IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#838: Economical dependent country( four asked ticket!)

The summer has come to an end, the Luzon Island temperature compared with feel better a while ago much. 夏日已经接近尾声,吕宋岛的气温要比前段时间好过了不少。 The war criminals had shut in the prison, the post-war settlement had also ended, the interim government took over control of the national business steadily, the intense atmosphere also subsided much. 战犯已经被关进大牢,战后清算也已经结束,过渡政府平稳接管了全国事务,紧张的氛围也随之平息了不少。 At present, the Country of Moro army seizes Manila as before, main street and small alley can see the scar of war as before, did not flood main street and small alley, is lining up in the war refugee who military checkpoint gets the relief food, compared with be short some time past. 目前,摩洛国的军队依旧占领着马尼拉,大街小巷依旧可以看见战争的伤痕,不原本充斥大街小巷,排着队在军事检查站领救济粮的战争难民,都要比前些时候少了许多。 Mindanao Island is developing the light industry, many such as the food processing plant, paper mill and clothing factory stand in great numbers like mushrooms after a spring rainfall. In person who Manila could not find the work, starts to move toward south, travels by boat to go to Mindanao Island to try one's luck in Quezon City. 棉兰老岛正在发展轻工业,不少诸如食品加工厂、造纸厂、服装厂如雨后春笋般林立。在马尼拉找不到工作的人,开始往南迁徙,在奎松市坐船前往棉兰老岛去碰碰运气。 Although both countries battled just to finish, but for many years unification, has made the people of both countries have relations in such several blood relationships after all. The relations of the interim government and Santos are good, to ease domestic tense employment pressure, both sides signed the special visa-free agreement, facilitates the Manila unemployed to go to Mindanao Island to work. 两国虽然交战刚刚结束,但多年来的统一,毕竟让两国人民存在那么几丝血缘上的联系。过渡政府与桑托斯的关系不错,为了缓解国内紧张的就业压力,双方签署了特殊的免签协议,方便马尼拉的失业者前往棉兰老岛打工。 The industry of Country of Moro the initial steps, is happen to needing these technician who came from Manila. 摩洛国的工业正在起步阶段,正好需要这些从马尼拉来的技术人才。 In early September, with the help of China country power network company, the power network of Manila City center and industrial district is restored finally reluctantly. When can restore the level to war before Manila power network, that estimate must wait till at this time next year. 九月初,在华国国家电网公司的帮助下,马尼拉市中心和工业区的电网总算是勉强得以恢复。至于什么时候马尼拉电网能恢复到战争前的水平,那估计得等到明年这时候去了。 At this moment, in the Manila City suburb, in every large or small plantation had resumed the production. 此刻,在马尼拉市的郊区,大大小小的种植园内已经恢复了生产。 Entire Manila, and even south entire Luzon Island, loss smallest also only then crop production of these no technique content. 整个马尼拉,乃至整个吕宋岛南部,损失最小的也就只有这些毫无技术含量的种植业了。 Although reduces from the domestic order first mate, but well after the interim government mounts the stage New Zealand and Philippine relations have relaxed, Country of Xin declined to the banana, mango, coconut tree, iron ore Philippines wait/etc. the tariffs of a total of 21 commodities, the order from Country of Xin eased these plantation pressures, causes these unsalable fruits, can be processed by the price that the fruit farmers accept by one. 虽然来自国内的订单大副削减,但好在过渡政府上台后新菲关系有所缓和,新国下调了对菲国的香蕉、芒果、椰子、铁矿石等总共21项商品的关税,来自新国的订单缓解了这些种植园的压力,使那些滞销的水果,以一个能够被果农们接受的价格处理掉。 For many years border friction as well as Star Ring Trading have participated in Moro-Philippine War, making the Philippines person generally have a big hostility to Country of Xin, but these obtained the materially beneficial fruit farmers, to saving them the Country of Xin merchant in water and fire is grateful without doubt. 多年来的边境摩擦以及星环贸易参加摩菲战争,让菲国人普遍对新国抱有着不小的敌意,但这些获得了实惠的果农们,对挽救他们于水火之中的新国商人无疑是感恩戴德。 And is headed by Future Group, Future Biology almost ate up their complete unsalable stocks. 其中以未来人集团为首,未来人生物几乎吃下了他们全部的滞销库存。 But at this moment, these refugees who the countryside from the city work, is helping move the wooden box of fruits the cart, is pulling the mule these cargo requests to the wharf. The plantation freight vehicle came to anchor, the new car did not have the arrival of shipment, before then, they can only use this primitive way on below. 而此刻,这些从城里来乡下务工的难民们,正帮着将一箱箱水果搬上木质的推车,牵着骡马将这些货物托向码头。种植园的货车抛锚了,新车还没到货,在此之前,他们只能用这种原始的方式将就下了。 In person who these transport the cargo, some wear the leather shoes, even also some people wear the pants. 这些搬运货物的人中,有的穿着皮鞋,甚至还有人穿着西裤。 Obviously is not the appearance of farmer, is actually doing compared with farmer also laborious living, in which bitter and astringent also only then they were clear. 明显不是农民的样子,却干着比农民还辛苦的活,其中的苦涩也只有他们自己才清楚了。 Entire Manila, without bankruptcy company does not remain several, few dignified work can provide to them. 整个马尼拉,没有倒闭的公司已经不剩几家,根本没有几个体面的工作能提供给他们。 Although several large-scale Industrial Park Zone have resumed power supply, the factory that but this moment begins cannot look. Paralyzed may, not only power network, these production lines and industrial machine tool. Without the production tool, how many degree electricity has that spatially, always impossible to insert oneself on the plug? 几个大型的工业园区虽然已经恢复供电,但此刻一家开工的工厂都找不出来。被瘫痪的可不只是电网,还有那些生产线和工业机床。没有生产工具,空有那么几度电,总不可能把自己插在插座上吧? Speaking to the negative impact that the Philippines industry brings, relative, here has to raise Jiang Chen earlier that several pure electric vehicle company that purchases in Europe. 说到对菲国工业带来的负面影响,相对的,这里就不得不提下江晨早些时候在欧洲收购的那几家纯电动汽车公司 Previously because of the European Union a series of sanction measure, Rulka and other pure electric car enterprises from the market value counted 1 billion USD, once declined to being on the verge of the bankruptcy. At that time Jiang Chen ordered, making Rulka and the others move to Asia to come, to settle down in Xin-Ma Special Region from Europe company, gave up Europe, main attack magnificent and Japanese and South Korean market. 此前因为欧盟的一系列制裁措施,鲁尔卡等多家纯电动车企业从市值数十亿美元,一度衰退至濒临破产。当时江晨一声令下,让鲁尔卡等人将公司从欧洲搬到亚洲来,落户新马特区,放弃欧洲,主攻华、日、韩市场。 When the performance order, the Rulka mood despairs without doubt. 在执行命令的时候,鲁尔卡的心情无疑是绝望的。 However this also in less than two months, the situation then has the favorable turn immediately! Because of other, is not because of Star Ring Trading in of Manila sky detonation! 然而这还没过两个月,情况立刻便出现了转机!不是因为别的,正是因为星环贸易马尼拉上空引爆的那枚! In the attack range, the entire Manila civilian vehicle turned into the scrap iron, the motor vehicle of Philippines nation therefore tight. 在打击范围之内,整个马尼拉的民用车辆都变成了废铁,菲国全国的机动车辆都因此而紧张了起来。 Transports the paralysis of Artillery System, even compared with producing the paralysis of Artillery System makes human head|number of people hurt. Affected by this, the Philippines domestic automobile demand sharp increase, the Rulka Motor Company performance almost increases sharply by the posture of leap! 运输系统的瘫痪,甚至要比生产系统的瘫痪更令人头疼。受此影响,菲国国内的汽车需求量剧增,鲁尔卡汽车公司的业绩几乎是以飞跃的姿势激增! Especially pickup, small-scale truck, many enterprises the logistics that to restore to paralyze, looks for bank to lend money must buy. But under this type of environment, by the reliability and low selling price, the Rulka brand conquered the half of the country of Philippines related type auto market relatively at one fell swoop. 尤其是皮卡、中小型卡车,不少企业为了恢复瘫痪的物流,找银行借钱都要去买。而就在这种大环境下,以可靠性和相对较低的售价,鲁尔卡的品牌一举征服了菲国相关类型汽车市场的半壁江山。 In order to fill the market gap of this bulk, Rulka made the order of expanded production line to the company assembly plant continuously, simultaneously united Future Heavy Industry and multi- electrical appliances motorcoach manufacturer, in Philippines Manila and other main city investment construction solar energy electric vehicle battery charging stations, further consolidated current market niche. 为了填补这大块的市场空白,鲁尔卡连续对公司旗下装配厂做出了扩大生产线的命令,同时联合了未来人重工以及多家电动车厂商,在菲国马尼拉等主要城市投资修建太阳能电动汽车充电站,进一步巩固当前的市场地位。 Binds the long-time dependency relations, what depended is not only paper contract, but is the economical interdependence relations. 维系长久附庸关系,靠的绝不是区区一纸合约,而是经济依存关系。 Jiang Chen must do, is lets the Philippines person each iron ore that knocks from the mine tunnel, must or indirect refining up the end product steel after Country of Xin with the Country of Xin related steel and iron works separation and smelting finally. Each grain of meter/rice that the Philippines person produces, must pass through the Future Group food processing plant, then returns to their dining tables. 江晨所要做的,就是让菲国人从矿洞里敲出的每块铁矿,都得经过新国或间接与新国有关的钢铁厂分选、熔炼最终炼成成品钢。菲国人生产的每一粒米,都得经过未来人集团的食品加工厂,然后再回到他们自己的饭桌上。 By that time, even if the interim government dismisses, new President that the Philippines election selects is not Bodista, for Employment Rate and data, they also has to continue to hold one's nose to work as this dependency. 到了那时,哪怕是过渡政府解散,菲国大选选出的新总统不是鲍迪斯塔,为了就业率和数据,他们也不得不继续捏着鼻子当这个附庸。 Had stayed for a month in Manila, matter on hand has processed, Jiang Chen then took the airplane to return to Koro Island. 马尼拉已经停留了一个月,手边的事已经处理完,江晨便乘坐飞机返回了科罗岛 Went out of the airport, looks on the street the bustling crowd, Jiang Chen produces finally returned to the feeling of civilization society. In Manila, in various significances suitable inconvenience. Each time around journey has the armored vehicle to clamp, before driving gate body, is at least standing two people. 走出了机场,看着街道上熙熙攘攘的人群,江晨总算是产生了些回归文明社会的感觉。待在马尼拉的时候,各种意义上都相当的不方便。每次出行前后都有装甲车夹着,开个车门身前都至少站着两人。 Was good he came back because of the present, this life should also end. 好在现在他回来了,这种生活也该结束了。 Unlike ruined Manila, Country of Xin in development is it can be said that prosperous. Neighboring country to the war has not affected the life of Country of Xin people, instead because of the reason of peso depreciation, the Koro Island price reduce much compared with before. 与破败的马尼拉不同,发展中的新国可以说是欣欣向荣。邻国对的战争并没有影响新国人民的生活,反而因为比索贬值的缘故,科罗岛的物价要比之前降低了不少。 Especially fruit and food. 尤其是水果和食品。 In mid September, first batch of the rice, cabbages and carrot that are from seabed, landed Koro Island and Penglai City agricultural market fair finally. 九月中旬,第一批产自海底的大米、白菜和胡萝卜,终于登陆了科罗岛蓬莱市的农贸市场。 Because does not need to worry for the insect pest, these agricultural products can be said as a little agricultural chemicals not scattering, achieved truly purely naturally without environmental pollution! But as a result of the rich carbon dioxide environment of sea, as well as constant temperature and other factors, these are from the seabed crops often compared with the land cultivation also high-quality and delicious many. 由于无需为虫害发愁,这些农产品可以说是一点儿农药都没撒,真正做到了纯天然无公害!而由于海洋的富二氧化碳环境,以及恒温等因素,这些产自海底的作物往往要比陆上耕种的还要优质、可口的多。 Looks at that grain of rice, healthy resembles pearl results , the food that steams is soft glutinous fresh fragrant, will eat really to become addicted! That cabbage, juicy, the vegetable outer leaf each and a semi-transparent jade type, looks to ask for happily, eats also delicious, the nutrition did not have the words to say. 看那一颗颗米粒儿,颗粒饱满的像珍珠似得,蒸出来的饭更是软糯鲜香,吃起来简直会上瘾!还有那一颗颗白菜,水灵灵的,菜帮子各个都和羊脂玉一个样,看着讨喜,吃起来也美味,营养更是没话说。 Such agricultural product, which country market puts, the competitiveness surely did not have the words to say. 这样的农产品,无论是放到哪国市场去,竞争力肯定都是没话说。 But is most essential, is cheap! 而最关键的,还是便宜! Because is from its vegetables, not only does not need to pay the tariff, even the enterprise income tax is enjoying the subsidy in policy. In addition, because does not need to use the agricultural chemicals, below grew vegetables above pisculture the planter of three-dimensional even to save the manure, the cultivation of Mechanized does not need to invest many manpower highly. 因为是产自本国的蔬菜,非但不用交关税,连企业所得税都享受着政策上的补贴。除此之外,因为无需使用农药,下面种菜上面养鱼的立体化的种植甚至省掉了肥料,高度机械化的耕种更是无需投入过多的人力。 If not consider to construct the disposable investment of planter base, these seabed types the rice, the cost at least needs compared with import from Thailand and Australia enough on low 30%! 如果不考虑建设种植基地的一次性投入,这些海底种出来的大米,成本至少要比从泰国、澳洲进口的足足低上30%! Slightly erupted, Morningstar I can ask a ticket finally brazenly. Monthly ticket brothers, hey hey, hands over troublesome the bill! Extremely thanked! To be continued 小爆发了下,晨星我总算是可以厚着脸皮求个票了。还有月票兄弟们,嘿嘿,麻烦把票票交出来吧!万分感谢了!未完待续
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