空电梯的宇航员数量非常有限,虽然有着智能化的工程设备辅助,但很多任务依旧离不开人去做,工程进度一直进展的很缓慢。 But if can this gadget use, in Outer Space constructs on, the situation completely will be different. How long these Robot want to wait to treat how long in Outer Space, only needs the necessary energy charger, even the matter of living materials supplies can save. 但如果能将这玩意儿用在外层空间施工上,情况就将完全不同了。这些机器人想在外层空间待多久就待多久,只需要配套个太阳能充电器,连生活物资补给的事儿都可以省掉了。 Took off helmet, Jiang Chen looked is processing the data Amos, immediately asks. 摘下了头盔,江晨将目光投向正在处理数据的阿莫斯,立刻问道。 From finished-products also how long?” “距离完成品还有多久?” This could be the finished-products, although is only beginning generation of works.” Amos resists Robot, returned the nearby bracket fixing of laboratory to cage, then tapped its head with a smile, „the operating time was continually longest can reach 24 hours, although the slight defect were many, but made do should no issue.” “这台已经可以算是完成品了,虽然只是初代作品。”阿莫斯机器人抗起来,放回了实验室的旁边的固定架上锁好,然后笑着拍了拍它的脑袋,“持续工作时间最长二十四,虽然瑕疵不少,但将就着用应该没什么问题了。” „Is the cost of this machine?” “这台机器的成本是?” Mentioned the cost, Amos embarrassed flexure the chaotic hair. 说起成本,阿莫斯不好意思地挠了挠乱糟糟的头发。 cough cough, after all is beginning generation of machines, moreover is the pure manual manufacture...... good, does not consider the research cost the words, probably in 5,000,000 USD about.” 咳咳,毕竟是初代机,而且是纯手工制造……好吧,不考虑研发成本的话,大概在500万美元左右。” Jiang Chen is doing accounts silently at heart. 江晨默默地在心里算了笔账。 Throws in the outer space is not definitely good the bare mobile phone directly, to adapt to specific working conditions, but also needs to conduct the specialized re-equipping. Calculates, makes one to be able in outer space construction Mental Bridging Robot, flowered 20 million USD to be able to take. 将裸机直接扔到太空上肯定不行,为了适应特定的工作环境,还需要进行专门化的改装。这么算下来,弄一台能够在太空施工的精神桥接机器人,花个一两千万美元应该就能够拿下。 Has the worth doing! 有搞头! Decides, Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say immediately. 打定了主意,江晨立刻开口道。 Designs one to be able in the outer space use...... does this machine name?” “设计一款能够在太空使用的……这台机器叫什么名字?” - 1 Robot.” Amos added. -机器人。”阿莫斯补充道。 Em, I hope that you can design one to be able in outer space use- Type-A1 Robot, has the means to accomplish?” Jiang Chen looks at Amos, said earnestly. “恩,我希望你能设计一款能在太空使用的-a1型机器人,有办法办到吗?”江晨看着阿莫斯,认真地说道。 Theoretically the difficulty is not big, is what to do in the communication of outer space?” Amos asked. “理论上难度不大,可是在太空的通讯怎么办?”阿莫斯问道。 Heard this issue, Jiang Chen smiled immediately. 听到这个问题,江晨顿时笑了起来。 hā hā, the friend of mine, you forgot, we have Quantum Satellite!” 哈哈,我的朋友,你忘了,我们有量子卫星!” Amos taps the head, suddenly. 阿莫斯一拍脑袋,恍然了过来。 I almost gave to forget.” “我差点给忘了。” How long haven't you gone out? Ought to access the net.” Jiang Chen cannot bear spit the mortise. “你是有多久没出过门了?总该能上个网吧。”江晨忍不住吐槽道。 For sometime, hehe.” Amos smiles embarrassed, makes the back of the head to say shyly, internet...... the material in Group's Database is richer than Germany country Library, necessity that simply has not accessed the net.” “有一段时间了吧,呵呵。”阿莫斯不好意思地笑了笑,闹着后脑勺腼腆地说道,“上网……集团的数据库里的资料比德国国家图书馆还丰富,根本没有上网的必要。” He is that type, once touches to the experimental device, thoroughly that kind of person who will fall into the absorbed condition. 他属于那种一旦摸到实验器材,就会彻底陷入忘我状态的那类人。 But also because of his dedicated scientific research mental, made him see finally, scenery that giant could not see.( To be continued.) 但也正是因为他这种专注的科研精神,才使得他最终看见了,“巨人所看不到的风景”。(未完待续。)
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