IHAMITLOD :: Volume #9

#835: Kerry visits

Freemasonry has not acted temporarily, what first moves is United States. 共济会暂时还没有动作,最先动的是美国 Although there are to guess correctly that United States will contact with itself, but Jiang Chen has not thought unexpectedly is famous John Kerry United States Secretary of State. 虽然有猜到美国会联系自己,但江晨怎么也没想到来的居然是大名鼎鼎的约翰克里美国国务卿 This by United States Secretary of State of former President Obama nomination, as the Hillary successor, can be said as in the diplomatic work quite experienced, by the United States many media the Kerry star of appraisal in rare diplomacy for the United States history. Because in office obtained the high appraisal, he after the Obama Comrade conclusion term, finished the continuation nomination of new President. 这位由前总统奥观海提名的美国国务卿,作为希拉里的继任者,在外交工作上可以说是相当的老练,被美国多家媒体将克里评价为“美国历史上不可多得的外交之星”。由于在任期内获得了较高的评价,他在奥观海同志结束任期后,获得了新总统的继续提名。 Secretary of State visits personally, looks like in Jiang Chen can only explain a point. 国务卿亲自出访,在江晨看来只能说明一点。 That, truly United States being scared. 那枚,确实把美国给吓着了。 hā hā, welcome, Mr. Kerry, what wind gave to blow you.” 哈哈,欢迎,克里先生,什么风把您给吹来了。” Warm braw that blows from Pacific Ocean. Fortunate meeting, Mr. Jiang Chen.” “从太平洋吹来的暖风。幸会,江晨先生。” Manila International Airport, Jiang Chen stands by the runway in airport, with a smile to going down Mr. Kerry of airplane puts out a hand. But the latter also gripped his hand very much warmly, expressed gratitude for his welcome and so on. 马尼拉国际机场,江晨站在机场的跑道旁,笑着向走下飞机的克里先生伸出了手。而后者也很热情地握住了他的手,对他的欢迎表示了感谢云云。 If not know that the gratitude and grudges between both sides, two people really probably good friend unseen in several years in others eyes, cannot look are first meeting. 如果不知道双方之间的恩怨,在旁人眼中两人简直就好像多年未见的好友,根本看不出来是第一次见面。 After one exchanged greetings, accompanied by Sea Lion Special Forces, Jiang Chen brought Kerry to arrive before the motorcade that was responsible for sending and picking up the work. 一番寒暄之后,在海狮特种部队地陪同下,江晨带着克里来到了负责接送工作的车队前。 Looks that was clamped by two armored vehicles in middle Lincoln lengthens the funds, Kerry does not know whether to laugh or cry ridicules: „If there is not come Manila, I will definitely suspect oneself were delivered to Baghdad by being drunk air captain.” 看着被前后两辆装甲车夹在中间的林肯加长款,克里哭笑不得地揶揄:“如果不是来过马尼拉,我肯定会怀疑自己是不是被喝醉酒的机长送到了巴格达。” Although teased, but has not brought intent taste of satire. The meaning of Kerry nothing but to the expression, Country of Moro and Star Ring Trading has just like become the regional situation destroyer. In good condition a country, really put in order eastern South Asia Iraq. 虽然只是调侃,但其中未尝没带着一点讽刺的意味儿。克里的意思无非是向表达,摩洛国星环贸易俨然已经成为了地区局势的破坏者。“好端端”的一个国家,简直被整成了东南亚伊拉克 However said this saying time, he obvious selectively forgot, present situation United States of Baghdad invades one to create. 不过说这话的时候,他显然选择性地遗忘了,巴格达的现状正是美国入侵一手造成的。 Believes me, here definitely is better on many than Iraq.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “相信我,这里比伊拉克肯定要好上许多。”江晨笑着说道。 Let us hope so.” Kerry shrugs, said impartially. “但愿如此。”克里耸了耸肩,不置可否地说道。 Has the armored vehicle to clear the way, the person who really has not enlarged ones vision looks for trouble. 有装甲车开道,果然没有不开眼的人来找麻烦。 Reason that the security rank makes such high, to not guard against these throws the stone and combustion. The protester of bottle, mainly to prevent the Freemasonry person sends out the killer or is other anything. 之所以安保级别弄得这么高,到不是为了提防那些扔石块和燃烧.瓶的抗议者,主要是为了防止共济会的人派出杀手或者是别的什么。 Do not look that this Lincoln car(riage) outward appearance of undistinguished appearance, its each glass was changed into intensity higher graphene, the freight car was changed into shaped steel every inchs. Even counter- equipment rifle, could not injure the person half a point in car(riage). 别看这辆林肯车外观其貌不扬,它的每一块玻璃都被换成了强度更高的石墨烯,每一寸车皮都被换成了型钢。就算是反器材步枪,也伤不了车内的人半分。 Two armored vehicles act as the mine clearing vehicle, prevents the possible roadside bomb. 前后两辆装甲车则是充当扫雷车,预防可能出现的路边炸弹。 The Jiang Chen's security is also under the charge of a Sea Lion Special Forces and Sea Lion Special Forces liangs department, even if Israel Mossad comes, only then loses a way! 江晨的安全由海狮特种部队个部门同时负责,哪怕是以色列摩萨德来,也只有铩羽而归一途! Sits on the vehicle of welcome, Kerry did not say a word regarding the detail of this diplomacy visit. Two people chatted the golf from the basketball all the way, has not chatted with the International Situation related issue. Sees him not to plan to raise on own initiative, Jiang Chen had not asked. 坐在迎宾的车上,克里对于此次外交访问的细节只字未提。两人一路上从篮球聊到了高尔夫,就是没有聊和国际局势相关的问题。见他不打算主动提出来,江晨也就没问。 First delivered to the hotel of staying Kerry, Jiang Chen then returned to staying Hilton Hotel later. 先将克里送到了下榻的酒店,江晨随后便返回了下榻的希尔顿酒店 When returns to be located in the top Presidential Suite room, Ayesha has prepared the sumptuous delicious dinner for him. 当回到位于顶层的总统套房时,阿伊莎已经为他准备好了丰盛可口的晚餐。 In the threshold to buddhism place received the western-style clothes in Jiang Chen hand, she hung the clothes on the clothes rack, while reported the Specter Agent acquired information to him. 在玄关处接过了江晨手中的西服,她一边将衣服挂在了衣架上,一边向他汇报起了幽灵特工收集到的情报。 Two days ago United States Ministry of National Defense held the secret meeting in Pentagon, after the conference ended, Minister Ashton raises the anti- Strategic Grade weapon immediately, and high orbit intercepts the research and development budget of Artillery System. Moreover, after the conference ended, Hillary goes to New York to meet with United Nations secretary to be long. According to the person analysis of Country of Xin Intelligence Agency, United States possibly through formulating the United Nations convention, limits the weapon use.” “两天前美国国防部五角大楼召开了秘密会议,会议结束后部长阿什顿立刻上调了反战略级武器、以及高轨道拦截系统的研发预算。另外,在会议结束后,希拉里前往纽约会见了联合国秘书长。根据新国情报局的人分析,美国可能通过制定联合国公约,限制武器使用。” Jiang Chen nods, settled down the moment in the threshold to buddhism place, then asked to Ayesha. 江晨点了点头,在玄关处驻足了片刻,接着向阿伊莎问道。 That side Europe? Had the Carmen news?” “欧洲那边呢?有卡门的消息了吗?” Temporarily did not have.” Mentioned this matter, the Ayesha expression was somewhat regrettable, Carmen last time beamed with joy in the face of the public two months ago. Mid June time, can see his person at the Daimler Group product release conference, but later he was then the same as into thin air, did not know.” “暂时还没有。”说起这件事儿,阿伊莎的表情有些遗憾,“卡门最后一次在公众面前露脸是在两个月前。六月中旬的时候,在戴勒姆集团的产品发布会上还能看到他的人,而之后他便向人间蒸发了一样,不知道去了哪儿。” Right? It seems like since June of this year, he is guarding against me.” Jiang Chen smiles, has not been surprised. “是吗?看来从今年六月份起,他就在提防我了。”江晨笑了笑,并没有感到意外。 The assassination is the most preliminary approach, but also is one of the most effective methods. If can Freemasonry kills a cleanness from 33 degrees member downward, that Freemasonry was also almost finished. However kills these capital big alligators, the difficulty compared with not assassinating United States President easy many. 暗杀是最低级的做法,但也是最有效的手段之一。如果能将共济会的从33度往下的会员杀个干净,那共济会差不多也就完蛋了。然而杀这些资本大鳄,难度可不比暗杀美国总统容易多少。 Some President journey at least also media follow to report, but probably the capitalist of Carmen this rank, the media wants to interview even, where could not find the person. 总统出行至少还有媒体跟着报道,而像是卡门这种级别的资本家,媒体就算是想采访,也找不到人在哪儿。 Is rich, more fears death, Jiang Chen oneself quite approve this point. 越是有钱,越是怕死,江晨本人是相当认可这一点的。 Investment of Rothschild Household in clansman security problem, not compared with them in money less/small who on the wine restaurant throw. 罗斯柴尔德家族在族人安全问题上的投资,一点不比他们在葡萄酒酒庄上投的钱少。 To confirm the Freemasonry high-level position, even assassinates, Specter Agent faces at least is the opponent of Mossad this rank. 想要确认共济会高层的位置,甚至是进行暗杀,幽灵特工面对的至少是摩萨德这个等级的对手。 The science and technology can bring the advantage, but the advantage is not absolute. 科技能带来优势,但优势并不是绝对的。 In order to prevent Intelligence Department infiltration by other country, Specter Agent when attracting young blood, the choice volume is these never rookie who is engaged in the intelligence experience, particularly young people. As the matter stands although guaranteed the loyalty, but does not have the means to offset these information workers' insufficiency at experience. 为了防止被别国的情报部门渗透,幽灵特工在吸纳新成员时,选择额都是那些从来没有过从事情报工作经验的新人,尤其是年轻人。这样一来虽然保证了忠诚度,但却没办法弥补这些情报工作者在经验上的不足。 Needs to increase the manpower to Europe?” Some Ayesha unwilling hearts asked. “需要向欧洲增派人手吗?”阿伊莎有些不甘心地问道。 Does not use, on the present this enough.” Jiang Chen shakes the head, suddenly, what seems like remembers to resemble to result in opens the mouth, right, Bavaria that Manor, have you looked?” “不用,就现在这样就够了。”江晨摇了摇头,突然,又像是想起什么似得开了口,“对了,巴伐利亚的那间庄园,你们去看过了吗?” Has inspected, Carmen not there.” Ayesha shakes the head to say. “检查过了,卡门不在那里。”阿伊莎摇头道。 „It is not Carmen, I want to ask, Old Rothschild is good?” Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “不是卡门,我是想问下,老罗斯柴尔德还好吗?”江晨笑着问道。 Although had had a falling out with Rothschild Household, but regarding that old person who lives in seclusion lakeside, Jiang Chen has the favorable impression very much. Even now, he still still remembered that night, that words that old person spoke, as well as invited that greasy roasted chicken that he ate. 虽然已经和罗斯柴尔德家族闹翻了,但对于那位隐居湖边的老人,江晨还是很有好感的。即使是现在,他也依然记得那天晚上,那个老人说的那一席话,以及请他吃的那支油腻的烤鸡。 Is far from the delicacy, but compared with banquet at to the cakes and pastries, have a unique flavor. 谈不上美味,但比起宴会上对的糕点,却是别有一番风味。 Ayesha gawked, obviously has not thought that Jiang Chen will ask this suddenly. Because had not followed Jiang Chen to attend the banquet at that time together, Ayesha has no profound impression regarding that old person. However in the Specter Agent acquired information, has to mention this old person actually. 阿伊莎愣了下,显然没想到江晨会突然问起这个。因为当时没有跟着江晨一起出席宴会,阿伊莎对于那位老人并没有什么深刻的印象。不过在幽灵特工收集到的情报中,倒是有提到这位老人。 After recalled the moment earnestly, she says. 认真地回忆了片刻后,她开口说道。 His is healthy, hears this predecessor family lord in the lakeside shipbuilding?” “他的身体还不错,听说这位前任家主湖边造船?” „Did ship make?” Jiang Chen asked. “船造好了吗?”江晨问道。 Has made to need to stare at him?” Ayesha leaning leaning head, asked. “已经造好了需要盯着他吗?”阿伊莎偏了偏脑袋,问道。 hā hā, does not use, this is only Jiang Chen said with a smile. 哈哈,不用了,这只是我个人的一点好奇心罢了,没有必要专门派人去盯着。”江晨笑着说道。 Looked at wall clock on the wall, saw the time already not early, Jiang Chen then put out a hand to rub Ayesha beautiful hair, ended the topic on work. 看了眼墙上的挂钟,见时间已经不早了,江晨便伸手揉了揉阿伊莎的秀发,结束了工作上的话题。 Time, we do not eat meal early earlier.” “时间已经不早了,咱们还是早点吃饭吧。” The feeling head following the warmth that the big hand transmits, Ayesha is nodding gently. 感受头上着顺着大手传来的温暖,阿伊莎温柔地点了点头。 Meal has prepared, my goes to the end to come up.” “饭菜已经准备好了,我这就去端上来。” Jiang Chen showed a faint smile, puts out a hand to hold in the arms that slender Liu Yao, said near her ear in a low voice. 江晨微微一笑,伸手搂住了那纤细的柳腰,在她耳边低声说道。 We go together.” “我们一起去。” The elegant face was dyed red apple, Ayesha slightly hung down shyly the feature. 俏脸被染成了红苹果,阿伊莎略有一丝羞涩地低垂了眉目。 Un.” To be continued “嗯。”未完待续
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