IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#837: Post-war settlement

Standing that the Manila court, Aquino IV looks ashen in the defendant's seat, both eyes stares at the pattern on touchdown brick to be in a daze soulless. 马尼拉法庭,阿基诺四世面如土色的站在被告席,双目无神地凝视着地板砖上的花纹发呆。 At this moment also when his complexion, compared with just injected Truth Serum wants thin and pale several times. Is hanging the arm of handcuff, is similar to the reeds stick to be generally skinny. For did not make the United Nations observer misunderstand him to receive the inhuman treatment in the prison, before holding court, the prison guard in prison under Jiang Chen's incited, filled two bottles of calorie-rich nutrition mixture to him forcefully. 此刻他的脸色,比刚注射完吐真剂时还要憔悴的数倍。挂着手铐的胳膊,就如同芦柴棒一般枯瘦。为了不让联合国观察员误会他在狱中受到了非人待遇,在开庭之前,监狱里的狱警在江晨的授意下,强行给他灌了两瓶高热量的营养合剂 The excuse that the public prosecutors are filled with righteous indignation, resounded with the applause of jury. However all these hears near his ear, actually such as fly humming sound sound general weak inaudible. 公诉人义愤填膺的说辞,引来了陪审团的掌声。然而这一切听在他的耳边,却如苍蝇嗡嗡声一般弱不可闻。 That moment that until the judge judges, he lifted. 直到法官宣判的那一刻,他才抬起了头来。 Accused person Aquino, by the dereliction and anti-human crime and harm public security crime, the war crime total 15 charges, was sentenced to the life imprisonment. After Tingshen ended immediately carries out, serves a prison sentence in the period, cannot parole as well as be released on bail for medical treatment.” “被告人阿基诺,以渎职、反.人类罪、危害公共安全罪、战争罪等共计15项罪名,被判处无期徒刑。于庭审结束后立刻执行,服刑期间内,不可假释以及保外就医。” The words of judge like the heavy hammer, sounded the Aquino heart death knell. 法官的话如同重锤,敲响了阿基诺心头的丧钟。 At this moment, in his heart was full of the regret. 此刻,他的心中充满了懊悔。 He regretted that oneself was misled by the Rothschild words, regrets to start this stupid war, regretted to agree with Moritz that crazy plan 他后悔自己被罗斯柴尔德的话蛊惑,后悔打响这场愚蠢的战争,更后悔同意了莫里茨那疯狂的计划 However regretted again has not used. 然而再后悔也没有用了。 Because of this error in thought that he had been sewn on the shame column of history. 因为这一念之差,他已经被钉在了历史的耻辱柱上。 He only hates now, the result that the judge judges why is not the death penalty 他现在只恨,法官宣判的结果为何不是死刑 Walks.” “走。” The constitution army tone ice-cold is saying, hand according to the shoulder of Aquino. 兵团语气冰冷地说着,手按在了阿基诺的肩膀上。 Looks at this young military police, looks to oneself that hatred look, Aquino does not know why suddenly wants to smile. 看着这位年轻的宪兵,看向自己那仇恨的眼神,阿基诺不知为何突然想笑。 However he has not smiled finally. 然而他最终没有笑出来。 Because of that military police, him according to the leaving the table direction, pushed and pulled rashly drives out from the court him. Not only the Philippines belt/bring to abyss of defeat, but also ordered to use the nuclear weapon to own national, he has become the criminal in entire country. 因为那名宪兵,不由分说地将他按向了离席的方向,连推带搡地将他从法庭赶了出去。不但将菲国带向了战败的深渊,还下令对自己的国民使用核武器,他已经成为了整个国家的罪人。 Especially these once supported his young people. 尤其是这些曾经支持他的年轻人。 Even compared with these in the Moro person who Manila bluffs and blusters, they must hate him. 甚至于比起那些在马尼拉耀武扬威的摩洛人,他们更要憎恨着他。 Next, accused person Stark “下一位,被告人斯塔克 Finally hears, is the judge does not have a sentimental sound. 最后听见的,是法官不带一丝感情的声音。 After Aquino escorted away, the hearing continues. 阿基诺被押走后,庭审继续进行。 As the main war criminal, Aquino and Stark Marshal was sentenced to the life imprisonment, detains in the notorious Manila Quezon City prison. 作为主要战犯,阿基诺斯塔克元帅均被判处无期徒刑,关押在臭名昭著的马尼拉奎松市监狱。 Actually most starts, the court prepares to sentence these two death penalty. However considered that the pressure from international community, as well as in the Philippines criminal law had abolished the death penalty, the judges of Supreme Court after referring to Jiang Chen's suggested that changed to the life imprisonment two people final ruling. 其实最开始,法院是准备判这两人死刑的。然而考虑到来自国际社会的压力,以及菲国的刑法中已经废除了死刑,最高法院的法官在参考了江晨的建议后,将两人的最终判决改成了无期徒刑。 Death to them, instead is relieve(d). 死亡对于他们来说,反而是一种解脱 Sometimes, living instead is being a more brutal penalty. 有时候,活着反而是更残酷的惩罚。 Other war criminals were condemned above the 20 year respectively, no more than 50 prison term. Although joined the time age limit in the discretion of punishment, but considering the ages of these war criminals, this also and life imprisonment was not different. 其余战犯分别被判处了二十年以上,五十。虽然在量刑中加入了时间年限,但考虑到这些战犯的年龄,这也与无期徒刑没什么两样了。 Since the war had ended, 7788 that the mess has also tidied up. 既然战争已经结束,烂摊子也已收拾的七七八八。 Then settlement in the true sense, should start! 那么真正意义上的清算,也该开始了! In late August, before the Philippines interim government investigated , the account of political power state treasury expenditure, on the grounds of indirect support aggressive war, froze including Rothschild Bank, many on suspicion of Aquino IV provide the investment bank that the war loans to war criminal in the Philippines asset. 八月下旬,菲国过渡政府核查了前政权国库开支的账目,以间接支持侵略战争为由,冻结了包括罗斯柴尔德银行在内的,多家涉嫌向“战犯”阿基诺四世提供战争贷款的投行在菲国的资产。 This action directs to play European Union and other country's of immediately the strong resentments! However at this moment, they even were discontented still no egg to use. Their can only do, was abolishes the original plan 2000 surely USD aid that provided merely to the poor|Fei interim government. 这一举措立刻引起到了欧盟等国的强烈不满!然而此刻,他们就算是不满也没什么卵用了。他们唯一所能做的,仅仅是撤销原计划向菲过渡政府提供的2000千万美元援助。 However by the Philippines interim government nationalization asset far more than surely? Little said also by 100~200 hundred million! 然而被菲国过渡政府收归国有的资产何止千万?少说也得由一两百个亿了! The peso turned into the scrap paper, now finance of Philippines quite anxious. 比索变成了废纸,现在菲国的财政可谓是相当的紧张。 These belonged to the Rothschild Bank real estate and Mining Industry Group's mine and Louis Dreyfus company plantation and sugar refinery, was undersold by the interim government of being short of money wantonly. But these by the asset of low price processing, mostly were fallen in the Jiang Chen's pocket finally. 这些原本属于罗斯柴尔德银行的地产、矿业集团的矿山、路易达孚公司种植园和制糖厂,都被缺钱的过渡政府大肆抛售。而这些被低价处理的资产,最终大多都落在了江晨的口袋里。 At the 6 billion USD floor price, Jewish Financial Group in the 20 billion asset of Philippines investment, almost plundered a cleanness. The secret master as interim government, Jiang Chen it can be said that gained full! 六十亿美元的地板价,将犹太人财团菲国投资的两百亿资产,几乎搜刮了个干净。身为过渡政府的幕后控制者,江晨可以说是赚了个盆满钵满! This sum of money disburses from his private account, therefore does not calculate in the Future Group asset. However for manages these assets, he by 1 USD symbolic price, these spoils of war but actually gave own left hand Future Bank, is entrusted with these industries by Future Group. 这笔钱是从他的私人账户中支出的,所以并不算在未来人集团的资产内。不过为了方便对这些资产进行管理,他以一美元的象征性价格,将这些“战利品”倒给了自己的“左手”未来人银行,由未来人集团对这些产业进行托管。 The flea many are not itchy, the debt many did not worry. 正所谓蚤多不痒,债多不愁。 In any case Freemasonry offending, Jiang Chen did not care about offends a little. Has had no consideration for face also had scruples the past face, that called! 反正已经把共济会给得罪死了,江晨也不在乎多得罪那么一点了。都已经撕破脸了还顾忌往日的情面,那才叫! Then, Future Group withdraws from the European Union market to lose on 10 billion USD, immediately asks for from the body of Freemasonry. 就这样,未来人集团撤出欧盟市场损失的上百亿美元,立刻从共济会的身上讨了回来。 Not only the investment of 10 billion USD throws away carelessly, sold off in the poor|Fei asset completely. Did not say exaggeratingly, in this month, the direct loss of Rothschild Household reached as high as 20 billion. But several with Freemasonry has complicated relation Jewish Financial Group, in addition the loss broke through 35 billion USD! 不但百亿美元的投资打了水漂,在菲资产更是被全部变卖。毫不夸张的说,就在这一个月内,罗斯柴尔德家族的直接损失就高达了两百亿。而几个与共济会有着千丝万缕联系的犹太人财团,加起来的损失更是突破了三百五十亿美元 Properly speaking, suffered the so serious loss, these Jewish Financial Group are absolutely impossible to give up. However at this moment, they want to retaliate Future Group, leapt not to act. 按理来说,蒙受了如此惨重的损失,这些犹太人财团是绝对不可能就这么善罢甘休的。然而此刻,他们就是想报复未来人集团,也腾不出手来了。 Will focus on the whole world east South Asia, in Other Side of the Earth Ukraine, is fermenting a drastic change quietly. 就在整个世界都将视线聚焦在东南亚的时候,远在地球背面乌克兰,正在悄悄地酝酿着一场剧变。 On the night of August 20, Ukraine government forces of Civilian Armed stationed in Donetsk west to ceasefire line launched the new round offensive, destroyed continuously is harassing west Donetsk City with the mortar and artillery the defense line Ukraine artillery position. 二十,驻扎在顿涅茨克民间武装对停火线以西的乌克兰政府军发动了新一轮的攻势,摧毁了一直用迫击炮和榴弹炮骚扰着顿涅茨克市西部防线的乌克兰炮兵阵地。 Previously although both sides achieved the ceasefire through the mediation of United Nations, but ceasefire in the true sense has not always realized. Although no one has bridged over the ceasefire line, but scattered mutual bombing is actually both sides giving regards daily. Falls the shell east of ceasefire line is from the European Union ordnance machine shop, falls is from Moscow on the western shell. 此前虽然双方在联合国的斡旋下达成了停火,但真正意义上的停火从来都未实现过。虽然谁都没有跨过停火线,但零星的相互炮击却一直都是双方“问好”的日常。落在停火线以东的炮弹产自欧盟的军工厂,落在西边的炮弹则产自莫斯科 Now, since many years accumulated grievances, were lit finally. 现在,多年以来的积怨,终于被点燃。 Kremlin is very clear, at this time Russia regains east Ukraine once in a thousand years good opportunity! If did not act at this time, wants to wait for such good opportunity again, but is not easy. With the secret support of Russia, Ukraine eastern Civilian Armed government forces from the ceasefire line, has rushed to the Dnieper River opposite shore. 克里姆林宫很清楚,此时正是俄国收复乌克兰东部的千载难逢的良机!如果这时候不出手,再想等来这么好的机会,可就没那么容易了。在俄国的秘密支援下,乌克兰东部的民间武装政府军从停火线,一直赶到了第聂伯河对岸。 Regained the complete territory, Donetsk and Luhansk holds the referendum one after another, prepares to duplicate the Crimea pattern, merges into Russia Federation. 收复了全部领土,顿涅茨克卢甘斯克相继举行公投,准备复制克里米亚模式,并入俄罗斯联邦 The NATO energy was diverted in Turkey Civil War with the eastern South Asia nuclear crisis , the Ukraine crisis broke out at this time, without doubt let European Union and United States felt being caught off guard. 北约的精力被牵制在了土耳其内战与东南亚核危机上,乌克兰危机在这时候爆发,无疑让欧盟美国都感到了措手不及。 Main house gate is on fire, Freemasonry also has to temporarily strategic central core, shifts to the core in the interests of Europe. Can when dealing with NATO increases many chips as for the weapon for Russia, this is not Jiang Chen can expect. 家门口起火,共济会也不得不暂时将战略重心,转移到更为核心的在欧洲的利益上。至于武器能为俄国在应对北约时增添多少筹码,这就不是江晨所能预料的了。 Gambling between Great Nation and Great Nation, with gambling of Great Nation and small country, two from the method is completely the entirely different game. 大国大国之间的博弈,同大国与小国的博弈,两个从玩法上就完全是截然不同的游戏。 Jiang Chen at this moment, is busy the spoils of war that digests Jews to throw down, does not have the time to go to the manages that remote issue. 此刻的江晨,正忙着消化犹太人丢下的战利品,也没工夫去管那么遥远的问题。 With the second round that Freemasonry fights, comes to an end by the Future Group ending victory! To be continued 共济会交手的第二回合,以未来人集团的完胜告终!未完待续
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