IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#839: Forming Trust pattern

Matthew Gria, original Australia company CEO, current Future Group affiliated child company Xin Ocean Agriculture CEO. 马修·格里亚,原澳大利亚公司eo,现任未来人集团旗下子公司新海农eo A while ago the purchase of Future Group to asset was prevented by United States Cargill, filthy rich Future Group then opens up immediately to undermining a wall offensive. The condition that because Future Group pledges is quite rich, moreover Matthew oneself also am quite optimistic about the prospect of seabed planter, therefore without then accepts the olive branch that Future Group tossed hesitant. 前段时间未来人集团对旗下资产的收购被美国嘉吉阻止,财大气粗的未来人集团便立刻展开了对的挖墙脚攻势。由于未来人集团开出的条件相当丰厚,而且马修本人也相当看好海底种植的前景,所以没多犹豫便接受了未来人集团抛来的橄榄枝。 But after taking office, he also truly displayed his professional ability, Xin Ocean Agriculture this establishment less than a half year of new company handling has the strip merely. 而上任以后,他也确实发挥了自身的专业能力,将新海农这个成立不到半年的新公司给打理的仅仅有条。 Jiang Chen returns to Koro Island after Manila, the first matter found this Xin Ocean Agriculture CEO. Although the agriculture accounts for the income proportion to be very low in various Future Group child company, but he has regarded as the key project to do the agriculture. 江晨马尼拉回到科罗岛上后,第一件事就是找到了这位新海农eo。虽然农业在未来人集团子公司中所占收入比重很低,但他一直将农业视作重点项目在做。 The agriculture is directly related with the living cost of Country of Xin people, indirect relation he Country of Xin political situation the stability of under control. 农业直接关系到新国人民的生活成本,间接关系到他在控制之下的新国政局的稳定。 At this moment, in Future Building Office, Jiang Chen is listening to Matthew Gria regarding the report that Xin Ocean Agriculture worked recently. 此刻,在未来人大厦办公室内,江晨正听取着马修·格里亚对于新海农最近工作的报告。 „...... The Xin Ocean Agriculture 400,000 mu seabed planter area has developed completely, in the first quarter the gross income estimate is 43 700,000 USD, occupies Penglai City and Country of Xin agricultural market fair market share 56% and 37%. According to the analysis of market survey section, the Country of Xin soybean, tea leaves, coffee, cocoa beans and other markets of industrial crop have the big gap. In the next quarter, we prepare to open the planter of this kind of crops, new 500,000 mu cultivated land.” “……新海农40万海底种植区已经全部开发完毕,一季度总收入预估为4370万美元,占据蓬莱市新国农贸市场市场份额的56%、37%。根据市场调研部的分析,目前新国的大豆、茶叶、咖啡、可可豆等经济作物的市场存在较大的缺口。下一季度,我们准备开辟此类作物的种植,新增50万亩耕地。” Listens to the report of Matthew Gria, Jiang Chen to nod, opens the mouth to say. 听完马修·格里亚的报告,江晨点了点头,开口道。 „A new 500,000 mu cultivated land does not have the issue, but is used to plant the industrial crop, here I have the different views.” “新增50万亩耕地没问题,不过用来种植经济作物,这里我有不同的看法。” Although the plan was questioned by Chairman of the Board, but Matthew Gria has not displayed discouraged. 虽然计划遭到董事长质疑,但马修·格里亚并没有表现出气馁。 Before he when company held the post of CEO, every day the dry/does most matters took these not to understand the Board of Directors nod of market quotation i.e . The Future Group composition of shareholders is simplistic, a Jiang Chen person represented entire Board of Directors, convinced a person compared with convincing one group of people with ease many, therefore he patiently to answering. 以前他在公司担任eo的时候,每天干的最多的事儿就是说服那些根本不懂市场行情的董事会点头。未来人集团的股东结构单一,江晨一个人就代表了整个董事会,说服一个人要比说服一群人轻松了不少,于是他耐心地向解释道。 Plants the industrial crop to meet the current Country of Xin market demand absolutely. Moreover the company technical department had confirmed, is also technically feasible in the seabed planter base planter industrial crop. If you still have the anxiety to this prospectus, I can provide a global and Country of Xin domestic market survey report and industry analysis document to you tomorrow.” “种植经济作物绝对符合当前新国的市场需求。而且公司的技术部已经确认,在海底种植基地种植经济作物在技术上也是可行的。如果您对这份计划书还存在疑虑的话,我明天可以向您提供一份全球以及新国国内的市场调查报告和行业分析文件。” No, you misunderstood,” Jiang Chen shakes the head with a smile, I did not mean that the planter industrial crop has anything is not good, but is the industrial crop definitely does not need to plant in seabed. I have 15 million mu plantation in Philippines, its to have been entrusted with the asset the way to assign through Future Bank in the name of Xin Ocean Agriculture, probably three days later can handle the procedure.” “不,你误会了,”江晨笑着摇了摇头,“我并不是说种植经济作物有什么不好,而是经济作物完全没必要在海底种植。我在菲国拥有一千五百万种植园,已经通过未来人银行将其以托管资产的方式分配在了新海农的名下,大概三天后就能办好手续。” 15 million mu! 一千五百万亩! Jiang Chen this superficial words, actually raised the difficult situation in the heart of Matthew. 江晨这句轻描淡写的话,在马修的心中却是掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Others possibly did not understand, but before as, CEO of Australia paddy rice monopolist enterprise, his cultivated area to the eastern South Asia various countries knows from A to Z. 15 million mu plantation, equivalent to the 10,000 square kilometer, this is almost equivalent to the Philippines total cultivated area one tenth! 别人可能不了解,但身为前澳大利亚稻米垄断企业的eo,他对东南亚各国的耕地面积可是了如指掌。一千五百万亩的种植园,折合一万平方公里,这几乎相当于菲国总耕地面积的十分之一 Future Group when Philippines relational such iron? 未来人集团什么时候和菲国的关系这么铁了? Will Philippines permit the foreign enterprise control so huge arable land resource? 菲国会允许国外企业控制如此庞大的耕地资源? Some little time, Matthew recovered, restrained on the face the surprised expression. 好一会儿,马修才回过神来,收敛了脸上惊讶的表情。 Sorry, was somewhat rude.” “抱歉,有些失态了。” All right.” Jiang Chen does not care smiles, handed over also in the prospectus on table his hand, I understood your surprised very much, but the fact was so. The Xin Ocean Agriculture seabed planter area is primarily the grain crops, the industrial crop we can put overseas plantation to go to the type. We had come to an arrangement about Light Industrial Park Zone focusing on food processing with the Country of Moro government, Future Biology and prosperous food are establishing the food processing plant in Mindanao Island at present.” “没事儿。”江晨不在意地笑了笑,将桌上的计划书递还到了他的手中,“我很理解你的惊讶,但事实就是如此。新海农海底种植区还是以粮食作物为主,经济作物我们可以放到海外种植园去种。我们已经和摩洛国政府谈妥了一个以食品加工为主的轻工业园区,未来人生物、兴隆食品目前正在棉兰老岛建立食品加工厂。” At this point, Jiang Chen stopped the moment, smilingly looks at Matthew, the finger empty drew a triangle on the desk. 说到这里,江晨停顿了片刻,笑眯眯地看着马修,手指在办公桌上虚画了一个三角形。 By the Philippines producers'goods, Country of Moro processes the raw material, finally serves the Country of Xin market, and sells to the global market our products from Penglai City. I hope the industrial crop that Xin Ocean Agriculture plants not only the soybean, tea leaves, coffee and cocoa beans, including the coconut tree, rubber all Future Group useful crops, you must step. First meets the needs in group, some unnecessary exits!” “由菲国生产原料,摩洛国对原料进行加工,最后服务于新国市场,并从蓬莱市将我们的产品销往全球市场。我希望新海农种植的经济作物不只是大豆、茶叶、咖啡、可可豆,包括椰子、橡胶等一切未来人集团用得上的作物,你们都必须涉足。优先满足集团内的需要,多余的部分出口!” „...... Trust pattern.” After listening to the Jiang Chen's words, Matthew swallowed a spit, pushes glossary that quite restored the old. “……托拉斯模式。”听完了江晨的话后,马修咽了口吐沫,挤出来一个相当复古的词汇。 Reason that said it to restore the old, that is because in modern society, the monopoly way of this type of sudden and huge profits, has almost vanished. Even flamboyant such as Morgan and Goldman Sachs financial group, does not dare flagrantly the monopoly to some industry, performance such bare naked. 之所以说它复古,那是因为在现代社会中,这种暴利的垄断方式,几乎已经绝迹。就算是牛逼如摩根高盛的财团,也不敢明目张胆地将对某个行业的垄断,表现的如此赤果 From the production of raw material, to the processing, again to the sale, and final appropriation of profit, is fully completed by a group. The operation structure of conformity, will make each production link the screw bolt on entire industry chain highly, was controlled by the same enterprise. 从原材料的生产,到加工,再到销售,以及最后的利润分配,全部由一家集团完成。高度整合的经营结构,将使得每个生产环节都成为整条产业链上的螺丝钉,被同一家企业所掌控。 The consequence that causes is, the production cost of this enterprise quite low. 所导致的后果就是,这家企业的生产成本会相当的低。 Lowers is unable to compete with it to other company. 低到其它公司根本无法与之竞争。 Cites simple example, Coca-Cola company produces one bottle of fun costs very much, only then 7- about 8 hair, aluminum that but if using to the can from the oleo stock material, completely by the child company production of Coca-Cola, then this cost might reduce one time directly. 举个很简单的例子,可口可乐公司生产一瓶可乐的成本只有七-八毛左右,但如果从原浆材料到易拉罐用的铝,全部由可口可乐子公司生产,那么这个成本很可能将直接缩减一倍。 Naturally, reduces many costs no one to know specifically, Coca-Cola absolutely is impossible to do that. Rockefeller established the Trust pattern earliest, monopolized the United States 95% refining capacities, 90% oil transport capacities and 25% crude oil output, the final result Roosevelt violent treachery, was turned into 34 small Mobil. 当然,具体缩减多少成本没人知道,可口可乐也绝对不可能这么去做。洛克菲勒最早建立了托拉斯模式,垄断了美国95%的炼油能力、90%的输油能力、25%的原油产量,最终的结果就是惨遭罗斯福“毒手”,变成了34个“小美孚”。 Right.” Jiang Chen nods, said with a smile frankly, you can the nature understanding of Future Group be a new Trust pattern. However must say that difference words, we have.” “没错。”江晨点头,直言不讳地笑道,“你可以将未来人集团的性质理解为一种新型的托拉斯模式。不过要说区别的话,我们还是有的。” From the beginning Future Group grasped army organ of violence, through controlling the way of Sovereignty country, opens survival space for the monopoly group forcefully. 从一开始未来人集团就掌握了军队这个暴力机关,通过控制主权国家的方式,为垄断集团强行开辟生存空间 If changes a place, in China or is United States any country, Future Group not the soil that is possible to obtain to develop, sooner or later must touch the country regarding the monopoly tolerance bottom line. 如果换个地方,在华国或者是美国任何一个国家,未来人集团都不可能获得发展的土壤,迟早得触碰到国家对于垄断容忍的底线。 Until now, Jiang Chen to oneself have made the decision in most satisfactory two, did not haggle over individual gratitude and grudges to choose Xia Shiyu to take CEO initially, second moves present Country of Xin Future Group early. 至今为止,江晨对自己做出过的决策中最满意的两个,一个就是当初不计较个人恩怨地选择了夏诗雨作为eo,第二个就是将未来人集团早早地搬去了现在的新国 I will act accordingly. The prospectus I must take to change. Tomorrow...... not, the day after tomorrow, new delivers to your desk. Tomorrow I must call the Xin Ocean Agriculture executive to meet, if we had 15 million mu plantation in Philippines, must plan.” Matthew shrugs reluctantly, but his corners of the mouth that wipes the exciting happy expression, cannot keep. “我会照办的。计划书我得拿回去改一下。明天……不,后天,会将新的送到你的办公桌上。明天我得召集新海农高管开个会,如果我们在菲国拥有了一千五百万种植园,一切都得重新计划了。”马修无奈地耸了耸肩,不过他嘴角那抹兴奋的笑意,却是藏不住的。 That goes quickly, do not waste the time here.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “那就快去吧,别在这儿浪费时间。”江晨笑着说道。 After Matthew walks, Jiang Chen by the chair, called Office secretary, making her pour into one cup of coffee for oneself, then taking advantage of the free time of such a while, closed one's eyes to ponder the group next step development direction. 马修走后,江晨靠在了椅子上,叫来了办公室秘书,让她替自己泡上了一杯咖啡,然后便借着这么一会儿的空暇,闭着眼睛思考起了集团下一步的发展方向。 Placed on the coffee cup the Jiang Chen's desk gently, female secretary looked at Chairman of the Board several that sits in repose with eyes closed secretly. 将咖啡杯轻轻的放在了江晨的办公桌上,女秘书偷偷看了正闭目养神的董事长几眼。 She usually in work is serves tea to pour water, occasionally helps other secretaries reorganize the document, draws up the introduction letter and other minor details of the work. Properly speaking, because of the job category, the opportunity that she and Jiang Chen contact should be many. However fact actually just right opposite, because this Mr. Chairman of the Board curls upwards every other day a class, sometimes travels on official business to link the 1~2 month. 她平日里的工作就是端茶倒水,偶尔帮着其它文秘整理文件,开具介绍信等细枝末节的工作。按理来说,因为工作性质,她与江晨接触的机会应该是很多的。然而事实却正好相反,因为这位董事长先生三天两头就翘个班,有时候出差更是连着不来一两个月。 To be honest, regarding can have anything with Jiang Chen, she has to fantasize occasionally. 老实说,对于能和江晨发生点什么,她偶尔还是有幻想过的。 But so far, a meaning in Jiang Chen point that aspect has not displayed. 只不过到目前为止,江晨一点那方面的意思都没表现出来过。 Squared the document on table for Jiang Chen softly, her calm withdrew from Office, and took the gate conveniently.( To be continued.) 轻手轻脚地替江晨摆正了桌上的文件,她安静地退出了办公室,并顺手带上了门。(未完待续。)
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